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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 275x183, homeless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25904205 No.25904205 [Reply] [Original]

>Have no money
>Can't find a single job
>Live at home
>Parents are super rich so im denied welfare
>Parents won't give me any money because that would "encourage laziness".
>literally applied to hundreds of jobs, rejected from every single one.
>Parents floated the idea of kicking me out to teach me a lesson
>I'd literally be homeless

What is there even to do? How do you make money? How do people even do this?

>> No.25904502

i hear if you senpoku u get a million bucks

>> No.25904530

>not conning your parents and stealing all of their money legally and then leaving them homeless to die on the street
you will never make it unless you are a soulless sociopathic jew

>> No.25904564

Go to an employment agency
Where do you live
Google "employment agency whereilive"
They literally exist for people in your situation

>> No.25905158

I am sociopathic but I have no idea how i would do that.

>> No.25905228

You need to red pill your parents to the idea the kicking kids out at 18 to fend for themselves is a plot to weaken your bloodline by forcing each successive generation to start fresh.
Your parents should be grooming you to manage the family estate. Should've started the instant you were born.
If you are now an adult and lazy and accomplished that is primarily their fault. They should've demanded excellence out of you from birth, assuming they wanted to cultivate a strong and healthy bloodline.
I assume you're an adult, so the burden now rests on you to do what must be done. Although your parents are not absolved of responsibility, nor should they want to be. Positioning the next generation is the goal.
Your parents are doing it wrong. All of you manage your bloodline together.

>> No.25905460

I am not lazy, I am a top student at a really prestigious school. And they didn't buy me in, i actually grinded to get top marks and ECs to get in.

I just can't get an internship.

>> No.25905559

Go to FedEx, Amazon or UPS. I work at FedEx and we are ALWAYS hiring. No excuses bitchboy

>> No.25905604

low IQ
such cases

>> No.25905663

Join the army if you legitimately cannot get hired by a single job in existence

>> No.25905668
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sclop schlop nigger

>> No.25905693

if you want something anon, write a report and make it clear that you know youre shit.

explain to them why chinese and jewish family groups get super wealthy.
discuss with them how money transferred several times around the same community before exiting is how generational wealth is accrued.
john pays his neighbor paul and paul pays bob for services, then bob spends the money outside the community.

the work the money provided was able to be leveraged for its work value and benefitted everyone who received or spent it.

compare that with the credit system that they're being encouraged to leverage off and point out how the rent-to-own schemes and tenants paying your mortgage only works in boom times.

you either have value or you dont. manifest that shit.
the virtue of them being rich alone has made you lazy. imagine if they did give you money..

>> No.25905726

your* auto correct, you arnt shit.
you know your shit.
grammer right, literally the difference between know youre shit and knowing your shit..
>i failed the IQ test

>> No.25905857

>not being able to literally literally impossible is low IQ

K buddy

My parents are redpilled on the Jews and the banking system but they say they don't want to use their tactics because they have more integrity.

>made you lazy

I'm the hardest working person you've ever spoken to dingus. I do nothing but grind all day and night.

>> No.25905893

LoL, I used to work at an employment agency. Maybe literally 5% of people that came in there I was able to find work for. Bottom line us there are way more people look8ng for jobs or better ones than there are jobs out there.

>> No.25905903

Tell your parents to give you a job if they are loaded

>> No.25905970

Lmao like that actually works

>> No.25906008

if thats the case then you have a trust put aside for you and you simply need to earn it by showing them you wont fucking lose it.
show them 10 percent returns and and explain your understanding of diversification and risk management.

yeah obviously not.. im doing everything you are except im lower-class, working full time and earning via investing and trading..

i dont have doors with magic keys like you faggot, i only have skill and motivation.
i provide for my family. what value do you provide for anyone if youre hustling so hard? surely someone would pay you for your skills or knowledge if youre so exeptional?

>> No.25906019

So you're spoiled and picky. Like the 30 year old virgin who won't fuck fat girls and complains about not being able to get laid. Get any job that pays you money, dingus, not some golden internship you went to meme college for.

>> No.25906084

They don't give me a job because they say that im not entitled to anything and that its basically a handout

I can't prove my skills because i have no money or job dingus. I could easily make 10% returns if I had the means.

And you HAVE A JOB, you're 10x luckier than I am.

>> No.25906158

I want to get any job, thing is even McDonalds won't hire me.

