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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 825x117, lcx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25899262 No.25899262 [Reply] [Original]

Have 25K LCX myself, but pretty wild to see LCX completely get rid of the token burn as well as the .1 minimum utility value. These were major aspects that got many people, myself included, to go in.

This, coupled with the nonsense of their Telegram admin's posts about Coinbase, have been rough. Line go down, and very red.


>> No.25899368

Well that price took a shit...
Buy the dip?

>> No.25899488
File: 3.47 MB, 3052x2440, lcx info.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm almost sad for you... if i weren't LITERALLY wouldn't have told you not to buy this whole time

>> No.25899630

Literaly just so they can get major us based exchange listings, dyor

>> No.25899696


It's okay, Anon. I only put a very small amount in as a wildcard to see what would happen.


Indeed. We'll see what that does, if anything, to its price.

>> No.25899707

Why the fuck did I buy 100,000 of these shits yesterday. I fucking hate my life. I literally sit here watching coins go 100% in a fucking day and I pick this one. I should just go drink bleach. At least most people have a normal life and don't spend their time sitting here trying to make some fucking coin and then get -30% in one fucking day. FUCK THESE FUCKERS

>> No.25899813

I was wondering what they'd do about promoting things like _bull_ish beat when it came to the US, didn't know this was an issue too

>> No.25899814

We've been duped

>> No.25899824

seriously someone just come over and shoot me in my big dumb fucking face. I bought 20,000 GRT at .17 and sold at .16 cuz I got scared. Then it went to .75 cents. Now I'm losing on LCX. My only two trades this year. Somebody just fucking kill me. Put a gun up to my temple and pull the trigger. I fucking hate myself

>> No.25899933

All, and i do mean it, all you have to do is not sell, i know its hard and its going to get harder, but thats just the price of eventually making it

>> No.25899948

Is anyone coming? Should I just swallow the bleach. I'm in one of those great positions where if I sell it's gonna go up 10% and I'll ape back in and lose more but if I hold it will def lose 60% from here in next two days. What's the easiest way to off myself.

>> No.25899949

It's just money, man.

>> No.25899960

> will will

Written by a pajeet. This whole fucking thing is a pajeet scam. Pajeets from top to bottom.

>> No.25899965

>It's okay, Anon. I only put a very small amount in as a wildcard to see what would happen.
it's not okay
why would you do that if prq had around the same fucking mcap
I'm in fucking disbelief

>grt instead of prq
>lcx instead of xcm
you bought the barging bin versions of both projects

>> No.25899987

all this fud is very boolish! yay!

>> No.25900035

sirs I did street poo on corner street and it was poop like from bull sirs this project very nice get you lot of bitches LCX bullish beat bullish like a cat

>> No.25900039

>normal life and don't spend their time sitting here trying to make some fucking coin
holy fuck man im starting to almost feel something for you
please answer me why did you buy when you saw this >>25899488
>but thats just the price of eventually making it
oh my god

>> No.25900132


Anon, don't hurt yourself over crypto. Maybe take a break from charts, /biz/, or call someone or a hotline if you're seriously contemplating harming yourself.

>> No.25900171

I'm done, I'm gonna just shoot myself. I can't take this shit anymore. I never fucking win at anything. I'm retarded and nothing left to live for. I thought I could at least make some scratch on crypto no I just lose.

>> No.25900205

where does it say it ends minimum value?
Can I sell it now for BTC at 0. USD per token?

>> No.25900227

answer my fucking question

>> No.25900234

Awful day. When is the next round of news?

>> No.25900303


It's in the image I put in the OP, which was taken from the link I posted.

Originally, LCX said that their token would have a .1 minimum utility value on their website, meaning that 1 LCX token would be worth either .1 or current market value (whichever is higher) when using it for services.

They've gotten rid of that minimum utility value now though, so the token will only be worth whatever current market value is.

>> No.25900307
File: 1.55 MB, 1080x1528, 1610475207266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25900317

super bullish

>> No.25900348

holding brahs

>> No.25900356

Holy shit guys a Klaus Schwab just flew over my house

>> No.25900366

I'm a newfag and I don't know shit about the tech, but the fact that this got a European tax haven's blessing to operate there while Binance didn't catches my eye.

