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26569530 No.26569530 [Reply] [Original]

>back from 3 day long vacation edition
Let me begin this thread with the following:
Previous: >>26530343
Have you finally decided to buy DAIQ in the last 3 days, anons? Or will you wait until $1 before doing so?

DAIQ is an algorithmic "stablecoin" with a dynamic supply, pegged to $1. At the time of this post, 1 DAIQ = 48 cents. You understand the potential gains to be made. This can be an easy x2 from there, more or less.

The protocol is a fork of ESD/DSD with a DAO following these basic economic/game theory principles:
>When DAIQ > $1, (expansion cycle, FUN PART) holders can bond their tokens in the DAO to receive rewards, thus pushing them to sell their excess nand driving the price back down to $1
>When DAIQ < $1, people buy due to greed for the aforementioned rewards and potential profits since it's below its supposed valuation
>When DAIQ < $1, holders also have the possibility of willingly burning part or all of their DAIQ holdings in order to reduce the supply, increasing both demand and DAIQ's value and as a result - this is done by buying a coupon
>people can then redeem said coupons after a time period, get back their tokens with a bonus so they end up in profit

The main advantage of DAIQ compared to DSD is how you can choose the time limit of the coupons. The higher the expiration date of said coupon until DAIQ reaches the peg = lower premium, and vice-versa. It allows any risk profile to participate in the protocol to push the price where it's supposed to be.

>anonymous team
>can be seen as a ponzi scheme
>high volume needed for the cycle to work as intended
>protocol is at all times fighting to maintain a balance between positive market volatility and burned tokens to be redeemed before the beginning of expansion cycle
>experimental token
>might never get out of its debt cycle

Recent developments in next post. The last 3 days were fucking wild.

>> No.26570077

Dev is based and has shown pictures of his feet

>> No.26570256
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So for the good news and stuff to be excited about for the future, there is quite a lot to cover. But to make things short and edible:
>Josh Rager and other e-celebs from crypto twitter are in and determined to see this back to $1:

Those guys combined with big whales and of course greedy small fish lilke me are to thank for the current price floor and support in the 50 cents range. We can probably thank the marketing funds for this exposure, but keep in mind that this is only the beginning.

>Finally a medium article explaining how algo stable coins work starring DAIQ
Took some time, but here it is. Over are the days when we had to cuck ourselves with a DSD focused video.

I couldn't be happier with the recent market movements and increase in exposure DAIQ has known lately. I hope that the anons who bought after listening to me are satisfied with the current situation and are happy as I am now. Right now we only need a x2 to reach the peg, but you shouldn't only focus on the price as it's only a step. To truly maximize your profits, the game surrounding the protocol must be played in a certain manner in order to avoid the same pitfalls DSD fell into. (Thanks to the guy in TG, you know who you are)

While advantageous short term to reduce the supply and get DAIQ closer to the peg, as soon as DAIQ reaches $1 people will have to redeem their coupons BEFORE the protocol allows bonding and expansion rewards to be made. Long story short, DSD had too many tokens burned to redeem and even when they went above $1, they still were in contraction and dumped before going into their expansion cycle. Balance is important.

>> No.26570303

based also thanks for the bump

>> No.26570641


Thanks for the entire post
Would like to check

since you say Balance is important
Is Daiq in a balance state now?

I am not sure how do we consider a healthy debt ratio and etc


>> No.26570841
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ty for the alpha anon

>> No.26571340
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Finally quick replies. Glad the price pumped, at least I think I won't be alone bumping these threads anymore.

>Is Daiq in a balanced state now?
To see information about the supply and stuff, check here: https://daiq.io/regulation
Regarding the current situation with DAIQ ir's somewhat difficult to say, not going to lie. I'll try to make a comparison with DSD who are in debt of 50M tokens and 71M in coupons waiting to be redeemed, who will likely expire soon. Whereas DAIQ "only" has 4M tokens of debt (even though the percentages are similar for both) and has a way lower marketcap. However I find the number of tokens currently waiting to be redeemed in coupons to be a tad too high right now, considering how hard it has been for DAIQ to go back to the peg despite the recent pumps. With this many tokens who could potentially be dumped as soon as DAIQ reaches 1$, it would need quite the effort in providing liquidity in order to stomach the ensuing selloff.

