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26351960 No.26351960[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are niggers so subhuman? Why cant they behave themselves?

>> No.26352030


>> No.26352040

white people were litterally crawling up the capitol walls. One of them died falling kek

>> No.26352085

why do incels make threads?

>> No.26352123

Because they are fighting for what they have built over the last centuries. Niggers just come to our countries and trash everything. Niggers were literally too stupid to invent a written language or the wheel, why should they reap the fruits of our labor?

>> No.26352319

>Niggers just come to our countries
Didn't we literally force them over here in boats and chains?
Say what you want about them, but the fact that they're even here in the first place? That's on us, dude

>> No.26352361

All those rioters are hundreds of years old? holy shit. No one there built shit. If they did they wouldnt be there throwing a hissy fit theyd be counting their money at home. I can only imagine how tiny their dicks are.

>> No.26352366

> Why cant they behave themselves?
wealth disparity
africans are happier in their own countries

>> No.26352407

The government should fear the people. Not the other way around.

>> No.26352480

>Didn't we literally force them over here in boats and chains?
I'm not Jewish, are you?

>> No.26352517

the people, yes. Dumbfucks? hell no.

>> No.26352580

Southern fatties didnt build the Capitol nigga lol

>> No.26352581

So you are such a cuck you want to be held responsible for something that happened before you were born?

>> No.26352606

Im living in yurop and they are arriving by the boatload. Nobody wants them here but jews are still shipping them over and promising them their live will be better here.

>> No.26352612

low IQ + their existence is subsidized by the government via white and latino (if paid) tax dollars

>> No.26352640

So? They are not chimping out for no reason out of the blue

Niggers didn’t, that’s the point

>> No.26352670

but on the flip side of that youre such a bitch you want to take credit for something that happened before you were born?

>> No.26352690

Jews are white
Its like comparing ethiopian blue nigger with somalia nigger

Jew = white man

>> No.26352702

I live in a country that wasn't involved in the African slave trade, and even if I did, I have never been involved in slavery and my grandparents were peasants so they wouldn't have been either. Still I have to put up with 'diversification' and attempts at white guilt. Now what? Can you explain Mr Goldbergstein?

>> No.26352731

He’s not taking credit for it personally

>> No.26352744

Theyre not? Theyre chimping out cus some fucking rich orange dude they have nothing in common with outside of racism was sad?

The insurrection was so fucking stupid above all because there was no point to it there was no strategic end game. Literally they wanted to kill Pelosi and Pence cus TRUMP 2020. like what the actual fuck?

>> No.26352757

>yes goy white men jew
>oh no-nooo you cant be a citizen in isreal, you need a certain genetic
also if jews were white, then shoah was a white genocide

>> No.26352762

Yes fren, every white person should be proud of the achievements of our ancestors. You only got brainwashed in school to ignore theur achievements.

>> No.26352763
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>> No.26352781

>Hurr durr we built society!
Then take responsibility for some of the negative aspects too
>B-but that happened before I was even born I had nothing to do with it!

>> No.26352794

you cannot have it both ways. if you dont see the fallacy you are no fucking better you fucking dumb cunt of a human

>> No.26352806

Keep agonizing white people and you will feel our wrath

>> No.26352810

Fuck off qoomer

>> No.26352832

The people have always been dumbfucks.

>> No.26352835

if you FUCKING leave we can build it again
somehow euros are RESPONSIBLE for Syrians
aren't they?

>> No.26352837

By wrath you mean that middle aged whore who got shot in the neck? Kek

>> No.26352838

Im not denying there were really bad parts about history. Still look what africans did to each other during that time in africa. They were fucking animals, its normal europeans invaded them. Every culture would have done it!

>> No.26352844

Yeah must be because orange man bad. Not because of the anti white, cucked administration in charge.

>> No.26352847
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>Jews are white

>> No.26352863

almost got me with this bait, nice try!

>> No.26352871


>> No.26352872

Holy shit its so easy its too fucking easy to undo your dumb shit arguments, Just have sex and make money youll have a happier life for it.

>> No.26352903

>take responsibility
You are basically saying GIBS ME DAT FOR FREE. Yes we know slavery happened but we don’t have to do that, nigger.

What does that mean. Yes we can be proud of our heritage.