>> No.25900399

>will will

oh christ

>> No.25900404

>They've gotten rid of that minimum utility value now though, so the token will only be worth whatever current market value is.

Which is legit insane if LCX is not a scam. At this point I can't see how it wouldn't be one though.

Count your losses and get out while you can IMO.

>> No.25900458
File: 79 KB, 1459x626, screenshot-etherscan.io-2021.01.12-04_33_51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>LCX instead of xcm

>336 holders
>88% owned by Kevin
>Unnatural 10x pump

You will have to try a lot harder than that for me to buy your bags Kevin. XCM alongside with 0xbitcoin and 0xMonero need to be permanently banned from discussion on this board.

>> No.25900463
File: 512 KB, 550x741, monty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys is this bullish? He looks like he hasn't slept in days.

>> No.25900508

this nigga probably working at gun point by russian loan sharks

>> No.25900517
File: 60 KB, 98x150, 1606279126607.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do this, I do that, I am bullish like a cat

>> No.25900518

Feel you, got this useless trash when it was around .5. Could've sold this in the mean time, but everyone was going "just hodl, it will moon in x time". My last chance was today on the token burn, but somehow this crap got even lower, now can't sell because gas fees are too high. Lost around 60% of my hard earned cash. Sucks being a poorfag.

>> No.25900543

people CONSTANTLY explain to you why there are only 200 address
it's because there is no need to pull them out, so it should be 0
and people KEEP telling you
you fucking shizos

I'm making money
you are losing money

the fucking market proved me right, there is no fucking arguing

>> No.25900578

Don't worry friend. I put $200 into SynLev months ago and sold it at .20c, put that profit into GRT and sold the top at .70 for $2000 profit. I managed to dwindle these gains back down to $500 with bad timing on BOND, UNN, and LCX. Shit happens, just don't put in more than you can afford to lose, and if you do, it's a costly mistake but losing money ain't the worst thing in life.

>> No.25900584
File: 47 KB, 704x948, business development.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its absolutely bullish
it guarantees this is about to hit all exchanges like Coinbase
they just opened up job openings globally today as well

>> No.25900601

I've lost almost $400 out of the $500 I put into this. Your only problem is that you aren't bullish like a cat.

>> No.25900635

This is a good sign. Finally some job openings that aren't in pajeetland.

>> No.25900652

Do I hold?

>> No.25900682

Either you hold and technically don't lose money
Or you sell and set your loss in stone.

>> No.25900703

Asking myself the same fren, would buy some more eth just to pay the fees and free myself from the doubt.

>> No.25900741

Either you sell now and lose money or you sell later and lose even more money.

>> No.25900759

I'm either making a profit or running this into the ground

>> No.25900767
File: 276 KB, 1339x823, chrome_eSi8AItO35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys make crypto look like a joke

>> No.25900771

I'm HODLing, it's obviously not a scam. It might fail, might moon in a year.

>> No.25900784

There's unironically no other option unless you're clinically retarded. You hold until you see green or it goes to zero.

>> No.25900795

oh shit

>> No.25900854

Exactly but biz usually has weak hands and panic sells. It's a no name coin you knew the risk.

>> No.25900883

I wish I knew how to use etherscan before I invested into a piece of shit scam coin recently that had this exact problem. Although, the one I bought was at least spread over a few wallets, and not that flagrantly obvious. If any of you guys are new here and you can honestly say you don't know how to use etherscan, stern advice here. You can trust this Anon. That coins looks dodgy as shit and that wallet will dump every investment that goes into it. Until that wallet is out, your coin is going nowhere, but by the time it is out, all faith in your coin will be dead. There's only one winner there, and it's that guy holding the 7%. Most valuable thing I've learned in this game so far is that you should learn how to use etherscan properly and you should ALWAYS check this shit before buying any shitcoins

>> No.25900908

look at all these bots shilling their token giveaway:

>> No.25900925
File: 58 KB, 758x371, lcxtokenomics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is something LCX had to do in order to make the guidelines to hit global exchanges
This news today confirms the admins messages today.
LCX is definitely going to hit Coinbase they changed their rules based on Coinbases rules

>> No.25900942
File: 77 KB, 710x653, 1609868241607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Number go up

So is this really your only reasoning behind investing in crypto? Fuck off Pajeet you're starting to smell.

