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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26722206 No.26722206 [Reply] [Original]

Just admit it. Wallstreetbets is everything biz ever wanted to be. Reddit won. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

>> No.26722274


>> No.26722326
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Then why don't you go back to your shithole.

>> No.26722356

/biz/ literally was made as a cryptocurrency containment board, not for stocks. /biz/ is to crypto what wallstreetbets is to stocks.

>> No.26722361

I’m happy for them but I still prefer my frog bro’s here

>> No.26722397

go back

>> No.26722403

Reddit and WSB are 2 different things

cope harder

>> No.26722413

/biz/ told plebbit to do the GME thing lol

>> No.26722509

WSB is antisemite.

>> No.26722511
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I just wanted to make money off shitcoins

>> No.26722560

Yeah you won this round, but I can't wait for the loss porn when GME tanks.
And it is going to tank.

>> No.26722584

Whatever I don't really care, we can fuck over a bunch of Jews that wanted to destroy gamestop..
The enemy of my enemy and all that.

>> No.26722586

Stay mad, you and everyone else on this board are just tourists yelling at other tourists.

>> No.26722630
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>> No.26722680

Stop making this thread you pathetic fuck and trying to force some cringe board rivalry

>> No.26722696
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>Stay mad,

>> No.26722726

Its not over. With shorts theres always a winner and loser, and the hedgefunds won't be the only losers. It will be fun watching reddit eat itself. Sell Thursday night, bros.

>> No.26722749

we are working together fag

>> No.26722819
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but anons told me 4channel is reddit

>> No.26722888

Is this the first time 4chan gets humiliated by reddit?

>> No.26722901

i dont care about redditors making money
but the kind of press they're getting is is not going to be in their favor
they're going to get regulations changed to make shit like this much more difficult to pull off

>> No.26722955

Just admit that the biz equivalent of GME is a bunch of pajeets shilling their shitcoin and then pump and dumping it down 99%.

biz has never done anything even close to as epic as this.

>> No.26723064
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>support the Jew against "rich whites"
>pay taxes to the Jew
>voted for Jews
must be redditors

>> No.26723113

Please, don’t come here. If WSB gets the credit then that’s all the better. I don’t want normies and newfags flooding the boards and telling everyone about our blatant racism and hatred of hook nosed kikes.

>> No.26723114
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>> No.26723315

If u weren’t using WSB and biz together u were legit retarded

>> No.26723325
File: 211 KB, 640x723, 9875431457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stay mad, you and everyone else on this board are just tourists yelling at other tourists.

>> No.26723482

link has 100x
and that Melvin short sell was private information. Someones going to get skull fucked by big daddy govt

>> No.26723491


>> No.26723565

thats the equivalent of saying boomers are the smartest because they own all the houses

biz is 90% pajeet but the other 10% are the true redpill based gems

>> No.26723618 [DELETED] 

Yikes, why does their avatar lpok like Donald Trump? He staged a fucking insurrection.

>> No.26723635

nigger we have been doing exactly this for years, we just dont fuck with the kike market because it eventually brings down a lot of heat on you (in the form of drone strikes)

>> No.26723657
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desu it doesnt really matter now. its we against them. the top vs the bottom.
stop playing this divide et impera bullshit you kike

>> No.26723724

The features of usernames and upvotes lead to cooperation like never seen before. People posting their gains and memes and DD got thousands of likes\upvotes\rewards. This lead to more people wanting to invest in the same, so they could one day get the same upvotes and cash. Constantly being shoved down the throats of the front page helps as well.

>> No.26723773
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They had us in the first half.

Biz will have its day later this year

>> No.26723775

nigger what are you talking about?

>> No.26723795

Reddit won a long time ago
/biz/ is a shithole for shilling scamcoins and nothing more

>> No.26723810

Yikes, why does their avatar look like Donald Trump? He staged a fucking insurrection.

>> No.26723849

I just love ruining jokes by saying them so many times you want to blow your brains out. That's why im a redditor.

