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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 44 KB, 1145x429, LCX_Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25559269 No.25559269 [Reply] [Original]

Why LCX will become the easiest way to x100?

-The total supply will only be 953.165.775 (for example, Link will have
-It already has a working product (an exchange!)
-Has been granted 8 out of the 11 crypto-related licenses
-The CEO is a german entrepreneur (look at his LinkedIn 5 years ago: https://web.archive.org/web/20160205060059/https://www.linkedin.com/in/montymetzger))
-It's based in Liechtenstein (one of the richest countries in the world)

Now it's below $0.05, don't miss this train.

>> No.25559292

It says on the website that this is meant to be a stablecoin...

>> No.25559325

learn to read you fucking nigger

>> No.25559400

>The total supply will only be 953.165.775 (for example, Link will have
And this is set to decrease quarterly as used tokens will be burned.

>> No.25559432

No, it just says a minimum value is guaranteed. There is no maximum.

$2-5 is the sell area for 2021. I wouldn't buy past 30 cents, no point vs BTC.

>> No.25559509

"LCX Token > Minimum Utility Value of 0.10 USD" what says stable about this? If anything they are telling you "hey shitforbrains, this is worth more than 2x its selling for AT A MINIMUM". At least FUD me on the fact they won't be buying them back and I have to sell to other troglodytes like you when you FOMO in at 2$

>> No.25559545

this post feels so much like 2017

>> No.25559568

referral code: ENoudfkJzn

>> No.25559616

It's shilled like crazy on /biz/ by Discord trannies
It'll probably pump then die

Fuck you

>> No.25559663


>> No.25559675

Yep this. I am not giving any of the dumbasses above (Yous). This is another GRT incident waiting to happen.

>> No.25559690

Do you have any argument to refute the reasons?

>> No.25559721

shut the fuck up fudding faggot the exchange just dropped and we are still in the absorption phase and were all going to be rich except you

>> No.25559736

It's simple.
You see a single thead with over 100 - 200 messages ? legit
You see 100 threads with few messages ? intense tranny shilling

>> No.25559771

It's simple, you are retarded.

>> No.25559779


Fuck off newfag

>> No.25559781

I heard the same thing when GRT was at 0.80$.
Enjoy your pump and dump

>> No.25559859

where have you been, LCX threads are the deepest threads here

>> No.25559867


Also I am honestly just so grateful Biz got me in here at 3 cents.

>> No.25559922

Exchange doesn't work, what an embaressment

>> No.25559970

Who is the discord tranny exactly here?

>> No.25559987


>> No.25560014
File: 3.36 MB, 1284x2778, 40BB952F-723A-4022-AB8D-DE5174B92904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aristocrat here. Chico shilled it back in October.

>> No.25560015

everyone keeps saying that it's live and that you have to clear cache, but I cannot access it either

>> No.25560040

i am pakistani. here we kill people like you
I don't care about your 4chan culture I come here to find informations

enjoy the pump and dump faggot

>> No.25560177

go suck taliban cock

>> No.25560180

The site is built on shitty software it is beginning to look like a total scam to me. I still hold 27K but I'm starting to get PND vibes.

>> No.25560192


Sorry no sand niggers allowed here pig fucker.

>> No.25560197
File: 441 KB, 754x744, 1576178716352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gay ID
you can't make this shit up

>> No.25560261


>> No.25560293

exactly. thanks god i learned from past mistakes and know to see through this vaporware now

>> No.25560324

you are the pig white boy
when this crashes hard you will think about me. the website is not even functional, and hundreds of people from Discord groups are shilling it right now like they did last time with GRT.
get rekt soon homosexual

>> No.25560343

When the price was mooning this weekend multiple whales started suppressing the price keeping it under 0.4c, now that normies are selling the same whales are buying back holding this at 0.3c, how is this a PnD?

>> No.25560360

it's like you didn't do any research before putting money into it you mongoloid.

>> No.25560378


>> No.25560389
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>> No.25560445
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>whales supressing the price bro
>whales are just accumulating bro

>> No.25560455

I don't buy pajeet ERC-20 coins.

