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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26103673 No.26103673 [Reply] [Original]

>55% tax on crypto where I live


>> No.26103682

on gains?

>> No.26103722

Just don't cash out. The scam that is western society will collapse completely in a few years.

>> No.26103744

55 percent? What the fuck? Why?

>> No.26103745
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at least your all your taxes don't go to support niggers

>> No.26103847

If it does then e-monopoly money will be as useless as fiat.
You literally live in a #2 country according to happiness index you entitled fuck. You dont even need crypto since your country social systems are designed to make common wagie happy.

>> No.26103870

Those ranks are all absolute bull shit. Who wants to live in a small ass country with 50% taxes and cold and snow LOL

america would top that list like 100000x if you just counted Miami and LA

>> No.26103907

>I suffer in denmark
You firsties are so fucking deluded

>> No.26103933

I sure hope.


Because of greedy socialists and jealousy- its the sentiment that "you cant just make money and NOT be a wageslave, nooooooo"

Fuck off with your "happiness". Denmark consumes the most anti depressants per capita and dont even stat me on alcohol habbits here. Danes lie a lot to make things go smoother, that was the case when they made that research.

>> No.26103971

To get away from niggers practically everyone.

Also that monopoly money will be your ticket to the citadel or a wealthy Asian country.

>> No.26103995

Half of 4chan is neets complaining about muh taxes

If you are not the most pathetic fucking creatures i've encountered I dont know what is

>> No.26104007

Don't forget every trade is a taxable event.

What are we supposed to do every year? Cash out to pay taxes?
I've been laying low this whole time.

>> No.26104013

Suffering is relative. Im sure that there are Africans living in complete ignorance of their own poverty who are way more content than the average western wage slave. But yeah, life here is on easy mode sure, but I still dont want to work some cozy but mindnumbingly boring job for the rest of my life

>> No.26104038

>What are we supposed to do every year? Cash out to pay taxes?

Like the first anons said, never cash out. ifyou are going to cash out move to Portugal 6 months prior and do it there after half a year

>> No.26104045

You're in the EU, if you win big just emigrate in Malta for a year to be taxed there

>> No.26104052

lmao danefag here as well, wouldn't a crypto credit card fix that problem, by eliminating the bank as a middle man?

>> No.26104053

If you live in a nice neighborhood you’ll literally never see a black person and capita gains in USA isnt taxed unless you make 40k or it’s short term

>> No.26104058

Sorry bro but happiness idnex is a major lie. I'm swiss and we have the highest suicide rate per capita just behind japan.
The happiest people live in south america, without a doubt.

>> No.26104127
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Based and redpilled

>> No.26104141


A 1 second google search proves you wrong


How bout you research something before you mindlessly spout bullshit on the internet huh?

>> No.26104156

Ameriburgerland is one of the over the last decades most degenerated nations with the dumbest people in general on the planet

>> No.26104193

western euros are second, especially the britcucks

>> No.26104195

Swap all your coins into ETH, Fly to the US, cash them out at ETH ATM's = profit.

>> No.26104228

Yet you learn our language visit our country browse our forums and buy our currency and stocks

>> No.26104235

Don't these things practically charge a 40% fee themselves?

>> No.26104251

Taxation is theft mein nigger

>> No.26104252

Just dont pay taxes then nigga, there are many ways to avoid them in small amounts.

>> No.26104253

Yes, they go to support other types shitskins.

>> No.26104262
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0% where I live (Germany)

>> No.26104265

Never heard of it here in Denmark, im sure that if its legal they have built in a tax proponent already, if they havent, its not yet technically legal, therefore as soon as it is, your shit is taxable.

>> No.26104294

Move somewhere else

>> No.26104324

Move, shitbaby.

>> No.26104340

>Have lots of money in crypto
>Almost none in fiat
>Just move bro
>haha just abandon everything bro
>haha BRO

>> No.26104361
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Well see there's your problem

>> No.26104505

If fiat is worthless assets like gold btc and stocks will moon retard.

>You literally live in a #2 country according to happiness index you entitled fuck. You dont even need crypto since your country social systems are designed to make common wagie happy.

Get fucked by jamal you absolute fucking so-i boy. Sort your life out.

>> No.26104507

I don't belive you. You don't even pay taxes on them as part of your income?

>> No.26104517

Same for me. 55% on everything above 100k in austria. Fucking getting raped by my government.

>> No.26104560

>happiness index
That's a meme, the happiest people in the world are little blacks in subsaharan africa because they don't have their dopamine receptors fryed

>> No.26104569

this guy right here, Finanzamt

>> No.26104574

ist das tatsache? Hab nämlich vor welche zu kaufen

>> No.26104579

Join Germany just like Schleswig-Holstein.

>> No.26104647

30% in the socialist Republic of France

>> No.26104795

based retards do a little bit of research

nach 1 Jahr Haltedauer sind sie steuerfrei

>> No.26105173

Give yourself a Nexo loan in usdc, cash out the usdc to cash and then use the usdc collateral to pay off the loan. No taxes owed on a loan(non taxable event) and it'll only cost you 10%(you can borrow 90% LTV on a stablecoin).

Loans are a tactic the wealthy use to dodge taxes. Steve Jobs never cashed in his apple stocks, he just took out loans using his apple stock as collateral.

>> No.26105195

just cashout a small amount like 10k euro, banks dont need to report amounts up to 10k to the IRS

>> No.26105236

Good luck with that.

>> No.26105265

above which selling amount Coinbase/Binance/Kraken takes interest in your activities?

Can they block me if i try to sell something for above 1 000 000$ in one time?

>> No.26105276

Dont panic bro.
My dunny needs a scrub.
Will pay in crypto

>> No.26105297

How far have our Viking brothers fallen

>> No.26105301

>research german law

France is full of niches fiscales, if you ever make it big don't forget to see a tax attorney

>> No.26105325

Lol, in that case try to get food with the alleged crypto tokens you bought before the internet broke down you fucking retard.

>> No.26105350

lol good luck? I've already done it

>> No.26105365

flat 19% upon cashing out here, get rekt. Downside is living in a shithole but that is an acceptable tradeoff for me

>> No.26105460

Probably would invest most of it in stone anyway. Dispositif pinel is where it's at.

