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25579113 No.25579113 [Reply] [Original]

the only reason i havent killed myself, due to crypto or not, is because I'm beyond jaded and am numb to any change whatsoever, be it good or bad.

>> No.25579190

Yep thats how I broke 100k, just kept dumping paychecks into big dick crypto and when it dumped over and over again I kept dumping paychecks without a second thought.

I have nothing to live for so I probably wont feel anything until its at 1mil. 100k is not going to change my life.....

>> No.25579199

if you can't handle portfolio swings of five figures a day and six figures a month this ain't your game champ

>t 15k ->400k ->100k ->350k rn

>> No.25579198

Yes. Hi thats me

>> No.25579215
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Never sell only buy

>> No.25579279

The only way you become numb is if you invested very little.

>> No.25579305

It is true, anon. Take my situation for example. I'm 100% in XRP with an average buy of 0.46. I poured in a substantial amount of my life savings as well as some money I borrowed from family. Now, normally the emotional response from the catastrophic loss to my portfolio's value would be devastating but because I am a season holder I will be able to hold through these though times and into green pastures. It certainly is not for everyone.

>> No.25579649

I've lost all emotional connections to money. I could loose it all or become a millionaire and I wouldn't feel a thing.

>> No.25579687

took me a while to realize, but this is the only advice you need concerning crypto.

>> No.25579960
File: 467 KB, 571x672, dxm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not trading while on large dose DXM trips you're doing it wrong desuwa.

>> No.25580180

What a waste of DXM.
Also, do people actually think it’s weak? Or is that people being like “lol I ate a whole gram of shrooms and barely even felt it!”

>> No.25580247

DXM is ultra based, glad there are other robotrippers on /biz/

>> No.25580266

lol robo trips be wild. Stay safe

>> No.25580274

wish i was this disciplined. i have like excess cash from my job of about 40,000 a year. if i had done what you did this since starting even at the height of 2017 , i'd retire by now

>> No.25580288

Based fellow dxm user, the high is as strong as LSD also listen to techno and sound music on it, it gives you the best drug experience of a lifetime. Practically life changing. Let me know if you would like to know some great song titles

>> No.25580338

I haven't felt anything for years. my heart is empty. my soul is devoid of anything resembling a pull factor from the gaintrain. This is why I am trading BOND and why maybe someday i will be able to buy some feelings with it

>> No.25580349

I lost 100k in January and felt nothing. I was depressed for an hour when I accidentally overpaid 50c on bus fare and and lost sleep over my 2k shitbox car making a funny noise around the same time.

>> No.25580533

based aside from the god awful shits afterwards

>> No.25581260

I find DXM to be an extremely undervalued and extremely overabused substance. Apparently kids use it as dirty discount molly; imo, this is not a social drug at all.

>> No.25581314


>> No.25581365

i do it with my buddies at college and we listen to music or watch horror movies. i explained the risks before introducing it to them though

>> No.25581472

Are we talking about trading or putting money in
Im poorfag with 20k and want to trade it up to high 6 figs this year, anyone has any tips? I think even a good 3x long on the right coins could help me do this

>> No.25581855


>> No.25582126

To each their own. Having done it socially and in isolation I can say socially it’s not THAT different than being drunk with mild visual distortion.
But with a nice pair of headphones in a comfy bed with my eyes closed? Total dissociation and a magical journey of discovery; a profound psychedelic experience and musical euphoria.

>> No.25582322

DXM was like finding the meaning of life for me when I first got into it towards the end of high school. I then spent the next decade of my life from early 20s to early 30s going back to it for months of binging followed by breaks when it went too far and started making me sick instead of dissociated.
Ended up quitting for good in my mid-30s. Way too much of a toll on my body at this point to continue. Lost most of my teeth and had an abdominal abscess last year and just drew the line there.

>> No.25582441

I’ve never done it more than once a week. I’m definitely not a “let’s do psychedelics all the time” guy. I think DXM was my last psychedelic and that was probably 4 years ago.
Tempting at the moment, but I need to get some shit ironed out before tripping again.

