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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26121520 No.26121520 [Reply] [Original]

Dumbest thing you wasted your gains on?

>> No.26121546

CS:GO skins a few years back, still regret it to this day

>> No.26121598


>> No.26121631

wwf donation

>> No.26121659

a fucking rental house. can't kick the lazy niggers out because of covid. might have to see about some minecraft options.

>> No.26121660

Been in crypto for 4 years and only lost money

99% of people do actually.

>> No.26121684

I sold all my link at 14 for a new 4k 144hz monitor

>> No.26121719

gave like $30k to BLM to impress friends on instagram over summer
also send money to my female friends regularly like $1000 a time just to help them out and be dependable

>> No.26121772

holy fuck you're actually the penultimate loser

>> No.26121773

Fucking cuck

>> No.26121824


>> No.26121839
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Thanks for furthering the collapse, goy

>> No.26122045

how? still keep a lot of my gains and I do very well in crypto trading
they arent gfs they're just freinds so idk what you are talking about, also a bunch of them made donations to BLM with the money I sent so it's not like they kept it all for themselves

>> No.26122068

based kermit

>> No.26122114

Thanks for ruining the country you fucking piece of shit.

>> No.26122137

Simp of the year

>> No.26122141

Hhaahahahahahhaha pls be bait

>> No.26122181
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Retarded nigger. GET OUT OF MY THREAD!

>> No.26122183

RuneScape keys

>> No.26122246

Someone screencap this redditor

>> No.26122275


>> No.26122308

how? everything from back then is like x20

>> No.26122311

Path of Exile skins love that retarded skinnerbox

>> No.26122348

i never cash out

>> No.26122349

nice bait fag

>> No.26122361

yeah but CSGO died and became F2P hard, plus i got banned from g2a and opskins took my money, so i don't have anywhere to sell besides steam

>> No.26122365
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>> No.26122364


oh ahahahahaha please be bait

>> No.26122373


>> No.26122379

Nothing. I've only ever cashed out to skip the line on the debt slave game. Bought my car and paid off my student loans when ethereum hit 1.4k the first time. With any luck in going to buy a house using my next 100x. At the very least I'll still get a mortgage but keep the money on hand in safe investments so I can't get fucked by some (((banker))) when we get another recession.

>> No.26122415


>> No.26122425

I refuse to believe this, how the FUCK could you lose money in this market

>> No.26122447

Simps deserve purging.

>> No.26122452

I voted for biden/Harris so I think you'll find I saved the country, I gave a small one time donation to people working phone stations for the biden campaign too come to think of it.
really my most frivolous spending of gains has all been to support equality, help humanity and help people from less fortunate socio-economic backgrounds than myself, I'd be lying if I said some of it wasn't for the attention I get on instagram from it, which is probably something /biz/ will relate to more than caring about the equality of their fellow man

>> No.26122453

You need to be 18 to post here

>> No.26122464
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A wife.

>> No.26122476

3 btc on a crypto casino when btc was about 3k

>> No.26122523
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>> No.26122529

you sound like one of those attention whoring liberals who feigns sympathy for "oppressed minorities" by donating to lobbying funds and whining on twitter. please fuck off back to plebbit

>> No.26122537

lmao I'll take the REQ loss instead of your life xD

not that I don't believe you, but sauce that if you can

weak bait, fuck off from the chans for a day or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

haven't we all

>> No.26122552

Amazing bait. Dumbass newfags fell for it

>> No.26122570

honestly all crypto investors who profit a little should send some $ to BLM



they were murdered, humiliated and used

they deserve this

they deserve to heal

send them your money

>> No.26122581

the darkest blackpill of them all. hope you at least got kids out of the experience!

>> No.26122585

skinport? csmoney? csgo is better than ever wtf china bumped prices like crazy

>> No.26122642

the bait was shit, it's just that the newfrens need extra training. fuck, do you think this could be a datamining post? like, does roger ver try to bait noobs to see what percentage of them just landed here this week?

>> No.26122669

I pay women on onlyfans $1000 a month. porn isn't free and you should respect the people who make it. I also tell them to invest in cryptocurrency and a lot of them have doubled or tripled the amount of money they have.

>> No.26122677

i already sold 99% of them back in 2018 anyways, before i knew this, but thanks anon, i appreciate it
i'm holding onto my royal paladin m4 and some other ones i wanna keep, but other than that, i've sold them all already

>> No.26122706

I spent all my gains on foreskin nights

>> No.26122725

.25 btc on smallish amount of drugs several years ago

>> No.26122735

send the ones you still have to black kids who play csgo, statistically every third black kid is bullied online and called racial slurs, they deserve it

>> No.26122737

You know biz is full of newfags from /pol/ when they bite the most fucking obvious bait ever
>blm donations

>> No.26122765

nice bait loser, but i'll be keeping my skins, i paid for them

>> No.26122802

Fucking faggot

>> No.26122815

Lollll this needs to be pasta

>> No.26122834
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Treated myself to a brand new Ford Fiesta a while ago

>> No.26122852

I dunno but its one of the newer pieces I've seen so i awarded extra points

>> No.26122901

Control that white guilt anon

>> No.26122992
File: 87 KB, 597x597, 1814E3C6-7DDB-4A4E-9404-85E61928E521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smelly, dumb, nigger-loving scum!

>> No.26123006

sure thing man, if you ever wanna try investing watch some youtubers like zipeL or heyzeus, you can make a lot of money if you know what are you doing

>> No.26123040

apparently this passes for good bait

>> No.26123078

Stocks lol, should've bought more btc while low. Though Tesla was aight.

>> No.26123081

>fuck, do you think this could be a datamining post?
kek, typing this shit just makes me laugh and the replies are really the icing on the cake

>> No.26123108

I paid .1 ETH for a service to organize all my transactions and print IRS forms/supporting docs. Only did it because of six figure gains and wanted to show "everything." Still kind of regret it.

>> No.26123160

leave kike