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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.21 MB, 810x1066, img777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25608352 No.25608352 [Reply] [Original]

Alright Biz. You deserve something back after shilling me LINK and GRT and now I’m going to hand it to you. I parked most of my GRT gains in MPH and I’m not selling before a 5x minimum. I’m making this thread once before I proceed shilling this to reddit.

>Gives the ability to trade ANY stock pre-market and out of ANY jurisdiction.
>Founder Stanford alumni
>CEO with extensive track record, namely in quant finance
>Sits at a laughable 35m market cap
>Only trades on Uniswap and Gate.io.
>Received seed financing from 2 vc’s of which one is Tim Draper


>Actually works (https://www.publish0x.com/around-crypto/i-tried-morpher-for-you-my-first-trading-experience-xdngglo))


>> No.25608403

I encourage you to check out their social presence, other than Twitter there is almost nothing going on.

> 8 reddit members
> 2 youtube videos from search

This is bound to get more traction from smaller accounts and eventually bigger ones will jump on board. A moon is inevitable once this happens.

Not to mention the fact that Draper hasn’t mentioned this project publicly yet. The slightest mention, with this volume and marketcap would blow the lid of this project in a whim. Get in or regret.

>> No.25608767


>> No.25608886

Why haven't I heard of this one before? Are they actually making progress?

>> No.25608953


>> No.25608958

How many to make it?

>> No.25609000

bump because seems interesting. here is the whitepaper for anons wanting to read it.

>> No.25609090

How the fuck is this not illegal?

>> No.25609187

Illegal to have a working product with legit team backed by one of the most influential persons in crypto?

>> No.25609240
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>> No.25609292
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A big thanks for this glorious anon btw.


>> No.25609310
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OP why this over mirror finance? just curious

>> No.25609314

what coin?

>> No.25609440
File: 260 KB, 1152x2048, shaping-the-future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoo, pajeet.

>> No.25609744

"In an ideal world all markets are accessible for anyone both long and short, trading is free, available 24/7, and all markets come with infinite liquidity. Blockchain makes the ideal world possible. Morpher brings it to consumers.

Morpher virtualizes trading and replaces middlemen with blockchain. Our users can build up market exposure without having to go through banks, brokers, exchanges, ETF providers, or buying the underlying."

Imagine letting this slip at 35m market cap

>> No.25609818

thanks free 3.50 dollars.

>> No.25609917

I hate their oracle. They will unfortunately learn the hard way if this project ever gets traction

>> No.25610081

You're a piece of shit for posting this LINK pepe out of context. Make an MPH pepe.

>> No.25610265

It’s not out of context though. Link will be a central part in MPH.

>> No.25610373

How so? They have their own centralized oracle

>> No.25610425 [DELETED] 
File: 311 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210106-133430_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you buy CLF? World steel shortage going on..

Big tech is rotating to big steel.. get in for big gains...


>> No.25610436

For now.

>> No.25610472 [DELETED] 
File: 3.18 MB, 500x500, 536E2F27-DDFF-4271-8F38-720F38E0B041.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chads.vc will 40x eventually

>> No.25610539

Ok are they waiting for someone to manipulate their oracle?

>> No.25610611
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the fuck is this shit?

>> No.25610656

only illegal if they sell to americans.

>> No.25610710
File: 132 KB, 1079x386, morpshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fucking retarded: "This means you need MPH to place a trade, and your returns/losses are also paid out in MPH."

Also, team has pretty much all the tokens to dump, they just try to hide it. And not even very well.

>> No.25610786

>Also, team has pretty much all the tokens
yeah this is what im seeing too, dont like it

>> No.25610963

>Up 4x
>"Pump my bags"



>> No.25611057

Bad fud. Look at holders, it’s a heatlhy distribution.
It will pump at least 4x more within a week. Cap this

>> No.25611193 [DELETED] 

How to get the airdrop?

>> No.25611264

Guess I'm buying ADA

>> No.25611277




>> No.25611360

Airdrop wont fix your money problem.

>> No.25611378

>It will pump at least 4x more within a week. Cap this
no it won't.