>> No.25906161
File: 11 KB, 79x301, Screen Shot 2021-01-12 at 1.36.55 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck up cunt.
clearly, this is bait now.
yeah it was just given to me anon. out of the fuckin blue.

show me your resume then. show one single peice of initiative youve shown.

this is a job interview now anon, i will pay you if you provide me proof of value in any meaningful way.
dont fuck it up.

>> No.25906210

and im dead serious.
this is now the opportunity you asked for.
i may need a remote assistant potentially leading to an associate or partner position. theres a hint for your value provision.

if you provide ANYTHING i will reimburse you

>> No.25906258

>I'll pay you

Yeah sure you will, even though you said you were lower class

You also mention you have a family, which is luckier than most people.

>> No.25906282

OP this makes no sense. Do you have a deformity?

>> No.25906320

The creation of Permanent class structure is well underway anon. Sadly if you haven't made it by Joe, you're likely never going to make it. But don't worry. You'll receive enough neetbux to survive. Just keep trying I guess. Though it will get harder and harder all the time

>> No.25906330

Not offically but my face is super asymmetrical.

>> No.25906353

That's why I want a job so i can borrow money at 0% interest and buy properties with inflation at 7% so I'll make so much money as the Great Reset inflates the dollar away.

My debts will become inflated away while my properties go up in value, and subsequently my rent income.

>> No.25906401

and if you really fucking want to just continue doing nothing.

here. this is for free.

make a landing page with a signup sheet to measure public interest and traffic. funnel traffic increase.

this is now your base metrics for furture projections. this goes in your pitch.

make a concept for a finance app, and mock it up using paint. spam it here, trading view and reddit.

get a freinds and family funding round or pitch prajeets middle class, you will get funding if its pretty enough and has the buzzwords people want to read.

grats you now run a fintech startup as a CEO about to offer an ICO via coinbase/binance etc
use the GPT whitepaper as a template if you lilke. this shows how low the bar to entry really is..

freebies are shit thats why they were free.

my other offer stands, i havnt refreshed for replies yet

>> No.25906449

Get a skill . Trucking has indentured services so does CCna computer networking

>> No.25906452

yeah sure the one prerequisite to birth, lucky.
ive given you value
what did you provide besides complaints?

there is is though, called it. wouldnt take an opportunity when its basically forced upon you.

thanks for the bait. last chance, it still stands.

>> No.25906478

>why am i poor guys?

>> No.25906487

I know you aren't really giving an opportunity, you're trolling.

>> No.25906540
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dont pretend like im asking for high standards either..
>pic related is about the level of media communications skill required..retard level

>> No.25906544

What's the starting pay?

>> No.25906553
File: 20 KB, 893x613, brainletcuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm the hardest working person you've ever spoken to dingus
>can't get a job

>> No.25906558

Because i have no job no money

The fact that you didn't immediately recognize my business idea as genius shows you have no understanding of the money system, no critical thinking skills, and no real mental structure.

This is why even if you're rich, I'll look down on you.

>> No.25906560


The vast majority of people that made it actually strove for it. They put in sacrificial levels of time and hard work. They didn't wageslave, go home, and do nothing but play video games or watch TV. They realized quickly that wasting time posting shit online like "how do you get money" will not work.

Your parents are doing you a god damn favor by not pandering to you.

>> No.25906572

how could i even help you right now anon?
you havnt provided a wallet for me to pay..
another opportunity down..
you arnt trying at all.

i will continue replying to your bait until it improves

>> No.25906592

Yeah, Jewish employers rejecting me totally means I can't be a hard worker.

>> No.25906596

great reset increasing property value by arbitraging debt leverage..
>and im retarded?

>> No.25906621

it's bait.
dont bother, im just here to occupy

>> No.25906638

one example of hard work was all thats been asked of you anon.
just one.
>hard mode, stop avoiding it and adress it. you wont get paid millions for a thread reply count goy

>> No.25906664

live off teh social welfare net of the government that the libshits have created. start cashing in on all those taxes you paid

>free healthcare
>free food
>free housing

the irony is all that shit is better quality than what the "honest workers" are getting through their backbreaking labor

would you rather work 40+ hours a week at a shitty job so you can barely afford your $2,000 rent and all the bills afraid to ever go to the doctor because they charge you a $60 copay just for a casual office visit and only pay 70% of whatever ridiculous fees a hospital costs?

>> No.25906674
File: 7 KB, 256x256, 2fda40dd31c0e74866a5f9a3118ead7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey can I try out for this?
I don't have job at the moment; but I def need to start getting cash for crypto.

