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26359133 No.26359133 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people go for worthless degrees and then complain about not being able to become financial independent?

>> No.26359198

2-digit IQ

>> No.26359238


>> No.26359258

Why do worthless degrees exist?

>> No.26359288

This. The government doesn't need rich and independent citizens.

>> No.26359295

I have a degree in marketing

Please, point and laugh

>> No.26359368

Because as you grew up boomer teachers, parents, and acquaintances kept parroting each other that all you need to be successful is to get a degree. Doesn’t matter what, just get a degree and leave that blue collar shit work behind!

>> No.26359407

There is this weird belief millennials have that you can grow up and literally do anything with your life and be successful.

>> No.26359425

Worthless degrees are the ultimate pyramid scheme. The only job you can get with them is teaching the same worthless slop that you fell for to other retarded kids who then go on to either teach it in academia or become losers

>> No.26359503

Pursuit of knowledge for knowledge's sake should be something celebrated, not ridiculed. the idea that universities are production lines for turning young people into soulless wage slaves is depressing as fuck. Universities should be ivory towers for exploring the heights of the human intellect, not for developing "commuication skills" to use in your burger king job. How crass.

>> No.26359511

>2d animation degree.
Imagine your wife and child are starving and you can't do anything about it because your only trade is to draw cartoon boobies kek

>> No.26359562

>Pursuit of knowledge for knowledge's sake
>2d animation

>> No.26359563

Marketing isnt a meme. Its like the most valuable skill in business. Right next to sales.

>> No.26359568
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>2d animation degree
i dont get it
why dont these people just learn things like that independently and make a portfolio and shill it so they can make money without having to pay for such degrees
this is exactly why NEETs will inherit the global wealth

>> No.26359588

It’s another form of modern day serfdom, there’s a lot of pressure to just get any degree no matter what because you ain’t shit without an edumacation. People take out massive loans that they are too young and retarded to fully understand and then when they graduate they are slaves for the rest of their life if they can’t get a good job to pay it back with. A lot I know graduated with debt only to be no further along for job prospects than a high school graduate.

The banking class needs these retards for fresh blood, it’s the most vampiric shit in the world today and most professors are your enemies not your friends.

>> No.26359622

modern universities are an actual bubble and that bubble is hopefully starting to burst right now

>> No.26359627

Start an only fans for your 2d drawings. Draw what your fans suggest. Profit?

>> No.26359638

Because when their parents were 18 university tuition, books, and fees hadn't experienced 3000% inflation and there was a white collar job waiting for you somewhere no matter what your degree was. The fact that the government will give a massive loan to someone to go to school no questions has fucked the entire university system into profit hungry leach on society.

>> No.26359641

>your only trade is to draw cartoon boobies
You just need to draw better then.
>1,168 PATRONS
>$8,776 PER MONTH

>> No.26359671

At least I have booba...right...?

>> No.26359689

2D animation produces anime. Its valuable.
Make hentai for coomers

>> No.26359710
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why do boomers and gen x'ers break their backs for decades and then come to /biz/ to complain about people getting rich from funny internet money?

>> No.26359725

These people look stupid after reading that

>> No.26359724

We were all brainwashed and lied to, but some people never realize it and still have cognitive dissonance because of it. They think they did everything society told them to do but their life is even worse than before, they keep trying to fit a square peg into a round hole because it’s easier to fool someone than to convince someone that they’ve been fooled and that their entire life was built on lies and delusions.

>> No.26359734

Shitty degrees aside, student loans are the most jewish thing alive, I can't understand why mutts let this shit happen
It's not like their education is high quality or anything, they just kneel to niggers

>> No.26359747

the people who do that have learned it without paying for loldegrees
the ones that actually go to university/college/school for that are NPCs. midwits. talentless people. thats why they fall into the wagie cuck lifestyle

>> No.26359753
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You don't need some fucking degree tho
Just start drawing, and take comisions

>> No.26359793


This is schlock universities say to make you feel like you aren't getting scammed for paying 5k for a class with 4 assignments, no personal projects, and a single final worth 90% of your grade.

