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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26348246 No.26348246 [Reply] [Original]

Bought Chainlink at 0.4$ , sold it for 19. Held it for more than 2 years and now i am done.

Looking for the next gem which has: Solid tech, Working product, Low mcap, no PnD bullshit(RBC,AVAX etc.)

Doesnt matter if its underperforming during this bullrun.

>> No.26348353


>> No.26348377

Check out https://www.bepro.network/
The code base for Gaming 3.0
We are a Code-as-a-Service protocol providing technology and support for blockchain-based applications.
Our libraries and Smart Contracts were audited by Red4Sec, Certik & ITechLabs
Build Anything
Prediction Markets, P2P Betting, Informational Markets, DeFi Gaming, and more
All Networks
Build on Ethereum, Polkadot or Binance Chain with existing infrastructure

>> No.26348401


>> No.26348435

obvious larp. if you actually bought link at $0.4 and held till $19 you would already know the answer to your question. if, however, you either post proof of
>the trade
>timestamped white hand
i will give you the answer

>> No.26348445


>> No.26348466

AVAX is as legit as it can be. You're retarded LINK sibos buyer not a smart one.

T.LINK ICO buyer

>> No.26348467
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>timestamped white hand
>mfw everyone here is just a pajeet

>> No.26348477


Thank me later.

>> No.26348486

AVAX easy.

Emin Gün Sirer:
>Cornell CS Prof has been in crypto since BEFORE BTC
>is the Number 2 in Cornells IC3 (Ari Juels is number 1)
>h-index of 46 (Juels h index is 83), nobody in crypto comes close to these 2 gigabrains (Vitalik has h index of 27 FYI)
>EGS recognized the importance of Chainlink from early on and is in close contact with the Flannel Man
>Vitalik endorses EGS and is already looking at "Athereum", a Subnet on Avalanche to solve what he cant do with ETH 2.0 https://athereum.avax.network/

Avalanche protocol:
>The third consensus protocol after Nakamotos Proof of Work and Classical Protocols
>This is not repackaged shit with minimal tinkering here and there, its a completely new family of Consensus Protocol
>4500+ REAL TPS (no bullshit account tricks, batching, or L2), sub 3 seconds finality
>already more decentralized than everything else in crypto running a Node is really easy and hardware requirements are low, anyone can do it
>basically consensus is reached by probabilistic sampling thousands of independent nodes over multiple rounds
>Resist 51% attack (need 80% network control to take over)

Full EVM support:
>Low friction of adoption for projects developing on ETH
>All Ethereum smart contract and infrastructure can work on AVAX out of the box which means all the slow DeFi running on ETH right now will switch to AVAX to speed it all up
>AVAX nodes will Validate ATH (Athereum) which makes running a node very profitable

>This is Avalanches bread and butter. Independent networks can be launched on Avalanche, with near infinite customization. Athereum is a good example of this.
>Big picture: Within one year, the best parts of the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem can be mirrored on Avalanche. Giving it all the TPS, scalability, and speed, and also interoperability with the entire ecosystem.

>> No.26348493

i agree anon, if he shows us he is white we automatically believe him

>> No.26348583

I am looking for a coin that is less than $0.1

>> No.26348585

Grt. I think it has the most organic support from bizzians. It's early but I think it will be attractive to the stimulus normals flooding coinbase and seeing a cool logo, affordable price, and it's function is neat as well obviously important.

That and xrp

>> No.26349012
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>> No.26349056

AVAX has done nearly 6x this bullrun and almost 1b in marketcap. Dont think it can be the next 10x or 50x.

>> No.26349175

But your not white?

>> No.26349190

LINK has 1b max supply 400m circulating supply
while GRT has 10b max supply and 1b circulating supply.

Buying GRT right now is buying link at 3-4$. Doesnt make sense

>> No.26349257



Been in development for 3 years. Solid team. Partnership with AMD.

>> No.26349274

Nope, brown but not pajeet

>> No.26349290
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How many times must i tell you children this?

