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File: 112 KB, 1125x1120, A6A415F3-ED33-45CB-A07F-24E3B39E0C95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26071337 No.26071337 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>smart enough to buyed link in 2017
>dumb enough to not buyed more
how is this possible bros?

>> No.26071378

i hbought 10k and only have 1k left lol

>> No.26071395

>buyed link

Please go away pajeet.

>> No.26071415

>not down with the lingo
fuck off newfag

>> No.26071437

Same boat fren, if you're like me you just boughted just in case but didn't really understood the tech.
You could at least have gotten yourself a suicide stack, wtf dude

>> No.26071444

Turn over a new leg, anon. Buy AVAX and your net worth will catch up in no time.

>> No.26071450

Pajeet please

>> No.26071461

How does that feel, knowing that you sold, and your position would be worth 1/5 of a million right now?

>> No.26071473

Also nice id, does that mean LINK is the new MySpace? What is Facebook?

>> No.26071488

i had one and then wented all in on request network and proceeded to get -99.8% reqt

>> No.26071495

The highest amount I ever had was 2.8K but that was literally all of my income at the and I would’ve had nowhere near the money otherwise. I had to sell about 2K to survive for a bit because I lost my job in late 2019.

>> No.26071511

I only have 15k and i want to kms every day i look at my plrtfolio. I should have easily attained 70k linkies

>> No.26071571

I'm in a similar position as him and I want to kill myself for it.

>> No.26071573
File: 110 KB, 1136x631, 4F65F204-65F4-4B15-90DE-F2A69AB8EAC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and knowledge pilled. i have no choice but to go all in now

>> No.26071620


>> No.26071635

you have to go back

>> No.26071636

I stopped thinking that way long ago

>> No.26071649

anon at least you didn’t buyed and solded early t. used to have 70K now only 1K

>> No.26071695

Since when is it cool to write in broken English? As if stupid expressions like hodl and buidl weren't enough..

>> No.26071930

I remember lmao, people use to say that LINK and REQ were brother, REQ was miles above LINK in marketcap, imagine that.
Anyways don't be to harsh on yourself, clearly you couldnt know that LINK would be this big and youre lucky to own a triple digit stack at all.

Checked 1488 numerals btw, you're id and now this what does it mean? Does that mean the next Facebook is a Nazi coin? What nazi coin is there?

>> No.26071988
File: 417 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200730-150510_Binance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry me a river

>> No.26072003

>200 LINK

Even if it hit 1k you still wouldnt have made it, why even bother, are you retarded?

>> No.26072457

thanks fren.
>green myspace id
>1337 digits
>1488 digits
we’re gmi bro

>> No.26072564

>makes thread delineating exactly why i’m retarded
>retard asks me if i’m retarded

>> No.26072566

Im SO absolutely lucky. I bought 10k and sold 2k in $1-2 range but managed to swing back to 10k
Im 19 years old and have over 250 000 dollars in crypto and it feels absurdly good.

>> No.26072602
File: 28 KB, 334x506, 1602753279995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha same, I sold at around a dollar thinking it would crab for a while to try make some gains with harmony ONE. Ended up buying back 1400 LINK at about 4$ or so, rest in XSN. My portfolio is still 10x my initial but it could be 28x if I just held. Ah well.

>> No.26072645
File: 127 KB, 1486x991, swwsdewdfefd4e3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro that has to be shopped, how can you be so unwokely woke? or were you in need of the money? either way I'd rope

>> No.26072677

when are you selling ONE? I got a 400 sat target

>> No.26072752

All anyone had to do was buy as much LINK as possible in 2017-2018 and hang onto it for dear life. It doesn't take a genius. You just have to not be an idiot and never let go.

>> No.26072765
File: 121 KB, 1024x832, F6BC112A-9C25-460A-93E2-356140D35198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pidgin is considered smart, not an abomination!

>> No.26072789

No you misunderstand, I dropped that shit super fast. Was hoping it would pump on Binance listing but it didn't, unlike every other coin they'd listed that month which shot through the roof. Lost like 10% of my stack on it.

>> No.26072805

>didn't watch the market like a hawk for the past 4 years
the real answer is you didn't need the money anon.

>> No.26072890

At least you weren't me who didn't drop my net worth into it in the march crash and decided to DCA instead. I tripled my stack but had I gone in at $2 I could've had over 20k link right now

>> No.26072936
File: 400 KB, 828x1792, DBAAEFAE-4EAF-4FB2-AF2A-0BEEC8FEA45F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck... I’m still left holding my one bags
Will I make it anon

>> No.26073302
File: 43 KB, 750x766, 1601098467936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fucking clue dude. I have two rules for what I buy, it has to do something new that nobody else can or is doing and NEVER FUCKING SELLING. Breaking that second rule is why my portfolio is 1/3rd of what it could be.

>> No.26073339

yeah I sold most of my LINK stack and out of AAVE way too soon.. feels fucking baddddd

>> No.26073342

buy bao if you missed link train

>> No.26073348

thought that was 203,000 for a moment
then I was like ....oh, what a dumbass

>> No.26073446

this is why most of you will never make it, you will always sell to early. you can't help it

>> No.26073466
File: 50 KB, 480x640, theyfeartheindoorrancher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the non schizo price target of link by eoy? BTC is said to be 100k by eoy and ETH to be 5k by eoy.

>> No.26073467
File: 289 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210117-041919_CoinGecko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only thing I can shill you on is XSN. Nobody else even comes close to their dex tech. Dyor obviously.

>> No.26073483

pidgin talk is not "lingo" here

>> No.26073519


>> No.26073747

if btc hits 100k and chainlink doesn't pass previous ath in sats it's $160 link. If you take into account the amount of money that's entered the market and how Ethereum performed last run, we could see $750 link if we say that Chainlink right now is ETH at $40. However, I'm in the camp that says we'll see $2600 link by September