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26402168 No.26402168 [Reply] [Original]

>*taxes your unrealized gains*


>> No.26402255


>> No.26402396

>america and germany both hated/ruled by jews
>both tax unrealize gains (soon in burgerland)

Wow based jews.

>> No.26402436

I think you have a misconception what burgers mean by taxing unrealized gains.

>> No.26402449

>they simply had to love the jews
That was easy

>> No.26402529

No, if you love the jews they'll just hate you more (usa evangelicals sucking jew dick to infinity).

>> No.26402552

Nein, das ist vorbei.

>> No.26402574

I am German and have no idea how to tax my crypto gains. Never cashed out anything tho.
Isn't it when you hodl +1 year you are tax free? I switched quite a lot.

>> No.26402582

How does it work?

>> No.26402891

Shut up Malte, Germany is a hellhole but unrealized gains aren't getting taxed.

>Isn't it when you hodl +1 year you are tax free?
Yes. There isn't any clear legislation in crypto though and same lawyers / judges say that crypto 2 crypto is taxable but the Finanzamt boomers have no clue so just hold for one year and cash out.

>> No.26403031

Once tax rules come out for germany, they will be even worse than the US. Get ready for 50% tax on crypto gains including crypto to crypto trades.

>> No.26403041

Jews did nothing wrong, it’s the goyims fault for letting us take advantage of them. They are at sin not us.

>> No.26403049

nope, op is just memeing. checked.

>> No.26403108
File: 40 KB, 900x900, 1515293770887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These fucking trannies have the nerve to print trillions of dollars and give them to banking kikes, but they still need to literally steal money from us before we even convert it into actual currency. I wish someone would go to Davos and Minecraft all these motherfuckers.

>> No.26403121

>sure I killed your family, but you shouldn't have let me do it


>> No.26403190

What are you talking about anon, crypto to crypto trades need to be taxed.

>> No.26403300

Dane here
We don't have crypto laws but boomer court decided that crypto gainz should be taxed according to a 100 year old law about buying shit like paintings and selling them for a profit.
Which means it's taxed as "other personal income".
Which means that it's taxed about 37% for poorfags and 52% for rich people.

>> No.26403306


>> No.26403316

They don't do that in France.

>> No.26403390

Halte länger als ein Jahr und du zahlst keine Steuern! Deutschland ist based und wenn es dir hier nicht gefällt, dann verpiss dich zu deinem Orban Freunden. Kann diese scheisse und das Gejammere nicht mehr hören, du dummer Hans.

>> No.26403434

DIA fixes this?


>> No.26403681

In Germany, Crypto to Crypto is a taxable event.

Its the same in Germany, but only if you sell off before holding a year. after its tax free

>> No.26403709

Deutschland is based lel, you again. Still enjoying getting raped by the worlds highest tax rate while financing half of the arab world? This country is commiting suicide, just slowly

>> No.26403799
File: 48 KB, 640x496, 1611201970649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taxing money we don't even have

>> No.26403803

What are you planning to do when you want to cash out? Become a tax citizen in a more crypto friendly country?

>> No.26403850

>In Germany, Crypto to Crypto is a taxable event.
It's not, and I trust my Steuerberater more than an anon from /biz/.

>> No.26403890

So you can just cash out 100K, have it deposited onto your bank account and you somehow won't get audited? Seems unlikely.

>> No.26403998

I'd rather stay in a civilized country and pay retarded crypto taxes than to set foot in a non-Nordic shithole.

>> No.26404061

It's retarded, they should just make it so that all investments are taxed the same way.

>> No.26404086

Make test wires with 10ks every three months. If your bank doesn't flag your account, you are save. Never paid taxes on crypto gains and never will

>> No.26404087

>So you can just cash out 100K, have it deposited onto your bank account and you somehow won't get audited? Seems unlikely.
You obviously tell them in the tax form. After all you have to show them that you had it over 1 year.

>> No.26404253

Weiß jemand zufällig wie es steuerlich ist wenn ich mein Link auf Aave hinterlege, mir USDC oder so leihe und das dann auscashe?

>> No.26404273

>dann verpiss dich zu deinem Orban Freunden.
Portugal und Russland haben geringere Steuern. Die Ruskies vergeben momentsn jedoch keine Visen. Sonst wäre ich schon weg.

>> No.26404322

hals maul Achmed

>> No.26404498

Fair enough. Id probably do the same if I was from Denmark
When do you reckon they’ll change tax laws in Germany so 1+ year holdings also get taxed? Are there any concrete plans to do this in the future? Because I’d definitely cash something out before
Nobody on here will be able to reliably tell you. Talk to a tax consultant/CPA (Steuerberater)

>> No.26404718

>When do you reckon they’ll change tax laws in Germany so 1+ year holdings also get taxed? Are there any concrete plans to do this in the future? Because I’d definitely cash something out before
Why would they change it? Crypto is in the same tax class as private trading with paintings, antiques, oldimer cars, gold, silver, property etc

>> No.26404726

i just keep my fiat on the exchange and just withdraw the money i need and use it as soon as it hits my bank account, seems to slip right under their nose, besides i already pay tax on the products i purchase so i think its fair

>> No.26404748

Begone filthy kike

>> No.26404803

at the very least i can't see the stablecoin loophole remaining for more than a few years