>> No.26723858

Shut up, nigger.

>> No.26723881
File: 108 KB, 925x929, 883BFC41-71FE-421C-80BB-763571CBA696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit is the face of "white supremacy"

>pic related

>> No.26723920

Nothing wrong with going on both. That said, what WSB managed to pull off is pretty insane. The Biden administration is even monitoring the Gamestop stock. I'd love to see a presidential speech on the meme based economy kek.

>> No.26723956

WSB is 4chan now. You can never leave this place faggots.

>> No.26723980

Wait, you mean an unverified pajeet that claims that he just made a million off a 2 mil marketcap shitcoin isn't a safe bet?

>> No.26724009
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>> No.26724043

I don’t go on wallstreetbets to try to say how good /biz/ is, and I never would. That’s the difference between you faggots and the people that post here. Murder suicide your family you sub 80 IQ baby dick faggot.

>> No.26724071

All biz did when this craze made it to biz, is making it instantly anti-semitic

>> No.26724116

You know this is 4chan right? Take a look at Pol. White supremacy is an issue all over the internet.

>> No.26724173
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>see attached

>> No.26724182

how can you be brought back to a time period when you weren't even alive?

>> No.26724199

whats the over under of that little blonde kid being changed to a nigger?

>> No.26724226
File: 313 KB, 2164x1580, m5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't like to trade crypto, as it's hard to get a money with it, but I am a fan of binary platformsDoes anyone use Baex( #baex)?

A lot of people are talking about it, and I want to know your opinion. As for advantages, people talk about a large number of popular shares and market options, as well as a referral system and transparent open-source code. Is it a good solution?

>> No.26724227

Did biz do anything, though? No, cause there is no trust here, it's all scams.

>> No.26724603

WSB nails one home run and thinks it’s hot shit.

Something something look at the crypto top 10, a /biz/raeli called all of those years ago.

>> No.26724696
File: 67 KB, 594x396, 502B6E85-B9FC-449B-9199-8C3AB9B4D738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Biden administration is even monitoring the Gamestop stock.
Thats because Biden campaigned on UBI and promised $2000 gibs and they know that if they bailout irresponsible billion dollar Wall Street hedge funds, then liberals are going to lose their minds over the idea that Biden spent his first month giving taxpayer money to hedge funds that had ILLEGAL naked puts to the tune of 148% of available stock in GME.

It's the perfect financially induced political storm, and Wall Street and Biden will be hated by tens of millions of liberals by the end of it.
>pic related

>> No.26724733

desu unironically right. all this wasted time on 4chins and those fuckers become instant millionaires. 4chans is pathetic

>> No.26724739

this site is where all the back room dealings happen. you can't be transparent on a heavily moderated site like reddit.

>> No.26724774

Nah we are partners now

One struggle

>> No.26724831
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>> No.26724932

/biz/ is a small community we don't have the numbers to do stock market manipulation

>> No.26725035

There are a lot of scams shilled here but also a lot of stuff that moons. Just this year I saw threads on /biz/ about AMPL, STAKE, RSR, PNK, SWAP, YFI, etc, all while they were still super cheap and accumulating. Not to mention LINK's climb to dominance.

>> No.26725123

you had three years

>> No.26725197


>> No.26725278


>> No.26725281

Nope they outperformed crypto with their EV stocks just a few months ago (NIO, xpeng, li auto ecc)

>> No.26725426


>> No.26725494
File: 112 KB, 1024x683, 8FC563A6-64A7-46F5-943F-CBD6CD554DC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this site is where all the back room dealings happen. you can't be transparent on a heavily moderated site like reddit.
pretty much. From BTC, to ETH, to LINK and /smg/ discussing the game theory in the GameStop play as early as last spring, it's apparent that /biz/ is the think tank and reddit is the amplified microphone blaring a thesis over the loudspeakers to the normie masses.