>> No.25582473

>lost most of my teeth
Wait wtf?

>> No.25582589

Teeth are one of the weakest parts of your body and as you age of you don't take care of nutrition and neglect yourself while doing drugs all the time your teeth start falling out and you get other medical problems.

>> No.25582650

I just don’t get it. There’s limitless strategies and indicators whatever the fucks and I just don’t understand how some people can decipher it consistently.

>> No.25582770

Specialisation. You need to pick your niche and be good at it, track it, analyse it. And make peace with the fact that some other type of assets will do well while yours don't. But at least when yours are due for a mooning you will know and be ready. Or you could just browse /biz/ and buy random crypto tokens in the hope anonymous shitposters are not lying to you

>> No.25582783
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You get used to it. Gains over >20% become a snoozefest and you want more. Losses that are <30% are also a snoozefest. It cracks me up when I see people selling at a 16% loss. More risk, but at this point I don't give a shit if I go all in. Diversifying is for pussies.

>> No.25582789

this, it’s all a mindfuck for me, even with stocks. I guess I’m just a brainlet.

>> No.25582855

DXM (~400-700 mg trips) gave me a more life-changing experiences/afterglows than doing 5-7 grams of shrooms. DXM is a helluva drug, too bad I can't stomach the syrup anymore

>> No.25582919

DXM tripping was a weekend adventure with my buddies in high school. Shrooms (in real doses 3.5g+) are what you mean by absolutely not being a social drug.

>> No.25582954

One of my best drug trips was a dose of gels right on the cusp of entering third plateau after slowly drinking a low second plateau dose of delsym (time releases DXM).
Then as soon as I felt it starting, had a big bowl of weed and went inside myself. It felt like an endless peak with the schedule I did for the delsym.

>> No.25583071

honestly you can't say that you own crypto until you hold through a crash and emerge on the other side

>> No.25583102

I’d rather stick to acid desu. My drug experimentation phase is over. I kinda wish I tried DMT during that time but I could never get my hands. Too pussy to ever try now

>> No.25583371

That’s fine, but let me explain why I have not and never will intentionally do acid:
>I can’t identify it visually
>there are a bajillion research chemicals claiming to be similar to LSD, and everyone over the age of 50 says they are the worst thing ever, relatively.
I don’t like putting unidentified drugs in my body, it’s absolutely terrifying to me. While DXM isn’t perfectly safe, I can rest assured in the consistency and safe production of the drug.

>> No.25583425

To amend, if lsd was legal and I could buy it at Walgreens, I’d probably give it a try.

>> No.25583469

1P-LSD is literally just LSD with an extra metabolizing step. It's like LSD wearing a fake mustache and glasses disguise to sneak past the DEA.

>> No.25583641

Yea, my eyes aren’t good enough to tell the difference between that and some three days of hell chemical concoction.

>> No.25583689

can confirm, every single day the pain is killing me

>> No.25583725

i wish i was this based

>> No.25583767

margin trade >>25581819

>> No.25583937

There’s some reputable on darknet markets that had the purity of their LSD tested by customers and put online

>> No.25584018

This. I started with $2000, currently on $43000. I should feel terrified moving money like that around as a poorfag but since I made it while lying in fucking bed I just go with the flow

>> No.25584065

Amazon can’t stop chinks from giving themselves 5 star reviews and I’m supposed to trust some anonymous review of an anonymous drug dealer from an anonymous chemist?
I can’t do it, anon. Not how God made me.

>> No.25584178

In your case freaking out and selling for a huge loss is actually the right choice.

>> No.25584232

The top seller on each continent would not risk their reputation selling fake LSD. They already charge a premium over the smaller players. It doesn't make sense for them financially to sell fake shit.

>> No.25584239

How does that relate to the guy you quoted? Technical analysis with all its obscure lines, market cap, volume, whatever else. People talk about that stuff like they know how to use it to predict prices.

