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25919675 No.25919675 [Reply] [Original]

>fucking loser on twitter says Apple has an announcement that is "bigger and better" than a product announcement
>it's fucking this

>> No.25919705

Don't u want to end systemic racism OP?

>> No.25919730

>this handful of Bay Area big tech far lefty lunatics are attempting to speak for the whole world now, not just the US

when does this end

>> No.25919770

I read it as
>Apple launches massive anti white male initiative
How about Tim AIDS stops making phones in actual slave factories otherwise?

>> No.25919790

Short apple

>> No.25919817

>shorting apple as we speak

>> No.25919848

No, I think it's generally been a net positive

>> No.25919870
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Look at this loser

>> No.25919877

Nice. The sooner US falls, the sooner rich people realize that cryptocurrency is the only way out and coins moon.

>> No.25919928

Short the fuck out of crapple. Diversity and inclusion kills society and companies

>> No.25919931

>when does this end
You'll be at the mercy of everyone else's whims to the degree you tolerate them.

>> No.25919939

it's not going to end until people actually do something about it
when mostly peaceful protestors get called terrorists and terrorists get called mostly peaceful protestors, there are only two options left: violence, or opt out of the system

>> No.25919943

No other company will launch a big enough product anytime soon as apple's M1 chip, it's funny how people didn't understand how big this is yet

>> No.25920011

>apple's M1 chip
Literally spy hardware. They moved from previous manufacturer because they did not like that users could have root access to their OS.

>> No.25920147

Short VMware too

>VMware (NYSE:VMW) is set to attain gender equality by 2030, according to COO Sanjay Poonen. The software company has established 30 goals it intends to achieve by the end of this decade.

>“We want to see more diversity in the workplace. We’re committed to having 50% of our managers be women,” Poonen said in a “Mad Money” interview.

>One of the company’s programs, VMinclusion, aims to help women restart their careers after a pause by offering training and the necessary opportunities to reenter the workforce.

>Sanjay Poo

>> No.25920177

There is nothing special about them making their own fucking CPU
>it's funny how people didn't understand how big this is yet
Ohhh yeah man it's so big this is some BIG TECH NEWS BRO. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.25920212

lol k apple, we totally trust you


>> No.25920233

They gonna end slavery, fuck big tech telling us what to do, when they use children and human slaves to make their products fuck them.

>> No.25920261

>Apple is combating racism by being racist
This timeline is the fucking worst

>> No.25920289

You are dumb and guy, it's a revolutionary chip faggot

>> No.25920361

>it's a revolutionary chip
Only if you mean chip as in chipped animals at the farm. This is indeed revolutionary, people pay overprice for being monitored 24/7.

>> No.25920408

Unironically this.

>> No.25920427

How does a phone stop me from not wanting to live near spics and niggers?

>> No.25920429

It's not new and it's far from revolutionary you fucking Apple fanboi fag

>> No.25920547

Maybe they'll chip the nigs and spics so people can gps locate them on their phones to avoid them.

>> No.25920555
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Not before THIS becomes reality.

>> No.25920585

It's funny how Occupy Wall Street terrified the elite so much that they made such an effort to subvert the left
Ten years ago the left was calling for the destruction of banks and large corporations
The elite then managed to get them to focus not on the institutions themselves but only aspects of the institutions such as their racial diversity
Now left wing groups don't call out the very existence of groups like apple but just how many people of colour or whatever are employed by them or on their board
The corporations then announce more diverse holdings, the left announce they have achieved a victory, and then move on to the next corporation to campaign against
And most of the left don't ever realise that they're being played
Racial and sexual diversity is now just a meme and a trap to attract the attention of their opponents and hypnotize and neutralise them

>> No.25920651

I always hated apple, I have a thinkpad and my smartphone is a lg g7 thinq. The only apple products I owned are one ipod and one old ipad, both were given to me for free. That's literally the first time I'm really interested in an apple product, because i'm not a fanboy or a dumb hater, I'm an objective person. That M1 chip is a gamechanger.

