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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2603275 No.2603275 [Reply] [Original]

Tired of the constant shitty pajeet p&d groups spam that has been swarming the board lately?
Let's try to fight fire with fire, and make this shitty board a little bit better
this is a p&d spam fighting discord, with the only purpose of reporting every single one of them, and spamming them with shit
join up, and help us make /biz/ a little bit better

>> No.2603300 [DELETED] 

Awesome, we also have a group that is non pnd and we talk about crypto, while we also specifically we follow the advice of a good crypto trader

CryptoSignal blog:

KayeeCrypto discord:

Best of luck trading!

>> No.2603305


> thread complaining about pajeet spam
> first post is pajeet spam

wew lads

>> No.2603311

Really needs to be quarantined now. The stench of raw sewerage and tumeric has gone on too long.

>> No.2603324

hopefully with enough reports we can get a slightly more active janitor at least in here

>> No.2603325

I feel like this group could be like a timeshare's free lunch. They pull you into it and everything seems legit then suddenly "what if we dump on them? give them a taste of their own medicine if you know what I mean." BAM you're now part of a new pnd crew.

>> No.2603330



>> No.2603333

these brown people are a serious problem and its only getting worse

we should talk about internet segregation right now. have one internet for white people where we can discuss serious business

and one sewage net for third world monkeys, where they can shill their pajeet coins

>> No.2603339



thanks pajeet

>> No.2603345

Thank fuck OP.

Have a bump

>> No.2603369


>> No.2603396


>> No.2603397

brown guy here.
how are you so sure that pump and dumps are only done by pajeets. ?

>> No.2603434

Seriously, fuck these Pajeets

I'll make my own ICO and shill it to Indians

Then I'll pull a Bancor and fuck off with their shekels

>> No.2603442

Crypto has me cracking up at the moment 'research' means checking the coin's website and social media for any minorities, the system seems to work too

>> No.2603462

Sounds like a plan

Don't forget:
- official government sponsor with small scale corruption
- local people for confidence
- quick riches for little investment
- blessed by local traditions and gods

>> No.2603470

This desu. Less poo more coo

>> No.2603473


Call it Lakshmi coin lads indian god of prosperity or some shit

remember to send me a couple laks when you're knee deep in the lambos

>> No.2603495


get the fuck off my internet you monkey
you turds literally ruin everything good in this world

go shit in a street or whatever you disgusting savages like to do

>> No.2603505


sounds good but remember they dont have any money

this idea takes off and you might end up with 10 bucks if youre lucky

>> No.2603514

If I scame one of these fuckers out of a month's salary, I will be more than content

>> No.2603517


>> No.2603558

Looks like another bump is needed

>> No.2603707


>> No.2603739

pajeet, go shit in your own street.

>> No.2603867
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>> No.2604036
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I wonder how many people join these groups from here.

>> No.2604565

Bump for justice

>> No.2605162

bump for attention