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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 28 KB, 800x600, 45346677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26635022 No.26635022 [Reply] [Original]

all this coin does is dump. im about to hit the sell button

>> No.26635190

You should be hitting the buy button instead you retard.

>> No.26635422

It's like they've never been told to buy the dip

>> No.26635667
File: 358 KB, 788x685, 1610582010051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can just leave your bags with me.

>> No.26635730

Degenerates constantly creating a wall at 0.59999

>> No.26635786
File: 912 KB, 1054x924, 22A75184-2F64-4213-9E4D-E03F088BE0C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine selling the google of blockchain after it’s been in the market for 2 months under a dollar. This is an easy 10x in a few months

>> No.26635925

Sell now , buy back in a week. That's what I'm doing hell or high water right now even 2500 is worth so much more in AAVE , UNI or FTM.

>> No.26636077

I don't understand the constant sell pressure, maybe because coinbase handed it out for free. but at least it gives me time to pick up more bags

>> No.26636148


>selling at the bottom

I shiggidy diggidy

>> No.26636257

Literally the safest play in crypto. Paper-made faggots freaking out over a dip in the first month of the Bitcoin of the Google's existence and they're mad they bought at 55c and are in the red.

Shut the fuck up you whiny counts, the devs need your energy to make this a blue chip quality product. So get it together and buy the dip retard.

>> No.26636648

whales want accumulate for staking

>> No.26636752
File: 436 KB, 643x962, 1611021875260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not even 2 months yet. GRT started trading on Dec 18th. We're still 1 month old and there are already 20k holders. Things can only go up from here. Retards who can't zoom out will get rekt and left behind when we pump hard out of nowhere.

>> No.26636913

This is the comfiest hold of the decade.
Anyone who doesn't want an easy 10-50x in the coming years, fuck off.

>> No.26637026

Yeah its a top 10 coin. Buying while its not even top 50 is a no brainer.

>> No.26637335

Do you think the price will go down with the 4 billion coins they plan on releasing in June? I have a 10k stack already. And can probably put about $10,000 more into it. But if the price drops to .2 I'm going to miss out on 80k fucking grt. Buying at .5 makes my penis hurt

>> No.26637460

Yeah, it might drop to 1.20 by then.

>> No.26637600
File: 160 KB, 1136x1019, 1610469389525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regarding the supply/token release FUD

>> No.26637627

Why is this going to moon anon? How is this different to every other shit coin saying the same thing?

>> No.26638498
File: 42 KB, 600x462, 1605651023153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally the Blocklink of Googlechain you midwit

>> No.26638819

i will eventually drop to 0 if you wait long enough

>> No.26638878


>> No.26638921

I have about 2/3 of that and I'm holding. Maybe I'll be better off than you next week.

>> No.26638979

Any other Chad coins you guys hold with GRT?
I hold a bit of ADA and AVAX as well, along with the usuals.

>> No.26639373

Holding AVAX and LINK currently

>> No.26639422

I got too small of a stack to diversify. Only got like 2.5 eth and 10k grt.

>> No.26640054

GRT is love
GRT is life

>> No.26640190

Just buy dips and delegate. It's not going anywhere... ever. Fuck around with shitcoins that have no use if you want pumps to play with. This is a utility token.

>> No.26640513
File: 177 KB, 500x514, 1611358469119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek this is awesome.
I was trying to double my stack yesterday and the tx failed.
Now I get to do it at a lower price.

>> No.26640714

I'm unironically all in GRT. Will start diversifying after it hits $5 this year.

>> No.26641001

Besides the usuals just The Graph, Pinkies and MakerDAO.

>> No.26641045
File: 1.36 MB, 460x304, BTC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of coins of bleeding. Just hodl and wait for gramps BTC to finally stop falling down the steps.

>> No.26641612

I hold GRT, DEXG, FTM and eRSDL.
no BTC
no ETH
no boomer stocks

>> No.26641658

It's the cup and handle of the cup and handle why would you sell that

>> No.26641662
File: 57 KB, 872x484, 8e0aed6bc3a22586b85218c16bef18b0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trend is looking bullish - textbook cup and handle. I just hope LINK pumps beforehand so I can move some into GRT.

>> No.26641779


>> No.26642219

I'm only holding 1.0 ETH so I will always have 1. Been tempted to sell it lately because the creator is such a fucking dyel

>> No.26642443

Where do you guys store this shit? If this is a long term hold I'm not keeping it on metamask.

>> No.26643273

literal cuck mentality
you buy the reversal, not the dump genius

>> No.26643382
File: 67 KB, 340x651, 5A181AE3-ED69-4133-81A5-712E941211DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-years? For a 10x?

Is this what it’s come to?

>> No.26644025

>coming years
this is the problem. i don't have enough money to profit off of this in the next coming years
If I had 10k to invest then sure but I'm stuck at $600 with no income source

>> No.26644065

imagine buying the brrapppp-grt

never going to make it

>> No.26644657

is it really if you get UNN for protection?

>> No.26644720

you buy 10k and end up with 20k after delegating and by that time you will have a 20x on your initial cost.

>> No.26644762

meh. so dump that trash on ROSE and wait a few months. try to not let the trade taxes fuck you up the ass.

>> No.26644869

here sir, ive moved tha market fro you.

>> No.26644882

>you buy the reversal, not the dump genius
This tells me you
a.) watch charts all day
b.) use a CEX
c.) watch charts all day and use a CEX

>> No.26644974

imagine ignoring it and looking back in ten years at what you fucked up because you're an arrogant prick that is bitter because you suck at day trading.

>> No.26645080

eh, let them go. they only see stocks and usd. defi, dapps and elastic tokens make their heads explode.

>> No.26645306
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>> No.26645685

What advantages does this project have over, say, something like PRQ?

>> No.26646147


>> No.26646465

This coin went to .80 in like a week or so
then the virus mutated in UK and all stocks fell, and it scared the shit out of buyers in GRT because this coin was being way too successful in such a short amount of time, so the moment the market as a whole temporarily crashed, they took it as a IT WAS A SCAM AFTERALL, SELL signal for GRT. All those 80 cent buyers desperately want out.

>> No.26647538

I just keep mine on an exchange, probably more likely to die than have it go missing

>> No.26647650

PRQ is adopted ?
GRT is adopted by every defi project.

Can GRT stay usefull if price increase ? Yes because a query will always cost 0.00003$ no matter the token price.

What will happen if GRT price stay low once query fee start ?

Market will need to buy shiton of GRT to sustain the +50Billions query per month

1% query fee burned

already 16% of the supply stacked

Do the math anon the graph is a slow, safe investement with massive environment while PRQ only exist because of speculation

>> No.26647904

I love GRT even though I have never bought it without it dropping at least 2 cents instantly after

>> No.26648334

PRQ is a bad copy of Dune Analytics (which is what the big Dapps use instead of PRQ) and if you think PRQ and GRT are competition, you have no idea of what either token does.


>> No.26648626

We need dune analytics coin asap $DUNE tonthe moon boiis

>> No.26648805

its the GOOGLE of Blockchain you dickbreath

>> No.26649265

can it look up porn tho