>> No.25920657

The M1 thing is overblown. Sure it's a good CPU but will it boost Apple's market share in the PC/Laptop space? Will people who weren't going to buy a Mac before get one now cuz it has an M1 CPU? Probably very few. Intel and AMD will respond, and maybe one of these days Qualcomm will get off their ass and make their laptop CPUs not suck. M1 is in no way a game changer for the pc market

>> No.25920684
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>> No.25920723

Well, that's literally my case. I'll be a first time apple consooomer because of that CPU. Unless AMD and Intel launch something as good as that for a lower price

>> No.25920750

Nuke silicon valley when?

>> No.25920840

if apple doesnt immediately fire al the white people working there and give tbe jobs to BIPOC it is just virtue signaling and doesnt give a fuck aboht black people and the oppressed it just wants to use their problems as its own personal PR plantation like the colonizing fat and ugly slavemaster that it is. I say they hire some snipers to start executing all their white employees in the corporate parking lot ay random or they are not doing enough here.

>> No.25920908

>Sanjay POOnen

>> No.25920984


>> No.25920990

They are launching something soon. Both announced new CPUs at CES which are a big step up in terms of power/efficiency. Intel also announced 12th Gen road map with CPUs that are more like mobile SOCs that combine high performance cores with high efficiency. So they aren't sitting on their hands here.

What Apple has done is impressive but it's not mind-blowing. It's not iPhone vs Blackberry. It's marginally better but not so much that I'd ditch PC. For me it would have to be vastly better to switch since I just don't like Mac OS that much.

>> No.25921070

It wouldn't change a single thing. It would affect the stock zero. It would only lose money.

>> No.25921113

If you don't think this is a big news, you've got some issues.

>> No.25921189

Wow, I think this has put the pin in grenade of my curiousity on why lgbt bullshit is so heavily pushed, I knew that big corps used it as a vehicle to steer away from profit talk but this is something else, they may as well of literally invented it

>> No.25921434


FFS junior dev here, 5 months in my first job. I was considering treating myself to a new m1 chip mpb this year. Now I'm conflicted, is XCode even that necessary for app development?

>> No.25921455

damn this explains a lot

>> No.25921564
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>> No.25921568

It is for iOS app development yes

That's another thing I dislike about Apple. If you go with Apple you really have to go all in because Apple stuff only works with other Apple stuff. With PC/Android you can mix and match and it all works together well.

>> No.25921654

>That M1 chip is a gamechanger.
Yeah wow YouTube is snappier and I can scroll through /biz/ faster

>> No.25921717

Capitalism destroying itself in action. You were warned about this by 3rd position orgs over a hundred years ago and your response was to destroy them. Now you are going to become a post racial, post gender, and soon to be post human society because you've willingly submitted to a slew of predatory tyrannical monopolies for every single need in your life.

>> No.25921724

lmao peak clown world, short this dogshit

>> No.25921787

So what, even more non-whites in their fucking ads?
Tim Cook steps down in favor of someone with the appropriate amount of melanin in xer skin?

>> No.25921829

What will the projects even be? How does apple expect to fix issues that dont have easy magic solutions?

>> No.25921857
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absolute state of being white in america

>> No.25921884

Checked and basado

>> No.25922087

I'm fine with the yellow supremacy in the us education system and job market

>> No.25922123
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>Me listened babbling about racism and sexism for 5 years from every fucking media.
>- But wait! There is more!

So brave! So powerful!

>> No.25922164

Any non-white will be ready to swap with you. Your privilege is just reduced a bit like 1%, not erased.

>> No.25922226
File: 525 KB, 750x1334, 538783DA-D8A1-41C7-AE3A-8276F647BA76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are ending systemic racism by using the system to oppress white male business owners!

>> No.25922248

white privilege = working hard and thinking about the future

>> No.25922285

>every white person is a rich white person living in the suburbs.