>> No.25560469

Shut the fuck up us americans are going to turn your country gay with the omnibus we just passed

>> No.25560482


>> No.25560502

>literaly paki
>Gay ID

>> No.25560510

I'll give five mins for someone to send me referral code.

>> No.25560513

Can someone explain to a mental midget like me why I cannot purchase their tokens straight up from their platform and instead have to trade BTC or ETH for it via a platform like UNISWAP?

Explain please, and make it a good one.

>> No.25560540


>> No.25560592
File: 22 KB, 920x512, png-transparent-pepe-the-frog-internet-troll-4chan-others-miscellaneous-vertebrate-video-game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minimum of 0.1

>> No.25560631

why would whales suppress price

>> No.25560636


>> No.25560652

You literally can, I literally did

>> No.25560677

You can buy from their exchange


>> No.25560697


There exchange is not up and running yet.

>> No.25560699


stop shilling this shitty scam ffs, 100x should have had happen today, but instead coinmetro ist getting gains, since it is the the true regulated exchange

>> No.25560717

I love how people on here not only just pull the most absurd numbers out of their ass, but have the fucking gall to say it with an assured, authoritative tone.

>> No.25560721

Because its not a pnd and if this mooned and then crashed it would just be forgotten in a week like every other shitcoin?
This is a long term project and the fact that it is crabbing is reinforcing my trust in this.

>> No.25560723

I dont see the option anywhere. Just says convert to LCX no purchasing option

>> No.25560903
File: 158 KB, 1080x1667, Screenshot_20210105-205132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25560937

ill find it endlessly hilarious if lcx is a success from biz because their marketing team was so shitty

>> No.25561090
File: 38 KB, 360x450, 2C8B90E9-C44C-4CA7-99EA-26BAB8DBB087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone actually got Level 2 KYC approved?

>> No.25561101

Some loose mental arithmetic. has approx 8 x the coins of Binance, and likely in this run to be worth 20% the amount as Binance (depending how hard regulation goes, which will benefit LCX). 2021 is the year of institutional wealth, so all those regulatory approvals will help enormously.

Anyway, Let's assume binance 5Xs to 25 billion MC during this bull run (seems fair?). LCX with burn should have around 8 times as many coins and be worth about 20% the amount. Therefore 25b/8 = circa 3b MC for LCX divided by about 900m coins = somewhere around $3 per LCX. 2 - 5 being the range at which I'd suggest selling. That means somewhere between a 50 - 100x.

People always think it will never happen until they look back at coins where it simply did happen. And they get upset they didn't know about it or take the risk when it was a microcap - but then another solid one comes along and they snub it? No thanks.

So anyway, $2,000 risk for possible $100-250k return. Required probability of being right? 50:1.

Stay broke if you don't want to buy, it's fine by me.

>> No.25561195

Yeah did the KYC two days ago and it got done yesterday, a total of one day to get verified

>> No.25561212


Its like they want 100x returns without any risk.

>> No.25561315

but it works and someone on biz did already some trades.

>> No.25561382

Still can't fucking upload those selfies.

>> No.25561403

Yep - use my referral for free lcx


>> No.25561455

Care to explain to a relatively newfag

>> No.25561498


Well exactly. Do I think it's a 100% guarantee? No. But I only need it to be a 2% chance of being right for this to be a good trade. It's like people have never played poker.

As it happens I think there's about a 50% chance I'm correct. When the normies start FOMOing in and price starts to appreciate just because, things like 'partnered with wikipedia' and 'regulatory approval' and 'Liechtenstein Royalty' will be extremely helpful.

Plus things like limit orders for uni on the DEFI terminal are pretty novel. There's a lot of ways this could carve out its niche, either STOs, regulatory approved custody, or just normies fomoing in.

Unfortunately they produced a horrific music video and it nearly put me off. What they should have spent the money on is paying the crypto youtubers to shill it, as annoying as they are.

>> No.25561497

how much would I get

>> No.25561519
File: 45 KB, 1406x836, coincodex.com-lcx-graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.25561578

are YOU retarded?

>> No.25561595

I did it today and was verified level 2 immediately.

