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File: 287 KB, 1618x860, bummer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26153611 No.26153611 [Reply] [Original]

LINK is the best perf... uh wait, have you guys been lying this whole time?

>> No.26153701

You are comparing All time ROI you midwit.
LINK has been the best performing asset since July 2018. That's 2.5 years.

>> No.26153749

> Let's just look at this arbitrary timeframe


>> No.26153781
File: 61 KB, 798x871, 1610120357888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohnonono is this real Linkbros?

>> No.26153797

It didn’t even exist prior to late 2017 how retarded are you

>> No.26153800

That means that LINK was the only asset which made you any serious money during the bear market. Seethe

>> No.26153837

its over

>> No.26153866

You're the one retarded. The graph starts at inception for all 3 assets, no arbitrary start date. That's all

>> No.26153883

>link dumps
>Chainlink is too risky NOT to hold
>link pumps
>uhh hurrdurr link is underperforming
Nice one Ben.

>> No.26153924

How does Tesla compare to link over the same period?

>> No.26153927
File: 152 KB, 539x455, brainlet bike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since inception

>> No.26154032

Also, Bitcoin is about 600 days older than the 3,800 days suggested in your pic.
Meanwhile Link's chart shows the correct age of 1,200 days.

I call shenanigans.

>> No.26154039

That means that link mainly underperformed btc and eth since inception. Btc went through bear period during the same time frame as well cope

>> No.26154050

that must be the dumbest chart ever.
>company x that exists 100 years outperforms company y that exists 25 years
well yeah, no shit

>> No.26154108
File: 64 KB, 645x729, VD09afj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since inception

>> No.26154128
File: 73 KB, 559x448, duherrg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I can't read a chart

Actual state of biz

>> No.26154167

Exactly, you fucking moron. You either need to use the same time frame or not be retarded. LINK did that in a bear market. Show me ETH and BTC starting in any bear market. I can tell you’ve never had to work a high level job before since you don’t understand basic principles of comparison. How is bagging groceries going for you?

>> No.26154226

Nice mental gymnastics. LINK is up ~4500% against BTC since inception and up ~18000% against ETH, even after dropping 70%. Cope seethe and dilate.
TSLA is up 1400% during the same timeframe. LINK is up 11000%

>> No.26154238

Yes, that is a fair way of measuring performances, what are you on about? Maybe upgrade to a soijak for your next empty reply

>> No.26154267

Imagine being here and not owning all 3 of them.

>> No.26154274

>Yes, that is a fair way of measuring performances
It's really not.
Just for absolute starters: general economic circumstances in 2009 were very different from those in 2017, obviously.

>> No.26154325
File: 8 KB, 571x457, 461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe upgrade to a soijak for your next empty reply

>> No.26154329

You're the unable of any abstract thought. Btc created its bear and bull Market. Measuring since inception is fair, Link created its bull market in the same period relatively, it just wasn't as good as bitcoin early bull. COPE

>> No.26154526

If you put all your BTC into Link at the Chainlink ICO (Sept. 2017), you'd be 23 times richer now.

>> No.26154571

BTC all time ROI is 6,500,000%. It's literally the best performing asset in history you massive moron, yet ETH managed to outperform it during the last cycle. Your point is absolutely retarded.

>> No.26154604

Don't care about general economics lol. Bitcoin was a revolution, created its economic context, your replies only shows link did not, as you need btc's bull as an old man needs a crutch

>> No.26154624

yeah for real, why shouldn't you look at a coin's ROI before it even existed? Makes perfect sense, right?

>> No.26154658

You are legit retarded I don’t need abstract thought when the facts are staring me in the face. You are the one coping by comparing 10 years of an asset to 3 years of another one on completely different timelines as if they exist in different universes. They don’t, and you’re a poorfag who didn’t get in early on LINK while I am a multi-millionaire because I bought instead of making bullshit charts to help me cope. See ya.

>> No.26154664

>Bitcoin was a revolution
Hey that's great, put that on a t-shirt or something if it makes you feel better.

>> No.26154741
File: 4 KB, 211x239, images (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't read a chart
>gets frustrated
midwit confirmed

>> No.26154808

Hi OP.

