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File: 50 KB, 667x554, twitterintheshitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25857335 No.25857335 [Reply] [Original]

>he bought the btc dip instead of the twitter dip
imagine missing out on these gains

>> No.25857378

Lmao Twitter is going to 0
Even fucking germans that can't legally say the holocaust is fake are calling them out for censorship

>> No.25857384

As much as I fucking despise twitter and all it stands for, Blizzard had a similar dip when it started censoring people who criticized china.
They're doing fine now. stupid consumers are stupid. buy the dip

>> No.25857393
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"Hashtag" where is Nancy Pelosi, you disgusting illiberal citynigger.

>> No.25857395

fuck twitter and fuck jack Dorsey, what a boring smug cunt I hope we see it crash and burn

>> No.25857405


>> No.25857408

The fact that DJT is booted off of twitter is a far more compelling argument to ditch twitter.

>> No.25857430

Just deleted my Facebook. I'd delete twitter if I had an account. Deleted linkedin Last year

>> No.25857450

Trump saved twitter . It was a dying platform relative to snap chat and instagram/facebook.

>> No.25857469

cope harder and go back to /pol/

>> No.25857497
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Bunch of salty Trump faggots in here kek

>> No.25857525

Was that even useful for anyone?

>> No.25857559

From all I see, it's for people to doxx you easier

>> No.25857564
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>makes no money and has been a broken piece of shit since it started.
It should be a penny stock.

>> No.25857617

Short Twitter for guaranteed profit

>> No.25857631

Twitter is going below $20, dude

>> No.25857636

Twitter was in the toilet before Trump won the presidency. It's just returning to where it belongs

>> No.25857656

Before 2015 it looked like twitter was going under.

>> No.25857668

This. Fpbp
Merkle spoke out against the ban.
Twitter just banned it's top user w/ no replacement....

>> No.25857851

Amazon and YouTube lost money year after year because they're plugged into the money printer.

>> No.25857968

Blizzard isn’t a social media platform retard

>> No.25858006

>he thinks censorship and centralization is bullish

>> No.25858043

Twatter is super fucked.

>> No.25858045

Note the difference between not being able speak freely while playing Real Time Gookclickers and not being able speak freely on social media.

>> No.25858097


These fucks are so rich that gaining profit is not even thier goal anymore, although with Google specifically thier goal was never profit but instead set up a surveillance network for the feds and kikebook as a propaganda outlet.

>> No.25858174

>investing in twitter

>> No.25858228

Yeah I get offers from there sometimes

>> No.25858229

it's true that you can't deny the holocaust in many places, such a germany
real or not, odd that you can't say it legally... like, who cares? people lie all the time, how does it hurt anyone?

>> No.25858256

Got rid of mine a few years ago. Didn't sting at all. Facebook is a piece of shit.

>> No.25858265

Twitter is done. Imagine buying this.

>> No.25858400

I love this image.
I miss king's quest

>> No.25858520

Twitter was dying in 2014 and in 2015 it was on it's way out the door. Twitter was literally bots, porn, and crazies. Financially I'm not sure how it looked but once Trump became president twitter SKYROCKETED.

Now that Trump is gone. Twitter is going to die. It's already gone the way of tumblr and once leftists and crazies take over a website there isn't money in it. They don't produce or consume product they simply exist to inhibit both. Therefore twitter is going and gone. Dude will probably sell it in the next couple years and it'll become just some corporate shithole or it will fully die.

>> No.25858554
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Twitter is just going to become a quasi-porn site from now on.

>> No.25858580


>> No.25858603

screenshotted and will bully whoever is wrong

>> No.25858613


>> No.25858648

You get recruiters, usually dogshit ones. You don't get straight up job offers for anything substantial

>> No.25858678

My first thought too.

>> No.25858682


100%, twatter was shit before Trump. now the dynamism is gone. no more yin to the yang. it's going to become tumblr 2.0. a giant leftoid circle jerk.