>> No.25561617

never saw such a stupid fud

>> No.25561630

Just a heads up. We're going to be listed on Binance Tomorrow. Screencap this

>> No.25561638

Agreed. You can't buy directly the token*

>> No.25561664
File: 93 KB, 1098x621, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The part that isn't working is this one, literally the chart does not update

>> No.25561697
File: 49 KB, 1349x641, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you do it on this page

>> No.25561699

is the exchange working for you?

>> No.25561718


Also if the rumours of Coinbase CEO being a partner are true, the price will 5x instantly anyway. Plus coinbase listing. I think that's a long shot but now I look at the site it gives me kind of a coinbase feel.

>> No.25561740


>> No.25561762
File: 10 KB, 532x222, lcx confirm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.25561798
File: 92 KB, 1024x898, 20210105_084735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25561808

just be patient dude.

>> No.25561809

>Gay id

>> No.25561832


At least LCX put out a tutorial where a pajeet teaches you how to do the bullish beat. Ahahahahahahahahahaha


>> No.25561865
File: 131 KB, 1080x1804, Screenshot_20210105-211032__01__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25561874

takes 5 minutes

>> No.25561898

it is, yes. so far the books are mostly empty....but it's only been a few hours guys.

>> No.25561907

Delete this

>> No.25561921
File: 124 KB, 1320x742, Screenshot 2021-01-05 at 16.12.05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah and here is the rope to allow the youtubers to get people on board.

>> No.25562095

Yes I got it yesterday, had to resubmit a doc but was approved quickly.

>> No.25562104

its not coinbase ceo.
its dharma ceo they just played everyone making the image blurry and letting people assume it is the other bald head.
Nice scam

>> No.25562170

I added an order to fluff it up a bit, you'll recognize the /biz/ness move

>> No.25562236
File: 130 KB, 334x506, 1F18735D-3758-4147-BE0F-74AD936C4F67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentlemen, our mansions await

>> No.25562290


>> No.25562310


>> No.25562330

Tfw waiting for coinbase and lcx to verify

>> No.25562359

stupid fucking nigger alert

>> No.25562369
File: 11 KB, 356x195, stacked orders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put in so many limit sells in case of fat fingers, am I going to make it? Lmao

>> No.25562381
File: 43 KB, 362x557, typical biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this you?

>> No.25562403
File: 158 KB, 1080x610, 20210105_201425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will buy lambo, never wssh it, bump it, call it my "daily", leave mcdonald at pass seats

>> No.25562406

Why would you buy something that literally just 3x'd? You're supposed to buy low, not high.

>> No.25562413

hold until .10 retard. stop being so fucking spastic and have patience.

>> No.25562453

>one of the richest countries in the world
>GDP less than Nigeria

>> No.25562467

when moon

>> No.25562485


Fuck why am I not that creative

I'm just trying to buy some more at 2 cents on the btc pair

>> No.25562515


>> No.25562517

It's a very obvious pump and dump. If you jump in, you better have talent to time your bail or have the luck of a goddess on your side.

>> No.25562520
File: 26 KB, 809x744, E5272914-FC88-45F2-98D7-1080A481F0F1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25562566

6 days ago

>> No.25562652

per capita, nigger

>> No.25562830


Lets pump this also in reddit

>> No.25562889

someone just bought 1 lcx for a bitcoin lmao

>> No.25562933

no fucking way

>> No.25563061

fake news
not on order history

>> No.25563068
File: 2 KB, 356x32, wow lmao dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh lmao look at this

>> No.25563111
File: 20 KB, 369x340, Opps sorry bros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bad crop sorry bros

>> No.25563217

what does a referral code do for you?

>> No.25563225

Anyone know long it takes for coinbase to verify bank account for payment?

>> No.25563257

Someone bought 900 ETH at 0.003 ETH/LCX?

>> No.25563306

900 lcx baka

>> No.25563315

Normally a minute or two for me but you can’t get lcx on coinbase

>> No.25563356

Yeah I know. I sent 2.00 to the account they specified, I can't buy BTC but I can't add the account again. So is it processing?