>> No.26359806

I guarantee this retard voted for sleepy joe.

Because historically no degree was worthless, but the threat to boomers from degree'd-up younger people meant that credential inflation was the best way to protect themselves from being replaced for being useless fucks. Why do you need 10 years of paper-filing experience for a job you can learn in a week, tops? You don't, but it ensures that boomers will hire other boomers. The president is 78, the house speaker is 80, the most recently deceased scotus justice was 87, the chief doctor of the USA is 81. These people never ever want to retire, meaning no position is ever freed up for you.

>> No.26359813

Post physique

>> No.26359854

This is because that's literally what they were taught by their boomer parents and gen x school teachers.

>> No.26359855
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i think ive found it

>> No.26359859
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Its a typical american idea that a degree has to be „worth“ a fertain sum of money and is nothing more than a theoretical job preparation

>> No.26359881

I have a STEM degree and its still useless thanks to my self sabotaging government with h1b

>> No.26359906

Fetish artists actually make a lot of money if they're good at it. But if this guy wants to be 'legitimate' then, yes, he's fucked.

Jobs won't hire you if you don't have a degree. There is no such thing as an independent animator who gets hired because he says he's good. But you also need experience and connections, so you're fucked anyway.

>> No.26359921


The professional tech industry would still be a nightmare without h1b.

>> No.26359946

You have a woman degree where you can get a cushy office job not doing shit for 40 to 50k a year. May not be glamorous but it beats a lot of other jobs.

>> No.26359971

>Jobs won't hire you if you don't have a degree. There is no such thing as an independent animator who gets hired because he says he's good. But you also need experience and connections, so you're fucked anyway.
this is why i think the whole thing is a bubble that is starting to burst now even aside from the obvious loanjew scheme

>> No.26359987

I studied Information Technology in school, but its was still retarded. I literally had to look up everything on Google. My professor was teaching me less than I was learning by googling stuff. It's literally designed to rob you, enslave you, cuck you, and make you feel like you need to follow a certain path at all times in order to "make it". It's a huge ponzi and psyop by (((them))).

>> No.26360081
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>> No.26360165

One of the biggest problems comes from HR/recruiters. Their job is merely to find candidates. Then they don't actually pass the information along even if the place needs people. Every job I've gotten has been directly from male managers. Recruiters and female HR will always string you along for months before ghosting you, while the job opening remains unfilled. They're the primary blockage point preventing people from being hired because they're too dumb to realize if you need someone to do the job you need to hire someone, you can't just sit around and fish hoping for the perfect candidate to come around. Especially in memedemic times when H1Bniggers aren't being allowed to leave India, they have no other options but are too dumb to hire people.

>> No.26360194

Just started my first serious IT job man fuck school I learned more in the last 5 months then all 4 years of school

>> No.26360249

2d animation has a market believe it or not. It aint in a enterprise with a cushy office.

The dude should have made a twitter and a patreon and churning out huge amounts of cartoon smut online.
Just have to find a good fandom/niche, he could have had a professional portfolio for his career and a smut portfolio that paid his bills. I know 2d animation and drawing hentai is not the same thing, but it is a tangential skill. Should have started doing it his first year of uni, by the time he graduated he could had a massive following and a chunky monthly patreon payment.

>> No.26360256

>millions of your jobs not being taken by subhuman street shitters would be a nightmare
okay pajeet

>> No.26360345

I agree. Universities should be for people who want to spend their lives in pursuit of knowledge in their field. An elite few who solely focus on research with no need to waste time preparing students for future job roles.
There should be separate institutions for the majority of people who want to get a normal job afterwards with a more practically focused education.

>> No.26360363

It's all capitalisms fault!