I've been organizing events and making music on the side; though I would say my job experience does extend to customer support due to working at a wine store and a online store where they sell batteries.

>> No.25906709

What would you need a remote assistant to do exactly?

>> No.25906720

you don't even know what hard work means kek. pampered with daddy money from birth. employers can smell your entitlement from a mile away. your parents would be right to kick you out, then you'll know what hard work means when you have to scrub toilets for minimum wage just to survive

>> No.25906777

I used to pull all nighters on adderal to make sure I was a top student. I was a top student in economics and in finance at my school, number 1. It had a lot of people too.

That's not easy, that's in the top 0.1%

>> No.25906789

They won't give me welfare because my parents are too rich

>> No.25906790

Dress up like a woman on cam

>> No.25906808

the one interview question still applies.
show me value. thatll get me rock hard.
more than hiring a sexy 19 y/o for data entry and phone screening..

what is a business partner anons?
why do people choose partners and associates in a company?
what do they provide and what do they get in return..

you guys may want to look into starting a DAO

>> No.25906811

I'm a genius you dumbass, 140 IQ.

>> No.25906830

Not OP but what all would this job entail? I’m curious and this thread has been fun.

>why should you hire me? I need the money and I won’t fuck you over

This little line has worked wonders

>> No.25906849

Lol, literally people with 100IQ can figure it out. You don’t see that smart to me

>> No.25906879

at the moment ideally id like to have a trustworthy source on the other side of the world to give me research points and a person close to the resource. someone who i like how they think and can predict their behaviors.

that would be the value provision beyond trad remote assist shit and remote admin shit.

I keep asking for value because if you provide it, you can use it yourself. it will attract me into investing in your future if you show how i benefit from that..

>> No.25906892

he unironically is probably. the little faggot chinked himself into thinking that just because he's smart and can cuck his way through school that he's a hard worker

>> No.25906911

>hiring a sexy 19 year old

Oh my god you're a cuck

She's not going to fuck you bro, she'll give you blueballs and fuck CHAD


>> No.25906932

My parents were both corporate lawyers, I can't just Jew them into giving me millions of dollars by being smart you dumbass.

>> No.25906969

the most value provided so far.
do you have a wallet, can you read papers and are you available part-time on call (infrequent phone contact) for a retainer? by on call i mean i need a reply in under 5 mins to a research question (you'd need to take a photo of something and send it with an actions and rough personel count)

details provided with first payment.

ill need a little more on your reading and research skills. what is your time worth?

>> No.25906973

>literally applied to hundreds of jobs, rejected from every single one
It took me almost 2k job apps before finding a job after the crash in 2020. You just got to want it bad enough.

>> No.25906993

>imblying hiring eye candy in the office is for the sole purpose of fucking

>> No.25907007

duh, but why would i want to look at your fat fucking corpse all day? that and at least she doesnt reek of BO.
yeah shes dumb and basically useless. but shes got a job and she does it. phone rings she picks it up.
what have you done?
one request and you keep avoiding it like the rona

>> No.25907029

when you apply its based on your own name. they might ask questions like "how much do people in your household make" but you can just lie about that shit like literally 90% of people on welfare do. think of it like this. you would be homeless if it wasnt for your parents buying everything for you. the gov doesnt know nor do they care. applying for gov benefits is literally done on the honor system and thats what 3rd world masses have figured out. i met a guy who does framing for housing, hes an illegal beaner with no papers here in california. he fucking gets medi-cal (the state run free healthcare for poor people) and EBT despite earning over $70,000 per year tax free in cash. he even brags about it

>> No.25907030

>140 IQ post

>> No.25907077
File: 3.40 MB, 4128x2322, We will meet again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean imitative right?
I've started to learn how to become a DM for DnD since my friend told me you could get paid for it; I just did a game with some peeps recently and now they want me to DM for them weekly now; In terms of music; I just got another commission for a friend of mine doing a game and I managed to get a friend who does voice work in on it. I legit care about quality so even though i'm getting some bucks out of it; I see it more of a training exercise I'm getting paid for. I really want to make music for games; and considering now that im getting commisons on top of some Patreon money due to generous folks, I honestly just want to make enough money so i can focus on my passion and do it full time. Like last year before corona, I went to PAX and I met with some pretty important folks from Platinum Games, I told them I wanted to make music for games and told them "Give me two years and I'll do it. I might have to take a extra year due to coof but my resolve remains the same; If you dont pick me, it's all good.
I'm just trying to make some extra bucks so I can be self sufficient.

