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File: 151 KB, 977x867, Schwab-Klaus-World-Reset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25910863 No.25910863 [Reply] [Original]

Is it inevitable we will reach a point where we own nothing, and billionaires control everything?

>> No.25910877

Not if youre a billionaire

>> No.25910890


Nothing is inevitable , but it certainly doesn't look good

>> No.25910908

only if the governments keep helping them (so yes)

>> No.25910944

We're already there.

>> No.25910973

If the government wanted to they could seize all your assets at any given moment
How free do you think you really are OP

>> No.25911426 [DELETED] 


>> No.25911607

Historically when wealth becomes too concentrated the plebs inevitably revolt and you get agrarian reforms (aka the dictator put in charge by the ppopulatio seizes all properties from the monopoly of aristocrats and distribute it to the citizens to reset the cycle).

That's what happened in Greece during the first tyrannies and it's an event that repeated itself many many times over history. Ironically Schaub would be the first on the chopping block in an actual "reset" which is probably why he is subverting the term.

>> No.25911618
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>> No.25911718

>Historically when wealth becomes too concentrated the plebs inevitably revolt and you get agrarian reforms (aka the dictator put in charge by the ppopulatio seizes all properties from the monopoly of aristocrats and distribute it to the citizens to reset the cycle).
Have you read 1984 yet? It explores the idea of the proletarian being dumbed down to such an extent that they don't even realize there's any oppression at all.

Don't be so sure in thinking that's an impossibility in the current era. Education has been dumbed down and compromised to the extreme. The Internet has become increasingly centralized, and mass censorship is becoming the norm.

>> No.25912127

>the proletarian being dumbed down to such an extent that they don't even realize there's any oppression at all
This had already happened to a large degree. 1984 is the basically brochure for the future at this point in the game because of that idea and the normalization of everything you just said. Hell, it's honestly even worse that most normal folk are genuinely supportive of the endless authority creep and pyrhic victories. Normies want to be controlled at heart, true freedom makes them uncomfortable.

>> No.25912183

How do they keep up the tech if the people are too stupid to repair them?

>> No.25912288

they couldn't
there would be mass outrage if someone could prove they did it for no reason

>> No.25912329

1984 topic is totally different, it's one where the state controls everyone, not an oligarchic plutocracy like we're experiencing today.
If anything we're more drifting toward a Brave New World where people are sedated with cheap pleasures and entertainment but even that isn't eternal.
The quality of entertainment has steadily decayed in the West already (see hollywood or the music industry).

>> No.25912333

doesnt take an army to stage a coup at any day

>> No.25912355

>Have you read 1984 yet? It explores the idea of the proletarian being dumbed down to such an extent that they don't even realize there's any oppression at all.
Everyone's read that bro. I don't think it's possible tho, even in North Korea there are defectors and assassination attempts, escapees said everyone sort of knows,,it's an unstable type of regime.

Brave New World is far more likely. Only I think rather than genetically engineered lower classes (below beta) they will just use robots and the majority of dumb humans will be put in zoos or killed.

Automaton armies will be a key tool in establishing actual elite rule on earth

>> No.25912389


>> No.25912411

This is why we need to become the billionaires.

>> No.25912437

>Is it inevitable we will reach a point where we own nothing, and robots control everything

>> No.25912456

correct. based klaus.

>> No.25912467

Yes, absolutely everything will be commodified. From food, to entertainment, to social settings, all of it will be cookie cutter provided for you but you will own none of it and be happy.

and you still won't have a girlfriend

>> No.25912469

We’re already at that point. Crypto is the last hope an average person has to escape eternal wagecuckery & avoid being part of the welfare UBI class once robotic & AI automation rolls in. The window of opportunity is closing, so stack your cash, and put it in crypto, & come up with an exit plan to get the fuck out of the country (assuming you live in the US or Europe) cuz the West is a sinking ship.

>> No.25912496

>Kali yugas are 432,000 years long

>> No.25912501

My money is on Fahrenheit 451, for what it's worth. A major theme of that book is that society made itself so stupid with mass media that by the time the censorship rolled around, they didn't encounter any significant opposition.

>> No.25912502

Not if the government and the media make something up.

>> No.25912578

Not to bring this into yet another thread, but every protest/riot that we've had in burgerland has been organised on Twitter and Facebook.
So what do they do?
They ban Parler because they "might" do something on it.

>> No.25912614

>by the time the censorship rolled around, they didn't encounter any significant opposition.
Not only do they not oppose it, they actively uphold it.

>> No.25912619

>even in North Korea there are defectors and assassination attempts
North Korea is nothing like The Party or what's being proposed in the great reset. O'Brien even outlined how dictatorships like those are short-sighted and not nearly as impenetrable as the Ingsoc system.

>> No.25912621

Feudalism doesn't last forever

>> No.25912634

brave new world does that well

>> No.25912722
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Already there. Just make sure to be a billionaire.
All in BOR won't hurt you on the way.

>> No.25912747

Absolutely, and I think our near future is worse than what was described in 1984.
Our screens and surveillance are way more invasive, the phone/screen that parents give to their children will destroy all possibility of brains emancipation. We are being dumbed down, fed with bullshit, and now smashed periodically with fake crisis (covid) to make people used to near-zero-economical-growth for the coming decades. This is the equivalent of the perpetual war of 1984. We are basically fucked because this trend is kinda forever

>> No.25912760

No. Billionaires are only pawns. See Jack Ma, or rather, don't see Jack Ma.

>> No.25912817

No if we actively search for a moneyless Resource Based Economy.

>> No.25912905
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How they gonna take your crypto off you unless you sell it? checkmate nwo....

