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25814285 No.25814285[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well, how about that?

How much do you want to bet stim checks get "prioritized" too.

>> No.25814334

The Biden administration is literally just going to be a protracted punish whitey season. We got too cocky bros

>> No.25814336

good fuck white people

>> No.25814354

>lip service so the nigger pets and trannies are subdued
i see nothing wrong with this

>> No.25814388

you want them angry though

>> No.25814399

you will never be a woman, Joe

>> No.25814457
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But I thought the government wasn't allowed to prioritize government services and resource according to race and gender?

>> No.25814471


>> No.25814482

What about Jews? Aren't they considered white in America? I don't see how this doesn't screw them over as well.

>> No.25814509

Why do they do this?

>> No.25814510

Manchin already said no

>white trump voters switched to vote for trump in the midwest to "punish trump"
>biden makes it illegal to be white and kills them

Wow I sure love swing voters.

>> No.25814511

What else do you expect from American education?

>> No.25814529
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>whites are now second rate citizens in muttmerica

>> No.25814538

The guy is 78 years old. Unless he has Cheney genes, he is a heartbeat away from grave.

>> No.25814589

the people who give orders to biden AND trump dont give a shit about latinos or niggers. i encourage you whities to stop bitching because the second they dont need us nonwhites they will eradicate us and keep you guys since you are actually useful

>> No.25814622

You are like 20 years behind.
The grim future is now, old man.

>> No.25814624

I look forward to Trump being out of office (and deplatformed thus totally out of the news cycle) so that people can finally start getting angry at Democrats again.

>> No.25814656

Leftspeak is always void of sense.

>> No.25814712

>people can finally start getting angry at Democrats again
Too bad there will be no platforms where they can speak out, hahaha. Expect Karens, soccer moms and other normies on 4chan.

>> No.25814717

I was just being sarcastic. Laws no longer matter, and haven't for some time. I don't see how a nation can function much longer when the rulers start selectively enforcing their own laws to such a degree.

>> No.25814721

It more so bothers me that the government prints trillions and only ends up giving like 2/3 of Americans stimulus checks. Why the fuck not just give everyone one if you're printing so much money.

>> No.25814722

Can I just start saying I am hispanic on official documents? Is that even illegal? latino is such a meaningless word. I see black Dominican latinos and half black Puerto Rican latinos and even see some white passing latinos of Mexican origin so I mean as basically i can be latino too if I want

>> No.25814724

How do I profit off of this? As much as I hate to say it, the future isn’t white...it is mixed. The current generation grew up with so much media pushing interracial couples it is the new trend. I’m not mad, just looking to make some money off of the inevitable future.

>> No.25814736

Some people are more equal than others chud

>> No.25814753

At what cost
Now that they have near total control, everything that happens is their fault. But it's not gonna stop them from steamrolling everything. They do this every time
Democrats since the 90s are like btc. Yeah it's gonna crash hard eventually. But at higher and higher levels every time.

>> No.25814776

>Is that even illegal?
It will be soon. Expect skull measurements, like in good old times.

>> No.25814806

Just put fucking white males in concentration camps already

>> No.25814823

>How do I profit off of this?
You invest into ethnostates: Japan, Israel, some Eastern Europe countries maybe.

>> No.25814827

Everybody seems to want to

>> No.25814871

They have no way of proving or enforcing it if you do lie. At least until forced dna tests are a thing, and the racial composition dna blockchain database is up and running, all powered by link nodes btw.

>> No.25814962

>LARPing as Latino
Fuck that.. You want the real ass gibs? Check that other box and write Jewish in the line.

>> No.25814998

Defeat racism with racism

>> No.25815059

are Americunts still rioting?
Can you fuckers start a civil war so that you save your people and future from the kikes already

>> No.25815079
File: 130 KB, 627x900, 25F25FD3-8DE5-4435-BE2D-1CADDF685F9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody please nuke this gay country already I fucking hate everyone in it, just fucking flush this turd of a country down the toilet and reset it my fucking God