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25764895 No.25764895 [Reply] [Original]

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>> No.25765570

After the fucking 3rd one maybe I'd stop fucking my cousin. Who the fuck still tries after a third miscarriage? Something is wrong with his or hers or both genes.
Expect the kid to be mentall ill at the very lest.

>> No.25765631

Bullish for MKR and BAT

>> No.25765639

>keeps celebrating pregnancy by having fancy hipster beers
>the babies die

>> No.25765672

this post is bearish for alcohol

>> No.25765688

Okay, degenerate.

>> No.25765703
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>> No.25765720

Nothing wrong with this. Good for him. Rajesh at the liquour store gave me a bottle of this though, it wasn't good. Like a thick yeasty liqueur.

>> No.25765735

I imagine they went to a fertility specialist somewhere between 2 and 3.

>> No.25765770

or they might have been able to afford a better doctor or facility if they had gotten into pnk a whiles ago when it was launched

>> No.25765815

Maybe someone who wants a child you dick sucking fuck.

>> No.25765839
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beer is full of phytoestrogens, and it's made from grains, and like everything made from grain/cereals it decays your body

>> No.25765937

Any good sin stocks to invest in? Alcohol, smoking, recreational drug use seems to never go out of fashion.

>> No.25765957

They are priced in for eternity

>> No.25765980

DCAing into a child is a terrible way to make money

>> No.25766006

It’s a really long term legacy play.

>> No.25766016
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>> No.25766040

Just fucking adopt at that point.
Should be obvious that your genes are borked.

>> No.25766055

Cronos (CRON) is my pick for weed

>> No.25766218

>Spend your 20s blood sweat tears building wealth through crypto/stocks/wageslaving
>Get married and legally risk half your entire wealth if you sneeze the wrong way
>Risk more if she can't get knocked up, especially if Tyrone destoyed her pussy and her 10 abortions ruined her uterus (not that she told you any of this)
>Maybe after tons of trying, have kids
>spend 30s-60s raising them
>Potential divorce and other shit along the way
>Kids raised by state, wife talking shit about you behind your back, and her future husband
>Courts fuck you out of money, ability to influence your kids lives, and you have to wage slave till you're dying
>Kids don't inherit anything about you, wife pisses away your earnings
>Die in your 60s alone, never get grandkids cause one kid is a trannie and the other is a faggot
>Everything you sacrificed is destroyed.


>Don't get married
>Die alone but fulfilled.

>> No.25766249

MMEDF might get a nasdaq listing. Cheap right now.

>> No.25766265

>owned by AB InBev
>hipster beer
More like boomer falling for the craft beer meme. That shit is in every grocery store.

>> No.25766287

Look at how /pol/ idiots took over the board.
Fuck you all and your opinions on everything you useless scum. The OP was about BAT token.
You are all ngmi.
Thanks for pumping our bags new faggots.

>> No.25766326

Its obvious we're at peak normie levels. Already sold my bags. The fact that there are "people" replying to your post angrily is fucking proof lmao

>> No.25766350

If beer is so bad for you then why are germans Aryan Chads with good genes when beer is such a large part of their culture?

>> No.25766387

>die alone but fulfilled
fulfilled by what???? sitting at your computer every day for the next 30 years (you'll die sooner from heart disease) fucking random women (if that) and just being a greasestain overall? that's fulfilling to you????

or having children and having that chance to form a real human being, and all the pros that come with it?


>> No.25766393

Heard, cheers anon

>> No.25766411

At least he's drinking a stout.

>> No.25766463

Why do people who swallowed the kid-pill get so defensive about people who don't want to? Who cares what I do, end of the day it'll be more interesting than getting cucked by a miserable cunt and some spoiled assholes.

>> No.25766545

They're retarded and don't realize that you opting to not have kids gives their own children more resources.

>> No.25766550

>good genes
You said it yourself. Plus many europeons have a very high fat diet because they know thaat the low fat diet is a lie manufactured to keep you fat and unhealthy. Sugar is what makes you fat, carbs are what gives you cancers.

>> No.25766623

This. Genetics are what matters, sure if your parents,grandparents etc are all alcoholics/junkies it’s gonna cuck you, but having beers here and there for someone who keeps fit and healthy with good genes won’t hurt a person at all these incels take shit to the extreme

>> No.25766653

they want that old age insurance

>> No.25766697

I won't be dying alone. ;)

>> No.25766822

bullish for dogechain

>> No.25767177

Everyone dies alone.

>> No.25767230
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>6 miscarriages
i think god is trying to tell this couple something...

>> No.25767471

>anything but faggots
Reddit sunrise in this summertime hellscape

>> No.25767534

Thanks for two options, you colosal faggot.

>> No.25767541

Nearly all of western society is currently at the peak of the anti natalist movement and people having kids is treated as some begrudgingly accepted burden on society by anaemic onions schlurping faggots. Also youre both niggers

>> No.25767544

I find it funny how they are so matter of fact and do things with little to no nuance whether it be philosophy, art, or science. They appeal to groupthink too much though. The one weakness of not being American is disrespecting the power of the individual.

>> No.25767596

If i was a nigger I'd have 6 kids with 6 women by now.

>> No.25767650

BoringDAO text

>> No.25767679

That womb is rotten. If she wanted another kid so badly she should have allowed herself to be cucked.

>> No.25767754

Truth in it, but fiber rich vegetables, vegetable oils and garlic, ginger and co is far worse then a bread or beer.
Our beer has very little hops where the phytoestrogens come from. And the traditional diet is ful of meat, milk and potatoes which raise test.

>> No.25767922
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Being a rational adult is knowing that there are good and bad parts to many things. Being fixated on only the bad (children are nothing but "Spoiled assholes") only shows how warped your world view is from reality, and I suspect that your belief is simply a projection of your own childhood, not an accurate reflection of an average child.

>> No.25767995

anyways I am not one of those guys that will force anyone to have children. But I want to let you know that there are joyous beautiful moments of having children, and you might miss out on it.