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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26247167 No.26247167 [Reply] [Original]

How much are you guys up today? $3,000 for me... I shouldn’t have been such a pussy and just bought $90,000 this morning when I woke up instead of $7200...

>> No.26247215

Thread theme

>> No.26247822

Meh im a poorfag and newfag but bought 2400 at the first announcements... If i end up having more than 5000$ it will be nuts, thats around 20$ per coin. But i will dca anyways if other part of the market continues to rise...

>> No.26247852

Gonna be hilarious when you get rugged

>> No.26247880

Who will rug us?
Team holds 20% of it, that is less than most other coins taht u see every day

>> No.26247917

/biz/ actually holds more coins than the team at this point

>> No.26247947

>$20 per coin
Uhhhh anon that’s a lot more than $5000. Or did you mean to say $2 per coin?

>> No.26248000

Yeah, 2$ per coin... Typed mindlessly, link level is 48k $ for me kek

>> No.26248107

In just one thread earlier an anon asked what other anons were holding and the forty or so who answered added up to ~4 million. I would guess that /biz/ is holding at least 30 million of these.

>> No.26248559

Damn gas prices killing us poorfags

>> No.26248584

I would say around that, yes.

>> No.26248609

im a poor fag. but i sold everything i had to rubic. im up 300$,.

>> No.26248651

100% this nigger here. "if the coin aint on binance im not buying and its a scam". im almost 100% sure. you dont know shit about the token distribution. do you ? you just say "PAJEET PAJEET"# fuck you nigger.

>> No.26248660
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>> No.26248662

Got in under a cent. Took profits and still up ~9x off $500

>> No.26248681

Shut the absolute fuck up

>> No.26248687

Same, but I'm not taking profits until 1k RBC is equivalent to my initial. Which should be a few weeks at this rate.

>> No.26248697


>> No.26248716

Seething minraped fudders missed free money kek

>> No.26248793

Fuck are you smoking, Im just sick of seeing these pajeet threads.

>Biz owns a bunch of these.

Yeah, so the rich fags on here will shit on you. I took my 10gs and ran, staying in any longer is absolutely retarded and I hope y'all get shit on.

>> No.26248799

>taking profits
not gonna make it

>> No.26248845


>> No.26248885

New fag, if it's too good to be true you're ngmi. You're a dipshit if you think you're not going to get destroyed with this

>> No.26248907
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I put 3k at .7c and sold for an incredible 32k. It's a fucking shitcoin forming a rollercoaster pattern... and it's about to go down

>> No.26248952

Fuck what you say i hold

>> No.26248956

anon... i

>> No.26248980

Yup, all these threads popped up out of nowhere, same shit happened with the graph, and alot of people got raped.

>> No.26249146
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$14.88 eoy

>> No.26249281

If this isn't a sign from supreme numerical overlords to HODL I do not know what is

>> No.26249353

Everyone should have just bought 10K and pull a never sell, that way at worse you lost 150-300$ and it best you will gain about 100K $

>> No.26249357
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It's too late, isn't it?
I could have dumped my PRQ profits into this shit 2 days ago. Instead I bought my PRQ
At least it will probably dip a bit, >>26248907

>> No.26249375

Feel like putting 300 euros into this just for fun. Am I too late already?

>> No.26249389

I mean I bought more PRQ, and a half month's wage too, fml

>> No.26249512

Honestly? Nobody really knows, if anybody had an answer to this we would all be equally as poor through crypto.

>> No.26249540


>> No.26249558

zoom out

>> No.26249566

well, there's a big fat fuckin' dip you can buy right now.
Also, no one of import seems to know about this yet. It isn't trending anywhere either.

>> No.26249587

And just like that, the rug was pulled

>> No.26249588
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>sell the dump
Do you make bad trades often?

>> No.26249594

Gas fees are so retarded Jesus.

>> No.26249613


>> No.26249628

Literally just bought 100k to spite you

>> No.26249636
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Keep selling so I can buy some cheap RBC

>> No.26249686
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You're no fren of mine if you're fudding R U B I C

>> No.26249724


spastic question: place order on order book at rubic exchange. do I now have to wait until order closes (7 days for very choice price) to receive RBC even if I filled the whole thing?

>> No.26249732

Why are people selling so cheap? Let it ride upwards

>> No.26249763

Selling every dip is the /biz/ way

>> No.26249831

it's over bois, discord trannies are dumping on us

>> No.26249859
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>> No.26249964
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Still not selling. Fuck you.

>> No.26250259

This, I got 25k at 0.03 and hodling 'til $10

>> No.26250291

i dont feel good

>> No.26250459

probit is the gayest exchange of all time,
it says "requested" on a $500 withdrawal wtf is this shit.. I need to buy more R U B I C

>> No.26250657

Someone didn't buy RBC

>> No.26250692

I got 20k at 0.02 and will just see what happens lol. Dont mind holding until 2022

>> No.26250715


>> No.26250718
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>> No.26250883
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Bought 110k at 0.072

>> No.26251851

Based, ygmi anon

>> No.26251919


>> No.26251930

thats a suicide stack my fren

>> No.26251957

>tfw 26k stack
once this reaches 1$ i will be promoted from RUBIC soldier to RUBIC vice-commander

>> No.26251961

I can’t even pull my shit out if I wanted to, it costs more in gas fees that I’ve gained.