>> No.25858703

Its practically designed for phishing attacks

>> No.25858737

He's a fucking kike. Disregard that bitch ass faggot.

>> No.25858744

bro twitter was garbage before. It truly was. Trump is off twitter now. It's going to absolutely revert back to it's original state. Some people might state on just to take screens of other conservatives or whatever but it's gone man.

>> No.25858762

Twitter eternally BTFO homie! It's over for social media stocks!

>> No.25858818

The idea of Twitter dying after banning Trump is poetry no human could ever dream of writing. Beauty and love and hope need to rotten to this world and that means death to Twitter.

>> No.25858855


Twitter just lost at least 10% of it's user base and traffic from kicking off it's most interacted with and popular user. And boomers are more attractive to advertise to then tumblr refugees.

>> No.25859026
File: 15 KB, 1128x263, tw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twitter was at peak popularity with drumbf in office
it's actually at peak popularity now that he's a lame duck
lmaoing @ how deluded u are

>> No.25859029

Zoomers don't care about boomer social media apps.

>> No.25859057

Thinking Google trends means anything.

At least go find the official active user count niqqa.

>> No.25859111

the only place they publish that, if they choose to, is in earnings reports which do not account for any of the events after october and will not be out until february
checkmate, NIGGER.

>> No.25859147

Doesn't help that they are banning everyone for even the smallest shit. They are accelerating the collapse and I'm all for that.

>> No.25859154

Dorsey can’t last forever. He also has institutional investors to answer to as well as the wave of activist investors that are pissed. Buy the dip. One share is one vote.

>> No.25859160

I hope for a lot of pain.

>> No.25859191

this what value does twitter provide? I hope it finally dies.

>> No.25859337

ChainlinkGod.eth here. you faggots cannot literally do this to me! I made a name and my profile gets huge amounts of likes and retweets! Fuck you fahgots!!!

>> No.25859376

I think of it as a mental prison for leftists
Problem is that some important people take it seriously

>> No.25859668

They just exiled half their users and the other half was mostly there to talk shit on the other half. Twitter just necked itslef

>> No.25859694

the exiled the half consisting of the poorest, stupidest people in the country. twitter is well aware that they don't have any disposable income and aren't valuable for advertisers.

>> No.25859712

Mozilla also, woke retards are completely delusional

>> No.25859763
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>> No.25859773
File: 40 KB, 400x400, 20201228_130456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry harder Shane. You're not a God. I'll get #nomygod.eth trending on Twitter, our favourite blog spot, and then you'll be btfo. Don't show your face down under.

>> No.25859796

I have teenagers. Snapchat and instagram are what the kids use. Twitter and Facebook are for old people. At least that’s what the kids say.
And twitter just kicked off all the ex hippy boomers who actually believed that their rights were unalienable. Should be interesting.....but I’m not buying that dumpster fire.

>> No.25859821

I got my last 2 jobs from it. Maybe it's not as bad in EU

>> No.25859824


fuck, this is spot on

>> No.25859834

This. Fuck that

>> No.25859858
File: 13 KB, 444x185, 1610034364748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Google Trends is a website by Google that analyzes the popularity of top search queries in Google Search across various regions and languages.

The midwits are in

>> No.25859879

Stock will go down and the company will run at a negative, but it'll never die. It's too important for propaganda purposes.

>> No.25859891

Lul wtf? You know what. You deserve to live with your delusions. You’re right buddy. Broke ass poor trump supporters. Lul.

>> No.25859897

you're toast too your stupid Australian tranny timo. no one will be able to read you're kleros shit anymore

>> No.25860030
File: 145 KB, 1920x1541, droolpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually believing this
Did you read that on Reddit?
They excised millions of white boomers who have near unlimited amounts of money and free-time and who are incredibly naive and easily advertised to.
They sided with literal niggers, the poorest and least upwardly-mobile segment of America, poor college students who are swimming in debt, zoomers who use ad-block and hippy idiots who's idea of wealth is a campfire and full blotter sheet of acid.
Is your name Jack Dorsey by any chance? You absolute retard.
Twitter just Myspace'd themself.

