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File: 260 KB, 1068x675, 20210114_135344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25961168 No.25961168 [Reply] [Original]

Well 2021 kicked off with a bang, and then dipped away.
Which projects have dipped lately and which ones are poised to go on a tear in the next bull run?

>> No.25961226

I wouldn’t say it dipped, folks were scared couse of btc ath and most of them took their profits. smart ones did other sold on low hahaha

>> No.25961548

Theres definitely a lot of gems out there which are a bit beaten down for no good reason. Will be interesting to see how it plays out...

>> No.25961555

suterusu in a perpetual dip lol but it's all good I'm not using it for that anyway

>> No.25961683
File: 27 KB, 500x500, 02BE9323-D9C5-4D0F-8248-8FF2A521B458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pajeets and other space cats

And big boy pants in btc eth

>> No.25961725

Price action will tell us where we are .
But the NFT game is getting stronger and more popular, daily diferent nft updates and partnerships so this will be huge in profits :) whoever gets them

>> No.25961881

I think a lot of the ones in the scifi index are beaten down a bit and have dipped.
Hence im looking at these gems now and also picking up scifi as well.
Should have a look if you aint heard of it OP

>> No.25962033

What is the word in scifi and its gems ? Just another hole to throw in money promising passive income ?
They need to show more to me to get me in

>> No.25962049

Word this.

>> No.25962229

some motherfucker yesterday said to buy xsn once it cools off.... cools off from where? From $2 down to $1?

>> No.25962310

I think XeD is a good one in the Defi NFT space.
Lots of good things coming from the team all the time over there i.e. beta testing csgo and all the partbership deals they have been making

>> No.25962528

Who has put together the scifi index though. Anyone in particular i.e influencers or people in the know?

>> No.25962778

Exeedme and AnRkey these 2 motherfuckers should be enemies, but if i think about it, we got a NFT and eSports stronghold , thst is gonna give us back what we deserve :) from gaming to earning

>> No.25962864

Stock market, metal indexes
Thats where the big boys of Merica got their money. So why not copy their doing in crypto ? Which project does have an index of good tokens/coins?

>> No.25962962
File: 49 KB, 640x640, IMG_20210108_174650_177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scifi index...
A bag of alt gems curated by the experts.
Market cap weighted and DAO governed.
Mystical names in the index, the likes of POLS UTK REN SUSHI for eg, for a total of 14
Worth taking a looksie paj

>> No.25962999
File: 53 KB, 679x800, 98C5BF2F-17FD-4403-ABEC-137444D2F0BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont know who put it together but i know there are some badboys of twitter like Wolf of all streets, CryptoDog, MartiniGuy, Gains associated...so team not bad at all

>> No.25963048
File: 210 KB, 640x344, UNNIEZMAZE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Union (UNN) could very well go 50x this year, and is probably the gem of the insurance bubble we'll enter this year.



>> No.25963872

Yoooo Exeedme are killing it boyo.
So many partnerships coming out.
Matic, newzoo hq, betprotocol to name a few.

>> No.25963901

You promoting 50x and give us a picture of a labirinth haha no way pajeet

>> No.25964111

AVAX was the one I was most sure was massively undervalued, Filecoin is probably number 2, especially with all the censorship, and CKB would be number three.

Filecoin and CKB are both going to be on Coinbase within the month as well.

>> No.25964165


On a first look, thought you were referring to NFTs and gaming. XED popped up on my mind.
Exeedme is a gaming platform built on the polkadot blockhain that encompasses the idea of DeFi, NFTs and E-Sports to reward gamers for their skills

>> No.25964341

Yahh anon XED is good, the Partnerships so far has been mind blowing. Beta testing is also ongoing. Did you manage to get a spot in yet?

>> No.25964430
File: 12 KB, 270x270, 9C661196-2A4E-463B-A6C3-610679C7D658.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If u gonna promote an index then u know they have 13gems now :) even better its my lucky number

>> No.25964455

Xed hasn't impressed me, can hardly go above 40 cents even with all the big news coming in. I thought that was supposed to give it a good push?

>> No.25964484

I am not so sure if this is the place to look fucktard.

The price has stumbled and then fallen quite dramatically.