>> No.25611396

Please refrain from using link memes to shill your pajeet scamcoins next time, thanks

>> No.25611508

doesn't look like it's run by pajeets though

>> No.25611839

they request full KYC with passport copy and verification video. DROPPED.

>> No.25611931

You buy to win. No free lunches etc.

>> No.25612351
File: 372 KB, 902x699, 1583906407456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice find op

>> No.25612472


>> No.25612625

First intelligent reply.

Now just imagine if this oracle would transition beyond internal use..

>> No.25612686
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>> No.25612755
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>> No.25612794
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>> No.25612855
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>> No.25612899


>> No.25613060


>> No.25613084

shit do I buy or what

>> No.25613641

That’s for you to decide

>> No.25613859

Fart noise. Fart noise. Fart noise. PEE and poo, pee and poo, pee and poo.
>brap brap brap
10 TB of CP encrypted and spread over multiple hard drives in Turkish mansion.

>> No.25614227

Will I make it with 20k?

>> No.25614589

Why not, this looks decent
What's the suicide stack and make it stack?

>> No.25614706
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This is my only shitcoin except it isn't, you just don't know it yet. I'm probably the biggest holder of MPH on biz.

Reddit will be over this in a week, tops. Twitter and YT army will follow. For a coin with a mc and volume this low it only means one direction and its the opposite of horizontal.

>> No.25614861

Suicide 10k
Make it 100k

>> No.25614874

So from my due diligence , if you do this , you are making so u don't pay gas essentially. Wow OP i think you may have found a winner. We got a discord we can go to , to shill this to high heavens? Because we can make it happen :)

>> No.25614918

if dubs OP is a pajeet

>> No.25614961

Link to discord?

>> No.25615017

Bump, whats a good exchange to buy it on

>> No.25615050

Yo, I missed GRT -- is that still worth looking into? Seems cheap, hasn't had a crazy run yet.

>> No.25615083

You need KYC afterwards, fuck that

>> No.25615102

dude stop pumping your shitty Cleveland Cliffs position.
>Anons who want to play metal shortages look into Glencore for nickel. Nickel stocks are gonna CRUSH in 2021.

>> No.25615240

share your findings i still dont get it

>> No.25615373
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devs own ~80% of supply, thanks no lol, buy avax retard

>> No.25615405
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Yes, this is just getting started. Was YFI a good buy at 2500? 5x minimum from here. This has been shilled nowhere but here, you can do the DD yourself

>> No.25615441
File: 23 KB, 343x440, attention sirs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guys whats up with this Decentraland... advertising in virtual reality. Is this shit for real? Also is GRT still worth getting?

>> No.25615460
File: 7 KB, 490x96, hail sergs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25615543

Why is there no community?
Telegram is locked from message posting.
What is going on?

>> No.25615575
File: 153 KB, 1392x570, mph tokenomics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least try.
Biggest wallet is owned by Tim Draper Associates and its cold storage.

MPH is your key to a GRT make it stack (100k GRT). GRT is a long-term blue chip, almost as good as LINK.

Based Fatoshi

>> No.25615670

Why is there no community?
Telegram is locked from message posting.
What is going on?


>> No.25615694

I just bought 500 GRT, fuck it! Get busy livin, get busy dyin.

>> No.25615727

So it's backed by Draper and it's one of the few thats actually listed (the other companies are traditional finance / VC plays because Draper wants the Carry.) The fact that the entire team is also White males and not a pajeet or woman in the ranks is a HUGE buy signal for me. Ideally it goes to 1B in market cap , which should place this token @ 1USD~ which is like 1B in marketcap. Another thing is to , since this is a VC play , you will see other VCs jump in because they want the carry and they want to tell their VC friends to invest because they can get a nice 20-30% carry which is a lot considering once this reaches 1-2B in market cap because of the use case alone... (Trade Crypto vs Tesla / Link etc AND we are literally buying from the bottom , AND WHEN it goes up more , the amount that you bought for 3 cents might be worth more , AND IF we had a team and ALSO assuming that we all had a fuckload of MPH + other capital from traditional finance , we could theoretically manipulate markets during after hours or before market opens (Go long on tesla etc) together and since we have a combined pull of ALL of us together , we can move the market (But i'm not focused on tesla , I'm thinking we can make LINK or any other shit coin / stock on the market moon because we bought at 3 cents and it's over 1USD (SOON)

>> No.25615755

They seem to be active mostly on Twitter. I suspect they haven't had the need to have a dynamic community yet, no token sale etc. The project is just starting to get traction, the airdrops are just the way for the project to get its feet on the ground.