>> No.26349341

If your interested in decent tech that actually has an opputunity to scale, look up radix.
Mainnet is out in q2.

>> No.26349381


>> No.26349398


>> No.26349423
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Do I have to say it?????

>> No.26349447


>> No.26349449

PRQ. Watch chainlink ama. Hold 2+ yrs and stake/lend

>> No.26349541

Fuck off ! Rubic is a PnD. Look at the website, it looks bullshit, the devs are inexeprienced and the product overall is dumb.

>> No.26349631

>OG linkie
>no PnD bullshit
>lists AVAX

This is how I know you're lying.

t. OG linkie, now balls deep in AVAX

>> No.26349681

oh nevermind you were a latefag buying in early 2019, you probably have no idea what chainlink is or why it was shilled relentlessly at 0.20

>> No.26349722

AVAX bro, just AVAX.

>> No.26349749

Dyor of course

>> No.26349784

$RLY. Once it really kicks off, it's going to be unstoppable with the Youtube shillers.

>> No.26349868

Algo for passive income

Also INFI(Insured Finance) just listed yesterday. Worth watching

>> No.26349932
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Parsiq 120m mcap
CarVertical 4m mcap
Both have solid teams and existing product. CV has 10 000s of customers in Europe already.
Uniswap listing beggining of February.
Yes it's that easy to be super soon again.

>> No.26349956

Well yes I still regret not getting in at 0.20, could have almost doubled my stack. But its fine. Profit is profit.

>> No.26349959

Insurance for crypto. Good team, good roadmap.
>Tenet (TEN)
Cross chain AMM with working product.

>> No.26350036

REQ would be a great buy, the team has made a working product now that is being used by 80+ companies including quikbooks


>> No.26350041


>> No.26350060

All good, you made some nice profit. Shouldn't have sold it all though. Link is a forever hold, you should have at least 1000 in the bank at all times.
Also get your head out of your ass and start researching AVAX, it's almost as significant as link at this point.

>> No.26350069

How is infi different than insure token?

>> No.26350088

I bought some REQ in 2017 when it was being shilled, but then the team made their profits and went silent. Yes there is some hype around coinbase listing but dont think this is the next gem

>> No.26350122
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LTO Network
>Lots of adoption and use-cases in untapped Business to Business market
>Partnered with IBM, United Nations, AIRBUS, Dutch government and many more.
>Q3 Oracle collab with stinky linkies
>severely undervalued by high number of transactions to low mcap (70mil) http://coinstats.network
>50% of circulating supply staked, rewards come from paying client companies
>Deflationary supply. 0.1 LTO burn each transaction.

In the entire crypto sphere, there is not a token that is as undervalued as LTO. Both technically and fundamentally. It does the same revenue as VET yet it is 1/15 the price. The price realization move here is going to be fucking insane.

For 2021 LTO recently just released the technical roadmap with a lot of exciting things such as:
* More details around LTO Network 3.0
* DID (Decentralized Identity) solution for businesses (business passports)
* A lot of Major partnerships with both crypto projects as well as traditional corporates and companies
* Even more use cases going live in 2021

>> No.26350167


>> No.26350185

Larp, if you bought link at 0.4 you would still be buying at these prices

>> No.26350207
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LTO Network is a hybrid blockchain focused on business. It’s the backend platform for any system or application to integrate with. The unique architecture makes it GDPR compliant and extremely scalable.

With a focus on partners that build domain specific applications, like in education, healthcare, and the government. Those partners sell their applications to B2C, B2B, but also Government2Citizen.

LTO uses a different kind of smart contract, a live contract. This allows for business users like an IT admin or a secretary to directly deliver input to the blockchain. It also allows other users to validate and reject data.
This flexibility is unique for LTO and makes it perfectly suited for real life use

"We're working to become market leader when it comes to on-chain identities. We see that there is a gap that we can fill. There is no point for us to directly compete with Ethereum."

