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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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26271793 No.26271793 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26272181
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because it's a god tier coin that is extremely undervalued and has a ton of potential

>> No.26272490

Exactly. It’s proper place is in the top 10 for starters.

>> No.26272551
File: 80 KB, 1100x376, 5D758651-9FFD-4C91-8DA9-7468F9C45223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26272632

top posting hours in Roachland, Turkey

>> No.26272642

avax is still under the radar right now but the technology and the project. ...well this is gonna be side-by-side with ETH.

>> No.26272653

Because I buyed

>> No.26272757
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>> No.26272824


>> No.26273242

Fuken saved

>> No.26273294

I need someone to run the numbers on how many times AVAX has been mentioned in reddit over the last 2 months, then let’s do a deep dive into that data and make sure our North Star hasn’t changed. We’re not trying to boil the ocean here, but we do need to make sure our core competencies are still disparate from plebbit. Please have this on my desk by EOD. Tnx

>> No.26273411

zozzle FUDchads we got too cocky

>> No.26273450

2k people on their subreddit. Grt is more popular there

>> No.26273839

Try posting it on r/cryptocurrency, there's that autistic guy somewhere with the copypasta to redpoll normies with

>> No.26273928

I don’t want redditors buying dumbfuck. I hate them and never want a single r*dditor to make a dollar.

>> No.26274325

This shit better not be a fucking roach rugpull...

>> No.26274481

Vitalik himself said avalanche is as legitimate as bitcoin