>> No.25615850

That will be a used Honda Civic come 2022, congrats.

The hungry don't get fed. I'm spoonfeeding as fast as I can here.
See >>25615755

>> No.25615906

How much time do I have before it's too late to jump into this? I have to wait about a week before I have the funds.

>> No.25615960

I'll add more to it. But I dont like dumping big sums all at once on Crypto. DCA'ing has always worked best for me.

>> No.25616005

You are on the right track.

>> No.25616042

What’s market cap anon? 35m is fully diluted MC

>> No.25616047

If market trend continues I would say you have a few days, a week at the very best.

>> No.25616049

>last post dec 23.
>One post every half month
>No ad campaign while being a project with big investor backing
>no place where community can talk to each other
>minting function


>> No.25616083

Fuck, I've got 2 Eth rn ready to go on my wallet. Should I sell $500 worth?

>> No.25616155

Sell your starting stake.

>> No.25616158

Have you read what the minting function does?
It's vital for the project to function. Read the WP.

Social media presence is not one of the factors I take in to consideration when I pick my investments long as it isn't dead passive or non-existent.

>> No.25616266

I can't find it on uniswap?

>> No.25616273

I got the Eth by selling some of my Uni airdrop way back when. I'm not active at all in crypto. Is $500 reasonable?

>> No.25616313

>price dumped -90% within 2 days of listing on uniswap indicating insiders selling
>price manipulation that can take my money -90% instantly


>> No.25616448

You aren't actually trading securities.
You stake a certain amount against some price oracle, then based on the movement it either mints more or burns the token.

This seems somewhat fucky, but AFAIK since there's no actual securities being traded there isn't a legal issue.

Taxes would be a nightmare though.

>> No.25616575

$500 invested. Let's go baby!

>> No.25616697

Why even bother with your bs when anyone can check cmc that you're lying.

I don't care if you buy or not. This is meant for anons who want good risk/reward potential and are ready to put the money on the line. This is crypto after all. If you have to liquidate your village animals and sell your last sister for this I would encourage you to stay on the sidelines.

Congrats. And remember to not get too greedy. You only need to 3x 3 times to turn that investment to 15k.

>> No.25616770





>> No.25616802

Someone said earlier that $1 billion market cap is reasonable. Is that when I should pull out?

>> No.25616816

how do you find this on uniswap i dont get it

>> No.25616859

Change the coin list to coin gecko.

>> No.25617107

interesting, why should it succeed though.

>> No.25617383

Lol just checked anon. It’s the same graph.
Your fud made me bullish. Put 500 dollars in this.

>> No.25617392

why the salt

>> No.25617487

What’s a suicide and make it stack anon? Is 10k enough?

>> No.25617503

i'm trying to warn anons
people dumped their bags within 2 days for a -75%

>> No.25617626

It went from .019 to .0158 in a couple days. Don’t really see smt scammy about that. + Tim draper wouldn’t invest in a scam would he?

>> No.25617720

WTF there's an address that bought 2470 liquidity tokens 14 hours ago, the same address holds 3.9million tokens and dumps 100k tokens at a time and has accumulated for the past 3 months. What's all this about?

>> No.25618237

brapp abraap

>> No.25618738

why would a utility token gain value?

>> No.25619514
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ok this looks pretty good

>> No.25619631


how to buy as american?

>> No.25620054


It went from 0.04 to 0.14 then down to 0.07 (-95%)
Bagholders waiting to MEGADUMP

>> No.25620258

This is another synthetix?