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26625928 No.26625928 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on Reef.
Im extremely tempted to go all in, especially with the Binance event coming up. is there anything i should know beforehand, anything that says this could blow up in my face?

>> No.26626002


Yes Binance whales have hugeeee amounts of tokens. You will be dumped on and it can be any day.

>> No.26627148

Can you elaborate on this?

>> No.26627271

Why would you search for a token with the biggest APY, go onto a certain exchange to buy that token and then stake it.

$REEF does all this through an AI basket, searches the best APY rates through one simple click.

All you need to know.

>> No.26627448

you don't wanna miss this one anon

>> No.26627738

Farming ended 3 days ago, sell pressure is dropping and buyers have been eating sell walls all day. .50 EOY

>> No.26627933

I'm buying, just because I like the logo

>> No.26628400

im in now PAMP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.26628428

.50 EOY or bust

>> No.26628617

It's an advanced, polkadot based (but also cross chain) YFI

All you need to know

>> No.26628807

>Redpill me on Reef.

It might moon, but it might also crab. It looks like a legit project but it could also be a scam. PnD is not likely, but possible.

>> No.26629191

52b mcap

Worst case, you hold it for a few years

>> No.26629286

what does PnD stand for?

>> No.26629444

Penis nigger dick

>> No.26629458

pump 'n dump, lad

can anyone tell me how long this has been listed on Binance v how long on Uni?

>> No.26629504

Paste n dump

>> No.26630428

what's the binance event people are talking about?

>> No.26630638


Reef CEO is one of the headliners.

>> No.26631097

Thats a definite jump in price the right?

>> No.26631146

No. Stay poor please. I'm not done accoomulating.

>> No.26631263

Binance whales have been selling this entire time for their 13% APY retard

>> No.26631324

Quite a few street shitters too. Seems like the bar wasn’t high to be invited

>> No.26631371

If nothing else it gives REEF some solid publicity. What would be big is if they announce some progress on their roadmap - say, when staking is going to come out.

>> No.26631817

65M currently

>> No.26632010

enough to convince me, 8% in at 4.20k REEF
wagmi bros

>> No.26632394

If reef is on polkadot why can I only withdraw from bianance on ETH and binance smart chain???

>> No.26632508

Parachain slots aren't open yet, once it gets one it'll be on the Polkadot ecosystem.