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File: 7 KB, 225x225, logan paul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25577628 No.25577628 [Reply] [Original]

"I am going to get involved in a big way" When this faggot finally buys our bags will that be the ultimate sell signal?


>> No.25577770

these guys are such fucking normies.

>> No.25577805 [DELETED] 


>> No.25577826

Noooo please it's too early

>> No.25577986

Thanks, just sold 100k :)

>> No.25578097

the faggot of all faggots. cant believe this fucking pice of shit stil lives, same goes for the fly around the shit that is his brother. They are the pinnacle of retardation, lol

>> No.25578119

you can’t tell these normans are so afraid of crypto in general, we haven’t even started. Imagine the amount if BTC that will be lost in the hands of retarded normies kek.

>> No.25578155

this is the same retard who challenged Floyd Mayweather to a boxing match

>> No.25578157

Whats funny is that hes sorta right about everything.

>> No.25578168

Normies have no idea that Tether is being sued.
They have no idea the impact.
Play this fucking smart.
Wait for the inevitable.
Come on degens, I believe in you. Don't suffer their fate.

>> No.25578167

>It went to 18k and then down to 9k and a a few months later its at 33k
Crazy how time flies when you're famous for being a retard

>> No.25578171

People always make out that these jews are so cool and yet they're always jumping on the bandwagon.

>> No.25578178 [DELETED] 
File: 339 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210105-204113_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you buy CLF?

Why didn't you buy CLF?

Just look around and read...


>> No.25578184

>ultimate sell signal?
buy before he buys and hodl

im sure he already bought and is gonna dump on his followers

he has a clever and scummy marketing team behind him

>> No.25578208


>> No.25578216

Who successfully set up a fight with Floyd Mayweather in February and is making millions from it.

>> No.25578219
File: 62 KB, 1125x634, DSkBn7bVAAAkQvN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25578231

Logan Paul is way more smarter than what it appears.
We only have to profit to get him involved.
Implying you are already loaded and you're just a poor fag trying to not be priced in.
Like Pokemon cards, he could really bring a shitload of normies in the business.

>> No.25578233

What does this mean fren

>> No.25578260

>Wait for the inevitable
Wich is?

>> No.25578347

>FOMO buying done by the institutions
kekekekekekek my sides

>> No.25578371

You’re probably on the normies side.

>> No.25578382

yeah nope, he's a faggot and always will be a faggot. BIZ doesnt need this piece of shit. fuck, Biz litterally does not need help with trading, This piece if shit is not an example and we all know it.

>> No.25578407

>tether fud

doesnt matter

>> No.25578443
File: 87 KB, 1200x600, 0A358518-49A8-497D-AFB9-5139AC13825F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically FUCKKKKKKK. We’re nearing the fucking top lads. This is fucking crypto nails all over again

>> No.25578452

>acts like he doesn't know anything about it
>starts talking about how many Bitcoins ared mined per day

this nigger already owns Bitcoin

>> No.25578490

yep once logan shills... DCA out

>> No.25578531

I agree that he is smarter than what people think, but the problem with him is that his job forces him to think based on consensus (like a women) Therefore he will never have an original thought, go against the grain and will bandwagon his way into buying the top.

>> No.25578549

>over the past month investors pumped over one billion $ into BTC which caused the price to skyrocket
>nooo wayyy
lol dude is just 2 orders of magnitude away

>> No.25578741


He's literally smarter than anyone in this thread. Dude is a marketing genius. OP sounds like a butthurt faggit hating on a self made millionaire. OP doesnt understand that because he hates Logan, Logan is doing his job nicely. So is Jake. Guys became huge millionaires without even having to buy shitcoins Respect.

>> No.25578773

No. I have been here since summer

>> No.25578786

Sounds like a Reddit post.

>> No.25578795

if you think normie popularity is a direct correlation to intelligence you're NOT gonna make it

>> No.25578827

He definitely doesn't do it all himself dumbass, he has experts by his side guiding him.

>> No.25578889

This guy is involved in dozens of scams and goes wherever he thinks he can make money on suckers.

>> No.25578920
File: 351 KB, 800x765, 1609577746144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hackers are all 13-14 year olds with like verizon employees on their payroll mann! SIM SWAPS MANN!!

>> No.25578985

He would rope in children stealing credit cards

>> No.25579010

I'm waiting for the blowoff top then I go into gold until the inevitable

>> No.25579015

Cope. The Paul brothers are grifters, but you cannot deny they are smart. Jake literally founded companies when he was 17 years old off a little bit of vine fame and onboarded billionaire investors to fund his youtube career, became one of the biggest youtubers in the world at one point and had 10-15 other youtubers underneath him, paying him a cut of their earnings. Now both Logan and Jake are larping as boxers and somehow convinced the boxing world to give them 10 million dollars for a single fight.