>> No.26725556

this meme won't last a week

Chainlink is here to stay

>> No.26725684

honestly after this wsb will probably get "quarantined" by reddit or just outright deleted. unless reddit wants the traffic it provides but reddit is an arm of the political media apparatus; i find it hard to believe they won't shut it down.

>> No.26725693
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>Seth Goldberg

>> No.26726132


What fucking faggots. Simultaneously want to blame jewry on whites, and absolve the jews of blame. Fucking clownworld.


This, how did they find out it was short sold by so much? I heard it was a leak.

>> No.26726303
File: 5 KB, 292x38, Screen Shot 2021-01-27 at 1.03.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wsb is a /biz/ colony

>> No.26726444

This. /smg/ has been loading up on GME all last year. /biz/ will dump and leddit will be holding the bags when it inevitably crashes

>> No.26726445

Who cares I'm making money

>> No.26726936
File: 174 KB, 2048x1357, 901AA857-2E8E-4CAF-939A-70C08DBA48B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I referenced that Vice article to highlight the fact that instead of blaming irresponsible hedge funds that were over leveraged and irresponsibly short more GME stocks than actually exist, they're going to blame muh "white supremacy".

That way, Biden can say, "Look, man, I know I promised universal healthcare, student loan forgiveness, and monthly UBI, but I had to bailout WallStreet during my first month in office because racists were manipulating the markets, folks!....c'mon, give me a break!"

>> No.26727039

WSB has gotten 600.000 new members within the last 24 hours.


>> No.26727161


>> No.26727657

Are you happy? You are legit going to send the economy into a recession, maybe even a depression. The stock market is already fragile enough from deregulation under the Trump administration. The last thing we need in the middle of this pandemic is millions of people losing their pensions, 401k's, savings, and even mortgages. Worst of all is when this happens, Biden will be blamed, even though him and Yellen are trying to clean up this mess.

>> No.26728148

Yeah, I doubt that. It seems like they're actually complaining about the Hedge funds. I haven't seen a Biden comment yet, but look up Elizabeth Warren's comment on this.
I doubt that would send the economy into a recession, it's already in one. Gamestop has been on the brink of bankruptcy for a long time. People might actually hold their stock lol.

>> No.26728471

yeah biz these days is mostly a circlejerk of ultra-lowcap shitcoin peddlers with a few depressed long-time NEETs left and most posts are pure shit, gotta admit reading WSB is much more fun although majority is low iq degens as well

>> No.26729474

/biz/ is a shitcoin cultist board. If you're lucky you will find a single trading general up at any one time.
The two aren't even the same neighborhood

>> No.26729752 [DELETED] 
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>> No.26729964

>That way, Biden can say, "Look, man, I know I promised universal healthcare, student loan forgiveness, and monthly UBI, but I had to bailout WallStreet during my first month in office because racists were manipulating the markets, folks!....c'mon, give me a break!"

You realize if he pulls this shit his own people will eat him alive right?

>> No.26730071

fake and gay

>> No.26730090

Actually it was a redditor who first suggested gme in 2019. This is a hard cope.

>> No.26730091

We need better moderators, there should have been mass banning of rubic shills for inundating the whole board with their useless shitcoin

>> No.26730355

this is why i stay here.

>> No.26730568
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uh oh yikes

>> No.26730677
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its time to go.

>> No.26730770

4chan was in on GME before, I saw it.

>> No.26730786
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>> No.26731115

That's clearly a redditor pretending to be one of us. Imagine telling us to have sex with our waifu as being an actual insult.

>> No.26731290

>You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
no, i am happy i am not the only one who knows the game is rigged. if a hedge fund can borrow stocks it wants to bring down from a broker who should be neutral per definition and that broker "borrows" the stocks from his retail clients (i.e. mom & paps, students, working citizens) than imo it's criminal.

>> No.26731417

you forgot the rebound to 9999%

>> No.26731418

kvyvd and basvd

>> No.26731450
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>> No.26731654


>> No.26731743

Even though WSB has a bit of an edge for reddit , the onions just oozes off that place. I'd rather spend my time with you faggots over those retards.