>> No.26350217


>> No.26350233
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>> No.26350241
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nice bait

>> No.26350252


>> No.26350262

Yea its out as a erc 20 tokem by demand of the community, not the developers. It is tradable 1-1 once it goes mainnet.
This is once again the lamest fud with the project. At least our ceo actually answers critisism unlike your pajeet larping as a ln entrepreneur lmao

>> No.26350273
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Me & you

>> No.26350334

Fuck rubic fuck pakistan , you shitted up the whole board

>> No.26350349


>> No.26350352

Get in or get lost.

>> No.26350511

Lol try harder

>> No.26350577

DRC Digital Reserve Currency

>> No.26350710

The team is no longer quiet, theyre integrating with Quikbooks, it will be ready for tax season next year. They also begin marketing in two months

>> No.26350862

What do you think about Solana $SOL?

>> No.26350922

This. DYOR

>> No.26350961
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>Just bought 20 linkies
>Price drops immediately


>> No.26351129
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Sorry mate but i dont trust this guy

>> No.26351141

Radix is a shitcoin. 10 years of nothing. AVAX teabags it all day erry day.

>> No.26351164


>> No.26351202

Happens newfag. Its a bullmarket. Dont panic sell

>> No.26351229

What about Nexus $NXS

>> No.26351606

Overhyped during 2017 bullrun

>> No.26351945
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>Radix is a shitcoin, buy AVAX
Lmao, imagine believing this.

>> No.26352014
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Check out Statera yet? Unruggable since the community provides liqudity. Team wallet money is all helping fuel the Balancer pools.
It found the first true use case for deflation and solves the issue with no demand for a token. By placing it in liquidity pools the deflation increases volume and creates tighter spreads since the pools have to keep re-balancing.
101m initial supply in May is about to hit 83m.
Over a million dollars liquidity added to the main Balancer pool in the last two weeks.

11m marketcap.
Token price should hit at least a dollar or two this year and it will be a great multi-year hold as supply shrinks and volume increases.
Hold the token itself, supercharge the volume on your Balancer portfolio or jump into one of the ready-made Balancer portfolios


High Risk (DeFi blue chips)

Lower Risk



>> No.26352075

kleros = working product, low mcap, no pnd, solid tech, Vitalik promotes it

unification = working product, already used by companies, low mcap, no pnd, serious investors behind it, leading tech

>> No.26352244

Shill me please. I’ve been watching this.

>> No.26352294

FTM. Crypto lending will become a major thing in some years once more and more businesses accept coins

>> No.26352317

i wish i did this when i was just shitposting in all your link shill threads. how was i supposed to know one would actually be for real in a sea of fucking pajeet scam shitcoins

>> No.26352378

cashed out to buy a worthless dumb car?

>> No.26352417

>thinks RBC is a PnD
This is why you got in on LINK at 0.4 and not sooner, newfag.

>> No.26352435

Statera. Steadily rising and good long-term hold due to tokenomics. Check it out!

>> No.26352474

buy SNC

>working platform with several k users
>about to open a new market in Q1
>all tokens in circulation
>low mcap
>0 pajeets

>> No.26352485

Remember when people said this about Sergey and Rory..

>> No.26352503


>> No.26352510

>sub 100 mil mc
>cutting edge tech (lightning + connext)

Basically XSN has built a DApp which will most likely release next month. This DApp is a DEX. A Dex with no kyc and uses layer 2 so no gas fees. They have had lightning swaps working for over a year now and are currently working on testing eth/btc swaps with connext. Plus they have a load of other shit planned and were recently listed on bitfinex and whitebit(rank 4 and 14 respectively).

>> No.26352556

Dyor, but avax is going to come out on top in the coming defi-wars

>> No.26352573
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currently at all time low, people will regret not buying this

^ everything you need to know

also, dev team is extremely active, talk to users constantly, and have great enthusiasm in the project.

definitely mooning

>> No.26352594

You think I'm joking. Most of this board got in sub 0.20 at least and the same with RBC. Looks like you're repeating history, can't wait until you FOMO in when it hits 0.50 in the coming month or so HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.26352660

For me right now it’s CV R, MIR, or a particular coin that is getting listed tomorrow.