>> No.25584286

>thinks he made it with fucking $2000+ pnl. HAHAHAHAHA everyone laugh at this third worlder. theres literally anons here who are either holding mid 6 figures and anons holding under a stack. its fuckin hilarious.

>> No.25584312

Strangely makes me feel less alone that there's someone who thinks like me. Thanks anon.

>> No.25584342

oh its definitely better in bed alone. especially on a 3rd or 4th plat dose where you can leave this plane of existence

>> No.25584355

Why would you take their reputation at face value in the first place?

>> No.25584378

that's because its all bullshit. the stock market and crypto are just complete speculation based on nothing 95% of the time. Warren Buffet said it best, you can't beat the market

>> No.25584430

buy earlich reagent, cheap and it will confirm that whatever you are taking won't kill you. can technically still not be acid though I think

>> No.25584442

I didn't once mention I made it, just illustrating the gap in emotions between trading larges sums vs small sums being negligible. Also lurk more and learn how to green text newfag

>> No.25584456

I stopped trading after 2017 just buy and hold top picks. It's really that easy. Btc eth and link. That's all you need to know.

>> No.25584698

Guys I appreciate it but I am not asking to be talked into taking LSD. It isn’t going to happen for me until it is legalized. I only take drugs that I can identify, period.

>> No.25585286

stop swinging and start scratching.
start by putting all of your money into bitcoin.
then you just go down the list of all lowcaps, and you find any of them that you think are at least legit enough to not go to zero and you buy a micro bag of it. Don't buy absolute trash, but even if you think it has a 1% change of 1000x buy it. The size of bag depends on the size of your stack, because you have to be able to buy a lot these, and you aren't allowed to have favorites and try to proportionalize it like a clever boy because you are not a clever boy you are a mouth breathing retarded boy.

But that's ok because you don't need to be smart to do this strat, and the great part is you aren't swinging any of these.


No see you're trying to larp like you have a brain, but you don't so stop trying to think. You will never be able to sell or buy at the right time, ever you will always lose. You have one weapon and one weapon only and that is to HODL.

Yes that means if you have been doing this for as long as I have that 80% of your bags are steaming piles of shit. You will have a bag of TRON and it will stink. You will have a bag of RLC and it stinks too. These will all 3x in 5 years if you're lucky and eventually if you don't throw them out they will go to 0.

But you know what else you would have had?

A bag of RSR you bought for 1000 and now is 20k, a bag of XLM that you bought for 500 that is now 50k, a bag of LINK that you bought for 300 and is now worth 30k.

Every second that you spend jerking off over your schizophrenic wall-street wanna be mess of a chart is time that you could be research shitty low caps that are just unshitty enough to maybe make you 100k some day.

TLDR: Overdiversification is FUD

>> No.25585459

What makes a new crypto "legit enough" in your eyes? What do you look for? I read the bitcoin whitepaper recently and didn't understand much of it, so I can't imagine reading the whitepapers of other cryptos would give me any insight as to whether it's a worthwhile project or not.

>> No.25586056

HODL is the right call with low priced crypto and stocks. I played pennies years ago. I would just track penny stocks and accumulate a bit of a few of my favorites every paycheck, researching in between paychecks. I quit years ago and just this past week one I bought back in 2012 went 13x, and I was able to put $1100 more into BTC and ETH.

Don't try flipping crypto if you're new to trading, though. Just pick a couple you believe in, put in money you can afford to lose, and don't worry about the price. Crypto right now is still an undeveloped sector. There's little competition and at least a few of these will become huge over time. If you try to flip it while inexperienced you're going to lose your shirt, quit crypto and be wondering what might have been 10 years from now.

>> No.25586221

That's basically going to be my new strat. I'm just gamble with pocket change on alts while directing most of the input to BTC, LTC and ETH. I'm just tired of sifting through pajeet coins though.

>> No.25586980

I've been doing this and made a profit of 5 times my yearly salary in the past two months. Didn't feel a thing.