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26038689 No.26038689 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no marketable skills, talents, or abilities

i should have been born a tree or something more in-line with my disposition

>> No.26039151

I thought stocking shelves was a pretty comfy gig. Any stories to share?

>> No.26039226
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>> No.26039251

What's this life like OP? Genuinely interested. I make 6 figures and am generally frugal. Never had to worry about money in my life. Do you wake up with crippling depression every day?

>> No.26039285

i didn't mind stocking shelves but i had to unload the grocery truck every day and that shit is fucking terrible

>> No.26039418

Maybe go work at a parking garage booth. That is about as easy as a job as I can think of. Just sit in your little cuckshed and open the gate for people.

>> No.26039539

Do you have sex? How old are you?

>> No.26039667

>working from home
>have to interrupt my gaming and shitposting for monthly hour long zoom quiz

Fuck this, it’s the most work I have to do each month!

>> No.26039708
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not really the store where i work is pretty boring, everyone's pretty chill and i've never had anyone yell at me or anything

kinda depressed yeah but i'm insulated from the mental depredations of reality somewhat because i live with my retired dad whose pension more than covers any bills and i stand to inherit the house and a fair bit of money

think i'd rather get a comfy WFH job of some sort but you probably need actual qualifications for those

30. No, I'm a wizard and shut-in. I have no friends or romantic interests.

>> No.26040354

After inheritance, how much money we talking? You might wanna get a lawyer once that happens because inheritance taxes are inevitable. They will take a big slice

>> No.26040562

idk something in the 6-figure range i haven't given it too much thought

>> No.26040568
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Still have a chance to stack up on 1k bor, anon. That's something.

>> No.26040677

Get some marketable skills ( go to college, learn a trade, get certified, etc) and get off the web all the fucking time, I truly want the best for you brother. Human capital, investing in yourself, is the most useful thing you can do and will pay dividends in the long run!

>> No.26040681

24 year old wage slave here. Will crypto save me? How do I get into it? What books should I read?

>> No.26040798

I have absolutely 0 skills of any kind, nor do I have any desire to work or participate in existence whatsoever. Its been like this for as long as I can remember. And yet somehow I'm almost 30 yet I've scraped by so far. Managed to land a desk job at some company by just being really confident at an interview. I make decent money, now I'm getting stimulus checks, making money from crypto, things are looking up.

Anyway, the point im trying to make here, is maybe it IS possible to just bullshit your entire fucking way through life. So don't get down on yourself. Even if you're a total obese autist with a little elbow grease you can become a neetbux receiver. Just look around and be sharp kid.

>> No.26040906

I stalked shelves, got a degree, and just got off an interview to go back to the grovcery store as a deli clerk.

But my financial jobs finally called back after months of applying. Life provides for those who keep trying.

>> No.26040948

I would walk around with my phone out filming customers asses. Hot young chicks only, of course. Jerk off to it when I got home. Too bad I wiped that hard drive link a dipshit.

>> No.26041021

Guys please. I don’t wanna wageslave anymore. How do I get into crypto?

>> No.26041038

broke and college debt fag here.

i get it in increments. like at night i cry sometimes thinking about how much i failed. wishing i had a mentor or someone to help guide me to better choices. i dream about traveling back in time to fix it. i dread going to work and dealing with pushy opinionated people. sometimes i get suicidal and search out ways to painlessly kill myself. i saved the exit bag image goin around. i also think about how to arrange it so my parents won't find my body.

and then it goes away. i just occupy my mind with other things. games/movies/4chan.

thankfully i have a strategy in which perhaps having some crypto will help me deal with my bills. and i won't be so mad at myself if I can just pay my loans.

>> No.26041198

I’m in the same position, I’ve considered different marketable skills but I’m just not interested in anything. I work a warehouse job, and the only reason I stay is because of the benefits and I need a job of some kind. I’ve tried to learn an instrument, but I could never stick to it enough to get good, and now I realize the dream of being a musician professionally is so difficult to realize it’s not really worth it at this point. I’ve considered coding, but I have absolutely no interest in it whatsoever. I have an aversion to going to college or joining the military, so I really want to learn something myself that can earn me some pay. But the problem is, I’ve never successfully learned a thing on my own. I feel pretty hopeless.

>> No.26041361

For you anons who are stuck in wage slave or minimum wage mode, get as many jobs as you can. Your body is young, you can fucking handle 60-80 hour work weeks. Accumulate wealth, and put as much as you can into stocks.

Limit fast food tier purchases as much as you can. Like when I was working retail, I worked with retards who would pay $10 for an Uber to work, then cause they didn’t want to wait for the bus, another $10 Uber home. Along with another $10 to eat Popeyes or whatever.
>8 hour shift
>$10 per hour, so $80 before taxes
>say $60 after taxes (dat FICA)
>-$30 for Uber and food
>$30 for your 8 hour shift
Know your worth. Don’t even get me started on the more dumb shit they would do, like constantly shop cause muh employee discount, muh end of season sale. Theyre essentially paying to work there, it killed me.

>> No.26041486
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If I may, I stocked shelves and have a good story from Walmart.

>be me
>be 16
>be a real-life ginger
>I stock shelves and let people know where stuff if when they are lost.
>One day I am stalking a meat section of the freezers.
>An old Asian man approaches me.
>His hair is pure white and translucent, like it was made of droopy clouds.
>He's wearing all denim. From head to toe. All blue.
>He says "Excuse me, I am looking for flan. F-L-A-N."
>Spells out flan to me like I don't speak english.
>But I do know what Flan is because of Courage the Cowardly Dog.
>Guess it is in the Jello Isle.
>Take him to isle. I'm correct.
>He takes the two brands of flan I give him and puts them both in his, already used, plastic walmart bag.
>He says "Excuse me son, but are you married?"
>"Uhhh. No Sir. I'm 16."
>Have no idea where this is going, but I don't know how to get out of the situation.
>"You should get married, and have maaaaany children."
>"Okay Sir"
>"Because the red hair. The red hair is going extinct. Soon they're be no red hair people. So you need to get married and have MAAANY Children."
>"Okay sir. Please enjoy your flan."
>"Okay. Okay. Thank you, and remember to have kids."
>"Okay sir. Thanks"

TL;DR: I helped a denim-suited asian man find flan and he told me people like me were going extinct. Pretty mild for wal-mart.

>> No.26042078

>a real-life ginger
Found this funny
Didn't have to write the reddit tldr tho

>> No.26042550

Most people are ngmi, get your income up and learn how money works. You’re your own employee and you’re getting paid a lot

>> No.26042844

How much do you cucks masturbate? You sound like a low-T losers with no ambition. Lay off the porn, do 100 daily pushups, and start conversations with some women in public
. Come back in 2 months and if you don't have the ambition to change your life by then IDK what to tell you.

>> No.26043402
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Shit just kick back and relax with your Biden bucks incoming. $700-$800 a week.

>> No.26043554

>broke away from family and moved
>career doing web dev
>$60K in savings
>no longer able to bear the grind, going to quit in a couple months and see what happens

I am literally willing to kill myself rather than go back and beg to be a wagecuck again. It's the worst indignity I've ever faced.

>> No.26043629

Why not just start to slack off and see if they fire you? That's what I did a few years ago and they just kept giving me raises and bonuses. Now I actually kind of like the job (because I work maybe 10 hours a week).