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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26274507 No.26274507 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>21 y/o computer science college student in Germany (so no assblasting debt)
>10k net worth
Unironically, wut do? I know it could be way worse but at the same time I feel like I could do things to heavily increase my net worth.
Any tips or experiences? thanks

>> No.26274554

Buy ETH.

>> No.26274583

Buy LINK, GRT and gold

>> No.26274617

place your networth in some shitcoins you believe in, forget about it, and work your ass of to get into FAANG for a $100k salary.

>> No.26274638

also: 4k of that net worth is in crypto, the other 6 in the bank if that's of interest

>> No.26274687

>Do online courses and competitions on pages like Kaggle
>get internship / working student experience
> save as much as you can from the money you make

>> No.26274853

I applied for a working student role at SAP and had my online job interview the other day, it went pretty good actually
anyway solid long-term advice, thanks

>> No.26275057

finish your degree - try to not stress yourself too much
seks seks seks - habe es

dont invest before you have 3-5k disposable income a month, probably somewhere between age 27-32
trust me on this, your 21, enjoy your life and dont live on tuna and oats to muh make it. trust me you wont become a multimillionaire in 3 years from 10k, my best friend is a high iq programmer and even he failed with his startup

>> No.26275319

So I should rather enjoy my time and fuck hoes? I kind of get what you mean

>> No.26275541

Try and get your parents to pay (a portion of) your rent. Staying with parents will just stunt your spiritual growth imo and being on your own is worth the cost (especially if you plan on fucking a lot - which you should.)

Get a sales job as a student just to put it on your resume, plus you'll force yourself to become more social and you'll meet hot chicks (there are no ugly girls in sales.)

Get the best 9-to-5 you can get straight out of college (ideally your sales job exp helps) and make it a rule to save 20% of your income no matter what, just to get used to doing it.

The younger you are, the more risks you can take. So invest in speculative shit. I don't mean, gamble on random shitcoins. Get some BTC, maybe ETH.

Get a side hustle going, dedicate one day of your weekend to the side hustle just to see if it's viable. If it is, spend more time on it.

Are your parents poor or unwilling to financially help you out? Then have 10K euros in emergency funds, of which 1/4 to 1/3 is in gold coins. Do not touch this money unless it's an emergency. Ideally you're passing the gold coins down to your children.

>> No.26275614

Honestly I would probably spend like 200 to 500 bucks per month on Bitcoin. Fuck it, you're young. If it goes to zero you'll barely remember having lost this money.

>> No.26275645


>> No.26275964

Impossible outside burgestan and Switzerland

>> No.26275965

appreciate your elaborate post
I actually already live on the campus but getting to know girls (ultimately: fucking) is really hard currently because of the 'rona, so I thought about giving away my room and coming again later, when all that fuzz is over
job wise, as stated, I'm currently trying to get a working student job at SAP because I thought the working experience will be very valuable and good for my CV later on
but you're right girls-wise, most of the waiters at local restaurants are hot colelge chicks

>> No.26276020


>> No.26276026

Do you reckon it would be hard to get a FAANG job in the USA (where the salaries are ridiculously higher than here) with a german computer science degree?

>> No.26276073

I'm a black 22 yr old comp sci student with 12k net worth but its all mostly in prq, sta, a few shitcoins and stock
(Mimd you I had 5k last December)

>> No.26276212
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I'm Austrian working for an LA/Silicon Valley tech company, since they bought us.
70k Euro a year starting (doesn't even need a PhD, although most in my office including me are), and 100k in stocks, which 7x this year, vested over the next 6 years.

>> No.26276276

There a lot of 100K (USD) salaries in Germany.

Chemical industry, pharma, lawyers, consultants, some marketing

>> No.26276414

>So I should rather enjoy my time and fuck hoes? I kind of get what you mean
yes approach different girls (if you not already done that), use friends and or make new ones, gf one up that you like if you want, if not than no. experience yourself so you know what you want.
its good that you try to reach out to others here to ask how to make your money to use.
but the thing is, i dont want to discourage that you cant make it to millionaire status, but most of the times people dont come to this kongolese pocket knife sharpening forum to ask about it. they themselves already know what they want and what their goals are, and also have an insane INHERENT drive to pursue this goal, and are willing to sacrifice things in exchange. goal could be ecommerce, marketing, consulting business, startup what ever but also alot of other things

you are not this guy (atleast not yet) depend on you if you want become one, which is ok. i would advise you not be so hard on yourself right now, you are in a good career path already you will make it sooner or later.
also think about it - why do you want to make it? and what is making it for you 1mil? 10mil? and if yes what are your plans with it? because the ride never stops. lets hypothetically propose you have 10mil on your bank account. this is nice and all but think about your calling. blowing all the money is fun only so long. dont isolate yourself trying to get to that imaginary number on your bankaccout - keep family close - make/ keep your friends - have a girl besides you etc.....

