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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25997377 No.25997377 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Anericans still think America is still relevent in the financial system? No one cares what it does.

>> No.25997549

All I know is nobody asks this question about whatever country you're from, because no one cares. When your name is in people's mouths you're relevant

>> No.25997586

Why do non-Americans talk about America constantly?

>> No.25997634

rent free

>> No.25998123

op got fucked up lmao broke eurofag

>> No.25998149

OP seething

>> No.25998199

We don't think about you at all

>> No.25998221
File: 83 KB, 952x982, 1604070447511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America is the only relevant country in finance, technology, and literally every single thing you can think of.

>> No.25998265

Not seething. Just wonder why Americans seem to think their laws are relevent to a global asset? Genuinely think the US is irrelevant. Trying to understand. If it was say an international sport like Soccer no one would care what America did. The creator or Bitcoin wasnt even American.

>> No.25998281

Who cares about America? I dont care about America. Why would I care about America? America America America

>> No.25998307

But it isnt though. This board is probably 30% max Americans. This is a Japanese owned board. American laws are irrelevant to most here.

>> No.25998346

witnessed them digits

>> No.25998361

This board was created by an American (a pure, virgin white male) and his spirit remains

>> No.25998380

this is the reason why i'm happy unn is gonna make it. can fi so much crap in the financial system. will help me be independent from the american yoke of oppression so all my euro brothers can live free

>> No.25998406

nice larp OP

>> No.25998573

Us Americans are like Bitcoin - you want to hate us; you think that we should fade away so that new powers can rise up and be #1. But that's not going to happen. We're so fucking dug in as the leader that if we go down, we're taking you all with us.

Remember, if you're not first, you're last, secondworldfag

>> No.25998767

We don't retard. And stop thinking about about us for 5 minutes

>> No.25999353

America speaks and the world obeys. It is what it is. Bend the knee

>> No.25999385

We don’t. Western globalism is dead.

>> No.25999432

Ok wagie kek

>> No.26000423

The fact you’re speaking English in this forum is a pretty big indication you absolute Fn Mong

>> No.26001367

You took until 2021 to discover that lmao

>> No.26001411

Because the USD is still the reserve currency of the world

>> No.26001436

nigga you just called it soccer... are you a burger larping as a non-burger?

>> No.26001481

American laws mean more to non Americans than you think

>> No.26001504


>> No.26002306
File: 426 KB, 1170x1617, F9A10E96-1ADF-4D2D-9725-40B01639BD18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking gooks can’t even make the antidote to the disease they started.

>> No.26002456

But calling it the china virus isn't kosher.