In my opinion, right now DAIQ needs a lot more volume, buy pressure and incentives to add liquidity at $1 in order to fix this little inbalance. Hope that was clear for you, anon. I must admit that I struggle a little with these things despite having bought. Be sure to double check every single thing I just wrote and don't hesitate to ask others who might confirm or correct. DYOR, and be aware of the risks.

>> No.26571480

Your anime pics are the best alpha tho ngl

>> No.26571549


Wow, that's quite a super solid reply that i am looking for

Ahhh so that's what it is
But based off what i read, once expansion happens when we hit $1
We can expect liquidity to actually jump by 5-10x because everyone wanted to gain from the expansion i suppose?

>> No.26571695
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Glad you like them. Since I began shilling I tried to provide with "financial advice", cute and funny content and of course coomerbait. Still I must be careful, jannies are relentless
>We can expect liquidity to actually jump by 5-10x because everyone wanted to gain from the expansion i suppose?
You're welcome anon.
This is more or less the idea. Honestly I'm getting a little optimistic thinking of how the FOMO will kick in once $1 gets closer, I can't wait. STILL we never know, it might be stuck in the 40-60 range for a while. Yesterday it even dipped as low as .25, so you never know what might happen. Assess the risks correctly and stay safe

>> No.26572070


Yeah, desu this is my first algorithm stables
Afaik, the whole concept is still in the experimental stage

The main reason that got me in into it is
- The team seems pretty determined, their proposals all got voted and executed
(The amount of proposals executed in this project within the timeframe of 2 week is more than most of the project that exist for months LMAO)
- Then if i am not mistaken, the wallet is multisig controlled? So the $1.3M that is deposited in the Yearn couldn't get rug pull by a single dev right?
- Also the mods and admin is pretty helpful in TG tho

But yeah, i can't wait for the expansion
I checked back the marketcap growth of DSD
It takes 2 days to grow from $21M to almost $300M?
That is seriously way too crazy desu
But that's what caused their price to be off peg now am i correct?

>> No.26572809

DSD is pretty unbalanced, it expands too fast, which makes a few people very rich, but it also gets dumped into oblibivion. The goal of DAIQ is to be way more balanced.

>> No.26572868
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>Then if i am not mistaken, the wallet is multisig controlled? So the $1.3M that is deposited in the Yearn couldn't get rug pull by a single dev right?
Yep. So while I keep raising warning signs about the team being anonymous, at least on that front we can consider to be relatively safe. But we both know that funds/locked liquidity mean nothing in appearance. Anything could happen ranging from a "hack/failure in the protocol" draining all funds, whales seemingly coming out of nowhere, market manipulation or tokens moving around in shady ways etc. Etherscan and solidity autism can only do so much in the case of anon teams.

>I checked back the marketcap growth of DSD
>It took 2 days to grow from $21M to almost $300M?
>that's what caused their price to be off peg now
Something slightly similar happened with DAIQ shortly after it was listed but I wasn't there to witness it. However what pushed DAIQ down on top of the imbalance was FUD raised by war on rugs at the time, which didn't help. I only bought near the 10 cents range after the chaos, shilling here since. But yeah I'd like to imagine an expansion pump of the mcap similar to DSD, even if I'm getting a little too greedy and complacent here. DAIQ isn't supposed to go this hard and fast, otherwise while it would make me happy as an holder it would mean a failure for the protocol as a whole. It's meant to be a stablecoin after all

>> No.26573156
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>> No.26573438

damn, I suppose I shouldn't have burned my tokens then?

>> No.26573469

Post more succubus

>> No.26573584
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>> No.26573631
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Nah, you did good, since you're participating and driving the supply down to counter the inflation caused by the previous expansion cycle. It's just that the more coupons to be redeemed, the longer the delay before expansion cycle. As long as it doesn't turn into a DSD situation where more than half of the supply is in coupons, DAIQ should be fine. But that's my words as an investor, not as the dev.