>> No.25913262

the elites are about power and control
money is just for us faggs

>> No.25913305

Why does Klaus dress like a Mortal Kombat character?

>> No.25913313

were already there

>> No.25913362
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>> No.25913374

found the historylet

>> No.25913379

what's his fucking problem?

>> No.25913390


You'd think people would figure this out after 30 years of failed neoliberalism but every sale is a purchase and if you impoverish the middle class your economy collapses sooner or later.

Only politicians push this meme, not billionaires, because politicians just see the bags of money they can put in their own pocket during privatizations. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett want to pay more taxes. And why wouldn't they? A strong middle class means a stable and patriotic society around their companies. A destitute one would only help them in the very, very short run.

>> No.25913422

happens all the time dude its called getting suicided or deemed schizo or tax fraud. They control opinions, laws, and people

>> No.25913462

yep it was always makeup over an evil whore except now the movies are getting to the point where the evil whore is old enough where evrryone can see shes not worth the coom if you nomsayin

>> No.25913489

>150k already
What the fuck last I checked it was 20

>> No.25913509

Yes, obviously.

>> No.25913541

they have singificant and nuanced propaganda in NK, you should watch a docu on it
doublethink is used

>> No.25913544

You vill one nussing
You vill eat ze bugs
You vill live in ze pod

>> No.25913563

dude we are alrad at that point
I literally own nothing except some clothes, a crappy laptop and some cheap furniture everything elsei s rented

>> No.25913575

If you're looking for a frame of reference distopia you might want to check metropolis from fritz lang

>> No.25913577

i got the vaccine: bitcoin

>> No.25913647
File: 102 KB, 500x566, D0726EF7-7111-408F-9AC2-E7F3F1E4D9E0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The billionaire own the media. The billionaires own the government. The media own the educational system. Soon they shall totally own every object in creation and humanity down to the individual level. You will be owned.


>> No.25913674

I think the only solution is to embrace technology in its fullest and give the best possible education for the population to learn how to become "power users". Those who adapt will become part of the creative class that controls and directs the robots, the rest will be replaceable.
All of the subhumans that can be replaced by robots, either because they are too dumb to learn or because they are too lazy to put in the effort to think, should be starved out. No UBI, just literally let them all die. Do not provide any means for them to survive, just provide the best possible education to children, and actually provide to children as well. All adults that are bot above robots should rot.

We need to accelerate robotization.

>> No.25913694

>but every sale is a purchase and if you impoverish the middle class your economy collapses sooner or later.

The middle class has been getting hollowed out in the west for a very long time. The economy is supported by productivity increases due to technology and automation/

>> No.25913702

They just sloppily stole an election from a retarded dude. Then invited his retarded followers right into the capitol for a photo op/honeypot so they could propagandize further in favor of a senile dude. They can do whatever they want.

>> No.25913722

highly specialized idiots who are very good at one thing but suck and are very unintelligent at everything else which is a common thing with most people

>> No.25913772

call him a pedo and its over

>> No.25913785

dumbest shit I ever heard. The best thing we can do is be apathetic to this and raise up our own families to try and accelerate the evil is just retarded then you are complicit. The endgame will result in a reset as they are playing God with trillions of factors at play, all it takes is one thing to go wrong and they are fucked. Always darkest before the dawn. They either collapse or through nukes and global warming they drag us down with them, so ultimately justice will come.

>> No.25913840

>The Internet has become increasingly centralized
And it’s already reversing. People are fleeing Silicon Valley en masse. Twitter just lost 4 billion dollars, and meanwhile people are moving to sites like Gab and Parler.

>> No.25913873

sounds like marxist bs from a first glance at the story
hard pass

>> No.25913910

Parler needs to cut some cords and build their own infrastructure or go to an alternative. Google and Apple are not supportive of free speech principles.

>> No.25913950

Parker and gab will probably get rugpulled sooner than later. When they hit the real decentralized platforms like mastodon, keybase and matrix, then they can have their free speech back.

>> No.25914014
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I like your attitude anon. I'm gonna build a homestead like I always wanted to as well, and just forget about all of the elites and their dances amongst themselves. If I wake up one day to see a world map I no longer recognize or a orange fireball in the sky, I will know it was simply a fate out of my hands since long before I was even born.

>> No.25914359

>Then invited his retarded followers right into the capitol for a photo op/honeypot so they could propagandize further in favor of a senile dude.

As a Britbong, I don't understand why more people aren't talking about this.

I mean, those buildings are supposed to be super secure right? Yet some dumb ass protestors just barged their way in unchallenged? There's even a video of the police just opening the barricade for them to come in. It doesn't add up.

The whole thing stinks, and seems like an excuse to crack down / censor people they don't like. See: parlour, twitter, etc. Suprised 4chan is still even on the internet desu.

>> No.25914596
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Yes it is.

t. future billionaire

>> No.25914634

He's German.

>> No.25914712

Are you me?

>> No.25914844

based and comfy pilled

>> No.25914874

and if not, you can bet we are going to suck off every billionaire that gives us the privilege

>> No.25914903

fuck off commie

>> No.25914912


A German with J*wish ancenstry.

>> No.25915196

>itt coping communists against the power of capitalism, free market and the enterpenoor spirit

>> No.25915398

It’s just a plan for the hip and cool rebranded my-communism. Don’t own anything? Elites own everything? Everyone is given a pittance every month (UBI?)

If it came to it, it would topple just like every communist regime in the past as that is what it would be

>> No.25915537
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>free market

>> No.25915587

Please expand on this logic.

No one will own anything but yet billionaires will own shit?

>inb4 lizard people above the people hurr

>> No.25915623

have you ever played the board game monopoly?

>> No.25915671

4chan is a honeypot dude.