>> No.26105508

was ist wenn ich zwischen den coins tausche? 1 jahr haltedauer für den gewinn aus einem coin oder vom kompletten portfolio?

>> No.26105531

>33-39% here
> litteraly our brothers in the country next to us have 15%
I have hope because there's this libertarian politician who wants to relax gun laws and remove almost all taxes from crypto and he's pretty popular.

>> No.26105640

It's 30% to 34% in the Democratic People's Republic of Finland but I'm certain the turbo socialist government will try to pump it up to 40% at least, because they see that other countries have rates of up to 55%.
Hate it so fucking much. They WILL try to fuck you over at every turn - a wage cuck is under no circumstances allowed to "make it".

>> No.26105860

Dutchfag here, my cousin lives in Germany and I want to cash out (been holding for a couple of years). How do I do this in Germany? Can I send him the coins, which he then holds for a year before cashing out?

>> No.26105887

Nein du vertrottelter Esel der noch nie selber etwas für sich gegoogelt hat. Like-kind exchanges sind auch gewinnbringende Verkäufe und sind NICHT steuerbefreit du dreckiger Hurensohn

>> No.26105897

do you live

>> No.26105947

Someone explain how I can make sure I don't get rekt here in Denmark.
If I don't cash out what will happen?

>> No.26106222

Since when? Pretty sure it hasnt been taxed for a while because the government could find its head around the legal issues of something that essentially is 1s ans 0s. Unless they changed the law.

>> No.26106597
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Live in marxist socialist hellhole (Norway), but only 22% tax on profit.
You also get tax cuts if you realize losses

>> No.26106614

Fair enough

>> No.26106665

>was ist wenn ich mein X gegen Y austausche und die Gewinne von X in Y rüberziehe, bin ich dann steuerpflichtig?
Denk mal paar Sekunden nach und dann fällt dir sicherlich die Antwort ein.

>> No.26106707

Found the nigger with 6 niglets. Get ready cause the crypto future wont be nanny welfare state.

>> No.26106724

LA is a fucking shithole and Miami probably is too

>> No.26106807

30% in the People's Republic of Sweden.

>> No.26106895

>UM have you actually considered the happiness index???

>> No.26106957
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>Set up gemstone selling business in Denmark.
>Go to another country, cash-out coins into USD buy investment-grade gemstones
>Travel back to Denmark and pay (25%) Vat tax,
>Sell gemstone and pay corporate tax (22%), >Lastly claim back vat and travel cost as business expenses against your income
>Job done
>Spend cash on hookers and Lambo

This is assuming you have made enough for this to be worthwhile

>> No.26106999

Na die Frage ist doch eher, bin ich erst steuerpflichtig wenn ich den Gewinn in Euro umwandel oder schon vorher?

>> No.26107038

If you have enough gains that this is even a real problem cash out a little of your coins then go and see a financial advisor.

>> No.26107097

>constant war, aids and famine
But im an incel that has to pay taxes on Internet money so I have it worse also they don't have tiktok

>> No.26107135

>Because of greedy socialists and jealousy- its the sentiment that "you cant just make money and NOT be a wageslave, nooooooo"
I've been living in Norway and I get the same vibes from here, in order to maintain everyone equal they have to make everything in their power to keep you down.

>> No.26107204

10-20% here in bongland.

>> No.26107236

You can also get a USD loan using your crypto as collateral

>> No.26107255

Avoiding taxes in the nordic countries is the biggest felony you can commit, they will try to bring you down and they will investigate until you get raped in jail forever.

>> No.26107262

believing leftist propaganda in shitpedia. fuck off and eat shit reddit faggot nigger

>> No.26107269

Lol i cant wait to establish position independent income and renounce from this nigger infested shithole so ill never sign another nigger welfare check ever again

>> No.26107303

You don't even get a tax deduction for losses? Lol

>> No.26107339

Wondering this too
T. Swede

>> No.26107342

0% after one year of hodling fren

>> No.26107416

Unironically yes. The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race...

>> No.26107424

>100 percent risk exposure, 45% exposure to your own profit.
Exactly. I've mentioned this to others, that it literally makes more sense to gamble on sports since it's tax free and the vig is only ~10%. They don't understand. Deep down they must recognise the expansion of the money supply but they don't understand that either. Anyway, just going to keep holding XMR until these governments are too weak to steal from me.

>> No.26107457

>You also get tax cuts if you realize losses
It works like that in Sweden too. And also you live in Norway, paying 8% more in taxes is worth it to not live there.

>> No.26107489

Swede here, we can at least write off losses from our taxes. Its seems likely things work the same down south?

>> No.26107548

Lmao just don't pay just taxes nigga like lmao who cares

>> No.26107576

Simple, don’t sell. Transfer your crypto on a ledger and use it to buy stuff on the darknet. As long as the stuff is not illegal I don’t think anyone will ever notice.

>> No.26107578

Just move to Germany

>> No.26107606

tax avoidance and tax evasion are not the same. there are wholly legal ways to avoid taxes, thats what lawmakers, lawyers, and tax advisors are for.

>> No.26107625

How the fuck is that possible? My country Finland is literally the commiest of all the nordic countries and even we have only 34% tax on crypto.

>> No.26107674

Natürlich. Wenn du gewinne nicht angibst die du durch stablecoins immer wieder nullst begehst du halt steuerhinterziehung. Mein Steuerberater meinte dieses Jahr wird besonders auf sowas geschaut weil die Ämter von der Btc rallye wissen.

>> No.26107683

No for much longer: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-54908037

>> No.26107688

Don’t vote for commies in the next election

>> No.26107718

Move to Switzerland. No tax on crypto gains here

>> No.26107742

what the fuck. i just loss 10k last month but I'm at least glad Im not where you are. making gains but still losing is worse

>> No.26107747

>Were did you get these gems from annon?
>We can't see any start up capital invested into your business annon.

Yeah good plan, lol.

>> No.26107771

bump for this

Australian living in peoples republic of denmark. If i hold on in exchanges and dont cash out untill I move back will i get fucked?

Using Coinmetro for my fiat onramp

>> No.26107781

Damn I hate blacks and latinos even more now.