Something stinks like fish here

>> No.25964546

Bullish on SENT

>> No.25964618

How do they plan to do this? What happens if I don't win? Not everyone is a pro at CS:GO but I like the idea and would want to know more

>> No.25964734

Hahaha you a funny looking mf, you are grading a project based on price, but they have only started and are killing it with partn
erships oracles licences and all.
Xed will be a firm leader of DeFi gaming and monetizing your skill powpowpow

>> No.25964870

Lots od folks hyped scifi and spice, but when it launched they were gone like in thin air and why . Hope they will pick themself up soon couse them gems mustn’t get wasted

>> No.25964959
File: 9 KB, 214x236, IMG_20210109_152107_860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am also a net buyer of this nft defi gaming bad boy.
Gonna be a monster in the tournaments of gaming industry and love the play to earn aspect that is built in so that the noobs can earn as well even for losing lol

>> No.25964996

Betprotocol on the web and Uk betting license back them up in their claims , exeedme team realy put in the work and effort in this.
DeFi and NFT
Game Mining and burning NFTs
Organizing 5-5 tournaments for CsGO and many games will follow

>> No.25965074

I don't know anon, they said only those from Europe could get a spot in, unlucky me I guess hahah
Not bothered because there's no such rules on the main platform and everyone can have a first hand experience after the test and we get a full launch

>> No.25965115

And still btc and eth will kick their all asses couse you all know who brought market cap to a trillion

>> No.25965223

Pajeet read the words from official group or medium
Europe beta players are most wanted because of the time difference and easier co-op so it is done asap and goooood :) zie german way
Klop :)

>> No.25965474

Tasty stuff here. Gonna take a look at this 50x chance.

>> No.25965577

SCIFI looks really promising, definitely worth putting some thousands on, would pay off for long term. The team have been working consitently to put the project out there.

>> No.25965592

Well with how acdx has been doing so far - they’re ux, derivates features lyk callable bear/bull markets nd liquidity levels and all the pro traders r gonna start thinking twice about it and try out acdx

>> No.25965670

That's SCIFI, they have the best index tokens out there POLS UTK DIA REN SUSHI to mention but a few

>> No.25965757

Just take your money and put em n a wallet that counts UTK babyyyy

>> No.25965786

Lol so shilly.
Xed are wayyyy overhyped imo.
Competitors are in the space gonna squash it i.e. Microsoft

>> No.25965797

>filecoin will be on coinbase this month
Holy shit what an embarrassing post. Like that shitcoin is making it there ever. Let alone before Sia

>> No.25965851

>nobody has mentioned my 100x coin which I m still quietly accumulating
feels good

>> No.25965917
File: 13 KB, 217x232, IMG_20210109_152055_384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you anon.
Xed are way too hypey. It's a bubble if you ask me. Ride it if you want, just get oit before it pops.

>> No.25965922

UNN shills are so embarrassingly coordinated

>> No.25966050
File: 12 KB, 225x225, IMG_20210108_174642_578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck my mother sideways there are some good projects in thay index.
Ima take a look annon. Loving Sushi and Ren. Hope Link is in there too

>> No.25966053

why the fuck would i want this shillcoin? What if it doesn't list on any exchange then it will be fucking useless like your time here you dumb fuck

>> No.25966091

Everyone wins with XED, for just participating, there's a reward in place for that. You necessarily don't have to be a pro to take part in the XED revolution of the gaming space

>> No.25966137

SCIFI looks pretty dead, most of the influencers that gave it the hype from the start abandoned the project and went into thin air haha, I wonder if it would survive for long

>> No.25966176


>> No.25966210
File: 281 KB, 1420x1963, 1C38900C-3408-4716-9416-15A8FB78A893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on boys give me your best picks on alts before you go to sleep, couse we all to lazy since we are here

>> No.25966229
File: 32 KB, 535x574, IMG_20210108_174647_009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will the first DAO vote happen? Also heard there's a contest currently on going, one could jump on that and try out some creative memes

>> No.25966288

Thats not true, if you would follow them you would know Gains A. and some other from the “council” starter posting about it

Dyor shitcollector

>> No.25966322

It takes much work and efforts to come this far, the team advisors, head of Engineering and Ambassador are all great. Very much contributes to why it has been doing well since listing.
Anyone not feeling bullish on this needs some self examining to do

>> No.25966450

Fuck you and your link shill list and better keep sucking dick then spittinn shit here
Link keeps falling down down down

>> No.25966501

A wise man would know that, the time difference factor obviously played a reason with why it was restricted to Europe. What's the need for the rush? XED ain't running away hahah

>> No.25966622

Just grab that scifi and enjjoi in the index that brings you gainz from all the gemzz. Cuz you a lazy ass then mint some spice at the same time hmm
1+1 = ???

