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File: 764 KB, 812x676, 胖猴子.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25678483 No.25678483 [Reply] [Original]

I just realized 95% of the people on this board will never own a full Bitcoin

>> No.25678563

tfw you buy 100 and buy drugs with 80 of them and some literally extremely flamboyantly gay man who sold you ecstasy and robbed you at knife point while wearing a pink durag (not being ironic here) stole your iphone 4 and you panic wiped it and you would have been a millionaire if you just wrote down your keys

>> No.25678604

also guy was white and tried to stop robbing me if i had sex with him but he didnt want to rape me.

i wish I had sex with with him for a million dollars desu. i was too high on ecstasy to know what he looked like anyway.

>> No.25678645

95% will probably never own 0.1BTC at this point... people try to gamble away their btc with leverage and shitcoins and vast majority will get rekt

>> No.25678673

I had to stop taking ecstasy because of gay dudes trying to kiss me when I was high. Being repulsed by gays is probably after adding a decade or two to my life for that reason.

>> No.25678681
File: 39 KB, 640x189, BCED73BD-3999-4F11-B3AA-C1C31AD8F296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This better save my fucking life

>> No.25678708

Post a link

>> No.25678751
File: 514 KB, 587x393, 1596312817614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joke's on you fucker I had 4 at one point

>> No.25678791


>> No.25678824
File: 37 KB, 272x204, 7g3abxu29le21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my one bitcoin is all I have to look forward to in life

>> No.25678913


>> No.25678939

I've spent at least 6 btc on the dark markets between 2014 and 2019. I have 3.5 btc now.

>> No.25679073

Imagine when a flamboyantly gay thug steals your funny internet money and you lose a million dollars

>> No.25679129

I have 1 wbtc, does that count? I don't know how to use btc but use erc20 shitcoins all the time. So, I figured that was safer.

>> No.25679154

not your keys not your coins
go on curve, swap for renBTC, then go to renbridge and redeem your renBTC for real BTC

>> No.25679162

I just realized i should have been a billionaire because i was mining bitcoin when it was under 1.00 saving up 40 at a time to but an ounce of physical silver.
Such is life

>> No.25679173

Fuck yes look at that fat fuck eating. Thank you kind stranger

>> No.25679306

Why go through all that with ren just to switch back to regular btc? He could simply unwrap the wbtc.

>> No.25679374

No? Almost sure you need KYC with bitgo. Its much easier to use Ren

>> No.25679404

There is no way to unwrap wbtc without going through kyc.

>> No.25679409

I was damn close to being one. I own 2 I bought for 10-16k bought in pieces. BTC literally gaining more than I make in a month at this rate. If this keeps up I am unironically priced out and gained out. If I put in 2k a month I will never meet my goal of 3 btc by end of 2021.

>> No.25679410

Well, my 1 wbtc was making like $60 a day on the hegic LP. I removed it ready to do something with it, because I originally had 1.17 but lost nearly .17 over the past few months. I may put it back when the release it again on the 10th.

>> No.25679446

Yeah, not doing that for certain. I don't even know why anyone has bitcoin.

>> No.25679459

Same bro. My 1 BTC. Is my baby and im never selling untill well above 75k.

>> No.25679473

Couldn't you just trade it for any ERC on uniswap and then divert funds to any token? Bitcoin can be purchased IRL for cash.

>> No.25679475

Bitcoin has okay returns right now if you hold as wbtc or renbtc

>> No.25679510

Going through uniswap and ren is the same difficulty and number of steps. Why are people looking for solutions when ren already exists?

>> No.25679540

Uniswap takes seconds and I have no idea what REN is. I figured out how to use Uniswap in literally seconds. Yes, I freaked out when it took 20 minutes for my funds to appear and thought I got scammed by Chinese people.

>> No.25679549
File: 323 KB, 1686x2046, CIAGLOW NIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost my wallet in a terrible boating accident.

>> No.25679552

I'll either put it back into the hegic LP or swap it via uniswap. That's how I got it in the first place.

>> No.25679574

Renbridge takes seconds too. Only additional detail is adding a btc address too

>> No.25679609

I have 21, but I still think Glitch is the best bet for 2021.

>> No.25679623

Uniswap may be best but you have 3 competitors each worth checking
Curve - lowest btc slippage for large orders
Ren - direct unwrapping, no slippage, lower fee than uniswap
1inch/uniswap - sushi may be cheaper and balancer may be too. Always check 1inch if you do plan to use uniswap

>> No.25679630

with your gun i guess

>> No.25679779

yeah, I was aware of the others but never tried. Much of the time I'm on shitcoins and uniswap is the only game. Thanks, I'll look deeper next time.

>> No.25679861

You know most people in the world are living paycheque to paycheque right?

>> No.25680082

The average American can't afford a $500 emergency. I invest 3x that every week into crypto and stocks every week lol. God is good

>> No.25680159


>> No.25680180

Luckily I bought 1 Bitcoin back in the spring with some spare money

>> No.25680283

They live paycheck to paycheck because they have no idea how to manage their expenses. No concept of finance or building wealth. They see other monkey own thing/consume they must also own/consume that thing. They are forever a part of the servant caste, and their children and their children's children. And if they ever so happen to be lucky to stumble upon a windful they will waste it all away in something completely vain.

>> No.25681019

For the longest time I thought most here had at least 1 BTC and that we were all just shitposting. What happened to biz?

>> No.25681241

For some this might be true, especially with high income earners but for the majority this isn't true.

>> No.25681773

most of them gave up their precious satoshis to chase shitcoin pumps, and ended up all the poorer for it

>> No.25681894

I have one but I'm terrified something will happen to it. I didn't fall for the but the electrum server fake update thing would have if I wasn't paying attention

>> No.25682691
File: 102 KB, 678x381, raiblocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and I'm pretty ok with that.

>> No.25683760

10.8, hodl since 2013, never exchanging for fiat, waiting for hyperbitcoinization.

>> No.25684125

I only have 0.3
Im ngmi, right?