>> No.26352905
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You’re a faghot

>> No.26352925

>yes fellow greek and Romanian, you cant talk about your PAST achievement, but you have to be guilted for having a white skin
>yes we do also ignoring the slavery under ottomans
its fucking EASY to shatter your retarded ideology.
too bad there are too many censorships around

>> No.26352938

Lmao negative aspects
Niggers should be thanking the white man for enslaving them and bringing them to the advanced society which have them food, shelter, medicine, technology, law and order, and everything else they could possibly ask for, FOR FREE!
If they weren’t enslaved, they would be starving to death and dying from aids by the age of 5 in some nightmarish African shithole
The descendants of enslaved blacks in America are the luckiest creatures alive

>> No.26352977

your bet your ass i am making money
guess were i donate it too?
not to ADL kike
best part is that i get tax deduction

>> No.26352987


White is white are your colour blinds or what? I am speaking about the skin colour. Jew = white.

>the cope and truth is so pain HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.26353036

Says the nigger who forges his identity around his ancestors being cotton pickers and sluts to plantation owners. You want what's ours and claim it as your own. A story retold all throughout human history. This will end in war like it always has.

>> No.26353051

You seem to have the IQ and pattern recognition skills of an infant

>> No.26353057

You have it backwards.
Today the modern white man is blamed for everything, including systemic racism.
Once upon a time the argument went
>Those were my ancestors I didn't have anything to do with that
But since we are being blamed for their work then we get to take credit for it, too.

Also, slave owners were the equivalent to today's 1%, and only a fraction of the slaves that left Africa were actually transported to the U.S. but no one is mad about Mexico's involvement in the slave trade or how they benefited from slave labor.

I wonder (((who))) could have constructed this narrative that would benefit from a divided and malcontent population.

>> No.26353100

They aren’t European descendants. You’re right in that white is a stupid American label.

>> No.26353126

Dont forget WHO sold niggers to us. It was themselves. Different nigger tribes sold their own enemies to the white man.

>> No.26353163

these people (which are actually real, unfortunetly) think arab slave trade was not real.
that whites KIDNAPPED blacks (as if blacks didnt sold their rapists, and retards to us)
hell they are SO GONE, that they think ZIONISISM is a form of WHITE SUPRMACY.
i am not making this up btw

>> No.26353200 [DELETED] 

If niggers knew what Jews have invented

>> No.26353203

zoom out

>> No.26353211

>remember goy white is white, but no you cant be citizens of isreal, our genetic testing show that you are not "one of us"

kek, appreatnly Zionism is just white supremacy too.

>> No.26353213

muh genetic argument for to be white meanwhile saying ethiophian blue nigger and somalia nigger that have different colour and different body shape and different genetic backround are niggers. With same logic. Jew = White.

Cope harder. and have cerebral palsy kids due to fucking own sister and cousins.

>> No.26353228
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cry whiteboi

>> No.26353236

>white skin equal to Jew
so let me ask you rabbi, was Shoah a white genocide?
they look white to me

>> No.26353246
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>ayo dat nigga buyin da corn
bust he ass

>> No.26353275

>people from sub saharan africa think they ALSO build pyramids and then KICKED the jews WHO WERE ALSO black out of egypt.
its really sad, that sub saharan africans think they EVER build anything in their lives.

>> No.26353282
File: 134 KB, 1080x584, JEWS ARE WHITE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>white people fighting white people aka jews on who's whiter

ayy yoh cope harduh nigga faggots!

>> No.26353287

Low MAOA expression and high testosterone.

>> No.26353296


>> No.26353310

So, should we claim Jewish accomplishments too?

>> No.26353334


>> No.26353344

>doesn't know about Noahide laws
>doesn't know about Christian Zionism
>doesn't know about "prophecies"
rabbi are you baiting?

>> No.26353372

>seething pajeet who can’t scale walls

>> No.26353394

>doesnt know about 7 tribes of isreal
>doesnt know about genetic testing that isreal do
nigger you are just baiting at this point.

>> No.26353441

You will never be white

>> No.26353440

no, what I am saying... we are all the same shit inside but particles in different order. You will face same dna fregments in plants and trees and in everything but in different order you nigger.

>> No.26353444

thanks for supporting BLM protests

>> No.26353516

fucking NIGGER thats not JEWS saying
they LITERALLY have a GENETIC TEST for citizenship.
why dont you understand?

>> No.26353544

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeixtYS-P3s You are retarded. Jews will tell you themselves, they are NOT white

>> No.26353558

We are all the same on a very deep underlying level bc we are all part of the same cosmos. But that doesnt mean races dont exist you fucking retard. Human races have a very real influence on the body and brain.

>> No.26353608

yes i know, not sure what you try to prove here? Jew= white skin colour. Its what I see. Same like you see all brown as niggers.

>He dosen't know about 7 revovutions 7 globes and 7 periods


>> No.26353610
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ayy yo dis man rite here is 10% jewish genetically an he tryina cope !

>> No.26353623

>no i am jewish
>nigger says
>you are a white man
niggers are FUCKING retarded

>> No.26353644

I agree. We should send them back to right the wrong.