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File: 136 KB, 900x680, Learn+how+to+buy+bitcoin+found+on+httpswwwredditcomrbitcoin_1c3d41_6291325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26368276 No.26368276 [Reply] [Original]

>Michael Saylor bought the dip
>Yellen corrected her statement regarding crypto saying she sees a lot of potential in it
>Blackrock FOMOing in
>Tether FUD is literally a nothing burger (even if it wasn't CRV covers our ass)
>double spend FUD quickly turned out to be fake

How the FUCK is Bitcoin not at 50k yet? Literally everybody and their grandmommy should be buying now. Who the fuck is still hesitating and why? Literally all FUD has been destroyed this week

>> No.26368420

Too busy buying Avax.

>> No.26368423
File: 39 KB, 512x512, IYCQwfoA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit I clicked on the wrong image. I wanted to post Sminem

>> No.26368567

Everybody is too busy buying ETH, the superior crypto.

>> No.26368630

Weak hands will always be weak.

>> No.26368659

bitcoin is alive, it will do whatever it wants. in january it wants to dump, get used to it.

>> No.26368726

Do you think Blackrock is currently FOMOing into bitcoin? Do you think that anon? Do you think that is true?

Or do you think they filed papers which may allow them to trade cash settled bitcoin futures long or short in the future?

>> No.26368799

>Yellen corrected her statement regarding crypto saying she sees a lot of potential in it
source of the goblin statement?

>> No.26369946

I really don't get why anyone would buy BTC fucking ever, it's a piece of poo. It's like buying kodak film when digital is out, just buy ETH

>> No.26370094

I really don't get why anyone would buy ETH fucking ever, it's a piece of poo. It's like buying kodak film when digital is out, just buy ADA.

>> No.26370544

All depends on if money skelly can sort out the scaling issues... But you are right, time is ticking

>> No.26370628

>>Yellen corrected her statement regarding crypto saying she sees a lot of potential in it
Lies. Fucking Lies.

>I think we need to look closely at how to encourage their use for legitimate activities while curtailing their use for malign and illegal activities
>curtailing their use for malign and illegal activities
I wonder how the fuck they'll accomplish that.
>If confirmed, I intend to work closely with the Federal Reserve Board and the other federal banking and securities regulators on how to implement an effective regulatory framework for these and other fintech innovations.
Oh right, by regulating the fuck out of it to the point you can't use it outside the banking system.

Good job retard.

>> No.26370816

Bitcoin is traceable, that doesn’t require centralizing it.

>> No.26371034
File: 64 KB, 677x530, 1598803139255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26371865
File: 283 KB, 320x213, 8FDBD520-C762-423A-B634-77005EB2B491.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that file name

>> No.26371927


>> No.26372004

I feel personally attacked

>> No.26372036

best FOMO campaign ive seen for a long time

>> No.26372091

Money is sticky. People have associated the crypto money revolution with BTC whether you like it or agree with it. It's sticky enough that it will be successful for some time even if other coins outperform it over time.

ETH has a good chance for doing it again with smart contracts and defi. Hell it may even be bigger than btc eventually who knows.

Why do you have to put BTC down just because you like ETH?

>> No.26372151

because eth is fucking asic crap like bitcoin

>> No.26372179

Oh God I hope this didn't happen to anyone here

>> No.26372287

>who the fuck is still hesitating and why?
Because normies got a taste of volatility and immediately cashed out at a loss, which is what the jews wanted them to do.
Strong hands always win. BTC is unstoppable. China has cracked down on it, South Korea has cracked down on it, India has cracked down on it, and more. Soon the US will crack down on it. Yet Bitcoin continues its roller coaster ride to the moon

>> No.26372325

always a good meme.

>> No.26372386

kek you are the normie - cant see the writing on the wall. asic coins are done for. get privacy coins or get socialscored

>> No.26372454

lmao this happened to a guy i know. he still hasn't recovered. i don't think he ever will. btw now he's super anti crypto. of course he's a insufferable libtard on top of it, because admitting you were/are wrong is impossible for some people.

>> No.26372479

bitcoin is money
ethereum is a tech company

>> No.26372564

>monerofag sitting at a handsome -50% gains

>> No.26372605

transparent chinese socialscore cuck

>> No.26372730

I'll go under after I make it friendo

>> No.26372744

and some people cope by turning anti-bitcoin pro-whatever-late-adopter-coin-they-bought-instead
difference is for rich people they dont give a fuck if they missed bitcoin's 1¢-$10k ride, they're still not getting fooled by alts

>> No.26372802

cope, usa will never have socialscore because they don't execute their criminals en masse and from what i understand of american politics the democrat party openly coddles lawbreakers.
the zero tolerance for violent crime is the only reason it works in china, because being a 'good' citizen is incentivized and being a 'bad' one gives you an express ticket to oblivion. without those things it has no power and commands no respect and people just bypass the system.
typical amerimutt politicians want the benefits and power without understanding what it takes to get there.

>> No.26373033

I feel sorry for midwits.
Forever trapped in average intelligence shitcoin hell

>> No.26373058

oh i forgot. burgers are already ok with living in the 4th reich of facebook