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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2588787 No.2588787 [Reply] [Original]

>make 500k yearly off crypto
>still go to wagecuck grocery job everyday
>still drive 94 accord
>still fill the gas halfway
>still get cucked by boss
>still virgin
>still living/mooching off senial grandparents

lets just say I havent transitioned well. is there any way I could buy a house with my bitcoin?

>> No.2588804

Move to Detroit.

>> No.2588819

Just cash out 50k and go traveling for a year.

>> No.2588824

Im too tremendous for detroit. to be honest Im too tremendous for california too

>> No.2588848

I hate traveling

Im more interesting in buying real estate or perhaps a yaht

>> No.2588871



>> No.2588874


>> No.2588882

anon.... you c-could send me some bitcoins

>> No.2588883

>Im too tremendous for detroit. to be honest Im too tremendous for california too

What did he mean by this?

>> No.2588889

I don't understand what people get out of internet larping.

>> No.2588891

Maybe he's a giant or something?

>> No.2588895

if you read between the lines of the OP post, its clear that OP is extremely overweight

>> No.2588900

what the fuck

>> No.2588929


Nice roleplaying

>> No.2588943


is this the new lambo meme?

just treat yourself to something fun, call your boss a faggot or something

>> No.2588955
File: 330 KB, 330x319, O_I_am_laffin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck do you mean?

>> No.2588965

haha this is my story (kind of)

its weird. crypto is just a game to me...i see my portfolio of 100s of thousands but it doesnt seem real, its feels like just some fucking runescape GP.

its funny that there are a lot of NEETS on here, where this mega money wont change them at all. thats probably a good thing.

we are so far removed from normies and their wants and needs that money affects our existence in zero ways (except maybe allowing us to NEET even more without the stress of bills).

>> No.2588966

How the fuck do you make 500k per year.

>> No.2588967

Because you don't make that much on crypto. Even if you """"had"""" that much in an account somewhere you would never get more than 10% converted to spendable(real) money.

>> No.2588968

Im sorry, role what?

>> No.2588995
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>> No.2589004

Lend out 180 bitcoins makes you 500k a year no risk. thats the secret

>> No.2589012

he doesn't. you would have needed to invest 10s of thousands at a minimum to hit those returns, and OP is obviously a poorfag neet

>> No.2589013

how do you go about lending bitcoin?

>> No.2589031
File: 21 KB, 248x189, laughing pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2589288
File: 161 KB, 651x641, HowDoIMoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> made 600k off crypto
>still eat the same cheap food I use to eat
>have not bought anything physical with it
>keep making money because crypto is the best video I have ever played

>> No.2589315

May i get a kind donation of btc good sir? :^)


>> No.2589350

who cares, do what you want. Don't listen to 17 yo retards on /biz

>> No.2589383

it's like you children haven't seen cocaine before

>> No.2589460


>> No.2589623

Can i get a sailyacht?

>> No.2589642

It's called a yachtboat.

>> No.2589648

If the loan defaults there is next to no insurance on it.

>> No.2589773

but does it sail?

>> No.2589783

It sails.

>> No.2589855

Quit your job and go study something interesting

Do 1 big trade a month to pay for expenses

>> No.2589868

daily reminder that wealth doesn't cure autism.

>> No.2590033


I can help you with sharing your burden


>> No.2590047

Dude you're fucking pathetic. Some Chad is going to trick you into giving all of your crypto to him. Stop being a fucking cuck, fuck the world, GO GET YOURS. YOU MADE IT, ACT LIKE IT YOU FUCKING SHIT!

>> No.2590101

This is a good one here. Take some of that money out and go look for some kind of job training. That way you take it out for a positive and better your life and get a different job.

Sure it still sucks, but you will generally be happier and be able to put more money into this ponzi scheme.

>job training
>get skills
>learn to spell
>get new job
>invest more

Then come back to /biz/ and make the same post

>make 700k yearly off crypto
>still go to wagecuck secretary job everyday
>still drive 01 accord
>still fill the gas 75%
>still get cucked by female boss
>got hooker
>still living/mooching off senial girlfriend