>> No.25901002
File: 34 KB, 600x624, 64440977_1556782267786173_3998397472043958272_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to tell you all, seeing a lot of anons here having the same struggle of the doubt and hope kinda makes me comfy, at least more than holding the bags itself.

>> No.25901053

ironic, looks like you didn't check before posting
god i can't even imagine being you and talking about something i have no idea about
holy shit
which is only getting traded.. ON THE EXCHANGE
ideally the wallet count would be 0
funny i remember fudding lcx and all people said was " i just made 4000€"

>> No.25901198

I have watched the AMA's, Monty does work hard and is trustworthy imo. HODL and make money boyz.

>> No.25901283
File: 116 KB, 1227x655, TOKENOMICS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DYOR, this is bullish but only medium and long term

>> No.25901348

Vaporware scam.

Suterusu will be the ANS of 2021. Right when privacy coins cycle. Do what you wish tho.

>> No.25901622

This means nothing if people don't use the exchange.

>> No.25902464

I believe the intention with the lichtenstein crypto regulations (which fall under EEA protocol) is to entice banks to use to platform. Lichtenstein as a country seems intent on being Europe’s crypto capital above Switzerland, which is busy with banking, and the country is keen on making its first exchange and coin a success. If LCX fails miserably, the country loses face. I cannot imagine that happening, frankly, and could even foresee government funding in LCX at some point.

Time will tell. It’s better to hold and fail then sell and be proven wrong, if you ask me.

>> No.25903021

>If LCX fails miserably, the country loses face.

Who gives a single fuck about Liechtenstein let alone LCX?

>> No.25903044

Lichtenstein does you fucking catapult fodder

>> No.25903055

Yeah fuck this shitcoin, it's going to 0

>> No.25903086

Whew I almost boughted yesterday thank god

>> No.25903306

Imagine buying LCX over XCM, what a bunch of retards

>> No.25903354


>> No.25903861

Fuck I'm gonna buy more and hodl , see you fags in 2025 LCX holders linkup

>> No.25903863

Dont take losses personal. Did you lose 4 digits? Get an income, save up and you'll accumulate more than on any cryptodeal that you'll ever make. (Also spread the risks and hold)

>> No.25904003

Fucking bullish

>> No.25904378

I’m of the believe the admin leaked the cb info and then retracted not because it was false but because someone said dude you can’t say that

>> No.25904389

Yeah, this is an easy double/triple in a week.

>> No.25904427


>> No.25904505

i'm sitting around a .02 dca, so fuck it. let it ride.

>> No.25904545

Everyone just need to chill. From the get go this was a long hold. All you freaking out holding this bag for less than 1 week. Pathetic.

>> No.25904847

Good time to buy in? lol

>> No.25905229

WOW. Look how unprofessional the Twitter is as well.

I do like the idea of being able to trade through multiple exchanges tho. Hopefully one of the more reputable exchanges makes this a feature.

>> No.25905326

Haha poor devs who think they actually have a chance being hired somewhere, nobody will look at any of these resumes

>> No.25905465

Because it's a scam. They used a bunch of meme buzzwords to try and inflate the price to rugpull. When that didn't work, they had to imply getting it on popular exchanges. But it only made things worse.

>> No.25906187

The terminal works well. Not sure if this gives the token any value however

>> No.25906408
File: 385 KB, 1600x1200, Binance-Top-of-the-World-Liechtenstein-CZ-and-Monty-Metzger-LCX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendship ended with Binance
Now /biz/ is my best friend

>> No.25906481

You know they took multiple photos yet decided to publish the one with CZs eyes closed