>> No.26107802

>Enjoying paying for Abdullah and his ten children

I suppose you are into cuckoldry and blacked.com as well?

>> No.26107828

>people in the schengen area bitching about high taxes
fuck you. you are among the luckiest in the world with regards to avoiding high taxes.

>> No.26107853

It depends upon what rules Aus has.

>> No.26107926


We're typing in English, trading a coin made by a Japanese man, on a forum designed to function like an old anime chan

>> No.26107928

Happy to pay tax, but Australia's tax is much lower on this.

Just curious if they will hunt me down if there are transactions to onramp fiat

Just want to skip on this 55% BS

>> No.26107934

If you are above board always take out for taxes and reup based on the new amount. If you have any losses to offset them, cash them in and rebuy if you want. The worst thing is to lose in the next tax year all the gains you made in the last

>> No.26108356

Denmark is the best country in the world

>> No.26108415

Why don't you people just set up a company in a low tax country and have all your trades be in your company's name? Go to eastern europe where taxes are a flat 10-15% percent, open a company, return back to your country, trade under your eastern european based company's name, pay low tax to the eastern european country you chose. Why do people not realise this?

>> No.26108531

>t. midwit

>> No.26108862

What's the point if you never cash out?

>> No.26108951

Yes but these crypto laws are not good at all. They want me to cash out at the end of every year? I haven't cashed out in 3 years

>> No.26109095

From what I understand you only start paying tax when you are cashing out profits into your real bank.

>> No.26109106

thats why you dont trade. after a year you pay 0 % in austria which is pretty nice

>> No.26109163

Then I'll just order a binance card and use that to spend the profits if I make it. But this country will find some way to catch us if we do that too. They make laws so fast that it's not even funny. They just close loopholes whenever they feel like it because its a tiny country.

>> No.26109188

>living in a meme country
Enjoy your "safety net".

>> No.26109242

Don’t you have something similar to local bitcoins? Actually Bitcoin was created to bypass government regulations and not to comply with them

>> No.26109243
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This. All of these posts are retarded zoomers. All these idiots staking coins will get raped by unpaid income gains.

>> No.26109248

Don't feel so bad, fellow /biz/ anon. We'll all be joining you soon.

>> No.26109252

Hasn't this been the plan for all countries with outrageous crypto taxes?

>cash out a bit for comfy fiat
>hold the rest
>utilize direct crypto payments when possible

Maybe it's not ideal right now, but it will only get easier. And you get rewarded for holding even longer. I dunno, doesn't seem terrible.

>> No.26109274
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>> No.26109277

this year has shown me that taxes don't matter. the federal reserve has the money, they don't need mine. im done with the game. im not playing. no taxes for you.

>> No.26109282

How do you buy a house though?

>> No.26109289
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Just a call away from the gov reaching to the Binance records and eventually they will. Its over.

>> No.26109316
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Local shitcoins requires kyc these days.

Also you would need to meet with dodgy ass people that could rob your or just be undercovers trying to ruin people's lives trying to get some cash. Good luck with that

>> No.26109345
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You cant. Imagine having a lot of zeros on your shitcoin wallet but you can't buy anything but amazon giftcard and other dumb consoomerism.

Crypto is a meme, there is no way around governments.

>> No.26109360

Just get an external bitcoin account and bank account from another country. I’ve got a bank account and bitcoin account in japan if I need them

>> No.26109432

Look up CRS. You are fucked the moment you aren't dealing with zoomer tier gains.

>> No.26109457

Convert to Monero. Use it directly. Never go back to Fiat again.

>> No.26109469

That fiat will eventually be replaced with crypto.

If you 're smart you 'll go all in in crypto and cash out only small amounts to cover your expenses.

I'm new here. I just started trading because I realised this. Observer the global political situation. We are heading in a dystopia.
Western society will change dramatically if not collapse.

In every human crisis there is always an opportunity and some get out of it rich.
Crypto is the opportunity.

>> No.26109471

Cant wait for China to rule the west. You're all whiny bitches hurr durr muh happiness muh suicide rates. You will all eventually become factory workers working for China.

>> No.26109486

Go back you low life.

>> No.26109609

i hear its similar rate in japan where i am living for a year soon, as bitcoin etc doesnt fall under capital gains tax legislation there. I'll be cashing out back in UK, even if they put taxes up at some point this year or next they wont be that high. Ideally will find a way to legally pay nothing/very little

>> No.26109618

Come to Norway fren.

>> No.26109644


What a pussy. The solution is obvious.

>taxed 55%
>just make 55% more than you need to make it

step up

>> No.26109662

Based posters

>> No.26109698

Are crypto taxes low in norway?

>> No.26109736

22 or 24%
Still high but not 55% tier.

>> No.26109740

you only have to do it long enough to avoid the taxes then you can go back if you want. See it this way. If you made a million in profits or so, and government wants 20% a least wouldnt you just rather live of a few hundred k for a few years in a the beach hammock drinking margheritas or insert faggy drink here, and then pay zero tax, or just give daddy goverment that money and get nothing

>> No.26109758

Dumb meme. There’ll be no factory workers if no one can afford factory produced shit, there needs to be enough well off consumers for such factory’s to survive.

That’s like some automation will destroy jobs and make people poor, only at low adoption. At high adoption it won’t, because automation makes products and provides services, and that requires those things to be consumed by people in order to be able to be produced in the first place to be self-sustaining.

>> No.26109760
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Could be worse. You could be this guy

>> No.26109772

You mean I've gotta sit in 6 figure hell for 55% more time?

>> No.26109779

The American hegomany is coming to an end and you are too stupid to stop internally fighting to stop it.

>> No.26109822
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Bro stop crying, if you're not french,dutch,german,austrian or god forbid a swede then AS AN INDIVIDUAL you won't have to pay any EXIT TAX; move your arse to a better jurisdiction (depending on your crypto gains this could vary from bumfuck Slovenia and Bulgaria to Cyprus, Malta, Switzerland/Italy flat tax regimes or even Monaco).
>TL;DR Once again thank God you don't hold an american passport and move, otherwise you're just LARPing.

