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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26101556 No.26101556 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on Lition, it seems too good to be true as an investment

>> No.26101559

german scammers pump and dump shitcoin

>> No.26101565

Your every day scam coin. No value to it.

>> No.26101737

>it seems too good to be true
It may seem like that before they sold out to the chinks. At this point everyone knows it's over.

>> No.26101765

Shits gonna explode despite the 4chan butt hurt fudders $5 end of year this is a top 20 coin its got real world use and normies will kill themselves trying to buy it we just need a proper exchange that normies can use and a bit of normie media attention .... even boomers can understand what it is and how it works

>> No.26101860

give me one reason motherfucker

>> No.26101934


>> No.26101960
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The market sentiment is, as you can see, extremely negative right now. The nearest event that could pump us is the migration of transactions to mainnet and introduction of Chainlink oracles (Richard has recently mentioned being in talks with Chainlink). The transition to TOMO is almost complete so we should see some increased pace of development too. It is emotionally the hardest investment you can make right now, but yeah, if it works...

Your call, OP.

>> No.26101961

it SEEMED to good to be true but staking + tomo acquisition killed it
even if something good happens now the news will have to balance itself against people newly unlocked from staking trying to cut loss or break even

>> No.26102233

Which fucking real world use case. The only update they provided in months was a nothingburger. Seems like nobody is working on it anymore.

>> No.26102398
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>We are pleased to inform TomoChain Pte. Ltd and Lition Energie GmbH are at the final phase of contract negotiations on the integration and management of Lition Energie transactions into the Lition Blockchain. We hope to deliver news on the completion of this deal to the community shortly.

Only this makes Lition bullish enough, they fucked a lot of people over and killed the momentum. Non the less, 27% APY based on a real world use case is still unheard of. Germany also legalized energy security tokens, partly thanks to Lition. Long term, you won't lose money since we have floored out.

>> No.26102535

only a matter of time before tomo just kills it

>> No.26102691
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Nah, the burn cancelation means Tomo think about LIT as a valuable asset, for them LIT is an investment, they pay for it and both us and Tomo are Lition investors. We are in a same boat.

>> No.26102881

I second this. Kyn has also just mentioned LIT in regards to CBDCs on twitter:


>> No.26103016
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>27% APY based on a real world use case
We both know it is based on fake transactions. The way tomochain will handle Richard's bargaining down will tell us a lot about the future.

>> No.26103099
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I concur. The burns were unsustainable and solely meant to pump the price before the dumps through ecosystem wallets and Reinhard. Same as the artificial increase of LPS staking, the uniswap rugpull, the never seen before hype, etc.

>> No.26103168

One thing is sure, there is still money to be made here. Also for you retards who bought high

>> No.26103190

>too good to be true

What? It's a dead shitcoin and tomo is trying to unfuck it. Buy low, maybe it goes up. But maybe it goes lower.

>> No.26103232
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I mean it's at a market cap range shared with blatant scams dead since years. Despite all the bullshit, the project is better than that as long as long tries even just a little bit

>> No.26103302

>market cap range
And perhaps more importantly, volume

>> No.26103587

>it's at a market cap range shared with blatant scams
Have you ever considered it actually is a blatant scam?

>> No.26103614

LIT is definitely primed to pump soon, but it's hard to say by how much. This is still a medium-long term hold. I'd say wait for the new liquidity program, pick up a big stack and stake it for 6-12 months.

>> No.26103677
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I agree, we got fucked in many ways. However I'm sure we will bounce back and we are way better off without Richard. As long as the energy company keeps on growing and the txs goes through the sidechain, I'm unironically good.

>> No.26103766

This is absolutely one of my most hilarious holds on /biz/.
I say "on /biz/" because once you've witnessed enough threads, you'll realize no one actually has a clue whether it's definitely a scam or not.
It's pure chaos at this point.
I wouldn't recommend picking it up unless you have massive balls or massive willpower.
I'm pretty sure it will break out at some point but maybe not for a year or so. When it does, remember this thread.

>> No.26103788
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It's not tho, but it's been handled poorly by inexperienced people. You can say a lot of things about Lition, but it's not vaporware.

We shall see when the txs are implanted which is fucking finally happening "shortly"

>> No.26103821
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>> No.26103886

The other funny thing about it is that even when its hit LITERAL rock-bottom (like 0.02c, which is basically where it started), people are still holding.
So there's some iron-hands motherfucks hodling this piece of shit for dear life, which indicates to me that it's not entirely dead, just anime-dead.

>> No.26104031

I mean, 16m lit are still steaking so a lot of people don't have another choice I reckon

>> No.26104042

Why can't they just remove them from staking?

>> No.26104128

Yeah, it was even 1,6c for a moment but the dip was eaten instantly. I managed to buy in at 2 cents. Feels good man.

It's impossible by design.

You've summed it up perfectly

>> No.26104737

aside from nodes, people stake LIT by choosing a term (1, 3 , 6 or 12 months) and once locked in, your LIT is bound by smart contract to stay in the pool for the period that you chose. So it depends on when those terms end to see more people selling.

>> No.26104791

yeah hows that going for you dipshit? real word use case giving you negative profit on running a node real nice

>> No.26104793

You might as well just invest in tomochain if you think lition will succeed. Its basically their ticket to gdpr compliance

>> No.26105418
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Well, the txs will have to go through lition sidechain as of now. This creates value and passive income for stakers.

>> No.26106144

based and absolutely checked

>> No.26106409

If Tomo doesn't make lition succeed I will find where Richard's workplace is. Then what I will do is dress up in a suit like I work there or something, don't know what those fuckers usually wear but I am going to do it in style unlike Richard, because he doesn't wear suits I think. When I enter the building I am going to wait somewhere at the ground floor till Richard comes in. Don't think I will have to be there early because he probably wakes up at 10:00 or something and gets there at 12:00, that lazy fucker. When I see him I will follow him into the elevator, because he obviously won't take the stairs. And then when we two are in the elevator alone I am going to start jumping and jumping so that the elevator gets stuck. Maybe he will start jumping too because he is fucking autistic but whatever. When we are stuck I am going to sing waffen SS song really loudly and march around him like I am in the military. I will proceed to do this till help comes and we get out of the elevator and then I'll take the stairs back down and drive home.

>> No.26106447

10 United States Centerinos - end of February
100 United States Centerinos - end of year
1000 United States Centerinos - EONY

>> No.26106494

You meant Dollarinos otherwise it's FUD

>> No.26106505

Got myself suicide bag, this can either go to 0 or to the moon in a short time.

>> No.26106568

It was and old post of mine, which I did copy&paste.
I just read about the listing on Luaswap. Now it is dollarinos of course.

>> No.26106590
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>> No.26106613
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ITT we pretend it's Lition pre-acquisition. I'll start:

Richard is not a real doctor

>> No.26106688


I can't wait until the big never-seen-before news. Maybe a Tesla partnership is coming?

>> No.26106710
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>> No.26106714

you have to go back

>> No.26106815
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Richard will pay for this

>> No.26106836

Founder exit scammed

>> No.26107400

wouldn't it be easy to confirm either way if he scammed the german govt?

>> No.26107810

Thanks for reviving this thread fellow LITers

Here I'm sitting aside with my 100k lit having missed the bullrun.
Had I kept my DEXG; LGCY; and PRQ position I'd have 100k+ rn. Instead, I have 5k.

>> No.26108166

Makes me feel better about selling 1.5k links in WRX