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File: 10 KB, 250x250, tether-featured.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25979217 No.25979217 [Reply] [Original]

Tether will be handed an Emergency Cease and Desist order mandating the issuance of USDT be halted. You heard it here first.

>> No.25979258

And if they refuse to comply? What happens exactly?

>> No.25979269
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>> No.25979320

FBI arrest warrants for extradition

>> No.25979380

Nice larp faggot

>> No.25979401

Kek, just not gonna happen. Completely outside of their jurisdiction

>> No.25979406

NY AG based boys going after bugmen.

>> No.25979456

USDT would be pulled from all US markets, crashing BTC and cementing USDC as the real base of liquidity.

>> No.25979468

US marines will parachute down on top of deltec bank and shut it down at gunpoint

oh wait, no money is transferred because tether is completely unbacked by anything other than IOUs


>> No.25979496

Again? This time for realies?

>> No.25979578

In the meantime BTC will reach 50k by end of this week.

Nice try nocoiner...

>> No.25979932

Cool. My dad works at nintendo and says the same.

>> No.25980171


>> No.25980239
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unironically what does happen if tether goes full rugpull and exits to china or hong kong?

>> No.25981342

my dad works at NYAG

>> No.25981501

International extraditions then a full tribunal with InterPol.

Why do retarded niggers simply moving countries is the solution for international crimes?

Are you niggers retarded?

>> No.25981671
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FUD intensifies

>> No.25981704

it's over for tether

>> No.25981839

Its already pulled from all US Markets.

>> No.25981871

It doesn't work like that.

>> No.25981880

I think bitfinex will be fine but did you forget that the Bitmex execs got rekt for a lot less (ignoring AML compliance).

>> No.25981882

LARP, no one who works in the NY AG office would post here.

>> No.25981919

unironically nothing will happen on the 15th

but tether is unbacked and is being traded to exchanges for IOUs (super clear from that shady as fuck interview plus the fact that deltec doesn't even have the funds for 5% of outstanding USDT), then the unbacked tether is being used to pump BTC/ETC/other coins which is then traded for USD

i.e. worthless money ---> BTC ----> dollars

eventually they'll get them and it'll destroy the crypto market, when it crashes USDT will become worth $0 and it'll destroy liquidity as well as people's confidence in the market

>> No.25982203

> nothing will happen on the 15th
yeah, not the 15th, but somethin will happen within a week.

>> No.25982439

IDK, tether said they're giving (or have given) the AG 2.5 million pages of documentation, not sure how long it will take to go through them (of course if they're financial documents they have a particular format and there are scripts created to strip out the needed information)

they could solve this shit with an audit by an independent agency and it's really strange that they're not willing to do one

>> No.25982530

>2.5 million pages

>> No.25982549

Wow, an insider just flew over my house

>> No.25982626

You fucking retard. You know they gave them millions of pages of gibberish bullshit “documentation” so that they can never go through it all and keep stalling.

>> No.25982644

>commie country extraditing to NATO with no strings attached

>> No.25982762

get some hashrate or shut the fuck up

>> No.25982832

i like how you tried to use professional words to make this sound real LOL

>> No.25982929

>a full tribunal with InterPol

You have no idea what you are talking about faggot. Go finish high school and learn what jurisdictive, legislative and executive powers are and then come back.

>> No.25983011

They said the same about the futures market in the UK. Surprise surprise, I can still use it. They can’t do shit to tether, they don’t own it

>> No.25983082

this is obvious lmao
>yes sirs here 2.5 million pages look through business as usual!
>no rocket science!
>*starts burning tether*

>> No.25983109


>> No.25983422

Theres a wikipedia article for when you delay a case by spamming the court with a shitton of documents. I forgot what its called

>> No.25983667
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i thought whales were gonna dump early tomorow before the tether news lol

looks whales are getting out early lol

cya in 4 years

>> No.25983809

Proof? Guy who warned us before the rona crash posted censored pic of his access card with time stamp

>> No.25983854

Dump it!

>> No.25983876

We're going 80-90% down.

>> No.25983898

sticking your fingers up your butt is not what being an insider means, op

>> No.25983954

Please don't I can only be so erect

>> No.25984067

Yeah this whole thing is a scam. I’m out tomorrow. The market is now filled with margin traders and fake Chinese money buying up all the BTC. I’ll be back in at $500 after the arrests and outlawing of all crypto by the EU and US governments.

>> No.25984129


>> No.25984244
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>> No.25984321

Tether fud could crash the market when asia wakes up. Get your money into a better stablecoin or sell. I got out in time. If nothing happens I'll buy back next week and probably at much lower prices.

>> No.25984481



>> No.25984820

by disgruntled, salty traders LOL

>> No.25985491
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>> No.25985952

the fact that everybody expects the crash tells me to go all in

>> No.25986104
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>> No.25986285
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Made you look, lol.
Are a bit anxious, a bit scared maybe? Are you afraid of what's coming?

>> No.25986313
File: 51 KB, 500x500, D1BFAFAF-B14A-44A3-A808-7EE2B3EBE496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought more

>> No.25986429

Except only a couple of autists on this board expect this to happen, everybody else doesn't care as long as 'nuMbEr gO uP'

>> No.25986563

Nope twitter is filled with idiots who think this will move the price down, every XRP faggot and altcoiner loves the Tether fud because they are envious. But guess what, they're that way because they're rewarded to begin with.

>> No.25986712
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>> No.25986740

What did OP mean by this?

>> No.25986905
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>> No.25987507

this is getting boring. at least make it a little believable. fake some docs. use some bs links.
in all fields, you fucking faggot.

>> No.25987570



>> No.25987720

Huge if true

tether will be soon detethered dollar as an over-reserved stablecoin

If you see this as a tether FUD you literally live in a room temperature IQ

>> No.25988017

Whats up with bybit? Im watching them buying and selling since a week... quite strangely.
they sell and buy higher then the actual prices would be, e.g. they pay more then they should have. Somehow it feels like they rather try to push BTC then simply "trade".looks also like they do mostly usdt trades