>> No.26109829
File: 380 KB, 788x700, 79004576-37A7-4717-9FE2-81B21F547E60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They WILL try to fuck you over at every turn - a wage cuck is under no circumstances allowed to "make it".
they calibrate society and the money supply to make sure of this
this is why they hate cryptocurrency

>> No.26109832

Hahaha CLF tranny

>> No.26109852

Just buy a Cyprus passport

>> No.26109876

>55% tax on crypto
So if I make $100 I have to pay go $550, but if I lose $1000 that’s -$550, so the gov has to pay me $550 right?

>> No.26109895

mange tak fren

you got a souce n that?

>> No.26109964

They will invest billions upon billions in crypto before fiat crashes. And then dump when fiat crashes so that relative increase in crypto:fiat in proportion to fiat crash will protect their wealth and when they dump the crypto price will crash, leave both everyone else in crypto and everyone with fiat poor as fuck

>> No.26109970

I’d be fine if it was going to my people and actually improving our nation and the average man’s quality of life. It’s not. It goes to lazy niggers and billionaire Jews.

>> No.26110054
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Too late to the party broski; Cyprus has fallen.
Thank the Qatari kikes paid by the OECD

>> No.26110240

I heard it's expensive as fuck though. Might be a nice place to retire after I make it. People are apparently the happiest there.

>> No.26110374

based same
holding since '16 but haven't cashed out because gains keep on coming, just accumulating
friends cash out each year tax free after holding and reinvest others trade daily but pay juicy 42% tax
the only problem is that you need the "Nachweis and Belege" for your purchase which is ez to acquire anyways
feels good tricking out the Jew

>> No.26110672
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>they calibrate society and the money supply to make sure of this
>this is why they hate cryptocurrency
governments never have enough tax

>> No.26110792

You're using USDC as collateral so would still need to pay tax when you convert bitcoin (or whatever) to USDC?

>> No.26110853

just don't report it lmao

>> No.26110972

>income taxes literally unconstitutional
>just change the constitution
Nice freedom you have there.

>> No.26110994

Gotta pay for your ethnic replacement by Muslims some how. Hahaha get rekted

>> No.26111084
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you can see exactly where the world wars started on that chart
the 20th century was a mistake

>> No.26111097

The intelligent man, when he pays taxes, certainly does not believe that he is making a prudent and productive investment of his money; on the contrary he feels that he is being mulcted in an excessive amount for services that, in the main, are useless to him, and that, in substantial part, are downright inimical to him. He may be convinced that a police force, say, is necessary for protection of his life and property, and that an army and navy safeguard him from being reduced to slavery by some vague foreign kaiser, but even so he views these things as extravagantly expensive—he sees in even the most essential of them an agency for making it easier for the exploiters constituting the government to rob him. In those exploiters themselves he has no confidence whatever. He sees them as purely predatory and useless; he believes that he gets no more net benefit from their vast and costly operations than he gets from the money he lends to his wife’s brother. If they could do so safely they would strip him to his hide. If they leave him anything at all, it is simply prudentially, as a farmer leaves a hen some of her eggs.

--H.L Mencken

>> No.26111114

> tfw 0% tax if u hold less than 50k euro

>> No.26111147

Guys where should I move to avoid crypto tax? From Finland (we are allowed to do that legally btw)

>> No.26111203

>inb4 noooooooo, but think about the poor future (((engineers and doctors))) on welfare

>> No.26111271

Du realisierst Gewinne Alter, unter 12 Monaten Haltedauer zahlst du Steuern dafür. Das sind Handelsaktivitäten, und die musst du versteuern weil sie spekulativer Natur sind

>> No.26111294

Slovenia seems nice. It's the most modern country in the balkans. Is next to croatia so you can vacation there.

>> No.26111340

>The scam that is western society will collapse completely in a few year
If western society collapses, crypto won't be worth shit once the powergrid is wiped. Buy ammo and gold. Retard.

>> No.26111496

FiFo prinzip. First in - First out. Du kaufst crypto hold'st verkaufst es nach 365 days equals 0% tax because privates Veräußerungsgeschäft. Steuerpflichtig bist du erst wenn auscash'st. Für Finanzamt egal was du auscash't, die wollen nur die Fristen wissen (kauf, verkauf). Handel bzw Trade zwischen Cryptos ist steuerpflichtig (btc zu eth, eth zu btc, eth zu tether usw.) wenn innerhalb des ersten Jahres gehandelt wird gleiche regel wie für alle Daytraders, wenn außerhalb des 1 hold-Jahres getraded wird ist alles steuerfrei, da hold Gesetzt eingehalten.


>> No.26111513

>>thinking voting matters

>> No.26111550

Sælg til kontanter, køb guld, realiser guldet i et andet EU land.

>> No.26111700

Glad to know I'm not the only Dane who call our country a socialist shithole.

>> No.26111702

Oh, the Chinese are going to be the "well off consumers", while western pigs are going to toil their hours in their nearest Apple factory as a worker. Kek.

>> No.26111712

I pay as much in taxes as you earn per year you pinko twink cuck. I am allowed to vent about it on a Vietnamese basket weaving forum.

>> No.26111715

Jeder Kauf/Swap ist ein neuer Handelsvorgang. Du kannst steuerfrei nur verkaufen wenn du die Coins 1 Jahr hältst, du kannst nicht einfach ein Mal Crypto kaufen und danach für immer steuerfrei traden.

>> No.26111755

Well apart from the insane taxes I like the rest, especially the cold and snow because it keeps you niggers away.

>> No.26111809

Pay taxes you fucking cuck.

>> No.26111836
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Based cold&snow enjoyer

>> No.26111867

Join my winter bathing club, anon.

>> No.26111887

is buying an amazon gift card a taxable event, assuming ive used my £12300 annual limit

>> No.26111920

Ok. I swim in danube in the winter. It's pretty comfy.

>> No.26112018
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>happiness index

>> No.26112040

Nice larp Chang

>> No.26112042

Based, similar temperatures as Øresund where I swim.

>> No.26112046

go fuck yourself

>> No.26112084
File: 189 KB, 979x635, meme meter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it sounds like as much of a meme as pic related

>> No.26112119

Miami is dope
LA fucking sucks. It’s literally a shit hole here now. I can’t wait to leave. Dirty, homeless everywhere, to expensive, shit people

I have friends in Miami, it’s like majority Hispanic but other than that it’s a sliver of paradise as far as US major cities go.