>> No.26731795

He's partly right. One of the reasons biz was created was because of the constant crypto shilling on /g/ but biz has grown to be more than just a general

>> No.26732401

/biz/ was created just to remove crypto threads from /g/ you newfag. The name is a meme.

>> No.26732405

/Biz/ was made to get all the crypto threads off of /g/.

>> No.26732513

But can they say... fuck niggers, fuck kikes, troons and jannies. And above all, fuck r*ddit. Didn't think so.

>> No.26732850
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Fuck you OP. /smg/ was the only thread in a scamcoin board home to legit financial bros, one of the few places on this god forsaken website where people actually knew what the fuck they were talking about. We were comfy, now we have reddit memesters, trumpcel refuges, and normies fucking up the place.

>> No.26733452

They've had their day. One year from now it'll be cringe as fuck. Such is the way of all subreddits that become mainstream. This is literally the case 100% of the time with reddit.

>> No.26733799

I didn't hear about GME till I read about it on BIZ, but reddit is the one that got me in the game. 130 shares and diamond hands.
All biz did was get me into etherium which promptly took a shit. Fucking spamming rubic and jeet shit coins.

>> No.26734144

biz got me into etherium when it was $300 so idk, maybe you're reading the success threads and buying high and selling low?

>> No.26734190

but it became mainstream way before when BTC was soaring and the whole pandemic too

>> No.26734512

In the end we’re all in this together. What starts on 4chan finds itself on Reddit and what starts on Reddit leaks into 4chan.

>> No.26734579

my trading group is having the cofounder of WSB on to talk tonight. so is the news

>> No.26735360

yeah they've had a good year. next year it'll be cringe. Its sad, but true.

>> No.26736313

Kek no

>cant post frogs
>if I say nigger or tranny im banned from sub
>any kind of dissenting opinion and im silenced
>point out that someone is jewish - my acount get shoah'd

every thread goes the exact same way
>OP question
>pseudointellectual meta reference, 50 upboats
>unfunny dad joke, 20 upboats
>actual response to question, 5 upboats

>> No.26736906

lol , damage control . your talking shit. stop it already. you are making it worse.

>> No.26737638
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You will never be a woman

>> No.26738185

This. It's just typical reddit with a few 4chan people and terminology thrown in the mix this time around.

>> No.26738235
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>> No.26738295

This is beyond cope. Even worse that its some chainSTINK faggot trying to pretend he is a big man.

>> No.26738470

This, so sick of all the morons saying duhhh reddit is good now actually!!!

>> No.26739296


>> No.26740751

And we're all glad you're contained

>> No.26740867


Imagine thinking /biz/ is the only source of alpha like this guy vvv


>> No.26741644

Yes that is what you look like

>> No.26741720

they have not 'won'. The game is not even close to being over yet

>> No.26741798

They can have all the glory, and inevitably get shut down.

>> No.26741964
File: 1.85 MB, 2334x3474, William_Luther_Pierce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop infighting faggots.

4chan and Reddit aren't in competition. It's 4chan vs. the fucking hedge fund bastards, if Reddit makes money too good for them.

Don't fall for drama.

>> No.26742038

Should’ve wrote this with Reddit spacing

>> No.26742102

>>/biz/ is to crypto what wallstreetbets is to stocks.
>The Stock Market is associated with handsome, outgoing men who have more than enough cash to pay for a date
>Crypto is associated with unattractive, shut-in weirdos who can rarely, if ever, use their digital monopoly money
Makes sense to me.

>> No.26742253

The wsb discord was taken down for "hate speech"


>> No.26742292

Yet they still reference 4chan in their slogan. Makes ya think dont it.