>> No.26360376

With that logic at least get a doctorate in 2D animation

>> No.26360470

Why isn’t the Reddit fag doing that? Oh yeah because only a small percentage will fucking make it. It’s like getting a YouTube degree lol

>> No.26360477

There's no higher artform than hand drawn 2d animation nowadays.

>> No.26360521

Fuck you, retard

>> No.26360546

Not possible, when 40% of the age class is attending university level. Normies ruin everything.

>> No.26360558

>2d animation has a market believe it or not
of course it has
all im saying is people can market themselves especially in something like 2d animation
these days people just flop over and let the university ponzi do the marketing for them

>> No.26360653

Goethe was such a chad, he never went to any universities, was a king's financial secretary for 9 years without any prior knowledge, went to Italy where he fucked tons of whores, fought in a war, accidentally killed thousands of incels, started romanticism, Weimar classic, wrote the most important drama besides Shakespeare, single-handedly shaped the written German language and btfod Newton's theory of light.

>> No.26360810
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The biggest Chad.

>> No.26361016

>Jobs won't hire you if you don't have a degree. There is no such thing as an independent animator who gets hired because he says he's good. But you also need experience and connections, so you're fucked anyway.
People that actually need skilled animation will actually look at your skills. People that need someone to execute their script for the new grubhub commercial, they prioritize by different metrics..

>> No.26361099

Degrees in creative fields are bullshit. Your portfolio is all you need.

>> No.26361142

>People that actually need skilled animation will actually look at your skills. People that need someone to execute their script for the new grubhub commercial, they prioritize by different metrics..

This assumes that management is doing the screening, rather than HR or recruiters.

>> No.26361156

Pretty much everything outside of medicine right now with now is a worthless degree, and boomers are holding on for dear life, so you have no chance without nepotism, especially engineers.

>> No.26361203

>massive amounts of anthro MLP and monstergirl porn


>draw better

Literally not the case, furries and degenerates will fork over fucktons of cash if you're willing to draw their shit fetish.

>> No.26361336

Ya, just don't do it for other people, do it for your own business.

>> No.26361671

Software is an exception, especially if you have a good portfolio.

>> No.26361776
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They fell for the "it doesn't matter what degree you get or how much it costs, any degree will get you a good job no matter what" scam.
t. did the same.

I only escaped by joining the military, the very last place where the above scam is actually true. Thank god I finally got into crypto and made it to 6 figure hell or I'd be stuck with loser TSP returns like every other milcuck.

>> No.26361847

Because they are not there for future prospects. They are there for to have fun, collages know that.

>> No.26361877

Can confirm. I have no degree and am doing great.
Programming is one of those things that you either really want to do or don't. You can teach some of it in school, but you'll never advance if you're not truly interested in it. Unless of course it's FAANG and you're a minority in which case it doesn't matter what you do.

>> No.26361997

I heard from friends that work in the field that usually interns even from reputable universities don't know shit

>> No.26362017

>I spent 3 years and £40,000 on a course that teaches me how to draw
>somehow a house and massive savings account hasn’t materialised during this time

>> No.26362047

And whos going to pay for all these idle 'thinkers'? Idiot
get a real job

>> No.26362053

college is a scam, unless you are a math genius dont go to it

>> No.26362157

Draw Hentai and upload it on PornHub

>> No.26362167

>Why do worthless degrees exist?
Because of the student loan industry supported by the government. If education was public or loans didn't exist these degrees would cost 1/10th of what they are now.

>> No.26362282

marketing is the second most important thing in this system

>> No.26362305

>Someone loaned me $45,000 degree knowing that I wouldn't be able to pay it back

>> No.26362359


Most humans are intellectually lazy faggots who aren't interested in pursuing "higher knowledge" or developing themselves for the sake of it. Once they graduate they immediately stop doing that because they aren't getting forced to read stuff and take tests anymore.

>> No.26362574

>And whos going to pay
the eternal wagiecuck with no internal thoughts minset

>> No.26363139

die pajeet