>> No.26112144

I wish I lived in a nordic country so I could do shit like this more often but hey it is what it is.

>> No.26112171
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>100 percent risk exposure, 45% exposure to your own profit.
fucking this. i take all risk and you greedy faggots take half of my assets

>> No.26112173

LoL retarded kiddo you can move to USA and will discover your place is paradise

>> No.26112178

Also nothing against Hispanic people ultimately I like them. I’ll probably Marry a Latina once I make it... I just don’t like being a minority in my own country

>> No.26112181

Black prq holder here, so I'd I cash out I dont gotta pay taxes? LOL

>> No.26112239

>the poorest countries always have the richest inner lives

this kills /biz/

>> No.26112324

No, 55% more gains. Which honestly shouldnt be too hard with Bitcoin alone mooning 78% during the last month.

>> No.26112337
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 7BE5298E-CACA-4A17-8B6E-F65688A74ABE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want her to crush my head with those thighs...

>> No.26112384

I hope you also want to be with her as a human being. Fetishes and fantasies are great, but people should love one another.

>> No.26112393

So first I've got to make it then I've got to wait for a bullrun by bitcoin that only arrives every 3 years

>> No.26112424

What do you mean 100 percent risk? If the government owns 55%, then 55% of -$1000 ($1000) loss is -$550, so the government owes you $550 if you have capital loss

>> No.26112441

>Jeder Kauf/Swap ist ein neuer Handelsvorgang.
>Du kannst steuerfrei nur verkaufen wenn du die Coins 1 Jahr hältst
> du kannst nicht einfach ein Mal Crypto kaufen und danach für immer steuerfrei traden.
Richtig. Neue Anschaffungen und Trades innerhalb des Jahres werden natürlich besteuert. Dennoch kannst du dein 1-year-hold crypto einmalig Steuerfrei traden, da bereits keine Steuern anfallen. Zum Beispiel 1 year-hold BTC swap/trade zu "whatever-crypto" is steuerfrei aber die meisten machen diesen Schritt nicht und cashen aus oder hold'n weiter.

>> No.26112460

>muh trickledown economics

The richest 1% in America control most of your wealth - most of those people are white and jewish. If you're a NEET trailer trash you're not getting taxed at $384K so that average isn't really the median at all.

Also, if you're tax money is going to black people - so what? There's a reason they're in your fucking country in the first place.

>> No.26112557

I swear to God, this stupid retard thinks he is so smart, yet there he is, fat, unkempt, lounging around on twitter and making literally free money with almost risk-free capital gains thanks to da Gubmint he hates so much, but then he thinks this all should come to him for literally no price at all? Not a single Buffet, Bezos or Gates would have ever spent a single dollar on infrastructure projects, public roads or gas and water works out of their own volition, you can not ask people nicely to contribute to society, so yeah, taxes are fucking important.
And which american pays 50% taxes and who even makes 20% annually on average?! 0.001% of all investors. Why does this dishonest white potato nigger larp so hard.

>> No.26112604

Globohomo wealthy elite brought the roodypoos in, so globohomo can pay for them

>> No.26112643

>white or jewish
Oh no, you will get angry polcels up your ass, dont you know theyre all kikes?

>> No.26112657

>making literally free money
Who’s the retard here anon?

>> No.26112694

Cold countries tend to drink insane amounts and the unhappy ones commit suicide.

>> No.26112700

localbitcoins is so 2017

>> No.26112702

>great reset
If I hear these incel virtue signalling bullshit terms again I just might snap and track you faggots down to the basement in which you dwell and snap your necks like the twigs that they are.

>> No.26112766

People don't mind taxes (as much) if it was properly used. But the thing is, every year we pay more, spend more yet need to save more, meanwhile we import third worlders who get free housing etc while the middle class gets fucked.

>> No.26112786

>thinking great reset isn’t real

>> No.26112873

I am not saying "investing" is retarded, I am saying its the sign of sub 90IQ idiots when they want to have their cake and eat it too. You have to die some death eventually, and if you want to be part of the rich man caroussel you accept it or you make smart decisions on how to avoid taxes, but you dont make up some larp fantasy about how 20% pa for 40 years (almost impossible to do) untaxed would look like vs 10%.
I also dont see the point of his little masturbatory exercise. If one were to hold for 40 years and get taxed 50% on the dollar after those 40 years, the amount would be half of what you had when paying 0%.
This nigger's math doesnt even make sense

>> No.26112898

Vote for me. I’ll cut corporate tax rates down to same and make them same as income tax, but close loopholes that large corporations use to avoid tax. I’ll throw out complicated tax code, get rid of most deductions and implement a low flat tax rate and get rid of brackets, no complicated tax time, will save a lot productivity and resources spent on taxes. While there will be no tax brackets there will be a tax free threshold where the first $x of a persons income is non taxable and not counted

>> No.26112919

Have you ever read the white paper you imbecile? Can you factually summarise what it says without resorting to polcel boomer terminology?

>> No.26112923

yeah seems fairly nice and interesting, gonna do more research on it.

>> No.26112972

reason why you guys are retards is because everything is because of political. the actual reason is the fiat system falling apart and excessive printing. you burgers never learn

>> No.26112980

Are you angry and feel personally targeted by the term “globohomo”?

>> No.26113228
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good crypto talk bros

we all gonna make it

>> No.26113270

Have you ever read about Stalin in his 20's planning to starve tens of millions.

>> No.26113340
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>i am a brainlet polcel whose only way to """win""" arguments is by deflecting and pretending to sound smart
You and your ilk are a disgrace
Keep swallowing your redpills you braindead boomer-lite.

>> No.26113376

>J-Just eat the bugs okay! They're really tasty

>> No.26113421

Will I go to jail for holding since 2017?
I don't cash out and I don't pay taxes on it. I'm just holding.

>> No.26113426

The fact that you retarda actually believe that these neoliberal, ultra capitalists of the WEF are unironically trying to end capitalism is the most ironic part of it all. These fuckers love and thrive upon extortion and abuse of power.