>> No.26251971

Why are gas fees so insanely high on this?

>> No.26251991

Rubic holders forced to hold

>> No.26252015

Yesterday it was $30-40 and now it’s 5x that amount. Pretty sure that’s the only reason this thing hasn’t collapsed.


>> No.26252093

Bros I need help why can't I buy in ;___; I need switch LTO to RBC and all I get is insuffecient funds, what the heck??

>> No.26252115

And I just lost $10 twice! It keeps failing and I keep losing money.

>> No.26252164

What affects gas fees?

>> No.26252174
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I am unironically up about 70k rupees. Yes im a pajeet and yes i bought it because i knew it wasnt me who pumped it.

>> No.26252175

cuz not enuff $$ for fees fren

>> No.26252189

50k stacklet holder here. Bought in at .03, I've made over $3000 on a $1500 investment so far. Never selling until we hit $8 a coin

>> No.26252229

use 1% slippage.

>> No.26252280

>mfw poorfag who bought $250 ETH but got raped by gas fees so was only able to exchange like $200 for 22k coins at 0.009
>already worth $2000 now
kek, $1800 profit

>> No.26252287

Realistically could this happen?

>> No.26252316

if we reach 1/4 of uniswap's marketcap, yes

>> No.26252325

that would be 800m marketcap compared to uniswap's 2b marketcap. if they deliver on this year's roadmap it's possible.

>> No.26252378

If the exchange is successful, yes. $8 a coin would put us at a market ca of ~$900 million. Uniswap has a market cap of $8 billion right now. Near the end of this bull market there’s no telling where we’ll be but it should be exponentially higher than where we’re at now.

Rubic exchange has a market cap of $10 million at $0.09 a coin and it’s already a functioning exchange.

>> No.26252417

Lest we forget the tokenomics of this project, supply locked

>> No.26252418

I have 2k rubicos.
Holding. You fags promise too much

>> No.26252425

if you sell I WILL see you in kleros court

>> No.26252466

Without question. If the product is as good as Uniswap's (which I think it is), then this is very doable.

>> No.26252467

Is there anything, in particular, that would attract normies into using this instead of Uniswap? Uniswap isnt even user friendly for most normies but at this point the site is considerably easier to use than Rubic's is still. Rubic.exchange doesn't even have a 'max' button and relies on users to know the exchange numbers themselves. Obviously something minor that can and I imagine will be tweaked but Id just like to know how they could possibly compete

>> No.26252498

Crosschain trading. Massive, massive game changer.

>> No.26252545

Rubic is literall CZ's only chance for his Binance Smart Chain to gain any widespread adoption outside of his platform since Rubic aims to finally support, for the first time, cross-chain transactions

>> No.26252569

Is anyone else doing binance chain swaps? There has to be someone right?

>> No.26252610

okay thanks dudes but can you treat me like a normie retard here and explain why crosschain trading is so important to everyday Joes or enough people to use it?

>> No.26252619
File: 74 KB, 818x864, 4c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frens I just wasted $20 and its still gave me transaction failed now I have no etherium left now I'm gonna miss out on this ride aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.26252657

Yes there is, for intra-BSC swaps. but cross ETH-BSC? That's novel.

>> No.26252706

If gas fees weren't so expensive I would spot you it. Sucks man, have a walk.

>> No.26252726
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Green cube make me coom

>> No.26252811
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It's ok, at least I can watch you all make it
gl anon!

>> No.26253013

If you wanna trade coins across different blockchains, you need this technology. Otherwise, you will only be able to exchange your coins for different coins on the same blockchain.

>> No.26253118

You want a coin which has migrated to another chain, or is on another chain? You don't want to use a CEX and give them your ID for their Chink database? You also want to do this anonymously? Well...

>> No.26253137

Sweet, thanks

>> No.26253252
File: 56 KB, 830x738, 609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NVM I GOT IN!!!!!!!
Set slippage to 1% claim your comfy undumpable green stocks.

>> No.26253356
File: 174 KB, 750x563, cnUGbd-r-be03z3tlUgAiA_r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this 9 cent resistance bros............

>> No.26253386

When and where is happening the presentation?

>> No.26253397

wtf is this coin? Is it actually useful or just another shit coin pnd?

>> No.26253467

Their telegram, 10 am EST

>> No.26253516

Does anyone have that pic saved that compares RBC to Uni and other exchange coins with the tick boxes? If so please share!

>> No.26253563

Fuel for an ambitious up and coming DEX that aims to be better than Uniswap.

>> No.26253566


>> No.26253744

for coinbase type rubic.exchange is easier in browser than app.uniswap.org so good start in this space

>> No.26254198

still here, still spastic

seriously, if an order offer expires at a certain date on this exchange, and I fill the entire order, do I still have to wait for the expiry date to collect?

>> No.26254234

Ask that in the ama happening on their tg in a min