>> No.25563414

I'm newfag but I've lurked for a year or two

>> No.25563436

That's a fantastic price, nice

>> No.25563448
File: 3 KB, 351x52, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these two fucking trades lmao

>> No.25563490

I did and honestly if your right ill give you 1000 LCX

>> No.25563507

Newfag here, where do i go in order to trow my money in this?

>> No.25563524

I would assume so, most of the time its around 5 minutes for everything to be confirmed for me

>> No.25563537

What?? Source??

>> No.25563586


>> No.25563605
File: 109 KB, 1239x921, 456864689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, time to shill this shit to reddit fags

>> No.25563610

create an account, get verified, deposit fiat, buy lcx

>> No.25563613

Never gonna happen

>> No.25563631


>> No.25563652

It's been an hour or two. But then again, I did create the account and verify it today so maybe they haven't verified me yet.

I had 2.00 GBP on my account though after I'd sent it to the CB account they said

>> No.25563665

how do I eventually sell it? Do I have to swap back to eth?

>> No.25563688

You can't use fiat to lcx yet I thought?

>> No.25563706

Send source

>> No.25563735

selling all lcx now

>> No.25563757

When moon

>> No.25563766

One thing that's certain is I definitely read that wall of rambling bullshit with the occasional made up number sprinkled in. Riveting stuff, thanks!

>> No.25563798

Can't you just use uniswap? the fees are worth it you'll be kicking yourself if you don't buy before some news tomorrow

>> No.25563809

Your crypto investment is 2 pounds? Dude what? You pay more to convert ETH to LCX.

There's a USD/LCX pair on the exchange, but maybe someone else can confirm.

Doubtful, but would make my week.

>> No.25563812

So when will there actually be any liquidity on this exchange? There's literally nothing happening on the order book.

>> No.25563832

When moon

>> No.25563861

Of course an exchange won't instantly have any volume.
Growth will be exponential. As soon as it has a stable amount of trades and stable price everybody will know it's safe to use

>> No.25563896

Oh my bad I sperged out misread that. I thought you meant order transaction not bank verification. Took me about 1 hour to be verified personally I’m not sure how long it could be. Maybe a day or so tops? I can’t imagine it being much longer than that

>> No.25563908

No. I have 2.00 as GDP on my account, which is the 2.00 I used to verify my bank account. You see?

>> No.25563951

What do you mean "literally nothing"? I can see open orders. Which pair?

>> No.25563983

fuck off to your designated shitting street in minecraft you paki gay id fucktard

>> No.25564033

Fair enough. Hopefully not too long.

I am waiting for verification on the lcx exchange too. I don't know if that's a gbp lcx pair on there though or if I'll have to use BTC

>> No.25564064

your retardation is in every thread why do you care so much lcx prevents you from scamming more people with your scams you dirty street shitter?

>> No.25564078

I was able to save about $60 by LCX automatically matching some of my sell order with the buy bids on kucoin before filling the rest at binance

>> No.25564118
File: 10 KB, 1092x211, nothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I put some in as a joke. I don't see any serious orders though.

>> No.25564141

Can someone buy my meme orders for fun?

>> No.25564149 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 600x800, FREE-SATOSHI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25564181
File: 10 KB, 970x250, Sell orders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.25564252

>meme orders
anon what the fuck

>> No.25564286

How do I and hodl long term

>> No.25564353

the charts arent showing and there are no pairs, is this bitch working?

>> No.25564358

Lets all hotbit the shit of this exchange and do micro trades of LCX and bump the price up ourselves. Who is with me?

>> No.25564457

I see a single buy order in LCX/BTC and this dude is lowballing it.

Biz should create a buy wall, get them shits cheaply drive down the price a bit

>> No.25564498

I literally don't get it

>> No.25564505

no buy wall, accumulate, sell (or not) when users join, cuz now ur only walling biz

>> No.25564532

I'm a newfag. How do orders like this work when compared to coinbase, where you use fiat to BTC at a rate given by coinbase.

>> No.25564564

kek, you motherfucker

>> No.25564575
File: 3 KB, 334x94, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I believe you, niggers, don't fuck with me this time.

