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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 148 KB, 498x421, 1609526754533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26430180 No.26430180 [Reply] [Original]

When the fuck is this shit getting listed on an exchange?

>> No.26430226

when you stop making threads about it, BITCH

>> No.26430225

When will you stop being a faggot?

>> No.26430338
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This shit has ruined my life.

>> No.26430376

So do whales get to dump on us everyday? Or is it gonna stop soon?

>> No.26430392
File: 68 KB, 998x1002, 1586944769265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

>> No.26430441

It's over
Also fuck that cancer telegram

>> No.26430518

>holy trinity
>5 logos

>> No.26430542

And no this isn't the dumb wallet fud.
This guy goes through in technical detail on why Parsiq is a scam in that its functionality is already available for free using through a variety of other programs.
It's even worse than "token not needed", this proves that the entire service isn't needed holy shit.

>> No.26430570

I'd rather wait a bit more than for things to be all rushed up and end up like GRT. I've already 2x. So I don't care either way.

>> No.26430604

it's over. i'm selling

>> No.26430606

haahhhah the fucking COPE

>> No.26430624

Thanks, I just sold everything for stocks

>> No.26430733
File: 206 KB, 677x410, 1610474049474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it. I'm selling right now. I don't even care if it's at a loss. I just want out of this shit scam.

>> No.26430758

thank you, sold 100k and bought GRT. I hope that i will make it.

Newfag here

>> No.26430779

fuck seems like PRQ has been eternally BTFO'd by some random dude. Sell now or wait until the clueless normies buy in?

>> No.26430821
File: 63 KB, 382x469, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. graph shill who hates prq only because people think graph is doing something similar when in reality is on a different level
read above

>> No.26430887

oh so it's just a GRT cuckold seething on PRQ? it's a biased review then.

>> No.26430892

thanks just sold everything for grt

>> No.26430964
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kek. I know that GRT is shit, just larping for seething coper

>> No.26430973
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>> No.26431006

yes, he even says
>being curated from a completely neutral perspective.
lying sack of shit

>> No.26431103

>all this cope
None of you can dispute anything from the review because you lack the technical knowledge.
All you can do is whine about The Graph.
This person clearly knows their shit.

>> No.26431261


>> No.26431280

here have a anatoly playing on keyboard to seethe more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiUIo-jDO5M&t=16s&ab_channel=JerryO%CC%81Hara

>> No.26431385


idk about these guys OP. they know how to sound smart, but that's about it.

>> No.26431390

Not an argument.

>> No.26431584

> this brief project report is being curated from a completely neutral perspective.
> ends report by shilling the graph
> complains there's already services that do the same as Parsiq
> list 5 different services that you would need to connect between each other

Because having 5 different services where 1 failing breaks everything is way better than having everything on a single service.

>> No.26431709

Hey, never put PRQ and XRP in the same category. Not even funny.

>> No.26431748
File: 22 KB, 365x427, 1586667605401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Librehash project review
professional fudders

>> No.26431843

not trying to convince/defend your cope article, you dummy

>> No.26431859

>So upon closer inspection, it appears that this project is attempting to slide in the niche that 'The Graph' created with their project.
>But on the basis of what we have seen thus far, this appears to be a non-product of sorts.

then he wastes a fuck ton of time talking how he can replicate what parsiq is doing using 3-4 diffrent serviced and routing everything together

he talks about one single usecase of prq.. parsing data.. parsiq can do MUCH more
he didnt even bother doing more research on it, he even says so, he just looked at the starting page of the prq website

get btfo retard

>> No.26431905

>posting the wrong video
heh https://youtu.be/ifE6AiAz_cY

>> No.26431987
File: 94 KB, 1125x685, 1609419757161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've had a lot of laughs. You may know me by my greatest work (pic related). The article itself is completely wrong and written by a midwit. Grtrannies are absolutely seething lol. However, Its extremely impressive for fudding normies and midwits. The article is literally the perfect fud tool. If you want to fuck over pajeets, newfags, swingies and bandwagoners use this article as much as you can.
>If you don't want retards achieving unwarranted wealth; spread this article around as much as you want.

>> No.26431986

i like that this one where anatoly is playing on keyboard. This one is for shill

>> No.26432180

Thank god, newfags deserve to lose money.

>> No.26432282

Might start posting that article in every thread

>> No.26432405

unironically pretty based

>> No.26432442

Eventually the whales will run out of fuel

>> No.26432768

reminds me of zeus capital llp and their link paper

>> No.26432900

And reply from team member

While the author of the article is indeed a smart guy, he misses the main point of the real-time aspect that is PARSIQ.

He thinks that he can do the same with bitquery, but looking at their service:

Projects like Bitquery and the Graph are indexing blockchain data and allowing users to query the blockchain like a database of events that have already happened (pull-based). PARSIQ system is not querying, it is performing transformations on live streams of events (which are happening or about to happen) with automation triggers (push-based and reactive), user data and direct integrations with on- and off-chain apps, devices, web services. PARSIQ is blockchain-agnostic and available for both coders and non-coders. While some functionalities overlap since all of these projects deal with blockchain data, the products, use cases, value propositions and technological approaches are completely different.

So in essence, he fails to understand the true nature of our system - or maybe we didn't do a good enough job of explaining it.

>> No.26433724

This. Anatoly explain this exactly in the chainlink AMA. This is what makes PRQ infinitely more useful than whatever the fuck project the author is talking about.

>> No.26433820

God, I have such a boner for parsiq. I need more, dammit!

>> No.26433891


>> No.26433921

Lost 9 ETH on this thing.

>> No.26433987
File: 333 KB, 1080x1524, holdprq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26434504

New unofficial telegral channel, everyone welcome