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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26648553 No.26648553 [Reply] [Original]

>biz turned to a stocks board literally overnight

I guess the crypto bull run is over lmao

>> No.26648580

no, one does not replace the other, sweaty

>> No.26648653

This board following trends instead of starting them is the saddest thing ive seen since i started coming here in 2017

>> No.26648696

God I wish. Maybe we could get old /biz/ back.

>> No.26648700

/biz/ is dead, literally just a pale echo of whatever wsb says/does at this point. crypto, which was the only thing /biz/ actually had going for it, also being dead certainly doesn't help.

>> No.26648702

we started the trend of rubic but this reddit shilling is cringe

>> No.26648731

the fact that I open up biz every day to be greeted with the horde of plebbit followers racing after WSB's prepumped gains makes me question why I decided to commit to biz in the first place. where are my coinboys at any why are we suddenly flexing boomer stocks...

>> No.26648758

lol the crypto bull just started. crypto whales love this that the eyes are on something else because after GME people will look for something else

>> No.26648774

No. This is bullish AF for crypto you retard. The best times to buy were when no one here was talking about crypto. Have fun getting rekt in your meme stocks.

>> No.26648789
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$AMC baby lets go

>> No.26648885

Dude the market is red and slow

>> No.26649042

>he already forgot about chainlink

>> No.26649077

>Implying it has to be either or
How poor are you?

>> No.26649094

Ok. Non pajeet i assume, explain rubic to me in a non paid joondy sounding way. I looked into it extremely briefly and immediately thought scam

>> No.26649144
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>flood board with reddit spacing faggots like OP
>wtf why did the board change???

>> No.26649151

Short term gains to pump back into coins you retards

>> No.26649155

No i didnt and before you ask i will never fucking sell my 2017 bags

>> No.26649176

We need a new containment board for that boomer stock shit. Its all stocks, stock, stocks about meme companies and not a single thread about legit bussinesses like crypto, masternodes and staking.

>> No.26649239

Right. You are a WSB retard, so you buy when it's green and high. I forgot. I only buy stuff that is low, red, and has good fundamentals. Hence the reason I got into LINK at below 30 cents.
Stay poor faggot.

>> No.26649249
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make project seem legit by having nice website and memes
push on exchange

>> No.26649258

the cayman islands shitcoin with a presale expertly shilled by sergey's pretend grassroot marketing on here? no, i haven't forgotten. unlike your newfag ass who jumped on that ship in 2018-2020

>> No.26649289

Stonks are the new crypto

>> No.26649378

BTC is still at 30k so no.

>> No.26649392

It’s red as fuck though

>> No.26649459

low iq mud people (including jannies)

>> No.26649499

Muse is going to fucking pop

This is nowhere near over

>> No.26649500

Why are you getting so mad? Enjoy the crash retard

>> No.26649596

It's a sad site for sure. I loved coming on here for the crypto discussions but now all these people do is suck WSB dick. Like, I'm not even salty I didn't buy. I'm happy for the people that made money but I wanna keep this place a crypto board desu. I guess times are changing

>> No.26649614

True if big.

>> No.26649645
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Don't worry, they'll lose their money because they got too late to the game and now SEC will outjew them. We'll see some finely developed pink fields and then they'll be back spending their McDonald's paycheck to indian crypto scams.

>> No.26649736

This board just keeps getting absolutely swamped with newfags. Every time I think it’s the worst it’s ever been somehow it gets worse.

>> No.26649757

it's all about profits and escaping the wagecuckery
if tomorrow it becomes profitable to sell niggers, expect this board to turn into /slaveowner/ general

>> No.26649829

/slaveowner general/ here

>> No.26649887
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Most of the board has always been kids looking for a quick way to turn 100 dollars into 1000. It's just that BTC only went from 3800 to 42,000 this year (an 11x) which is comparable to stocks like TSLA. Crypto did crazy pumps because it was an emerging market (and still is in many sectors) but as many stocks become boomerfied it pushes zoomers away from the things millennials were attracted to in 2011 towards memestocks that can give them better bang for their buck. It's just the turning of the wheel and you getting older.

>> No.26649908
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>> No.26649976

This site used to be the impetus which internet discussions were derived from but now 4chan is just reacting to twitter and reddit

>> No.26650020

actually it's just that 4chan(nel) has been infested with redditors for years

>> No.26650089

just wait for them to cash out their stonk gains and pump btc back to 50k. cheap shitcoins meanwhile

>> No.26650142


>> No.26650264
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>I hate /biz/
>I want /biz/ to leave /biz/

>> No.26650310

no one cares about you boomer coins anymore, go home

>> No.26650491

Let me guess, 2017? 2018? Fucking newfag

>> No.26650518
File: 106 KB, 750x814, CD2B30FE-9AE6-4DEB-8CD0-26F8F06F0C9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a newfag and I am literally only here because of GME. I came when the board was first created and a few other times over the year(how many years has it been?) but it always seemed like shitposting so I never stayed around. Sorry, I guess.

>> No.26651679


>> No.26651926


This place has been overrun with reddit and underage reddit zoomers since link pumped to $5
Then when it pumped to $20 they went from a equal number to a huge majority. Now since December? I’d wager we are 98% reddit and children and 2% oldfag linkies.

We simply dont have the numbers anymore. This boards culture is going ti be decided by them now and apparently its just copying reddit and losing money

>> No.26652891

>muh reddit
they are making money you dumb niggers, that's business

>> No.26653044

(You) farming denied, gtfo

>> No.26653082

yeah check out the BOND charts and get back to me. the real BOND

>> No.26653212

Walled hag

>> No.26654274

It'll be back the way it was soon enough, this is just temporary euphoria over watching part of a corrupt institution getting its just desserts.

>> No.26655151

I started the chainlink meme on funnyjunk and it spread to /biz/

>> No.26655233

Still racist and still hold chainlink
Will buy more chainlink with my massive profits from GME

>> No.26655244


>> No.26655251

yep, im having fun because this cant last more than a week or two. crypto is taking a shit right now any way, soon enough it will be back to mooning and stock boomers will go back to smg

>> No.26655286

been here since 2016, got rich from crypto and this boards a meme now I check in from time to time And it’s a shame to see new desperate fags here worshipping plebbiters who made some money kek this boards dogshit

>> No.26655306

People just were afraid to get into stocks and thought it was a boomer thing. They also thought cryptos are something extremely clever and innovative.

You have to be extremely autistic to make it in the crypto market.

You dont have to be autistic to make it in the stock market.

Also there aren't 12312312 slavnigger shitcoins in the stock market spamming incessantly.

>> No.26655319

>why yes money follow where there are profits
>however did you know?

>> No.26655463

I will kill all your senpai and gf if you still try to shill this fucking scam coin
don’t follow this idiots, use your brains
want to follow real high stat for crypto?
go for stakenet and XSN results, 46m mc

>> No.26656695
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Funny because I went from stocks to crypto. Stocks was more safer and gains were easier. Crypto is more erratic and shit could dump or rug any moment . I think this GME thing has made a new shift back to stocks on the board