>> No.26742398
File: 122 KB, 1296x730, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>handsome, outgoing men

>> No.26742454

Redditors are more passive aggressive, use their little meanie buzzwords like 'autist' and 'retard', and can't write a proper paragraph for shit and instead separate their nigger thoughts with double spacing. Work on your bait material. My thread earlier today hit bump limit in less than an hour.

>> No.26742475

imagine not using all resources available to your advantage
does anyone in 2021 really swear loyalty to fucking websites?

>> No.26742850
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>> No.26742887

This bait as well? Because 4chan sure isn't winning any literary awards.

>> No.26743173

keyed and unlocked pill

>> No.26743256

Brainlet here.
What exactly is stopping you retards from looking at other hedgefunds betting against failing companies and pumping their stock?

>> No.26743408

>I don't wanna make money if it means people will make fun of me!!!

Haha you dweeb

>> No.26743507
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>Yes that is what you look like

>> No.26743656

based. fuck redditors and fuck niggers

>> No.26743838
File: 73 KB, 260x288, 1595355053747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah reddit won. You guys aren't true autists, you're just spergs. Goodbye, Yotusba chan. See you at reddit

>> No.26743887


>> No.26744009

We deal with crypto more then normal stocks so gtfo...

>> No.26744404
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>> No.26744505
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>like 4chan found a bloomberg terminal

>> No.26744556

biz is only a board to promote [insert name of memecoin]

>> No.26744670

tell me how I know you're a faggot

>> No.26744715

yeah it's honestly true. on plebbit you have at least some confidence that something isn't a pump and dump if you can see its an old account who hasn't fucked people over the past giving advice. on 4chan, i assume almost any advice is a pump and dump from some bot, it's hard to get any traction going with the anonymity and distrust

>> No.26744784
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At least /biz/ is still around.

>> No.26744837

WSB got nuked

>> No.26744906

>anonymity and distrust
Form a braincell or two and then you suddenly become aware of what a pump and dump looks like

>> No.26745076
File: 168 KB, 1024x958, 1592700067022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WSB is gone, baby

To our new ledditor friends:

did I forget anything else?

>> No.26745143

i think they made it private to subscribers only? saw a post about a petition to do just that early today.

>> No.26745234
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Youve been shutdown you fucking poofter!

>> No.26745243

their sub is already jew territory now
and reddit 14 yo memelords have doubled their subs number
they might've won but they're finished after this
/biz/ will live on

>> No.26745562

Gets shit done and BTFOs the establishment while making bank in the proces
Lose all their money on shitcoins and blame "da joos" for all their problems.

>> No.26745862

Your terror is obvious Hedgie, enjoy being 100BN+ in debt.
Everything you worked for, your three mcmansions, fancy cars, illegal enterprises, you'd better enjoy it while you can because it will be gone in two days.

>> No.26745925

biz has like 1000 unique visitors tops in a good day

>> No.26745987


well you know, WSB is still going on over there if you wan-


>> No.26746083

excuse me several thousand

>> No.26746392

Well, I got news for you, biz is now WSB :)

>> No.26746403
File: 106 KB, 1024x459, 1611770771084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fresh off the boat from /r/wsb and I quite like it here, I think I'm here to stay. Seethe and cope all you want, you shitcoin-huffing pajeets, GME was OUR idea.

>> No.26746603


Pic is fake. Article doesn't exist.

>> No.26746822

>cant green text

>> No.26747046

Well, we like it here too! So you guys come over, and together, we'll make some MONEY!
Jannies don't ban you over here like they do on Reddit.

>> No.26747220

Well, I got news for you, biz is now WSB :)

>> No.26747418
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>joe "where am i?" biden is president
>it's illegal to be straight
>i am applauding redditors
>i am welcoming redditors to 4chan


>> No.26747682

lmao the salt. gj and true.

>> No.26747699

Who the fuck cares this place used to be better until all you new fans ruined it by shillling pajeet crypto scams anyways fuck off nigger

>> No.26748300

Love it when newfags try to gatekeep but fail miserably.

>> No.26748529
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kek redditors are more domesticated than I thought