>> No.25564583
File: 174 KB, 680x717, HOLDER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir, could you kindly remove your fictitious orders, I am trying to conduct business here

>> No.25564622


>> No.25564628

You have to have a wallet to buy this shit right? Or do they just keep it on their exchange?

>> No.25564638

They could speed things up a bit by offering a bonus to move some of your funds over though. And don't exchanges normally allow for market making prior to actually going live with a trading pair?

>> No.25564643

when you accept that it's a scam with a 1% chance of making you rich these threads become a lot more fun.

>> No.25564660


Fictitious until someone memes it or fat fingers

>> No.25564663
File: 4 KB, 231x218, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck you just shilled me!

>> No.25564672
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>> No.25564730

Unironically hoping for this lmao. What are the chances that they will revert the transaction

>> No.25564751


>> No.25564758

It is just 100 dollers, mate.

>> No.25564759
File: 43 KB, 363x551, Das Order Book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can make meme orders too, Sir

>> No.25564772
File: 14 KB, 393x497, Fugg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coinbase being gay. I've added an account but it hasn't verified

>> No.25564810

I just used uniswap.

>> No.25564816

have fun being killed off by chinks in near future, even in developed countries, nigger faggot subhuman

>> No.25564857

it's the same but you trade with crypto pairs

>> No.25564893

You decide the price. Let's say you have USD and want to buy BTC (you can do this on binance for example). You look at the order book and see that most orders are at 32k$, but you want it cheaper so you make a buy order for 0.5 BTC at the price of 31.5k$/BTC. Then I come along and decide to sell my BTC low because I'm dumb, so I make a sell order for 0.1 BTC at 31k$/BTC. The exchange looks at that and realizes I'm selling lower than a current open buy order (yours), so it fulfills part of your order (I'm not sure about the price, but between mine and yours, usually this gap is very very small). Later on some other anon comes in, makes an order for 1 BTC at 31.5k$/BTC which fulfills the remaining 0.4 BTC of your order.
Making an order is saying "I want to buy/sell this at that price, any takers"?

>> No.25564923

Fuds trying to bring price down since volume is low, it is a comfy hold for about a year.

It is backed by a sovereign nation which is one of the richest ones in the world.

>> No.25564929

This site is the future and I love it.

>> No.25565082

Thanks bro

>> No.25565118
File: 10 KB, 251x201, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sorry for you fren, you almost made it. You could buy Bitbean, I think it's more up your alley.

>> No.25565137

jesus christ so many people are going to accidentally fuck this up.

>> No.25565188

Why would they, its not new

>> No.25565256


Help a fullblood European newfag out, you get 50 LCX if you use this (automatically)

>> No.25565300

Because they already dø mess it up. There are plenty of threads of newfag laments. They only know jewbase.

>> No.25565312

Anyone got a referral code?

>> No.25565370

>used ref code
>no coins at all in my wallet

>> No.25565431

Counting on it, fill my maymay orders as well please

>> No.25565445

why would you be openly gay then
why did you sign up with this id?

>> No.25565448


>> No.25565476

Sold my aristrocrat stack

- no KYC after 4 days
- no reply to customer service after 1 day, even send them my email
- buggy UI on the exchange
- it is also slow

I want to believe but I can't, coinmetro is the complete opposite. Hope you make it lads

>> No.25565485

because this is marketed for tech-illiterate boomers

>> No.25565565

I actually don't believe this coin is going to be more valuable than bnb. Or valuable at all. I have just 11k PNK and now 3k LCX. These money is all I have right now. About the same amount for gas so I could swap it on stablecoin.
I need to pay mortgage with something anyway.

>> No.25565592

weak fud

>> No.25565624


>> No.25565640

lol, only took an hour for me

>> No.25565663

OK, I'll bite. How to buy this? This isn't in any exchange except their own, and I can't register because they don't have my nationality on the list.

>> No.25565669

2days still not working for me

>> No.25565683
File: 1.00 MB, 589x640, nadia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use my referral because I gave you this masterpiece


>> No.25565701


I’m starting to agree with this anon

>> No.25565706
File: 427 KB, 1275x861, 1609720746333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25565711

Coinbase have taken >4 hours to verify my bank account as a payment method. What is normal?