Thanks for listening to my ted talk
remember to like and subscribe.

Pic very related

>> No.25907096

wow i cant spell.

>> No.25907113

not quite but close.
drive is important, but you just need to be better than the guy the currently have.
look for the guy pissing everyone off and do whatever he does better and faster.
that isnt hard..


you get to pick only 2 of these options together.
make your worth and value undeniable..

OP how is it ive taken your bait thread and nearly increased my own net worth.. at your expense..
youre right after all, life sucks and then you keep on living right?

>> No.25907151

>hiring a girl to look at wish you could fuck while never being able to fuck her, you can only imagine fucking her while Chad actually fucks her


I won't blueball you dumbass. Just know that while you wish you could fuck her, her Chad boyfriend who's far lazier than you think I am is fucking the shit out of her.

Dude, life isn't a movie. I can't just do some smart Madoff shit and get my rich parents to endow me their entire fortune.

They are very conservative with their money.

>> No.25907254

This thread is retarded but I’m amused, OP you deserve to get kicked out.

>> No.25907266

decentralised autonomous organisation..
but yeah, initiative
this sounds fucking dope fren and yes a perfect example of initiative and value provision.
i notice youre a minor camera fag too. thats also valuable..
(i hate myself for this) but what are the meds anon, thats potentially worrisome to an employer or investor.. (optics of ignorant cunts)
my deepest desire is that youre actually OP shitposting under a VPN

>> No.25907278

Are you autistic?

>> No.25907293

I have Aspergers yes.

>> No.25907341

kek, that explains alot, holy shit

>> No.25907381

Same. Fedex.
How many stops an hour are you doing? Or are you a warehouse slave

>> No.25907393

What does it expalin? Because i feel i act normal and keep it under control.

No one IRL can tell i have autism.

>> No.25907415
File: 3.36 MB, 4128x2322, 20210113_001709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(i hate myself for this) but what are the meds anon, thats potentially worrisome to an employer or investor.. (optics of ignorant cunts)

Oh, that was cream for my butt cause it was sweaty and then it got itchy.
(Please dont make me say more.)
I'm not on any depression meds or anything like that.

I'm down to talk more if you'd like.

>> No.25907469

already covered
yeah youre untrustworthy for a reason obviously.
when did you steal from them and what did you take? how long did you lie about it? how long ago was that?

think of it more like the print i have on my wall.. why would i buy art that i dont personally like and makes me uncomfortable to have to hear/see/smell them often several half days per week..
again i dont want to look at your bald head or smell you or hear your fucking grating voice unless youre providing me capital.

if she could provide capital or code i woulnt even hire sweaties.. poor girl doesnt get paid enough as is.. but legal is legal and i'd actaully be committing investor fraud to pay her more.

she wasnt hired for her cunt, or shed be a hooker. shes an assistant. and without being here ITT has given more value to the thread.
phones bricked but ill see if theres a pic in the cloud..
besides, you think im going to/try to fuck an employee in this day and age you are proving how stupid you are.
you can metoo yourself buddy.

i wont pretend i wouldnt love it. but bro its called the real world and modern era. that mentality doesnt fly

>> No.25907504

Man the fuck up, there are people your age from third world countries with no welfare and no infrastructure who can still eke out a living. Having a smartphone with internet gives you a millionfold leverage over these people.

>> No.25907521

alright boomer

>> No.25907527

I was in that situation. Work at a national park

>> No.25907551

>aklready covered

What does that mean?

>when did you steal from them and what did you take? how long did you lie about it? how long ago was that?
I never stole

>poor girl

Girls are the most priveileged people on earth dingus, who cares what they get paid? If she's hot she can just find a rich guy.

>> No.25907570

went to trade school on my parents dime

what are you good at? with the internet you have more flexibility now

>> No.25907603

depression is fine, and treatment is fine.
codiene is about the only one that worries me because it's been generational in my experiance..

realistically its none of my business and ethically i believe the same should be for work but y'know..
i like trippers and stoners, ill tolerate meth and crackheads if they dont steal. family had issues with "opiates" and i just dont need it around.
>yeah i have a weak bloodline, but im trying

you're basically living the life i wanted to after finishing my degree, im glad its working out for you. i was a "technical creative" for a while but never made it and couldnlt handle multi-income streaming at the time.

one peice of initiative and you'll get the real gold advice/ideas youre baiting the board for btw OP..

