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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 300x168, scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26339142 No.26339142 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/-frens :)

I just want to remind you that Rubic is a scam and you really shouln't buy the bags of the shills here.

I hope you have a good time and pls don't waste your money on scams.

>> No.26339168

Why is it a scam?

>> No.26339182

>t. bought at 0.20 and sold at 0.11
seethe coinlet

>> No.26339225

They can never tell you, they just keep posting the same old shit. Some pajeet ad package and a fake discord message

>> No.26339282

Why would someone hire a bunch of pajeets to fud a project like this?

>> No.26339290

hey fren :) no I didn't buy that scammytoken. I jsut want to be a good fren to my people on /biz/ and warn them because I don't want them to buy up tokens from scammers. have a good day buddy

>> No.26339331

Look at the top 5 wallets and their dollar worth. Wouldn't you spend a few bucks on a bunch of pajeets to keep the price low until you can throw more fiat at it?

>> No.26339362

Holy fuck, it really was the pajeets fudding this all along? Hey buddy no one is going to sell so you can buy more RBC with your $30. Buy your family a loaf of bread and move on.

>> No.26339389

im getting LINK vibes

>> No.26339568

there is so much shilling and anti-shilling for this I honetly dont know what to think but at least the shills give reasons why it will succeed

>> No.26339805

Just look at the team and their recent AMA. They are experienced and have invested $6k of their own money to buy back some of the supply since /biz/ absolutely robbed it from them. Remember they are Russian, $6k is quite a bit of money in Russia. Then tell me why scammers would throw their own money into the market.

>> No.26339923

how do i see the top wallets?

>> No.26339956

View the token on etherscan then click the "Holders" tab

>> No.26339999

well fren, the team is not really tech-savy. they just created an ECR-20 token like anyone else could do. they don't seem to know how to code because they didn't code anything. also their names are nowhere to be found. it looks very very bad for this token. if you already put your money in there I feel very sorry for you and hope that you didn't lost too much for that.

>> No.26340044
File: 71 KB, 624x351, Rubic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just look at the team

>> No.26340158
File: 532 KB, 2576x1932, 1611275679296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26340196

This is poor quality fud, at least try to fake discord posts like that other faggot, put some effort into it. The team already delivered the MyWish and they have a working exchange right now, found at https://rubic.exchange/ . They are about to release a beta of the BSC-ETH exchange, a first in crypto. A Google of Vladimir's name brings about a bunch of crypto-related results. What the fuck are you on about you fucking faggot.
>hope that you didn't lost too much for that
oh well aren't you kind. bought at $0.015, currently we stand at $0.13 so I'm doing okay thank you.
They are 100% white retard.

>> No.26340229
File: 100 KB, 680x583, rubic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No coiners spotted looking to buy cheap. Cope levels down to 8%.

>> No.26340760
File: 1.30 MB, 743x800, LetTheGoodTimesRoll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26340907

well it's sad that you just blindly believe it. but it's up to you. If you want to lose your money then ok but I will warn my frens here so that they won't get scammed and end up with a lot of worthless tokens.