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25956874 No.25956874 [Reply] [Original]

I was up $500k and I am not buying back.
Not until we se a real fucking dip or Tether gets fucked.
Crypto is flooded by retards ATM.

I've began deploying this new sweet cash into assets with better potential returns.

>Pan American Silver Corp

The list goes on, have fun staying poor delusional 92 IQ gamblers.

>> No.25956916


>> No.25956935


>> No.25956947

i solded too. just have 1 ETH now

>> No.25956981

I think I have like 5 ETH left in various wallets, but it's just fucking pocket change.
Kept some alts like numeraire though.

>> No.25956986

Thank you. There are some serious euphoria maniacs in this market and frankly I don’t care what happens

>> No.25956984

anon sold, pump incoming

>> No.25957264

>sells eth
>posts btc chart

>> No.25957329

Anyone who accumulated last year and didn't fomo in december like a retard sees this lmao the board is absolutely flooded by moonboy brainlets

>> No.25957344

Also unloaded my BTC bags. Will buy in later once more.

>> No.25957445

Enjoy getting priced out

>> No.25957525

Literally every single crypto coin moves identically to BTC. Which is why they are all pointless as investments because you might as well put all your money in BTC.

>> No.25957575

Have fun staying poor

>> No.25957615

okay anon thanks for blogging. now kys.

>> No.25957614

not this time bub

>> No.25957633

Literally every single stock moves identically to apple. Which is why they are all pointless investments because you might as well put all your money in apple

>> No.25957640
File: 171 KB, 840x839, 293-2939233_8037140-pepe-laughing-png-transparent-png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love how bulls remain in denial until they lose everything

>> No.25957672


>> No.25957697

>can't disprove it
>goes for the classic ad homo attack like the brainlet she is

>> No.25957699
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selling below ath at the start of the bull market

>> No.25957702

I sold some too, but you're underestimating how crazy things can get. Look at TSLA. Not a good idea selling everything right now, when ETH is still below its ATH.

>> No.25957739

well done, taking profits and avoiding risk is always good.

you can always re-enter later on.

cheers anon!

>> No.25957789

>I sold some too, but you're underestimating how crazy things can get. Look at TSLA
Same thing. BTC enters a 1 year bull market and a 3 year bear market. 1 year bull market started when it shat the bed last year during the covid dip and did 1000% since. Some sideways price action between 30-40k this week and then it's straight down to 4 digits.

>> No.25957820

Sure it might do a 2 - 4x before it crash 85 % if the bulls are lucky.
I can get the same potential return in asset like the ones I just listed with lower downside, so I prefer that bet over shit which is simply a meme for gamblers.

>> No.25957829

Are you that much of a newfag, lurk more retard

>> No.25957953
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kek the rally is over idiot

we rallied from 3k in march to 40k in january
its beeng 11 month rally

newfags and redditors flooding 4chan

>> No.25958032

You're 100% correct, literally every single crypto coin moves identically to BTC. Hence why I only trade BTC cause there is literally no point at all to trade anything else

>> No.25958181

not sure who the newfag is but in 2017/18 eth reached its ath one month after the btc bubble popped

>> No.25958251

Brainlet not even btc rally is over, even less the eth rally
Its like some people trying to stay poor on purpose

>> No.25959001

BTC/ETH is much more correlated this time.
ETH sparked the 2017 bullrun with ICO mania.
This time ETH has DeFi which isn't nothing, but it's still pretty "meh".
That same thing might play out this time as well, but I still think the odds is really shitty for both ETH and BTC.

We're at the end of a mania, we might go 2x from here or who know, maybe even 4x.
But the returns are still shit for the risk you're taking.

>> No.25959059

We had a real dip, retard. Volatility decreases with every cycle.

>> No.25959158

BTC finna tank
it'll be back up in 4 years or so
one last shake of weak hands.

>> No.25959160

Textbook bull trap. Can't wait to see this board in a couple days lmao

>> No.25959206

>still in denial about it being a bear trap

>> No.25959345

Meh, I can sit out a possible 3x and hold my sweet stocks with 50x potential.
I'm fine.

>> No.25959390
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please delet that chart

>> No.25959440
File: 548 KB, 1652x1342, SoldBeforeRally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please lookup the closest suicide prevention hotline.

>> No.25959451

you go by nupl chart to determine real dip dont you? ..... what if i tell you, nupl doesnt matter if all the weak hands have seen other charts such as the stock to flow and they wont dump or be shaken out until it hits 100k? .... your nupl chart doesnt matter then... it will go blue, and it will stay blue, and if there is any colour above blue it will break through to that new colour instead or act like ethereum where ethereum ignores the nupl chart and stays blue for months on end if not entire years.... face it, you need to use a different chart now because even the weak hands are now strong and have a higher price target before they consider selling out.

>> No.25959722

At least you're a bit high IQ, good!
NUPL was one of the indicators I used to determine that this is a sell.
But not only that, my long-term target is about $5100 under best case scenario.
That was a mere 3.45x from where I pulled out.
It may go to $5100 in the long run, but I simply didn't think that the potential 3.45x was worth risk.
Risks include:

1. Regulation
2. Tether blowing up
3. Some very serious bubble signs (NUPL, google trends, Paul Logan shilling, etc...)
4. Competition from currencies that can solve scalability and usability
5. Lack of actual adoption beyond gambling on the price

All of those events could easily make the price drop 85 - 90 %. And I think several of those events are likely to occur within the next year.
Therefore it's stupid to stay greed right now.

>> No.25959828

Your loss moron. You will regret that move soon enough!

>> No.25959927

No I won't since Qiwi will make a 20x this year.
Intellia and AeroVironment will make a 15x.
Pan American Silver Corp is set for a 50x.

Have fun staying poor with your very shaky 2 - 4x, literally built on a house of cards.

But I guess stocks is too hard for your poo-poo brain.

>> No.25960501

why makes you think so? i feel like qiwi is 5x at best, not sure about others

>> No.25960679
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Thanks for the advice anon, just sold my $10 of bit coin

>> No.25960751

>Despair bottoms at 12000

>> No.25960770

>he doesn’t know this is the bear trap.

>> No.25960783

BTC can't just casually do 2x -4x with it's current market cap, literally BTC market cap is already retardedly huge.

>> No.25960790


>> No.25960839

you never held any crypto in the first place

>> No.25960894

Sminem, bring out the trillions. We’ll show this guy...

>> No.25960911

It's unlikely but not impossible.
It doesn't matter, there's too much potential downside from here.

It is MUCH more likely that we go to $20K than $100K and it's MUCH more likely that we go to $10K than $200K.

Investments are about good odds and these odds are shit.

>> No.25960944

I've done it since 2013 but I don't marry my bags.
Now I got a $1.5M net worth and anally rape most newbs on this board.

>> No.25960997

Ohnononooooo, Crybdoe is just for us completely useless NEEEEETS, how can silver boomer DARE to hold Crypdoe....

>> No.25961383
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I always kept an eye on crypto but never got in seriously and from what I feel is the bubble is about to burst.
People got greedy, lots of newbies jumping train 2018 style, they will buy high and sell low as market corrects itself leading to drop.
Then there is possibility to buy coins as low as you please with no real danger of getting even lower.
Coins are still just gamble investment, you still need USD to buy things, short term investment are the only sane way to make anything.
I'll wait and slowly probe market with small buys in a course of month, probably.

>> No.25961909
File: 24 KB, 712x316, Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-14 um 14.16.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine selling eth, ever.

>> No.25962278

don't worry bro we'll see a serious correction form $2k to $ 1400 soon

>> No.25962340
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And the list gets longer.