>> No.26573987
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Look at DAIQ and play succubus prison

>> No.26574331
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if only i had 10000 eth so I could poomp daiqs price to $1

>> No.26574643


Thanks alot for all your input

You seems to be a very knowledge extensive investor compare to most of the degens in 4chan

Great to have people like you in the project!

>> No.26574697
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Based succ posters

>> No.26574757
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uh oh posted the wrong one, forgive me jannies

>> No.26574820

debt on DAIQ is pretty low though, as soon as expansion is reached, it's expected a lot of people who are in loss from DSD and ESD will move over. Literally millions of $ would pour in, no way the coupons could make even a dent in the chart.

What matters though is how controlled the return to peg is after peak expansion. I'm sure they're gonna have something in store for that.

Also, expect an announcement today that will surely pump the price. There's been news every day and the price floor has been slowly moving up as jeets dump while smart money is accumulating.

>> No.26574993
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It was surreal seeing all the sells being triggered above 70 cents. Even with whales trying to push it up it wasn't made to be it seems.
You're welcome, anon. I try to be honest and as clear as possible. Nothing is without risks and I'd feel retarded leading people around the nose to get fucked financially. ASSESS THE RISKS AND THINK TWICE
also stop namefagging I didn't notice until now

>> No.26575439

honestly considering getting in with the rest of what i have, especially if it hovers around .50 for too much longer

>> No.26575800
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Two days ago, people wrongly assumed 50 then 40 cents to be a support line. Liquidity is low, so be sure of what you're doing anon.

>> No.26576668

apprectiate the concern op. I did end up getting dumped on pretty hard after I bought a couple days ago so I'll be wary, won't just yolo in 20k again lol. otoh I have a pretty good feeling abt this project given the attention it's getting from whales (and it's probably the first erc20 I've both that I think I have an actual grasp on the design of)

>> No.26577080

Tfw no findom succ mommy that drains both my wallet and my energy

>> No.26577625
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>you will never be milked dry by an active shota chaser succubus
even if DAIQ reaches $5 by whatever miracle it WON'T fill this void

>> No.26577753


>> No.26577840
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Accept despair

>> No.26578173

This is probably a really stupid question but I am not knowledgeable on algorithmic stablecoins, so how can this coin go above $1? I thought that it pushes it down to $1 all the time.

>> No.26578426
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Well the protocol is designed to give you incentives and push (you) towards a given direction, but you can't control the market nor human factors. If everyone decides to hold and imitate GME holders instead of selling during anexpansion cycle while the hype and buy pressure keep rising then yeah it might go higher than $1. But I heavily doubt it will happen, seeing as there are coupons buyers waiting with bated breath for a chance to reap the benefits of the risks they took.

>> No.26578933
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Just in case to prevent a false narrative from spreading out:
>weird how DAIQ came out of nowhere it's probably a PnD
>pajeets who started shilling only after the pump lmao never buying your overpriced bags kill yourselves niggers
>the absolute state of their threads it reeks of curry
>cope seethe I can't sneed
Please remember that if it wasn't for the occasional curious anons or other holders dropping here and there I'd have spent most of the time bumping and posting alone for days on end.

all posts mentioning DAIQ since january 16th:

>> No.26579056

Okay thanks, that helped me get a better view of where the price can go realistically. Around what time do you personally think it will reach $1?

>> No.26579387
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Indeed, I for one have always been shilling it a few hours before the pump.

>> No.26579503
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My conservative estimate would be in around two weeks. I'm not really a good market analyst I'm afraid. At one point before twitter shills made themselves known I thought that today we'd be near 30 cents or so. I didn't expect such a fast recovery

>> No.26580108
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>> No.26581126
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A DAIQ is a DAIQ you can't say it's only a half also BUMP

>> No.26581284
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all i have to contribute now are daiq succubi

>> No.26581465


>> No.26581954
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Last bump I'm out for today, hopefully DAIQ remains this comfy. Later and don't forget measure your risk

>> No.26582452


>> No.26582832

two tails.
godspeed op, wagmi