>> No.25860080
File: 32 KB, 386x304, 20201024_232101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone on here who shills kleros is Timo, get a life and stop trying to dox me

>> No.25860186


>> No.25860193

>A site where you're hyped up to recieve and open messages
What could go wrong? Anywhere pajeets congregate en masse is a glaring red flag

>> No.25860244
File: 440 KB, 1080x854, 3fffc77f52294c82.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donald Trump was the best thing to ever happen to twitter.

>> No.25860275

>idea of wealth is a campfire and full blotter sheet of acid

>> No.25860322

You don't have a good grasp on whats going to happen to these companies. They are going to get shattered to pieces now.

>> No.25860367

Link is dead, you didn't get them memo? Stable Act went into effect. It will catch up with Link

>> No.25860419

cant even bear to look at twitter right now, dont want to support them in any way

starting over fresh on Minds

>> No.25860460
File: 373 KB, 598x556, furfaghitlist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally being used by antifa to organize their riots

>> No.25860556

>elites realize a revolution will come one way or another
>pivots to being hardcore leftists so the revolution is actually a right wing revolution
Pretty based ngl

>> No.25860617

can someone explain how this shit is worth billions when they have never made money in 15 years?

>> No.25860627

Trump is an asshole, but he honestly didn't tweet anything that clearly stated "go breach police barricades, cause damage, break into the Capitol, riot and fuck with official government property"
Had he specifically said that then I would 100% support banning him
We can claim "dog whistling" and "signaling" all we want, but nobody can prove that. To ban him over what you THINK he meant sets a bad precedent, private company or not

>> No.25860654

Blizzard makes something people buy. Twitter.... exists.

>> No.25860664

Lol no way fag they run the country now. Twitter to get Apple, Google, and Amazon to banish their competition and will get away with it. When these companies not only get to decide who can have a public voice but also who can even compete in the market, its over. They are now de facto in charge

>> No.25860699

>check twitters charts
>the fucking ADX
I lol’ed

>> No.25860787

Unconventional marketing
They can control any narrative they want
Thats the value

>> No.25860820

Especially when riots were organized and encouraged for months on their platform with no mass censorship

>> No.25860880

(((who))) are their shareholders then who would willingly see their capital go to waste for years?

>> No.25860885
File: 962 KB, 2353x1972, Luo-Romney-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Bain Capital buys Twitter, guts it, and throws the carcass out.

>> No.25860902

imagine investing in something you don't believe in

>> No.25860933

Minds needs to become a dapp ASAP. That or someone creates one that is likeminded.

>> No.25860951

>Even fucking germans that can't legally say the holocaust is fake
Wooded door's joe!

>> No.25860979

I was gonna buy calls expiring sixth months out when it seems to find a floor. All the retards and Qnuts will be back on it to harass Biden thus driving traffic back up.

>> No.25860995


>> No.25861010

Quite based

>> No.25861018

Trump was the thing that made twitter blow up in the first place

I see a drop to the teens then a steady recover to 20

>> No.25861049

Like it was going before Trump

>> No.25861125

It's a decent place to look for job openings. But I hate it so much

>> No.25861137

You already know anon, (((they))) have money to last for generations. Most of big tech was started purely for surveillance propped up on government grants, it was never about the money.

>> No.25861197

Depends on how high up the corporate food chain you are, industry, etc. etc. Also helps if you abuse the algos and generate viral posts.

>> No.25861229

Can't someone just buy a share and go to a shareholder meeting to take a look at fellow shareholders? Sure you'll never see all shareholders attend a meeting all together at once but I doubt that Twitter investors are all so sinister.

>> No.25861254

I bought at $25 like a year and held for 8 months just to sell for like $27. Piece of shit stock.

>> No.25861349

who could of thought trump would leave office after he lost the election

>> No.25861401

What industry?