>> No.25922297

Democrats have hated poor whites for well over a hundred years, this is nothing new

>> No.25922381

There's almost no systemic racism anymore, unless you consider the "system" to include the culture of niggers themselves
>Muh black names get rejected more on applications with the same skillset
>Muh blacks get shot more often

The system is trying to help them nowadays but their culture doesn't help them and white culture is honestly becoming not that much better for whites in the 80% ever since the 1970s if you look at the QoL stats between the two groups, 80% and 20% wealth holders

That's what they say, but it's clear it's the turning toward the subjugation and scattering of white people in general
White people will have no homeland if in every place they exist this shit is being pushed
Look all the narratives being spewed before trump came along, that china overtaking the US was inevitable, despite it being a backwater totalitarian dirt farming country

>> No.25922419

HA you got bait and switched faggot. They did that to counter their stock dumping like twitter for a day. TLDR sell that shit hard, theyre worried and taking ridiculous damage control measures in plain sight.

>> No.25922448

White people are the largest poverty group in the country you fucking insufferable faggot, go fucking back where you belong.

>> No.25922453
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It's not destroying itself. It's destroying it's current userbase. Big difference.
The future of capitalism is an automated toxic lifeless factory planet.

>> No.25922519

It is literally not possible for white people to be poor
Any white person who is poor chooses to be so, but they can change that by just walking to the bank and getting a loan

>> No.25922616

>getting a loan
>getting out of poverty
>white people can't be poor
You have to be baiting

>> No.25922646

Ok Mr Burns

>> No.25922666

When you're locked and loaded

>> No.25922706

Xcode is just Apple’s version of Visual Studio. Nothing special but you do need it to make Apple apps
The M1 is fast as fuck though, I would recommend it just for that fact.

>> No.25922733

powered by kleros natsocs

>> No.25922744

racism = anti white western civilization

>> No.25922754

??? What the fuck are you talking about?
They literally take a loan, can do whatever, and get loan forgiveness. They have no obligation to pay it back in the same way banks make POC do

>> No.25922787

Sorry I must be uninformed, what racist "systems" are in place that we need to end?

>> No.25922801

You're fucking retarded but I didn't expect anything else of your kind anyway

>> No.25922820

I'm black, and I can't believe they had the audacity to call this virtue-signaling bullshit "bigger and better" than a new product

>> No.25922833


Anti white and anti asian affirmative action policies in school, and diversity hiring policies in business, as well as discriminatory minorities-first scholarships, grants, and funds.

>> No.25922835

wh*toid moment
you'll be replaced

>> No.25922971

>whites are priveledged by the system
>that same system is working to demonize and ethnically replace whites
Hmmmm. When student loan payments restart I'll direct them to you so you can explain why I dont have to pay them off

>> No.25923098

Bought some yesterday because I saw they'd have a big announcement today and was pretty mad when I saw it was this. Made 1.8% profit but market sold it all because I don't support this bs

>> No.25923137

>don't you want to end meritocracy
what could possibly going wrong

>> No.25923177

Nothing, society would be uplifted

>> No.25923200


>> No.25923202

>getting a loan
You are one retarded minority.

>> No.25923231


Does it anger you tremendously when a big tech company doesn't include a small BLM banner at the top of their homepage?

>> No.25923269

Go get some pussy, incel

>> No.25923281
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Is this the fabled Nigger IQ I've heard so much about?

>> No.25923305

If you don't support this then you ain't black

>> No.25923307

You will be replaced pigskin

>> No.25923372

I love this kind of news, cant wait for you guys to come back to europe

>> No.25923456
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>> No.25923781

Fuck shitskin mudbloods, kike demons, and traitors

Dotr rahowa gtkrwn

>> No.25923843

It's pretty obvious Intel makes backdoored hardware, and that's what Apple has used for years.

What do you mean about root access thought? How does the M1 chip prevent you from gaining root?

>> No.25923883

Is America the most cucked country in reality? I have always thought it's Germany or Sweden here in Europe but USA might really take the prize.

>> No.25924110
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>> No.25924308

It's true but amerimutts and europoors aren't white. True whites know every one of their ancestor that lived in the last thousand years by name. The true royal bloodline stretching back to Atlantis is still maintained in secret. Rather than reveal this secret the Templar knights chose to be labelled satanists by the pope.

>> No.25924384
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just as I predicted yesterday
fucking kek
dump eet

>> No.25924485
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> bigger and better than a new product

>> No.25924620

Let's just forget about all the slavery and child labor because that isn't on our doorstep.