>> No.26113570

>have you even read it? If you don’t like it that means you haven’t it read
>N-no I can’t believe you believe what they’re writing

>> No.26113578

You'll own nothing and be happy.

>> No.26113626

I'll vote for DEFI on DEFI. No tax on crypto period. Fuck your taxes.

>> No.26113658

transfer everything to hard wallet

>> No.26113724

>leave both everyone else in crypto and everyone with fiat poor as fuck
Impossible you would have to effectively say that blockchain has no future won't kick off a 4th industrial revolution.

>> No.26113732

You retards cant argue at all can you? All you do is deflecting. Youre like children. None of you have brought forward any substantial argument as to what the paper says or how this would impact your or my life. Its just
Just kys and stop posting your garbage. Youre not impressing anyone.

>> No.26113823

>The fact that you retarda actually believe that these neoliberal, ultra capitalists of the WEF
Which is it? WEF paper good, WEF paper bad?
>The fact that you retarda actually believe that these neoliberal, ultra capitalists of the WEF
Seems like you can’t make up your mind

>> No.26113905

I get a anxiety holding fiat. Crypto is the cash out.

>> No.26113963

>Lmao just don't pay just taxes nigga like lmao who cares

>Simple, don’t sell. Transfer your crypto on a ledger and use it to buy stuff on the darknet.

The replies of children.

>> No.26114059

/pol/tards are so stupid they think ''the great reset'' has something to do with communism. They actually think the wealthiest elite 1% owning all the resources and making it unattainable to the common man is communism and not the direct result of totally unrestrained capitalism lmao.

>> No.26114121

They're literally telling you what they are going to do, and you don't believe them. Why?

Here's a clue:
>Health passports / tracking apps / RFID tags
>Manatory vaccines
>Mandatory testing
>Deliberate destruction of the economy through lockdowns, so that they can come to the rescue with unverisal basic income (people now dependant on the state)
>Debt jubilee (but you will give up property rights in return)
>You will rent everything, and own nothing
>You will live in a pod, in shared accomodation
>Meat will be an 'occasional treat' and you will eat bugs as your main protein source
>Work from home forever
>All your needs provided by mega corps (amazon, google, etc)
>Cash is banned
>All transactions now through central bank blockchain (central bank digital currency) which can be tracked centrally - they can also program your UBI to expire if you don't spend it after a certain time
>Social credit score policed by AI - don't think any bad things, or we will take away your UBI
>No privacy - online or otherwise
>More immigration
>Meat is a 'treat' and taxed to fuck because 'muh environment' - bugs are unironically used as a protein source for humans
>Bunkbed / pod living
>Everysingle aspect of life is catalogued and tracked via blockchain technology. Every asset, every mineral, every animal, every tree, every human.
>Destruction of culture, with everything going into one melting pot because 'diversity is our strenghth'
>Travel curtailed apart from the rich because 'carbon emissions'

Yeah can't wait to live in the Facist Corporate Technocracy. Gonna be great. Hail Klaus.

>> No.26114198
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>I love paying for Abdullah's ten children, in fact I wish the tax rate was 90% to compensate for my white privilege. I also like blacked.com and cuckoldry.

>> No.26114247

you can go back whenever you want

>> No.26114248

Who gives a fuck what it's called. The point is, it's a power grab by the 0.01%.

>> No.26114289

Umm sweety if you read the white paper then you would know it’s good for you. But if you read the white paper then you’re retarded if you believe what they wrote.

>> No.26114304

Can you deliver any quotes from the paper that support your polcel larps?
I know, but this is also kind of the gameplan of the elite, you extrapolate every problem and blame it on something ideologically opposed to you. The polcels just gobble it up.
>the fact that we have literal emperors that collectively own almost the entire wealth means that this is gommunism happening
You couldnt wake these people up, they believe theyre so woke and redpilled, that they dont even realise theyre doing the "Jews" bidding to the fucking T.

>> No.26114401

>Can you deliver any quotes from the paper that support your polcel larps?


Fuck off back to Plebbit cunt.

>> No.26114436

>Can you deliver any quotes from the paper that support your polcel larps?
The fact that you actually believe these neoliberal, ultra capitalist’s paper makes you retarded

>> No.26114440

Yeah and that's only possible because of completely unrestrained capitalism which allows the richest psychos to slowly take everything for themselves. It just makes me want to bang my head against the wall when I hear so many people here blame it on big government and fearmongering about commies when the real threat is corporations having more power than governments. Dumbasses voting against billionaires paying taxes because they think it means communism are literally allowing this to happen.

>> No.26114461

>he unironically thinks people should just believe him because he isnt used to any sort of opposition in his echo-chamber
Who's the redditor exactly, you newfagging boomertard.

>> No.26114468

denmark is literally the happiest place on earth, people have done studies on this. stfu you whining sperg.

>> No.26114513

>Nooooo, its da coomies and its the deep state!!! Protect free capital flows because one day I will be one of the rich when my shitcoin moons!

>> No.26114522

well you're definitely not gonna stop it if you run around calling it the wrong name like a retard

>> No.26114525

So ill own nothing but be happy?

>> No.26114573

You’ll pay 55% tax and you’ll like it

>> No.26114578

people in denmark own plenty of shit. and they're very relaxed and content because not only are things like healthcare guaranteed by the government, they aren't allowing in hordes of brown people to suck up all the resources (at least not yet).

>> No.26114596
File: 2.81 MB, 640x640, OwnNothingBeHappy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saying "citation needed" isn't an argument. All of the stuff I mentioned is possible from a technilogical viewpoint and is being thought about, or is happening elsewhere (see social credit in China for example). You think I'm going to spend hours writing an essay for you backing up every single point I've made with citations and get it peer reviewed? This is your brain on Plebbit.

>> No.26114620

55% tax????

WTF? I thought it was already ultrabad in France, 35% tax. Is your 55% for when your local IRS considers you a professional trader?

>> No.26114629

How do you go about doing this?

>> No.26114664

Why are you getting hung up on whether it's 'communism' or not? I don't give a fuck if you want to call it communism or rampant neoliberalism, I just know that no good will come from what they are planning.