>> No.25579039

I agree that he is smart and works harder than 99 percent of people out there. I even watched him for years when I was younger. But it doesnt deny the fact that he cannot dive into niche topics because he has to appeal to the lowest common denominator of his giant audience and is extremely cautious of being "cancelled" He has to take the safe route like a women and will be late in this bullrun

>> No.25579060

this guy fucking owns BTC, he's playing dumb
>calling it btc
>talking about the amount mined
>talking about price action

>> No.25579100
File: 34 KB, 580x548, aaaaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw the Paul brothers are actually oldfags who started accumulating in 2012-2013 and are now big time whales

>> No.25579111

>We should definitely have a bitcoin expert on the show
I wish they invited Saylor and he'd outright decline and insult their lack of professionalism as a bonus too

>> No.25579234

The king of normies buying bitcoin is a sell signal, as we're reaching the peak of awareness

>> No.25579260

Why are you losers seething so hard ITT hahaha Logan is our guy

>> No.25579327

>Be on top of the world
>Decide to learn boxing and actually get good
>Beat up an ex NBA player
>Interview Alex Jones

He has my respect. His friends are genuine retarded though.

>> No.25579334


>> No.25579361

I should have bought more blockchain mining stocks. These idiot normies are pumping the fuck out of them, hive is up 800%

>> No.25579372

>no xrp

>> No.25579460

Nope. Reddit post is just blindly hating and being jealous. Go read reddit. Then read this thread. At least 5 comments know Logan Paul only pretends to be retarded. I'm sorry you can't get over your jealousy/homosexual feelings

>> No.25579502

>Larping as boxers

Beating up Nate Robinson is actually semi respectable. You think you can beat any ex NBA player under age of 45? I put all my btc on you losing.

>> No.25579617

This malinvestment is only happens in a fiat society. In a hard money world most of this shit comes to a screeching halt.

>> No.25579650

Crypto has been a bubble for awhile and I just have been buying options. Bitcoin absolute ceiling at 45k it’s running out of steam now probably more like 37k. Sell soon

>> No.25579707

>Youtuber larping as a boxer beats up a 36 year old retired NBA player larping as a boxer.
>Earns 10m for his trouble.

Good grift Jake, don't get ahead of yourself though.

>> No.25579771

I wouldn't trade brain damage for 10M especially if I was already rich

>> No.25579779

Go back tranny

>> No.25579845

Kinda glad this guy mooned pokemon cards. Every influencer is pumping the cards. My old collection is probably the most valuable thing i own. Never selling my childhood until a psa 5 shadowless charizard reaches 50k kek

>> No.25580205

ceedee92 knows what's up

>> No.25580299

based af

>> No.25580367

>January 25, 2018
Get out, demoralizing shill.

>> No.25580402

She's telling you whats about to go down. Hollywood is about to get its claws into those cryptos...And Hollywood destroys all it touches.

>> No.25580484


Do you think if Tether crashes the markets smaller coins like Chainlink will fall as well?

>> No.25580520

tfw the chainlink pajeet is up 20x since this

>> No.25580636

Just saw that kek

>> No.25580690

Neck yourself

>> No.25580812

>implying he doesn't have a team of proffessionals and isn't anything more than a modern day gigolo.
he hasn't "made it" any more than a disney whore like hana montana. he's a fraud, the undercover corporate take over of the internet.

>> No.25580848

>when i was younger
you have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.25581119

how did jake paul know about bitcoin in 2012 the dude was like 16 back then

>> No.25581236

this guy probably has more BTC than most here, kek.

>> No.25581374
File: 537 KB, 505x585, 1596514305284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this guy talk like a nigger? I couldn't watch past 1:23

>> No.25581391

based bro scientist

>> No.25581398

i doubt it desu, if he had experts by his side then he would have never posted a video of him finding a dead corpse in a Japanese suicide forest

>> No.25581478

i've only seen this annoying faggit shilled on here, and I'm already praying Floyd knocks his fucking lights out

>> No.25581529

>”I’m going to get involved in a big way”

Inb4 he creates a Logan Paul shitcoin,
or does some retarded shit with Tether and gets the SEC involved

>> No.25581683

He got a fuckton of attention from that. That incident was the first time I had heard of either of those retards. Probably helped him in the long-run. Or possibly the backlash and apology were initiation into the big boy club.

>> No.25581703

>implying Bitcoin isn't exclusively for normies now
>implying that the next 100x counter-culture decentralized tech is no longer BTC but other altcoin shitcoins like ETH

this has been the case for at least the past year and a half, /biz/ should know this by now. Boomers have taken over bitcoin. It's safe now. Imagine still thinking it's some revolutionary tech - it was literally adopted by the banks and they're about to control it.

>> No.25581774

>He got a fuckton of attention from that. That incident was the first time I had heard of either of those retards. Probably helped him in the long-run. Or possibly the backlash and apology were initiation into the big boy club.

I know it and I do agree that it helped him in the long-run, but do you really think that a bunch of PR advisors wouldn't have chosen to do something less controversial? It could have literally ended his channel.

>> No.25581782

holy shit I wish I didn't see this fuck you

>> No.25581843

based broscientist

>> No.25581985

This is first wave, two more, third pop

>> No.25582123
File: 334 KB, 551x550, 1241315456235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25582150


Fuck this guy he’s like a Chad but not as much as the winklevoss twins. Just some wannabe frat bro

>> No.25582849

You guys still dont get the scope of this trade. Logan is but a fish in a shoal. His followers barely have enough to move the needle. Real money is coming in. Multi Billion dollar buys every week now. Logan signals a blow off is yet to come.

>> No.25583116

i can see your perspective a bit more the further I look out