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26467994 No.26467994 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.26468111
File: 120 KB, 874x384, 212A369D-2FBA-4A82-8C84-5962738518A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

google of blockchains

>> No.26468116
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It's the google of blockchain

>No REALLY explain it to me
It's an token ecosystem built around indexing data on blockchains. Sites like Etherscan and exchanges need to query blockchains for data, and GRT accomplishes this in a decentralized fashion.

You can stake GRT tokens to be an indexer. You can delegate GRT tokens to indexers to get a payoff. You can curate subgraphs for indexers to index, and get a payoff for each person who queries it.

>> No.26468173

so hey u got them decentralized apps yo. lotta data, someones gotta sift through that shit. other dapps wanna use that data for their shit. someones gotta sift through that shit. right now some websites are doing it but its not decentralized. so grt decentralizes the process of sifting through it and people help by holding/staking blah blah blah. web 3.0 backbone and shit.

>> No.26468299

The Google of Papa Johns

>> No.26468565
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Just buy low a and sell at $1 anon

>> No.26468717

The half life 3 of vaporware

>> No.26468786

Its like the LCX of Binance!

>> No.26468812

onions of the cucksheds

>> No.26468828
File: 570 KB, 713x945, sirs please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much do you know about blockchains? grt will crab for a while you got time(imo). dont ask for advice here. read and read. they have a good website but that stuff is beyond beginners. go forth. and return a sage autistic crypto wizard.

>> No.26468931

It's the Geocities of crypto.

>> No.26468950

To explain it in single terms, It's the pornhub of crypto. Just like how in pornhub you can index through videos and categories based on their ratings,views.

>> No.26469001

Why would anyone care about decentralization?

>> No.26469274
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You know what to do: The Needful, Sirs.

>> No.26469411

it's the craiglist of crypto

>> No.26469415

It’s supposed to rhyme, and if the former owner of the store is named Chuck it would imply that the store would be called “chucks suck and fuck” since now it was it is sneed who owns the store called “feed and seed”

It’s quite subtle desu not everyone gets it right away.

>> No.26469614

It’s the pasta to Mac and cheese

>> No.26469700

Someone has no clue what the purpose of blockchain is

>> No.26469716

Nice explanation

>> No.26469824

It's the Ask Jeeves of Ubuntu.

>> No.26470150


The Graph (called GRT) is a service that allows people (called indexers) to make things (called sub-graphs). These sub-graphs are all similar: they document the history of data. Each sub-graph documents the history of some type of data. One sub-graph documents the history of BTC price, another documents the history of ETH price, another documents the history of BTC price (again!).

When two different sub-graphs document the same type of data Indexers vote on which data history is better (more accurate).

The question of "who cares?" is asked by >>26469001 I will tell you who cares: everyone who wants an honest history of data. You might say that etherscan/coinbase/coingecko/myrandomexchange already keeps track of this - and you are right. But the companies who do this might manipulate the price. The purpose of decentralized sub-graphs is that no one can manipulate the history of the price and that any new company won't have to recreate work (it takes a lot of money/time for a start-up to make a working database of the history of every single BTC transaction ever).They also won't have to rely on another exchange to list the history of the data.

Anyone who wants an honest history will have a decentralized history that is curated by indexers and sub-graph creators. And the only way to access these graphs with a specific query is with a payment in the form of GRT tokens (indexers get a cut of this payment if people think the sub-graphs they recommend are good).

>> No.26470423

Couldn't you just get a history of Chainlink prices?

>> No.26471089

You weren't supposed to point that out bro!

>> No.26471980


From whom would you get that history? A company (that might lie or be wrong)? Or would you write a script to query the entire history of the blockchain yourself?