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26179783 No.26179783 [Reply] [Original]

Anon, I really want to focus on schooling and not be distracted with crypto. I've decided to take my 100k and split it in half. 50k in ETH and DOT and the remaining 50k in the best, safest, staking reward generating project. Please do tell what are my options here. I want real world experience.

>> No.26179857

SNX is your best option. High reward 40% man. Reputable.

>> No.26179862

Probably SNX. I think staking rates are around 30% APY and I don't see them going away anytime soon.

>> No.26179978
File: 449 KB, 960x960, Nodeoperator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best, safest, staking reward generating project.
Sounds like Avalanche to me.

>2k AVAX to run a node
>10% APY
>absolutely no risk to your stake
>only thing you have to do is provide 60% uptime with your node to receive rewards
>people can delegate to your node and pay a % fee you set to your node
>later your node will be able to validate subnets and receive their tokens as reward
>node can run on a raspi4 or for 10 bucks a month on a VPS
>even if your VPS account is hacked all they can do is take down your node, your stake is never at risk

t. AVAX Node Operator

>> No.26180316

375.72780000 **AVAX**
00.86419198 **ETH**
2213.78400000 **GRT**
115.88400000 **LTO**
1.49850000 **DOT**

Am I going to make it with these stacks by December 2021 ?

>> No.26180582

Look at Origin Protocol, lock it for a year and get 25% reward.

>> No.26180708

Zil is 16%

>> No.26180720

good anime

>> No.26180790

Wrong, they're offering 112%

>> No.26180826

yield.app 20% apy just by holding not even staking. Complete flexibility

>> No.26180843


Highest APY on the market, flexible staking periods.

>> No.26180958
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You're talking about OUSD which the Origin Dollar that creates a yield for holding OUSD in your wallet.

>> No.26181149
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Bacor. All of these others don't allow single sided protection, nor protection from impermanent loss. So it doesn't matter if you have crazy high APY if ETH moons you lose.

>> No.26181199

This is a good start OP. Don't listen to these shills

>> No.26181239

How labour intensive is staking? Can you click a few buttons and forget about it or does it require active input?

>> No.26181366

It's connecting a wallet and clicking a few buttons. https://blog.bancor.network/guide-single-sided-amm-staking-on-bancor-v2-1-93e6839959ba
Read up a bit on other staking protocols, but honestly Bancor is now the best.

>> No.26181463

Dumb question but you prefer it to Uniswap solely because of the protection in impermanent loss correct? I’m trying to put like 6 ETH somewhere I was thinking of getting more UNI tokens but Bancor loos legit

>> No.26181626

>2000 AVAX
>32000 AUD tied up in a single project
Is this actually worth it? Should I do this after somehow making profit off my 8K in various shitcoins?

>> No.26181722
File: 158 KB, 510x510, drpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick AVAX rundown

Emin Gün Sirer:
>Cornell CS Prof has been in crypto since BEFORE BTC
>is the Number 2 in Cornells IC3 (Ari Juels is number 1)
>h-index of 46 (Juels h index is 83), nobody in crypto comes close to these 2 gigabrains (Vitalik has h index of 27 FYI)
>EGS recognized the importance of Chainlink from early on and is in close contact with the Flannel Man
>Vitalik endorses EGS and is already looking at "Athereum", a Subnet on Avalanche to solve what he cant do with ETH 2.0 https://athereum.avax.network/

Avalanche protocol:
>The third consensus protocol after Nakamotos Proof of Work and Classical Protocols
>This is not repackaged shit with minimal tinkering here and there, its a completely new family of Consensus Protocol
>4500+ REAL TPS (no bullshit account tricks, batching, or L2), sub 3 seconds finality
>already more decentralized than everything else in crypto running a Node is really easy and hardware requirements are low, anyone can do it
>basically consensus is reached by probabilistic sampling thousands of independent nodes over multiple rounds
>Resist 51% attack (need 80% network control to take over)

Full EVM support:
>Low friction of adoption for projects developing on ETH
>All Ethereum smart contract and infrastructure can work on AVAX out of the box which means all the slow DeFi running on ETH right now will switch to AVAX to speed it all up
>AVAX nodes will Validate ATH (Athereum) which makes running a node very profitable

>This is Avalanches bread and butter. Independent networks can be launched on Avalanche, with near infinite customization. Athereum is a good example of this.
>Big picture: Within one year, the best parts of the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem can be mirrored on Avalanche. Giving it all the TPS, scalability, and speed, and also interoperability with the entire ecosystem.

right now it trades at $12.57

>> No.26181741

It is. Went from like 80 mill to 200 million in 2 months. Stealing lots of liquidity from UNI right now because of the impermanent loss insurance feature. when ETH's price shit up UNI's rewards didn't cover the loss. Would note that you get 1% coverage per day from IL, so realistically you want to avoid moving it around a bunch, plus gas will kill you till they roll out abritum L2. Also their UI will be updated by Friday to show the multiplier rewards they have on select pools currently.>>26181366

>> No.26181783
File: 61 KB, 513x715, UNiOnPeWpEw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Staking is a meme. Look for new bubbles UNN is the next one. (insurance)


>> No.26181833

Avalanche is actually the real deal

>> No.26182012

Sorry for the mess. Phone posting... Just take a look at their medium articles post V2.1. https://blog.bancor.network/bancor-v2-1-protocol-health-report-january-2020-83338c904de0.. Shit's the real deal, and can't wait to see what they roll-out with offchain labs here in the future.

>> No.26182088

anon, checking out Origin Protocol staking they offer. Lock your coins and forget about it. 25% in a one years time is pretty solid. Plus buying at these prices is excellent as the market cap has potential to be in the billion dollar MC.

>> No.26182097

You can get retarded interested just banking tether.

>> No.26182785
File: 35 KB, 1316x493, OGNYEILD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go..