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26719121 No.26719121 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26719367

Literally who?

Oh... an irrelevant anti-semite Nazi who lives in his mom's basement and is probably a closet faggot tranny? Yeah, I'll pass.

>> No.26719550

>literal Nazi
>faggot tranny

Cmon, at least slander the dude accurately.

>> No.26719763


>He doesn't know

>> No.26719983

>Ironically, all these cross-dressing soldiers were fighting for a regime that sent actual transvestites to concentration camps

So clearly these soldiers were dressing to mock the actual tranny faggots. Just like a modern person would put on a wig and demand people ask their pronouns and call them MA'AM to mock trannies and "enbies".

>> No.26720151

Go home kike shill, stop shilling from the Melvin HQs, it's over

>> No.26720298

>Implying Nazis weren't a bunch of repressed faggots
LOL! Yeah it's totally normal to dress up like a woman to "troll the libs" it's totally not an outlet for your trannyness.

>> No.26720578

You think college guys who dress up as girls in a frat party are all trannies retard?

>> No.26720723

Yes. Most college students have been indoctrinated to be fags.

>I...it's normal to do it for fun
Sorry, sodomite. It isn't.

>> No.26720905
File: 156 KB, 960x960, 48c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazis = faggots, Drumpfcuck.

>> No.26720968

Fuck I love Keith

>> No.26721108

Why do you hate Whites exactly? I'm pretty sure we are the least likely to be gay out of any race in this country.
Bad bait.

>> No.26721313

>I'm pretty sure we are the least likely to be gay out of any race in this country.
Is that a fucking joke? Blacks and hispanics hate gays. Whites love them. Nazis were gay. admit it.

>> No.26721554
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>> No.26721596

>LOL! Yeah it's totally normal to dress up like a woman to "troll the libs" it's totally not an outlet for your trannyness.

literally every country where males gather has this kind of shit happen

it happens at bachelor parties and frat parties ffs

you kike shill

>> No.26721678

Wow that convinced me, I love Jewish hedge funds now and am selling my GameStop stock immediately

>> No.26721705

Blacks are the most gay on average I know at least.

>> No.26721940

Nazis made congress lose it's shit by having showing up to the capital building and respecting the rope lines for the public. The news has assured me that Nazis are the most powerful, terrifying, and relevant group on the planet and that the American democracy can topple at any moment by their whims

>> No.26722048

Keith is unironically the most intelligent person on the right