>> No.25966693


Yeahh something definitely feel suspicious about the whole SCIFI thing which I don't like. I feel they've not been transparent enough from the very start. Not putting any cent on that

>> No.25966729
File: 46 KB, 399x354, 49BB7FB2-3F1A-44A5-8B7E-CC21E121C84F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is nobody talking about Spider vPn i realy realy don’t know

>> No.25966834

Lol too many acronyms.
What is even a NFT. Help a poor paj out over here understand how this helps

>> No.25966833

Ehm, Filecoin has been on Coinbase for quite a while...

>> No.25966905

I sure am putting in those gems from basket, it’s just that not in the index but one by one im gonna collect by myself ho ho ho

>> No.25966961

Lol, only fuckin nooobs need an index to make money in this environment.
Learn how to trade individual securities fucktard and you might go somewhere.
Fuck your index and reduced risk

>> No.25967007

Couse some motherfuckers apply to do a job but are then to lazy to do it how it has to be done you asshole, and you are one of those dicks since you are whinning like a spoiled brat

>> No.25967078

Yeah righto. So if it's on coinbase must be good?

Yeah. Good one.

>> No.25967089

Too bad they only have 5 on 5 tournaments, not my fav somehow im gonna put this on my watchlist

>> No.25967244

Oh I thought you meant you'd be able to trade it. Otherwise who cares. Also filecoin is gay and way behind Sia

>> No.25967256

Where are you fellas exchanging ?
My best picks are the next ones
Uniswap too but liquidity is low. Just stick with Huobi and you gonna be grrrr888

>> No.25967437
File: 68 KB, 550x550, CA250A89-7767-4431-A76A-E783AD2C9E86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The team in the shadows is amazing, but when they reveald the whole team and them after all the partnerships and friendships, they are going in mui mucho grande

>> No.25967617

Be a lazy pajeet like me and do what some did here
Take scifi and mint spice then activate the gems
And enjoi the altrun with no worrie and lost hair haha

>> No.25967619

What the hell is all the rage about gaming and defi projects. Why is exeedme so special?

>> No.25967735

Hahah the hype was so real, those who fomo in then will be crying out now. Glad I was patient enough not to jump in with my emotions. Could have gotten rekt big time

>> No.25967737

Thats easy haha
nFT is hype all around crypto
DeFi will give us thing u can’t imagine , cause if you would, you wouldn’t be askin this shiiiiiiiiit
CsGo and earn while you play games and shoot haha i’m in everytime

Plus more games comming soon

>> No.25967778

What the fuck is a DAO paj.

Enlighten me.

>> No.25967933

It use to be 14gems until covered hack happened and it was removed from the index, a replacement will happen soon. Hopefully, the team and Senators will keep us updated on that

>> No.25968051

Sounds too good to be true homie

>> No.25968345

Personally, POLS is one project I like, having it in the index makes it a double win for me

>> No.25968448
File: 22 KB, 600x314, IMG_20210113_134813_917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xed going gold guns.
Tracking the csgo beta closely.
Upwards only from here with XED.
Moon shot of mine for 2021

>> No.25968473

Don’t worry about one bad egg,which didn’t hurt them at all imo couse they dont matter beside all other gems they’ve got

>> No.25968516

Just sticking with BTC and ETH.
Can't lose when you stick with the big guys

>> No.25968659

On the contrary I think having an index that is DAO governed is super smart.
Lets the community and investors have an input into how it is run and where the money goes.
With a normal index etf you have zero control.
The scifi index looks like a strong one and good investment case imo.

>> No.25969330


>> No.25969441

I like what you are saying bro
And all the mentions for xed above you , clearly they know what they are doing making all the right partnerships and connection when the game is on the top, so lets earn some xed

>> No.25969535
File: 177 KB, 1600x900, 31CC634D-BADB-4D70-9E9E-E473FDE9DAB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The name od the big ape crushing it

>> No.25969696

With all other shitalts dropping around this one makes sence, even if it had less gems in it it would still be a good investment
You did saw their green signals did u huh did u

>> No.25969871

DOT will see $50 or higher

>> No.25969875
File: 22 KB, 474x266, AA0773ED-351F-4B37-B57A-21B05097F3D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple and easy

If you got the dip or even presale
And that it just the begining yuuuuup

>> No.25970014

Just watch the big boys who started the DeFi game

>> No.25970847

First ever NFT will be minted soon in exeedme so grab on and hoooold tight :) the time is now and the time has xed