>> No.25565715

Buy the top KEK
After all the shilling stop and there is not a single thread about LCX on /biz/, price will crash hard and you'll be an eternal bagholder.

natural selection

>> No.25565734

KYC worked fast for me, first time I failed it and it took about 8 hours, second time way faster (I think 2 or 3 hours)

>> No.25565763
File: 149 KB, 1044x660, SmartSelect_20210105-213805_Crypto Market Cap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25565819

Get Atomic Wallet. Buy $500 ETH on Debit Card. Send to Metamask buy LCX on UniSwap. Your welcome.

>> No.25565834

You have created images so teach people how to buy

Discord shill tranny

>> No.25565877

Wat is metamask

>> No.25566060

It's on Uniswap:

>> No.25566334

When moon

>> No.25566418

about a week ago.

>> No.25566425

not that far off, maybe couple years

>> No.25567166

already pumped to oblivion, everyone buying right now is going to hold bags

>> No.25567387


>> No.25567598

Yes I will hold a bag which will increase in value because the coins in it are also used in a worldwide advanced exchange

>> No.25567754

Looks bullish as fuck... it just needs to swing for the fences and break 6

>> No.25567862

The terminal looks sick

>> No.25568361

So they want me to give them permission to access my Kraken account with over $30k in it? Not sure if I trust that. Seems like the WEF is looking to take my crypto.

>> No.25568408
File: 95 KB, 956x598, 20210105_084339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will legalize it, tokenize everything, get loaded

>> No.25568435

So can I just buy it with a SEPA transfer or do I really need to go through Uniswap's bullshit?

>> No.25568599
File: 40 KB, 800x450, pepefroggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think /biz single-handedly is controlling LCX...

Anon, I...

>> No.25568748
File: 54 KB, 1031x639, GasTheseKikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Based. ^ This guy is right.
This is the same exact shit they did with GRT.
Don't fall for it.

>> No.25568824

Newfag question. How can i track my lcx from my phone

>> No.25568872


Jesus Christ Anon at least lurk a little. Being spoonfed is degrading

>> No.25569088

Who did it? With a billion dollars? Some discord trannies?

>> No.25569216

What do you mean as "track"?
Etherscan for transactions, Blockfolio for losses

>> No.25569266
File: 81 KB, 714x433, 20210105_091436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coinomi wallet, add custum wallet.. blockfolio, add manually amount u hold

>> No.25569293

The current value of the crypto I hold, so yeah transactions I suppose

>> No.25569676

Blockfolio then, have to add the purchases manually though

>> No.25569719

Do I actually get coins for putting in a ref link during registration or Will I Just be associated with you retards

>> No.25569813

It blows my mind that a NWO coin just made its way to /biz/. Out of all the places.

>> No.25570028
File: 70 KB, 1000x1000, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dont want to be associated with us?

>> No.25570069

Okay, so ride it up for a double.

>> No.25570081

lmao i thought everyone was in on the joke? lcx is the current /biz/ discord pnd. isnt everyone on this board in the disc?

>> No.25570176


Coinmetro fud faggot detected

>> No.25570214

Youll never be a woman

>> No.25570248

can we meme The Count of Monty Crypto out to monty? Itd be hilarious to get these old royalty cucks and wef faggots to know biz is in on it

>> No.25570449

Great idea

>> No.25570650


>> No.25570716

Gay ID

>> No.25570719

That's how it goes when you hire Pajeet developers.

>> No.25570811

it works without problems ivan

>> No.25570819


>> No.25570832

Its literally controlled by the globohomos broski

>> No.25570919

And another Coinmetro nigger detected.

>> No.25570956
File: 108 KB, 1014x596, 20210105_011841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, u

>> No.25571055

Kek'd and checked.

>> No.25571121

CZ hates them. He will never list them. Coinbase may.

