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2664310 No.2664310 [Reply] [Original]

Everything is red, Nikkei is red, futures are red.


Gold and Silver is up.

Is central banks finally losing control of the market manipulation?

Are witnessing finally that giant stock market bubble to burst?

>> No.2664352

no fucking idea homie

>> No.2664353

Many source says, that Silver is most undervalued and manipulated asset in world, that real Silver price value is now at minimum 600 dollar per ounce.

Clif High says that.

Even US debt clock says that silver value is 818 dollar per ounce.

And now banksters manipulated Silver price is 16 dollar.

Remember that Silver was 50 dollar per ounce back 2011, and economy was far better shape then, and since then FED has printed money like crazy so real silver price must be higher than 50 dollar back 2011.

>> No.2664361

Heres US debt clock chart. look silver price down right, it is 818 dollar per ounce.


>> No.2664374
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chill kid, this must be your first summer watching the markets

>> No.2664381

jesus, no

the best place to have your cash is in the US

best way to do that is through the markets

normal 20% correction would be healthy, especially for tech

your clowncoins move 20% in a day

if you want to worry about something worry about China, that place is in real trouble

>> No.2664392

check out this brillian interview, this lady really know what he is talking about.

$8,900 GOLD and $600 SILVER RESET! Interview with Market Analyst, Lynette Zang!


>> No.2664394

When's the last time the stock market saw a 20% correction?

>> No.2664406

Should I be buying silver buillion? Its like 16 bucks a bar

>> No.2664413

Reminder that if the powers that be are ever going to let it crash, it'll be while trump is in charge

>this is what happens when you disobey, goyim. You WILL vote for our candidate next time

>> No.2664418


They cant manipulate markets fore ever.

Allso, many suspect that big banks trying to manipulate Bitcoin, they can do it to buying a lot of Bitcoin, and then dump it, but they cant manipulate Bitcoin effectly because you cant create Bitcoins by thin air infinite like central bankers can create fiat money as much they like.

>> No.2664428

Nasdaq had a nice correction Dec 2015

those corrections set up next moves up, without them you get possibility for mega crashes

>> No.2664434


I really want to fuck aborted fetuses and vomit shit after eating the fetus, praise satan you fucking nigger, kill all the jews.

>> No.2664446

>please hold my retirement bags
worst generation

>> No.2664447

oh dear god i hope so
>ride crypto to the moon
>cash out and invest in dividend paying stocks at crash prices
>live off dividends and cap gains for remainder of life

>> No.2664449


Real money is Gold and Silver. Paper money only started having value because it used to be backed by gold several decades ago. Now it's backed by nothing except mass delusion and geopolitics.

Since the 2008 economic collapse, central banks around the world have overdosed on financial stimulus and printing money out of thin air. They have artificially suppressed the prices of gold and silver to keep the dollar delusion going.

On April 19th 2016, China locked in the dollar's death by launching their own gold price fix. For the first time in modern history there are now two prices of gold, one in the Chinese yuan and the other in the dying dollar.

If the West were to raise the price of gold, it would kill the dollar completely as it would prematurely instigate the inevitable mother of all safe haven panics.

If the East were to raise the price of gold, it would drain the West's gold reserves due to arbitrage. This would expose the West's fake gold market and kill the dollar. Doing this prematurely means the East could no longer buy gold for themselves at heavily undervalued prices for their post-collapse monetary dominance.

The eventual endgame is that the price of gold skyrockets and the dollar permanently collapses along with the global banking system and modern society as we know it. Black Friday will be everyday as the masses murder each other for a peach pit. This is sure to happen anytime between now and the end of 2018.

Don't believe it? We'll find out soon.

>> No.2664475


Its a bargain if you live in US, most nations you have to pay vat tax when you buy silver, allmous every european nation you must pay vat tax if you buy silver.

But if you live in USA, Silver is now extremly cheap, and when shit hits the fan, and manipulation ends, you cant buy silver, because it might be case that it is unavailable.

Central banks manipulation, rabbit hole goes really deep, and many say that Silver is their achille heel, they must keep manipulate silver price, and when manipulation ends, Silver could go like 1000 dollar per ounce.

Silver is monetary metal for thousands years, if Bitcoin nis now 2500 dollar, then one silver ounce 1000 dollar is not big deal.

>> No.2664547


When year 1971 Nixon killed dollar gold standard what was left, (ofcourse it wasnt Nixon decide, Nixon was Rothschilds puppet like every president and Trump too), it was beginnig of total fake money, US dollar was and still is world reserve currency, but US dollar is total fake money like every fiat money.

It is matter of time, and propably soo, when US dollar losing its world reserve currency status, and then very quick US dollar wort is going to be toilet paper, and hyperinflation coming US, and US coming like thirld world banana rebublic, US come then like Venezuela is now.

This is cold calculate agenda by elite, i.e. Rothschlds and co. they want destroy US.

>> No.2664555

unironically this

fake money always leads to destruction

only took 40 years

>> No.2664558

when US dollar lose its reserve currency status, US dollar worth is going to be toilet paper.

>> No.2664561

US has 1 option: war.

>> No.2664564

no, only retarded silverfags say that. If paper silver didn't exist, no one would be trading physical silver.

>> No.2664567

16 dollar silver is cheap considering what prices have soared to in the past, its all about maximizing your capital though and holding on to silver for 2-4 years might not offer the highest returns even if you 3-5x it in the end.

$800 is a hype dream though

>> No.2664616

Look, when US and world economy collapse, they, elite lead world to a war.

Read Albert Pike letters, it is spot on what happens middle east now.

Elite agenda is WW3, then their new monetary slave system, cashless digital, so you are total bankers slave.

Bitcoin is antidote to that.

Im very suspect about Etherium, because Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan is invested Etherium.

Crypto should be currency whitout CEO or some person.

This Vitalik dude, this is agaisnt crypto idea.

Crypto isnt real cryptocurency if you cant point out some leader like this Vitaliks, and worst is that Goldman Sachs, i.e. Rothschilds and JPMorgan is with Etherium.

If you want to break free from this current slave system, Goldman Sachs and JPmorgan etc, then you not invest crypto if Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan criminal bankers praise it.

>> No.2664686


well, Bitcoin was few sents less than 10 years ago, and its now 2500 dollar.

SIlver markets are extremly tiny, and silver has allso industrial purpose.

Many says that there is silver shortage, when SHTF everybody rush out toilet paper US dollar, and it might be too late, you cant find silver anymore then, and silver price soars to near 1000 dollars per ounce.

Who could beleive for example 7 years ago, that Bitcoin value is today 2500 dollar.

>> No.2664731

When yield curve inverts like an ingrown toenail we're gonna see some serious shit.

>> No.2664736


US only export nowdays is war, bombing other nations.

I have nothig against oridinary US citizens, but US government is pure evil.

>> No.2664755


i could but im a wizard

>> No.2664775
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once block chain technology completely subplants the world economy Ill only expoetwar with my private army

>> No.2664817
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>> No.2664847

but they can corrupt the bitcoin developement. Who pays the check for core again?