>> No.26352662


>> No.26352688

Trac should be good for long term and now has pretty good entry price.

>> No.26352716

I dunno why this board thinks typing CV R together is spam. Why would those three words together be banned?

Anyway, please let me know what you think OP cus I’m very curious. Thank you.

>> No.26352725

Haha, would you trust swapping your coin on rubic? Such a dumb UI. Its a pajeet scame and you pajeets are gonna be rugpulled so hard

>> No.26352776
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The website keeps crashing every now and then. Imagine investing in this Rubic shitcoin whose devs cant keep the website up. Imagine what happens when it crashes during a swap

>> No.26352818
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My nigga

>> No.26352861

forgive them, the cto is hosting it on his laptop

>> No.26352904

is this the google of authenticators?

>> No.26353043

How is it different than other blockchains

>> No.26353131

Well i wish it does, however its a scam. WHy would i even swap my coins at your pajeet exchange? That has such low grade tech. People are only wanting to double their money while ETH and BTC crab. The website is developed by bunch of 10 year old Russians

>> No.26353318

I made that pepe

>> No.26353665

See that from an other POW : it's a bullish sign that MANY PEOPLE ARE USING THE PLATFORM

>> No.26353696 [DELETED] 

>Solid tech, Working product, Low mcap, >no PnD bullshit
So rubic right
>(RBC,AVAX etc.)
Oh okay

>> No.26353726

Growth DeFi

>> No.26353755

>Solid tech, Working product, Low mcap,
>no PnD bullshit
So rubic right?
>(RBC,AVAX etc.)
Oh okay

>> No.26353776

>no Avax
Stay poor then loser.

>> No.26353799


>> No.26353820
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Unit Protocol

>> No.26353825

i actually tried buying at $ 0.01 but the site wouldn’t complete the transaction, and would display no error message.

>> No.26353917

Using for what exactly?lol

>> No.26353960

And the website is down 40mins later. What a dumb tech team Rubic has. Pajeet scam

>> No.26354039
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>fowtoon and gowry, duckter Jowns

>> No.26354085

They ICO in 2018 and have been working since then and up until now they haven't bothered listing on exchanges but they have talked to N1 exchanges so I expect at least Binance listing this year. If you are interested read their 2021 roadmap.


>> No.26354098

Thoughts on RLC? It's probably the second most shilled coin on biz next to LINK

>> No.26354212

bonded.finance is one of the best things I've ever actually seen. will be holding this for a while

>> No.26354225
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Dont panic sell. Markets will return to normal. HODL

>> No.26354304


>> No.26354438
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>> No.26354441
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>> No.26354506

Relevant meme
Dubs too

>> No.26354507

You want a project with a low mc?
Have you looked into royale.finance?
Mc is only still like $2,3m.

>> No.26354652

Check out $pond

>> No.26355511

tell us what you're buying op

>> No.26355538

I would suggest checking UNN. This will hot after Q1

>> No.26355933

ZORA and you will be set for life

>> No.26356630

Fuck you're a whiny cunt

>> No.26356738

Explain me the difference mate

>> No.26357072
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INJ. its the only coin I've been tempted to part with linkies for

Also, you are a retard for selling your entire link stack and you will rope when it hits $1000

>> No.26357765

ZKSwap, thank me later.

>> No.26357795

Maybe wait a month or two to see if the team delivers what they promised, but if they do, you'll want to be on that ride up.

>> No.26358022

Reef finance, they have just started setting up marketing team and campaign. So far they were focused on setting development team. Idea behind is great and it is still pretty cheap.

>> No.26358060


>> No.26358112
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Here you go cuck

>> No.26358153


>> No.26358220

Absolute shit coin. I was in the ICO, literally does nothing for years at a time. Too many whales now.

>> No.26359078

are you trying to say "see that from another POV"? lol

>> No.26359200

Cudos hands down.

>> No.26360117
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