>> No.26114674

well said. /pol/fags are fucking cancer

>> No.26114678

>i can simply claim that someone says this and that and you will have to eat it up because I am a polcel newfag who doesnt have to back anything up if I just stick my fingers into my ears and yell racial slurs
Ok champ, reply to me when you have some kind of argument going for ya.

>> No.26114705

>what does it matter if i call the problem exactly the opposite of what it is??

>> No.26114710

it's not "completely unrestrained capitalism" you retard cuck
it's (((INFLATION))) that makes the rich richer and the poor poorer, if you don't understand the mechanism how it happens you're too stupid to even be here

>> No.26114712

Because this one looks nice with yahoo finance quotes source, a mathematical algorithm. There are too many stock indices as for me, hard to choose what to use

>> No.26114740

You don't know shit about this country.
The housing market is atrocious. Even though you can't just come in and buy property here.

>> No.26114790

Because people cant stand your constant goalshifting, and your opportunistic screeching that only ever serves to make you look like retards in front of everyone that is not part of your cult. If you had to acknowledge that its neoliberalism, and that its unchained and unrestrained capitalism, you couldnt larp anymore as the right wing but you would have to identify as critical thinkers or so called lefties. Your own stubborn identity politics prevents you from actually naming things correctly, so it's every halfway smart person's job to call you out on it.

>> No.26114801
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Governments are still imperfect and Denmark is obviously no exception. They still have a democracy though and can change that if they like. When the alternative is the USA where megacorps and Jeff Bezos are your real rulers and government exists only to bend to their will. What are your options even at that point?

>> No.26114837

And what's your argument exactly other than "citation needed"?

Serious question: when the WEF puts out videos saying "you'll own nothing and be happy" what do you think that means? Is it just a joke, or?

Not once have I called it communism you fucking trannie, don't worry I'm not attacking your precious Marx.

>> No.26114865
File: 64 KB, 618x597, pepe4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, of course. it's just "inflation". literally nothing else is the problem. policies that funnel wealth to the top 0.01%? those don't matter. just inflation.

>> No.26114884

>((((Inflation)))) is not part of the neoliberal capitalist society we live in, its akshually gommunism and you vill eat ze bugs goy, I am redpeepeed and blacked
if you could actually think and not just hack away angrily at your keyboard, there might be something of value in what you say

>> No.26114928

The mechanism for transferring wealth to the top 0.01% IS inflation and massive money printing you fucking brainlet.

Massive money printing = asset prices go up = asset owners (Elon, Bezos, etc) get richer.

>> No.26114998

Ya'll butt blasted because you think people are attacking your previous communism, when not one person has mentioned it. Some serious projection going on.

>> No.26115039

The reply of a child.

>> No.26115070

And what does this signify? It signfies capitalism in its most unrestrained form. Its publically funded extortion and wealth transfer, its literally capitalism in its purest form.
Why do you think people in the gilded age tried to reign in capitalism? Because it got to this point. Monopolies are the end goal of capitalism.

>> No.26115071

Because you faggots are stuck fearmongering about the left being commies and shit when any attempt is made to intervene or even slow down the 1%'s seizing of power. When they talk about taxing rich people they're talking about guys who have a billion times more money than you can even imagine what to do with in several lifetimes, not your fucking trailerpark.

>> No.26115111

what policies? the rich keep their wealth in assets like real estate, the poor can keep their cash in a 0.2% savings account while inflation is 10%

without inflation 99% of the world's problems would disappear, nation states wouldn't be able to print money to fund wars, etc

>> No.26115112
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>> No.26115163

Dutchie here.

If you daytrade you get cucked for the 60% tax rate.

Otherwise its like 2% or something after you hodl for a year+.

If you "forget" to declare and cash out and ask for muh forgiveness you have to pay a 5% fine. Pulled these numbers from on top of my head but they should be rather close.

Wouldn't think Denmark is any different. Just dont daytrade kek

>> No.26115174

yes I'm sure biden will tax the bezos's and gates' of the world and not fuck over the ever declining middle class even more

>> No.26115198

That's not true though is it. I would love for for their to be some sort of redistribution from the top 0.01% the amount of wealth they have is grotesque. But they don't, they go after the little guy, because it's easier. The elite pay off the politicians and can afford expensive lawyers accountants to pay zero taxes.

>> No.26115231


i'm really getting sick of you fucking /pol/tards

>> No.26115241

No we are not "butt blasted" cletus.
We simply like to call things as we see them, something you and your ideologically inclined friends (left and right) can not. The enemy in this case is capitalist control. And you willfully and gleefully attack lefties and commies who are the only ones at least in theory opposed to this control. You know why you would literally eat ze bugs? Because under neofeudalism you'd be forced to. What do you think Marx criticised 170 years ago? The guy saw what we see today. The greediest, most shameless motherfuckers alive who sent literal children who could barely speak in their mother tongue, to the coal mines and into the iron works.

>> No.26115247


>> No.26115258

>what do you think that means? Is it just a joke, or?
It means the fact that you retarda actually believe that these neoliberal, ultra capitalists of the WEF are unironically trying to end capitalism is the most ironic part of it all.

>> No.26115264

why are you bringing up biden? you think biden is the left? fucking moron

>> No.26115287

obviously, imagine being so low iq with such shit genetics and heritage that you need to work for a living
>complaining about muh taxes
that's the frist step, but plenty of people manage to end up not to pay them
you don't belong here, stick to normie sites

>> No.26115302
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Typical boomers not understanding that a badly formatted tax evasion plan is a joke

>> No.26115310

Thank god for a few smart people.
Youre missing the point you idiot. If you want to blame someone for inflation, youre barking up the wrong tree. Inflation is not a commie scheme. Its capitalists who invented it, as you said before, because it makes them richer and their debts go away.

>> No.26115373

If you think Dems and Republicans are opposed youre really the stupidest mofo ever. Why do you think theyre working so well together all of a sudden? Why do you think they constantly agree ovee policy? Theyre one and the same, the only difference is that they have utter lunatics in their respective votership

>> No.26115397

Could be worse anon, we could be taxed on our losses too!

>> No.26115441


>> No.26115444

You're projecting again. Show me where I have mentioned communism, attacked communism, or your precious Marx. Stop being so sensitive about your ideologies and see the bigger picture. I think we are actually on the same page in that what the WEF wants = bad, top 0.01% getting even more wealthy and powerful = bad.