>> No.25907647
File: 1.08 MB, 881x809, F63F5776-57B3-41C8-8AF8-466642E23907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha imagine not being able to fuck a woman haha

You’re missing the point about having eye candy still

Haha sounds like spy stuff. Or probably marketing.

This whole thread has been a great break from the crypto drama

>> No.25907665

Thing is, i want money so i can afford hookers which i can actually FUCK

not so i can stare at a girl and wish i coudl

>> No.25907675
File: 1.96 MB, 615x413, s57.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me that's funny

>> No.25907681

i feel sorry for anyone who has resigned their life to wagecucking alone and thinking that will provide enough freedom..

she'll work until shes too old.
then she'll retire on savings that arent enough..

all that work and saving to never live to spend it on anything but a assisted living facility after selling 30years of her mortgaged life for permission to die in hospice..

wasnt a specifically gendered comment.
but yeah, way worse for men generally and many others down the social totem

>> No.25907725

The easiest way to get money legally is by making someone happy. Girlfriends, boyfriends, sucking dick, being loyal, whatever it takes

>> No.25907729

How is it funny dickwad?

>> No.25907739

How are your social skills, anon?

>> No.25907796
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I think in my case it's a bit of luck and perseverance.
I went all in in terms of music, being self taught and then managing to get into a decent uni for it. I knew getting a masters was a waste of time and I also knew there was a good chance of me having trouble finding work. Honestly though, still glad I went for it.
I didn't want to go in with out knowing anything and now I'm able to do tons of cool audio shit.

I don't really fuck with drugs like that. The hardest i would say is like Adderall which has been benefiting me. Though I do work towards a healthy life style since I've met so many fat composers. Weed is cool, but that shit KILLS MOTIVATION and I dislike not doing shit.

>technical creative
What did you do?

>> No.25907815
File: 9 KB, 290x174, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eye-candy≠unrequiteed lust
>you look up every so often from your readings or screen and look through the dividers and have to see a face all day.
which do you choose?
they both give me the same value
i pay them both the same
they're both equally unoffensive.
but i do need to register and recognize their presence quite often.

again im not tanking my personal and professional life over getting metood by a 19yo girl.. thats way to young for me im like mid30

>> No.25907825

I have really good social skills. I'm in Pike fraternity, it's hard to get in if you have autism.

>> No.25907902

just teach dude, thats why i bailed on production.. too much luck involved unless you want to pull the shifty tricks with bundling asset sales (tickets and an album to increase album sales, or buy a few tousand of yourself and stash it to get soundscan to chart you above whoever you choose. summer release hype and fucking psycho liberals everywhere.
coke was fun for a little while.
i do miss how everyone becomes your family though.

>> No.25907973

The dollar is going up against gold that is why its cheap.

>> No.25907977

i did a diploma of technology and bachelor in music realised i got scammed but had the debt so i finished for the paper. used it to go into corporate to kickstart a "career"

your thoughts on drugs are dead right, adderall in moderation seems to be good. long term concerns aside it seems to be beneficial.
like all drugs though its more about the person than the vice.
some people are cunts, drugs have fuck all to do with it.

>> No.25908060
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Funny you say that cause I just released an album for new years.
Again; my goal isnt to be big,
just giving back to a hobby which has been there for me is my mission.

I just wanna make music for video games.

Though I do agree I've met some not so cool peeps during my music travels.
(californians are weird.)

I don't think im a good person, but I don't think a bad one either.
I'm human; I like big anime titties and I also like helping old ladies reach for for food on tall shelves. Balance in all things really. The only thing I feel i can do now is just improve on myself and the benefits will come. A slow burn with people who appreciate your work to me will always be better than just blazing and burning out with fake friends who don't care about you.

>> No.25908077

ayyy motherfucker same, what school

>> No.25908080

Also fuck teaching;
I'd rather do that when I retire.

>> No.25908090

>makes music
>goal isnt to be big

>> No.25908091

Sell something, receive money

>> No.25908104

bought cubase, a few expensive as shit VST libraries and worked in a local studio next to a minor venue for a while. several thousand in hardware and gear aquisition later on top of the student debt..
did a live cut for thy art is murder show once..
i did work with people at one point who went on to be something, not A-list, but my fav band for many years back home. Everything else was festivals and pop artists which is great until you talk to a bank manager..

>> No.25908127

i know that was my reaction too.
but it is easy money and they are reasonably paid.