>> No.26276420

>and 100k in stocks
as in stocks options as part of your salary or are you stating your net value?

>> No.26276703
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All in crypto buddy

>> No.26276807
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It's independent of salary. The salary high paying tech jobs not in manager position make you 5k to 6k Euros per month, but the Austrian (and I suppose also German) take rate for a wage of x is x/2+500, meaning you only get a salary of 3k to 3.5k.

With the contract when you enter, you also get a stocks assigned worth some sum at that time, which then roll out (so you don't quit early and are incentivised to grow the value of the company). E.g. I got 100k assigned a year ago, but it's much more than that now, and in my case it vests monthly (you can sell or buy other stocks if you like). All of this gets of course also taxed.
It also helps a lot if your company is already traded when you get the moneys, since many companies just fail without stocks ever having a fiat counter value.

You're also asked to make a few proposals for patents and then you get 1k or so from it in return (which is of course much less than what they are worth), but patents are part of the value of a company should it get sold.

And yes being tall and lean and having hair is more important than money, unless you want a family, you can live very will with under 2k per month in Germany.

>> No.26276886

(Also Austria has 14 paying months instead of 12, I don't know about Germany, but I think they have 13)

>> No.26276887
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Thot Detected.

>> No.26276959



RBC if you're ok with potentially losing everything to slavic subhumans.

I don't usually tell bizrealis to invest in RSR but considering I love germans you're an exception.

>> No.26276973

really sensible advice, thanks

>> No.26276998


Though ofc money is jewish; invest and forget about it don't become neurotic. Focus on fulfilling your true purpose in life anon.

>> No.26277018

Get a job?

>> No.26277026

definitely don't buy businesses, buy internet tokens on a mexican exchange

>> No.26277585

> 21 yo cs student
Are you a software dev? Any anons here with CS degree that are doing Fintech?

>> No.26277695

MSc in finance with lots of python. What do you need?

>> No.26277832

it unironically will be worth it

>> No.26277983

Hol dir keinen Rat von /biz/, learn the fundamentals. Du würdest wahrscheinlich auch nicht auf /t/ gehen um Java zu lernen, oder?

>> No.26278586

natürlich hinterfrag ich alles, vor allem auf 4chan aber ein bisschen Interesse schadet ja nie
prinzipiell hast du natürlich recht

>> No.26278821

meinte Inspiration

>> No.26279137
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Yo, kannst auf jeden Fall /biz/ als Quelle für Informationen nutzen, Crypto ist halt der Wilde Westen der Investition, vertrau niemanden dem du nicht selber nen Colt in den Rücken steckst.

Hier ein paar Tipps:

RSI ist dein Freund (Relative Strength Index)

Zoom Out, was so viel bedeutet wie, schau dir nicht nur 1h "candles" an, klick alle mal durch um dir ein Überblick zu verschaffen.

Jeder geshillte shitcoin ist high risk, high reward. DYOR (Do your own research), ließ Whitepapers um ernsthafte Projekte zu indentifizieren und jene von shitcoins unterscheiden zu könenn.

Marketcap ist essenziell, Coinmarketcap.com ist dein Freund. Damit Bitcoin seinen momentanen Preis verdoppelt wären 600.000.000$ notwendig als Beispiel, bei low-marketcap-coins ist das mit der Verdoppelung bei 1.000.000$ cap natürlich "realistischer".

Auch gut ist Etherscan.io, da kannst du dir von jedem Ether-Nutzer die Ether Wallet anschauen.

Buy high, sell low. Happy trading.

>> No.26279393

behalt' ich alles im Kopf, Danke

>> No.26279559

Spreche Englisch you fucking bugmen

>> No.26280157

That's not how you make it tho
You are quickly in a relationship with kids and other liabilities if you go that way, I suppose

>> No.26280194

10k klingt nach Bafög

>> No.26280889

is germany a nice place to study anon? i wanna do an applied masters there at some point but idk much except the universities seem to be elite
>t. 21 y/o CS student

>> No.26281821
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This is the gayest shit I’ve ever read

>> No.26282347

Wieviel steckst du in einen shitcoin? Braucht man neben binance und uniswap noch etwas zum traden? Hab bisher nur mit btc und eth Erfahrung.

>> No.26282678

Welche Uni