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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25815046 No.25815046[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there still any way to bet on Trump winning?

>> No.25815067

lol what

>> No.25815085

Is there a way to bet on Trump ending up rotting in prison for the rest of his pathetic life?

>> No.25815122

Oh def. You have until the 20th.

>> No.25815327


>> No.25815891
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>> No.25815952

Yes of course its not over yet

>> No.25816073

>be me
>biden won the electors so i went on FTX and put 10 million on biden for 1.02 payout. Mfw i lost 10 million for a 200k payout
Go bet faggots. Free money right?

>> No.25816490

great, thanks!

>> No.25816593

wew lad...
you chuds are impervious to reality

>> No.25816746

Go make your free 2% in 9 days. You wont find that anywhere else. As long as its not a risk to you

>> No.25817135
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>> No.25817171

Prison for what? He hasn't done anything.

>> No.25817273

>being a nigger

>> No.25817303

oh sweetie you’re really not going to like what’s coming. all the rational people will though

>> No.25817346

you can buy northern dynasty minerals. if trump wins, this stock will go to 20 from 0,3 dollar

>> No.25817368

Why did you hide the number of replies to your slide thread, antifag?

>> No.25817420

Yes, send ETH to me if he wins i give you back x2, ok?

>> No.25817558

Inciting a riot
Fostering a terrorist group (Q)
Treason for saying he beat Biden

>> No.25817600

Are you by chance jewish?

>> No.25817608

I will have over 55x for winning on ftx, so you have to up your game. Also, I wouln't go into a deal wih a curry like you without a Kleros-backed contract.

>> No.25817707

>Q is terrorizing me all i wanted to do was fuck and ruin kids lives in peace

>> No.25817763

Pretty flimsy

>> No.25817791

hello Schlomo

>> No.25817800

Yeah yeah, seethe harder with your TDS

>> No.25817871


>> No.25817911

Trump is still at 5% and Bidens chances of being inaugurated until the 21 January are only 91%.
They have two different bets:
One on Trump 2nd term
One on Biden not making it in time

>> No.25817912

Back to thedonald

>> No.25817961

You wouldn't by chance be feeling the heat of impending arrests would you?

>> No.25817982
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>> No.25818004

Actually i just dont follow MSM. i heard hear on biz that theyre pushing hard for Q to be evil so not surprised by normie to brainwash right away. Anyway only thing i ever heard about Q was: anti pedophilia, some prediction that doesnt matter, and pizzagate where no one was hurt and that pizza shop was FUCKING WEIRD no joke posted pedo shit on facebook.
So tell me then as an open minded listener why is Q terrorist?

>> No.25818021

For what, you fucking shill? How fucked in the head are you?

>> No.25818126

I'd say Biden not being inaugurated in time is pretty plausible.

>> No.25818216


>> No.25818288

why is Q terrorist?
remember the 5th of September
the r's crossed the i's
spam the VVVTttstuFF
l o c a t i o n


>> No.25818439

Based Q larper

>> No.25818955

I got a message saying "Country not allowed" when trying to buy that token. Tried making acc with my original EU location, then australia, then Japan. Doesn't help

>> No.25818986

I didn't say anything about Trump becoming president you flaming faggot never-a-real-woman. Get some reading comprehension you dump muttt.
I just find it plausible that due to the situation in the US like fear of attacks, higher security protocol etc they might postpone the inauguration ceremony by24h in which case one would win the bet.

>> No.25819025

Also Biden might just die (or "die") and Harris will be elected.

>> No.25819038
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>> No.25819047

No chance.
More likely he gets thrown out early

>> No.25819158

you mad bro?

>> No.25819218

This is a /pol/ website, chode.

>> No.25819289

No, /pol/ is a board on 4chan.

>> No.25819409

No, leftist redditors are a cancer and someday they'll all be violently exterminated.

>> No.25819451
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Trump retards are the dumbest inbreds on the planet

>> No.25819492

/pol/ might be renamed to /qsl/ Q schizo larps

>> No.25819494

What does that have to do with the post I just replied to?

>> No.25819599
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>This is a /pol/ website, chode

>> No.25819896
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honest thing: thanks to biz i transcended into finally not giving any shit about the political theatre, no more high blod pressure. just spending my onlinetime here looking at my coinz&gainz. fuck politics, i dont care about anything anymore. shh only gainz now...

>> No.25819974
File: 142 KB, 603x423, biden priority non whites racism violation of 1964 civil rights act.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i transcended into finally not giving any shit about the political theatre
That'll last until they come for your money in the form of a tax on whites/males/CIS-gendered/...

>> No.25819999

guaranteed 2% payout in a week and a half is higher ev than any crypto hold right now.

>> No.25820046

Who the fuck cares at this point? If Trump, then US is colonized by Israel, if Biden - US is colonized by China, you burgers have no chance whatsoever, your McDonalds Rome is going to fall

>> No.25820122
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not gonna get into details, but im a maximum leech on the system. i do everything to be a net negative on balance. which makes my balance a positive ofcourse. i dont care, whos pres. i just leech and gain and maximum cashout is below the cap, that would start income taxation.

>> No.25820188


>> No.25820239

>im a maximum leech on the system
That'll last until they come for your money in the form of a tax on whites/males/CIS-gendered/...

>> No.25820344

Russia is also being colonized by China unfortunately, they buy a lot of land here and deforest it and stuff like that

>> No.25820346

politicians are just virtue signaling. also they are mostly (((white))), so the ones in power will never really push this nonsense through in the end. just energizing their dumb ass followers. but yeah, dark times ahead, everything goes to into orwellian shitclusterfuck. thatswhy only way to leave is to make it, stem education and then fuck off into a gated community.

>> No.25820364

>they are mostly (((white)))
Not for long.

>> No.25820764

>t. actual monkey

>> No.25821087

The left is umptupling down on their anti-right and anti-white agenda so hard it's like they have balls of blue cheese. It's way too early to be playing the punitive game.
I would not rule out a genuine use of the insurrection act by Trump, but I'm not going to bet any more..