>> No.25908148

Learn how to "be autist", and claim autismbux

>> No.25908169

would you like to share it here?
whats your goals? a friend was talking about a disto A+R development platform SAAS, like CDbaby/distrokid but with a proper artist dev service and managment options. would that be appealing and at what price?
you talk sence and show a semblance of care. that is a good person to me. passivley good is better than evil ignorance.

>> No.25908209

It's an ivy league school, all im saying. wont dox myself.

>> No.25908222
File: 509 KB, 440x330, GALO SENGAN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make music for games mate.

lol i just pirated ableton and went from there.
I'm grateful though I have fans who bought me a new midi controller when mine broke and I was broke. ;_; tru homies.

>live cut for thy art is murder
Sick. If i went more deeper in music corporations i'd be an interviewer.
Learning about folks and understanding why they do what they do is fun.
Tho i think im lucky im not
deep in student debt.

You got a email or something i can contact you on?
Id talk more but I want to sleep.

>> No.25908257

literally talk to a friend or make contacts job request on the internet are just memes

>> No.25908260

i have aspergers.

>> No.25908290

No one i know can offer me a job. I put on my snapchat story that I'd offer someone 20K if they could get me a job in finance
(parents said they'd foot the bill for that).

>> No.25908308

How hard is the fedex warehouse? I hear most people quit after a few months

>> No.25908340

eh sure;


>Orginization I hang out with cause they give me beer and I get to be a bartender wants to do a 24hr stream for new years, I hit up a bunch of my music friends to help make bumper music.

This is the result.
They told me i'd get some share of the profits; though my goal is to get more fans for my friend since I legit believe he can become the next ujico.

>> No.25908412

Do you have any qualifications like a degree or something?

>> No.25908438

when i was doing it the industry rumour was that avid was sending artists and reps to studios and booking a session to discreetly check for licence compliance and piracy.
that spooped me, i was young

fuck ableton looks so good now. the new features are amazing. like send beat follower insert to midi and second track as bpm pulse to second midi track. sync via artnet to DMX and no more thousand dollar sync clocks.. or timecoding shows anon.. think about it.. ableton has just fucked every veteran show tech programmer.
fucking kek

send contact info here, im a little paranoid but im no criminal so a honeytrap is harmless


>> No.25908481

I go to an Ivy League business school so i assumed one of my friends there would have had rich connections.

>> No.25908482

You know I was thinking about doing rari ARGs to distriubute my stuff.
Maybe something worth looking into...

Sending email now.

>> No.25908534
File: 27 KB, 320x328, dwarf eatin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In the case this works out,
thanks for getting me a job bro.

Hope you find something.

>> No.25908575

i am in the Army and there are so many people in now who got in just because the pandemic denied them jobs
If there's one thing the Army won't let you do it's be homeless

>> No.25908609

I see. I assume your GPA is not the best since people is not actively offering you jobs. Keep applying, maybe an internship in a company can help you. Or going to other places to meet new people since your friends have no contacts. In average, it takes people around 3 months to get a new job but you have more possibilities. Good luck fren I have aspergers too

>> No.25908618


>> No.25908653

No one cares about your opinion especially as a student trying to school people who are retired. Now..on to the important subject are you in a fraternity? Which one? Did they do weird shit? Tell us everything about your fellow occultists

>> No.25908664

ok im sorry for you know coz you wont stop.
you wanna get scammed

theres plenty of others like it but find a prop firm or course who are looking for beginner traders, send them your trade plan. get allocated a test/simulation and SHOW VALUE
guess what, they pay for your certification if youre successfull and if you suck as much as it sounds like you do. it was money well spent for your folks to find out they shouldn't marry their cousin becuase their child will bankrupt them or murder them in their sleep.

yes you did steal and lie you fat fuck, you just did it again.

>not one piece of value from you

>> No.25908838

email aint working m8.

Got another one?

>> No.25908908

Second thought.
Just contact me here.


Hopefully I'll hear from ya.
I'm knocking out.

>> No.25909009

I have a 3.97

>> No.25909027

Yes im in a frat and im not going to disclose pledging

>> No.25909090

then do the other stuff I said internships ask for high GPAs If none of your rich contacs want to hire you sorry but you'll have to start from the bottom

>> No.25909159

>literally applied to hundreds of jobs
No you didnt. You're just lazy

>> No.25909181

sexy album btw dude.
im only one track one but its like funk jazz chiptune but chill. youre going to make it