>> No.26115464

I don't know why you guys even care about taxes.

Just go literally anywhere with no capital gains taxes. They will happily accommodate you if you actually make it.

>> No.26115514

Haven't paid taxes in 7 years of crypto, go back to R*ddit you fucking niggercattle

>> No.26115542

>just go somewhere else anon, it’s not like travel is banned or anything

>> No.26115591

>your precious Marx
just shut up dude. you clearly aren't interested in anything except winning muh internet argument by strawmanning your opponent in some gay fashion. this is why the capitalists are winning.

>> No.26115634

>lowest are all caribbean countries

>> No.26115635

if you made any substantial amount of money you're gonna get raped eventually. IRS works slowly. just fyi

>> No.26115655

No, I don't think I will.

He keeps bringing up fucking communism, and not once have I fucking mentioned it.

Top Kek.

>> No.26115690

Dude. Marx isnt "my" precious. I am simply arguing things. The thing that would actually give sense and meaning to this whole discussion would be if I could walk away from this, knowing that you have opened your mind up a little bit more to the possibilites that lie beyond mere name calling, shit flinging and idpol bullshit. Most of you guys are pretty intelligent, use this intelligence to fight against the state enforced doctrine and read up on what our true enemies are, and hint: its not the commie boogeyman.
If youre so smart, it should offend your intellect to believe in these concepts and myths that were conceived of by government retards decades ago to disperse and silence criticism of their goals. If you follow right wing talking heads religiously, and if you support right wing thought without questioning it, you are goy cattle and you have no right to criticise anyone else for being a sheep.
I believe in your ability to be better anon, dont disappoint me.

And yes, Elites are bad, but acknowledge where they hail from and who they actually support. People arent your enemies, the elites are, and they only know one ideology: money.

>> No.26115704

Dems and republicans are just 2 sides of the same coin that both serve the same corporate overlords, they just have a different mask on. If you think Biden is the left you're a fucking moron. Just look at how bad the dems snubbed Bernie. Out of the picture entirely. They'd rather you get caught up in arguments about trannies and niggers than what the real problem is.

>> No.26115705

>paying taxes
I'm a neet with a mid tier six figure portfolio
another 3x and I'm leaving this shithole

>> No.26115708

Most places it isn't, you would just need to quarantine.

Also if you are showing up with the intent of pumping MILLIONS OF DOLLARS into their economy you are getting a visa.

>> No.26115753

that's because all your talking points are exactly the same as the typical /pol/tard who whines about leftists and commies all day.

>> No.26115793

>daytrade 60%
is this correct? Waro (Dutch daytrader on twitter who made more than 1 million says he doesn't have to pay taxes). Maybe he is just clueless

>> No.26115838

>whines about leftists and commies all day
no shit we whine when you chapotraphouse losers keep commieposting here

>> No.26115848

People who brag about gains online are
a) grifters
b) idiots
c) a combination of the above

>> No.26116006

They go after the little guy because the big man is untouchable and is the one pulling all the strings to keep you poor. If the peasants start amassing some wealth they won't be a very profitable slave caste now would they? As long as they have somewhere to hide they won't be affected. Don't vote against your own interest and think your enemy is the zoomer kid who literally owns nothing asking for a 15 dollar minimum wage to be able to afford to not die.

The way they keep their power is by convincing enough of you fuckers that they're gonna be rich some day. You're all donkeys following the carrot to their doom. But guess what even if by some miracle you make it and amass a net worth of 10 million you'll still be a peasant in the eyes of these ''people''

>> No.26116064

>Hey John, want to buy my Bitcoin for 90% of its value?
>Sure thing Jane, let's do this weekly for years
Ok boomer, keep paying your good goy cut because the Boogeyman will get you

>> No.26116128

I agree with this, especially if they reveal who they are and where they live

>> No.26116159

>even if by some miracle you make it and amass a net worth of 10 million you'll still be a peasant in the eyes of these ''people''
This. 100%
Warren Buffet paid 22% income tax while his employees paid 33%
The guy is a multiple-hundred-billionaire and he pays less than the wagies. You should vote for the small man because even if you hate niggers and spics, their interests still align with YOUR interest 99% of the time. If theyre happy and can get education, theyre not going to fucking chimp out or be criminals.
If billionaires are happy, 99,999 of mankind is unhappy.

>> No.26116223
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taxation is theft, my friend. don't worry, it will collapse soon. just don't sell and you'll make it to the crypto ancap citadel

>> No.26116243

Cope, seethe, dilate. Future factory worker. Kek.

>> No.26116300

>he thinks he will be part of the ancap elite because he owns a few hundred k dollars
Your ass would be out in the fields tilling the soil for Grand Emperor Bezos and his Prince heir.

>> No.26116301


This so much. Well, too bad it's never going to happen and self human slavery will always take a new shape.

>> No.26116335

I think you still have to pay taxes on crypto to crypto.

>> No.26116402
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no, I don't think so. feel free to continue your denial though, your tears of disappointment will be all the more sweeter!

>> No.26116563

Celsius. Go here and play around with the calculator

Haven't used it myself yet, just looking into yet. There's also Blockfi, Nexo, crypto.com and maybe others that I think do the same thing, but I haven't looked into them.

>> No.26116689

Youre nothing to the elite and guess who would hold all the power when governments are defunct. Certainly not you, even if you had 20 million. Not going to open your little gay webcomic.

>> No.26117403
File: 8 KB, 300x168, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Danish. Any of the crypto credit cards will solve your problems.

>t. bindende svar fra SKAT

>> No.26117446

can I charge 100ha of farmland on that?

>> No.26117585

whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.26117625

In a roundabout way, you definitely can.

>> No.26117986

I do. I want to move into a forest and live a solitary self sufficient life. Crypto is just a means to an end

>> No.26118238

Hvad hvis man daytrader uden at converter til kroner? Skal jeg stadig gi skat?

>> No.26118357

Nej. Mit svar lød at du kun betaler skat på ét enkelt tidspunkt - og det er når du realiserer dit kryptovaluta til kroner.

Ingen krypto til krypto skat, så vidt jeg er informeret.