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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25712391 No.25712391 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25712403

marriage is a rugpull scam

>> No.25712411


>> No.25712444


>> No.25712451

Move it to a hardware wallet and bury it somewhere or put it in a safety deposit box or something. And then conveniently forget the passcodes so that it’s inaccessible (but don’t actually forget) and then never tell anyone about it. Be prepared to not access it for at least 6 months after divorce

>> No.25712528

Life's a rugpull bro.

>> No.25712580

not if she doesn't know about them.

>> No.25712588

kek just say you lost the private key to the wallet :^)

>> No.25712610

How I can I exit scam the mariage ???

>> No.25712742
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If you hold the private keys to the addresses with those coins you are your own bank and it is unconfiscatable by any court or government

>> No.25712745

Not if you lose your private key in a boating accident.

>> No.25712818

Marriage is a fucking rugpull of the highest degree.
She was the love of my fucking life /biz/.
I would have died for her.
All the risks, the big swings, just so we could have a good life.
Only after you give them everything do you find out who they really are.
I come home one day to find her out in broad daylight, shitting in the street.
>pleas sir do the needful make purchase on 10k PNK
My wife was a fucking 26yr old Indian villager the entire time. He took it all in the divorce, it was Kleros court so without a 1m stack I was simply outvoted.
Now I'm fucking ruined. Don't make the same mistakes I did. Never get married.

>> No.25712843


>> No.25712864

if you fucked up a marriage, you would fuck up concealment. just give her half you worthless eater.

>> No.25712877

>(but don’t actually forget)


>> No.25712906


>> No.25712949

Send them to a new wallet. Tell her you accidently sent them to the wrong wallet. Problem solved. Do it before the divorce is filed and there will be nothing they can do.

>> No.25712980

Thank you. I needed that laugh anon.

>> No.25713018

marriage scam always was always wilbe

>> No.25713041

Have someone you trust implicitly? Give them your seed phrase and have them “hack” your wallet(s). Make sure they know what they are doing and have they shuffle the coins through a few other wallets, maybe even wash on an exchange. Make a big deal about the hack and financial loss. After a reasonable period of time, take ownership of the new wallet.

>> No.25713054

Lesson learned. Never marry a shitcoin

>> No.25713067

fake your death

>> No.25713093


>> No.25713108

just say you lost the private keys and you’re retarded what are they gonna say about that it happens daily

>> No.25713181
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Exchange your BTC for an unknown amount of XMR

>> No.25713320

can i get a qrd on marriage

>> No.25713446

She'd have to hire someone to literally torture you.

>> No.25713625

Well it's the beginning of something. I go all-in in crypto (separated bank account), full xmr & leave my job , faking being pour etc.

>> No.25713677

"i went all in on a shitcoin and lost it all!"

>> No.25713733

No way. They can never take your bitcoin away from you. Hide your mnemonic phrase in a very safe place or memorize it (risky).

>> No.25713735

>getting married in current year
sorry for you anon, you fell for the trap
every female in a western country is born married to the state
she will never go hungry, she will never want for security, she can have endless children and will be paid for it

so what is the purpose of marrying a MAN when you are already married to the STATE?

to TAKE what the man has, and that is all

it is a massive scam

>> No.25713807

You told her about the bitcoins?

>> No.25714009

Yeah I bought crypto for our daughter also so she'll never have to work

>> No.25714118

>It says here in this document, that you Anon have $200,000 invested in some kind of online tokens? Is this some sort of hobby?

>> No.25714139

Jesus, why did you have to say that?

>> No.25714423

this post stopped me from roping for one more day

>> No.25714565
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Yeah, had to explain what "work" I was doing in my upstairs "office" with my "gaming" computer.

>> No.25715209

You should've told her that you gave technical assistance for some cloud software or something. You fucked up.

>> No.25715413

Ahahhahahhahahahahahahahahah. Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.25715433
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thank you sire village has been fed well

>> No.25715472

What bitcoins, anon?

>> No.25715479

You can refuse to pay in BTC but the law can come after you and repo your non-BTC property in retaliation.

>> No.25715485
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>> No.25715525

What Bitcoins?

>> No.25715536

That depends on your state and whether they are premarital property or part of the marriage property. And of course on whether she knows about them or can find out about them.

Note also, it is really fucking easy to screw up and cause almost any asset to go from being premarital property to being marital property. If you traded them during the marriage, then congratulations, they are now marital property and can be divided any way the judge wants.

If you have any and aren't married yet, keep them secure and don't tell her about them. You can talk to a lawyer about leaving a letter to her in case you die unexpectedly so that she'll inherit. Otherwise, no talk.

>> No.25715696

Fantastic post

>> No.25715732

take wife to vacation in mexico and accident her

>> No.25715783

Unironically this, I'd heem your wife for .5 BTC, holla at me if you ever cross south

>> No.25715824

Dump everything into Monero then say you lost the keys

>> No.25715884

of course she can you retard

>> No.25715956

Not if she doesn't know how many you have.

>> No.25716058


>> No.25716107
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>> No.25716136

>holla at me
U had 1 jerb

>> No.25716178
File: 182 KB, 1200x884, morpheus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. The Pump & Dump Discord capped out at 250k members. A second server opened up. Gonna pump in 22 hours.

discord d o t gg/huGeyPhrcV