>> No.26154849
File: 615 KB, 284x250, 1574638699409.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't look bad at all. Link is performing as well as ETH did when it got started.

If anything I would've expected Link to perform worse due to diminishing returns for the entire crypto market. But it's actually exceeding that.

>> No.26154862

Cope and seethe, linktard

>> No.26154868
File: 153 KB, 860x602, 1595185351740 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't feel so good bros

>> No.26154941

Yep, not bad I agree. It's just not the best performing asset is all. But linkies can't into nuances

>> No.26154973

>LINK did that in a bear market.
That's not a good thing if it's just the some of the shit people moved to temporarily to avoid bitcoin losses.

>> No.26155094

This chart shows Chainlink's ROI since 20 cents lmao.
Guess what, the ICO price was 10 cents.


And again: Bitcoin is 600 days older than that chart shows. You chopped off the first 1.5 years when it was less than 10 cents.

>> No.26155111

OP doesn't even deserve an explanation for why such a comparison is retarded. just ignore

>> No.26155123

Best performing asset since inception is BTC and nothing will beat that.

But Link I think is still exceptionally good. If you draw that chart with all the other shitcoins they'd be plummeting as they all got dumped

>> No.26155131

Haha, I guess truth hurts. Link marines on suicide watch

>> No.26155137

To be fair that's a log chart and movement in the lower part of a log chart is extremely tiny in absolute terms e.g. movement from $0.01 to $1 would be the same size as movement from $10,000 to $1,000,000.

>> No.26155203

Fair enough

>> No.26155247

Le economics context. Opinion disregarded

>> No.26155260

OP forgot to switch IDs.

>> No.26155310


>> No.26155331

You had 3 years

>> No.26155352

oh ok, was meant for >>26155111

>> No.26155441

interesting post OP, although i wouldnt use it as LINK FUD. all it says to me is that all 3 of those were great investments.
dont why so many people here are getting emotionally involved or why they think "since inception" is a bad metric

>> No.26155452

I cant believe I share a board with so many brainlets. The chart is bullish as fuck for link.

>> No.26155471

It’s time to see >>26155094
and stop posting.

>> No.26155522

thanks, yeah I mean I did not expect the thread to be like that

>> No.26155640

the fud is getting weird

>> No.26155696

>why they think "since inception" is a bad metric
Because it's useless mental masturbation.

Other than that, OP manipulated the numbers to hell and back; see >>26155094

>> No.26155737
File: 130 KB, 1014x775, 1609798074599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets get last years ROI. Awfully quiet here non Hexicans

>> No.26155764
File: 44 KB, 800x450, F539301A-5FF0-4BBC-B0EF-467E6F147F84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's not a good thing if it's just the some of the shit people moved to temporarily to avoid bitcoin losses.
The absolute state of the fucking board

>> No.26155769

it unironically means the product is solid af
I’ve been here for 3 years and have slowly watched the fud be legit concerns of progress / mainnet, breadcrumbs fall apart to now “hurr durr on this manipulated graph where I choose figures, it hasn’t outperformed btc over its lifetime in the past three years
It literally means we made it and you just have to sit back and watch. The fud isn’t really even fud anymore

>> No.26155776

>or why they think "since inception" is a bad metric
It’s like an over-the-hill boxer you just KO’d in round 1 crying about how he’d kick your ass if he were 15 years younger.

>> No.26155806


>> No.26155831

>Buying the first ever cryptocurrency, disrupting the global financial system as we know it, had a bigger upside in its first 3 years than an erc-20 token created almost 10 years later
Incredible finding OP, simply incredible

>> No.26155855

>Because it's useless mental masturbation.
its as viable as any other chart.
Also, you aren't very intelligent if you think using ICO price as 11 cents rather than 20 cents (how do you know they used 20 cents btw?) is going to make a difference on a LOGARITHMIC CHART

>> No.26155874

well you say that, but look at the replies, it does not seem obvious to everyone her

>> No.26155993

>its as viable as any other chart.
If you want to mentally masturbate, sure.

>you aren't very intelligent if you think using ICO price as 11 cents rather than 20 cents is going to make a difference on a LOGARITHMIC CHART
Anon, the chart shows Link at a 100x ROI.
In reality it's at 200x.

