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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26086452 No.26086452 [Reply] [Original]

>Only $1.3M net worth from crypto
>Cant afford a house in Canada, family hates me, no gf, no great idea for a successful business, just a bunch of mediocre ones.

Some of us never make it.

>> No.26086481

Can’t you buy a house in Montreal for that much?

And then just like chill...

>> No.26086495

if that's the case OP just go some where you can afford a house man. In america you can get a ridiculous crib for 300k in a lot of places

>> No.26086518

>only $39M in BTC
>12x8 cock
>never sold, work at wendys as chef
fuck bros. i just cant bring myself to sell

>> No.26086568

I want to go to the US more than anything but unless you're a US citizen you get kicked out after 6 months.

>> No.26086569

If you're wondering how to get the plan you need
Read these books:
Think and Grow Rich
The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science

>> No.26086599

Not if you're a beaner.

>> No.26086704

I’ll never understand why retards make good money in crypto then think they can make anything near that in a shitty business that they’ll likely go broke in and to dump their investment that’s made them a million to buy a fkn house that may double in a decade if they’re lucky, meanwhile the eth and btc they sold will 5x by next halving . Most businesses fail, you aren’t the exception; the fact you’re waiting for a “good business idea” tells me how clueless you are

>> No.26087280

bro you can sell and still be a wendys chef

>> No.26087308

Just buy a new family
Like in curb your enthusiasm with the blacks

>> No.26087451

same boat. i have been using my money to bang 18ish year old traps and fuck high schoolers. figure ill just kms when i run outta money. i figure i maybe 25 years. going out at 57 doesnt sound too bad?

>> No.26087495
File: 8 KB, 296x170, Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you're white. Just pull a fauxcahonta and say you have Indian ancestors. Heck, half of Canada has Indian blood (well, except for all the pajeets, niggers and mudslimes that are now neo-canadians).

>> No.26087773

>attempting to "live" in montreal
Funny joke, anon

>> No.26087841

Seems like the least crappy place in Canada desu

>> No.26087887

Most businesses fail because at least in Canada they are fronts to cheat the system.

>> No.26087941

>I’ll never understand why retards make good money in crypto then think they can make anything near that in a shitty business
Because they are fucking retards. That's why. I have a white friend with a fucking nigger mentality. The guy is dumb as shit. Owns like 2500 LINK and only thinks about which car he is going to buy and how big his house is going to be.
He is loyal and I like him, but I won't be sorry if he is broke again in a few years. Retards just never make it, no matter how much money you give them

>> No.26088028

buy citizenship/residence in a better country if you don't like/can't afford canada

>> No.26088144
File: 144 KB, 620x349, 1608323762930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fucking so-winter hell from November to end of April and it's Chuck full of niggers, pajeets and mudslimes. And everyone's a sjw that will report you for wrong think. The cops fine you for crossing at a red light or for jaywalking, desu. It's a cuckold paradise.

>> No.26088224

>want to live in the us more than anything
why? it's full of minorities, the government is collapsing and its on the brink of civil war.
Come to america and enjoy getting drafted to fight the miga chuds in the bayou.

>> No.26088456

A million isn't enough for a house in Canada? What the fuck.

>> No.26088514

No, beaten up 150 year old houses start at $1.5M in any major city, the average I'd around $2.5M.

Houses 3 hours drive outside of Toronto are in the $1.2M range.

>> No.26088618

Take the Albertapill
Inb4 hick

>> No.26088671

hell yeah, that's what making it looks like.
Larry is rich as all fuck (possibly even a billionaire) but chooses to live with Leon who he mostly finds irritating, probably doesn't even pay rent and gets 100x more pussy than him. OP, you gotta reevaluate what actually makes you happy - if you made your riches with internet funny money, doesn't it make sense that your lifestyle should be a little bit, dare I say, kooky? a little crazy????? a little bit oopy glooopy bazoombie looooopppppyyyy????????

>> No.26088773

>200k a year salary in the south with low cost of living
>About 150k between crypto and stocks
>Want a house but don't want a shit shack sold at 300k by some retarded Boomer
>Don't want a mortgage where some (((bankers))) will take away my house on the last year of my term when I miss a payment due to a (((recession)))
I guess I'll keep collecting money until I can buy the home of my dreams in cash

>> No.26088940

Leaf, it's time to move somewhere else.

>> No.26088957

>whites aren't neocanadians
stupidity of the highest order.

>> No.26089023
File: 261 KB, 1125x1155, 64257618-642C-4278-A312-662816D4535D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you lie?


>> No.26089033

how is it?

>> No.26089074

Living with canadians is bad. Living with french canadians is asking to suicide

>> No.26089094

god what the fuck is that clown ass house. that shit should be worth like 50k, not 300k

>> No.26089128

Being a beaner is punishment enough

>> No.26089137

Bidding war or severe structural/interior damage for sure

>> No.26089276

Yes i would like to get stabbed by ravibg gabg of muslims

>> No.26089307

We won, and your chug ass will never get as good of a deal with anyone else. Chinks and Pajeets feel no guilt and will happily wipe you out given the opportunity.

>> No.26089460

I'm already hopelessly bleached so I don't much care.But remember, you will never be a native.

>> No.26089595

Oh, you know by looking at a picture? No wonder you can’t find a house.

There’s also a lot of empty lots. You could hire a construction company to build a house on your budget.

You’re either humble-bragging about (allegedly) having $1.3 million in crypto or you’re just being a big fag.

>> No.26089932

Will gay bro marry you for 30k lmk

>> No.26090183

We're very similar. I'm 32 and make close to $200k in metro Atlanta. I started house shopping a few weeks ago and was surprised at how shitty a house $300k gets you. I increased my budget to $500k and I'm really happy with what I've found. I'm hoping to close on this $550k house by mid February.

>> No.26090270

Bitching and moanjng on 4chan, no wonder nobody loves you, fucking cretin OP

>> No.26090657

Hey, I'm actually in Atlanta too. Living in the city because I do software for a fairly famous lefty tech company. Jokes on me. Ever since the coof I haven't seen the inside of an office and they'll probably have engineers be 100% remote only ever coming in for kick off meetings or parties. Basically I'm getting the fuck out of the city as soon as I can. But yeah I think all of the new York and Texas transplants are buying out all of the cheap quality houses. All I see are 2 bedroom ranches for like 250. 500 really seems like the sweet spot. I've got more than enough for a down payment but I've seen enough people in my family get fucked during a totally organically economic collapse. Fuck that.

>> No.26091113
File: 14 KB, 259x194, hyuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hindquarter Ct.
you can't make this shit up, folks. have fun living on Ass Street

>> No.26091279

Listen to this faggot. You're a fucking millionaire. Do something with it now

>> No.26091465

It's literally a shitting street, Brampton is ~50% Pajeets.

>> No.26091600

Are you retarded? You can easily get a detached home with a basement apartment for like $600-700k in Ontario, then rent out half of it to never work again. Come to Guelph nigger.