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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26058297 No.26058297 [Reply] [Original]

They said it couldn't be done. They said things like "don't buy the top" and "turkroach shitcoin". They thought we were wrong. Now look at us, anon. Look at us.

>> No.26058571

Unfortunately I just bought 200 so it will probably dump. My bad!

>> No.26058666

$10 will be sweet today.
$100 next month sweeter still.

>> No.26058810
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This is just the beginning. Soon we will not need to make Avax victory threads. They will do it for us. The entire board will colour red with Avax FOMO and cope threads and everyone will know, 'yes we shouldve listened to the Avax Chads'.

>> No.26058895

i only have 25 avax for staking when do i make it?

>> No.26059002

I have been shilling avax to biz for weeks now since the new year and half my threads are met with endless fud. thank you anon for the wholesome outlook. we are comfy now and we will meet in the citadel

>> No.26059026

If you can’t afford 500 to run a node (the plan is to drop the minimum from 2000), you can delegate your 25 AVAX to earn just under 10% APY.

>> No.26059034
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Imagine not being all in this obvious 2021 moonshot

>> No.26059068

I’m glad /biz has ignored AVAX for so long. It has allowed me to build a comfy position to make it soon.

>> No.26059108

AVAX feels like Bitcoin when it was under $40 and the smart arses thought it was cool to pour scorn on it.
Kek, half those fags must feel like topping themselves daily.

>> No.26059150

I've got 2,500

Will I be able to quit work and move to Tbilisi lads?

>> No.26059182

Based bro. I might even have learned from this project from you. Thanks for doing Gods work. What really got me to pull the plug was once i heard the CEO was Erin Gun Sirer. Ever since i learned he was responsible for the technique behind bitcoin-ng and Waves-ng he has been on my radar. Did jy research on the project, team, tech, fundamentals etc and decided this is a top coin. It feels good to be in.

>> No.26059271

someone had to make the AVAX pepes fren. you made the right choice. this project is a huge thing and it makes a lot of poorfags scared. If you are in now though, you are basically just above ground level. 500+ make it stack.

>> No.26059290

you have a make it stack avaxbro. stake and chill and run a node. in 3 years we will be sipping scotch in our infinity pools.

>> No.26059659

Don't forget when ETH was $8 and then ran up to $80 within 2 weeks. This is where you are right now.

>> No.26059937

Noob question. Where would someone in the US buy AVAX? I guess it’s too early to be supported by the big exchanges? Just getting into learning about crypto, especially the actual buying and storing. Despite all the meme BTC headlines, it’s still the wild west.

>> No.26059973

You can buy on Binance with a VPN so long as you don’t complete KYC so they know where you live.

>> No.26060043


See this thread >>26031845

>> No.26060050
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DYOR before buying but you will likely understand after. I'll save you some time anon. see chart from https://www.avalabs.org/why-avalanche

>> No.26060403


>> No.26060683

Just wait until Coinbase lists AVAX...
$100 is FUD

>> No.26060747

this shit is barely listed on any exchanges right now. seeing AVAX at this price before any real marketing push is bullish AF

>> No.26061102

I have bags that are doing well but idk what this coin is desu. I just do what the graphs say like a fucking autismo. But it's been doing me well so far.

>> No.26061130
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educate yourself and feel even more secure in your holdings. may even want to accumulate more, who knows


>> No.26061161
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>> No.26061167
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Thank you for the link anon. I will read.

>> No.26061266

Thank you for the pill.
I have read.
What's a validator?

>> No.26061318

youre very welcome, good luck and remember HODL, real AVAX chads don't sell

>> No.26061379
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All my life I was antagonistic towards Turks. All my life the struggle was real. They were the invaders, the barbarians the ones who threatened Europe for centuries. But that beautiful kebab Emin and his AVAX made me a six figure guy in 3 montths. And this is just the BEGINNING. I love you Turks. I love you Attila. I love you Suleiman. I love you Ataturk. I will always buy extra kebabs from now on. I will always play Bannerlord. I will always defend Turks against the balkanshits. PRAISE BE EMIN, THE GENIUS SAVANT WHO MADE ME WEALTHY.

>> No.26061390
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I've own a heavily leveraged long.
I am ready.

>> No.26061428


>> No.26061506

So is the selling point "it's like LINK but faster?"

>> No.26061509

I sense a strong LINK type hodl vibe from this AVAX shiet.
Iron hands have bought bags I think.
Anons might be right.

>> No.26061588

now this is a good pasta can we save this

>> No.26061699
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I kneel, AVAX chads

>> No.26061997
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Based and Eminpilled. Others will come to the light eventually too. This is just the start.

Graceful. I hope you make it. Surpass Goku.