>> No.25861423
File: 495 KB, 380x253, clown world simpsons.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> trans nonbinary furry

This reads like fucking satire at this point.

>> No.25861487

I wonder what these retards are going to do in 10 years from now. They're going to look so foolish.

>> No.25861523

Great opportunity to long twitter at the bottom of this trough

>> No.25861552

>I wonder what these retards are going to do in 10 years from now.

41% themselves.

>> No.25861579

sex work

>> No.25861630

Ok that's bullshit the USA had actual wars with communist insurrectionists in West Virginia during the early 20th century

>> No.25861656

Pretty much hit the nail on the head. Twitter was pretty much leftists in tight social circles not advertising or encouraging for new users. The only variation was Trump and he encouraged a lot of people to the platform. Banning him is financial suicide, but it is Twitter and they are desperate to virtue signal.

>> No.25861672

It's literally all funny money.

>> No.25861682

How the fuck does Twitter make money anyway? I don't see any advertisement at all.

>> No.25861720

Promoted trends and hashtags, companies pay millions for their algorithm to boost them each day.

>> No.25861761
File: 591 KB, 600x777, a01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They sell data to the government and other cooperations with connections to the people receiving freshly printed money.

>> No.25861832


Them having money is irrelevant. Advertisers are now unable to reach a sizable amount of people. It will eat into their advertising budgets.

>> No.25861865

I wouldn’t call what happened a riot so much as a fiery protest

>> No.25861900

last time I checked niggers still roam free on twitter

>> No.25861914

hes not talking about DC

>> No.25861933

That's because of the news, doesn't mean more people are actually using it

>> No.25861944

fucking retard

>> No.25861951


Twitter specializes in regime changes. Their last operation was the so-called "Arab Spring".

>> No.25862093

Twitter aint going up, its dead. Entire counties will be blocking it along with making their own internet infrastructure and social media. Twitter embarrassed American big tech on a global scale. Turns out that the world doesn't want American big tech to tell everyone what to think and say.

California is going to really suffer this decade.

>> No.25862165

>t's actually at peak popularity now that he's a lame duck

We are all locked in at home retard.

>> No.25862330

No they won't.

The Jews who run the world will ensure big tech thrives.

>> No.25862349

Who said anything about DC?

>> No.25862456


>> No.25862557

>Entire counties will be blocking it along with making their own internet infrastructure and social media.
Not a full block but yes we'll see the rise of Yandex-like ecosystems soon.

>> No.25863013

A war in West Virginia would be so kino. Imagine American forces trying to take out West Virginian terrorists, it would literally be Afghanistan with trees.

>> No.25863034

Twitter is going to 20

>> No.25863094

It's already down for the year compared to the DJI. Biden doesn't even run his own account, there's no purpose going on there to harass a staffer.

>> No.25863099

We live in a time where the good guys are labeled bad guys and bad guys pretend to be the good guys
Really makes you think we live in a society

>> No.25863135
File: 45 KB, 615x894, 1583844804504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called media, bitch! Get used to it!

>> No.25863150
File: 39 KB, 615x390, 1605958199102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, wrong picture. Teehee!

>> No.25863167

More like controlled opposition. Parties need to be abolished so that the person who gets the most votes wins. Electoral votes also need to be abolished.

>> No.25863187
File: 30 KB, 615x461, 1_PAY-Prince-Andrew-parties-it-up-with-designer-Chris-Von-Aspen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25863220

Twitter is brands and journos cirlclejerking.
They just banned the only guy keeping them alive.

>> No.25863247

Apparently it was bad enough that the US military brought in 27,000 soldiers and negotiations prevented an all out uprising.

>> No.25863403


>> No.25863412

>there are people in this world that unironically believe Trump was the biggest draw in the fed and twitter will collapse in on itself after banning him despite everybody still using it
Fucking Justin Bieber has 114 million followers who gives a fuck about Trump lmao

>> No.25863629

better question who gives a fuck about justin bieber? what year is it?