>(how do you know they used 20 cents btw?)
oh boy

>> No.26156010

My only concern is while literally every other coin is blowing up right now, LINK is just kind of staying where its at.

>> No.26156028

It is very obvious to literally everyone.
But it doesn't change what happened since Link appeared.

>> No.26156222

Within the past 2 weeks it’s 2x’d, why is everyone here so impatiently greedy

>> No.26156309
File: 286 KB, 1594x1092, howdologchartswork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon, the chart shows Link at a 100x ROI.
>In reality it's at 200x.
You don't understand how logarithmic charts work. Look at my pic related. If he used 11 cents as a starting basis rather than 20 cents (you still never explained how you "knew" he used these numbers) the chart would have LINKs price at the X. that would be gains of 10^2.3 rather than the current 10^2. You really should not argue about charts if you cannot comprehend logarithms.

>If you want to mentally masturbate, sure.
thats literally all we fo here anyway

>> No.26156357

>the chart would have LINKs price at the X
Anon, the entire chart would move up, over the entirety of Link's timeline.

>you still never explained how you "knew" he used these numbers
I literally told you in my previous post.

>thats literally all we fo here anyway
Welllll we're mostly here to make money.

>> No.26156455

>I literally told you in my previous post.
you didnt explain it anywhere

>Anon, the entire chart would move up, over the entirety of Link's timeline.
Not how logarithmic charts work. And I know in the 90 seconds since I posted my image to your response that you did not bother in the slightest to learn how logarithms work.

>> No.26156458

You’re a fucking airhead

The absolute state of LINK fud

>> No.26156666

>you didnt explain it anywhere
I literally did.
It shows Link with an ROI of 100; and if you divide the current price by 100 you get 20 cents.

>Not how logarithmic charts work.
Except that's exactly how they work.
You showed it yourself: you raised the last data point for Link from 10^2 to 10^2.3.
You just have to do that along the entire length of the chart.

>> No.26156762

It literally just overtook ethereum in performance. WTF are you complaining about?
That it doesn't outperform the literal technological paradigm shifting first blockchain ever created?

>> No.26156816

I haven't seen such a bullish Link chart in 3 years. Thanks for the hopium OP.

>> No.26156826


>> No.26156882

Thank you for confirming that BTC was the paradigm shift and is the best performing asset the World has ever known. That is all. Link is cute though

>> No.26156989

>BTC was the paradigm shift and is the best performing asset the World has ever known
You make it seem like anybody ever disputed this lmao.

This is what maxipads are reduced to: begging for kudos.

>> No.26156993

LINK is mana

>> No.26157064

Well you're all crying because I showed it with a graph in my OP. Don't know what to tell you

>> No.26157069

actually yes youre correct on both accounts. mybad anon.
LINK would still be "under-performing" BTCs early days if it were shifted upward though

>> No.26157134

Yeah, I'm sure crying about Link outperforming BTC 23x since its inception lmao.

Don't forget OP chopped about 1.5 years off the BTC timeline.

>> No.26157836

I love that OP fudged the chart to make the worst case and still he only went to show that link being in that category and keeping up is tremendously bullish. Thanks for the hopium OP

>> No.26157841

So, BTC is king? Big news

>> No.26157956

I real comparison with all bitcoin days and proper starting price of link would be nice to see. Since OP brought if up he should at least make us a real numbers one. He wont though because it will make things worse for his shit fud

>> No.26158021

Not my chart, took it from a twitter guy, not sure if I can post his handle here though

>> No.26158176

>let’s just compare 3 bullish years with 3 bearish years


>> No.26158216

meant to reply to

>> No.26158263

its intothecryptoverse's chart from his latest chainlink video on youtube

>> No.26158321


>> No.26158324

Not wrong though. Only an idiot would try to optimize investing around a bad year.

>> No.26158446

A lot of people will drop this and buy it back and drop this again and buy it back, it takes only small dump for this sort of cringe. You'd think everyone on /biz/ has a link stack, but 20% will hold through the years.

And me too, I'm holding my 20 Links because I believe in them and because stacking more will eventually afford me an apartment

>> No.26158786

Inception came out in 2010 you fucking retard, ETH wasn't even a thing back then, let alone LINK
state of /biz/

>> No.26159088

Now you can't be serious