>> No.25571248

Yes, newfags. Listen to this totally honest anon who just is a saint caring for YOUR financial well-being. He certainly has no interest in FUDing a coin he doesn't even hold, he is just a nice guy. This pajeet scam partnered with the WEF, with the founder of Wikipedia as advisor, partnered with LINK and supported by the Royal House of Liechtenstein, one of the oldest and wealthiest ruling dynasties in Europe, is exactly like your run-of-the-mill Uniswap shitcoin Mumbai streetshitter Pajeet scam. You have been warned by THIS GREAT HELPFUL ANON.

>> No.25571297

lmao check the designated shilling register spreadsheet before you comment. 3 (You)'s makes it too obvious
doc says i started early enough so frigg off

>> No.25571354


Okay metro faggot

>> No.25571419

Lol last week

>> No.25571425

What is a reasonable estimate of value by end of year?

>> No.25571470
File: 53 KB, 622x391, czbinance_tweet_about_lcx_ceo_partnership_with_wesley_snipes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enough said

>> No.25571469
File: 206 KB, 600x534, ripcoinmetro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25571523

>crypto-related licenses in liechtenstein

>> No.25571837

>6 posts by this ID
>9 posts by this ID
big tranny vibes itt

>> No.25571908

This image sucks. It completely lacks context.
You posted this image, therefor you suck.

>> No.25571944

I am hear on my own accord (I dont have a life) and I invested in LCX, 4k so of course I want to see it thrive.

Again, NGMI.

>> No.25571982


Not everyone can afford 5 vpns like you Sergei, go suck off a dog at the local coin metro

>> No.25572017

Yeah, I got burnt buying trade.io, this is giving me the same vibes honestly. The corny ass rap music video just totally kills the whole fucking thing for me, TIO did the same shit with a really cringey group of girls dancing out in public. The TIO trade platform actually did work nicely and smooth too but that literally just means more flash to distract you from the rugpull.

>> No.25572041

I actually autistically followed the wallets and it's right. And that was a good thing, because otherwise it would have tanked massively today.

>> No.25572108

This. If it now just MOOOOONED instantly to 20 cents or 500$ or whatever, like every run-of-the-mill Pajeet scamcoin, it would be confirmed shit. Would also be a confirmed tranny P'n'D, instead it's crabbing along, slowly upwards, but with no big movements, while the number of holders increases steadily (by about 1000 in the last 36 hours).

>> No.25572206


>> No.25572222
File: 71 KB, 1248x702, 1569108747961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i put my few months worth of savings into this

dont disappoint me indians

>> No.25572254

cleary. hence im not the one baiting autists on a cayman rug inspection forum into some weak 1 usd per referral loyalty program. tell your 'prince' to go fuck himself.
you, the clown prince, your 3 tranny shill buddies and everyone else involved.
go ride a bike for ubereats if you need money fucking poorfag

>> No.25572388

What is the context anon?

>> No.25572460

what? arent we all here to invest money to make more money? are you a literal retard?

>> No.25572656

remember anons: in the mind of the pajeet rug pulls = make more money

>> No.25572768
File: 1.37 MB, 2560x1277, 20210105_164011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25572976

If you're shilling. Very fantastic and legit sounding. I would trust you with my money.

>> No.25573028


>> No.25573066
File: 59 KB, 497x750, 1608541321459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is unironically the one

>> No.25573088

Yea whatever you say fren. Holders are increasing on Eth contract, Exchange is starting to get traction. Volume will increase as well as token value.
Nothing you say will stop this moon mission.

>> No.25573317

Holy fuck. Did the pajeets seriously just drop us a legit x100? Broken clock is right twice a day I guess

>> No.25573444

Seems so. The only thing I repent is that I didn't listen to the lone anon who shilled this shit two weeks ago.

>> No.25573955

>investing in a shitcoin that claims to be some institutional game changer with an exchange that everyone is totally gonna use
>makes these videos

Fuck off with your shitcoin scam shilling

>> No.25574014

The new standard.

>> No.25574712
File: 134 KB, 640x516, vibing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, forgot to listen to this sick beat today.

>> No.25574871

Literally this, I've been hesitant to get into small projects but man this project seems to have so many things going for it. Bought a bag for 4c and I'll let it ride, just wish I'd gotten in at 1c.

>> No.25574968
File: 245 KB, 1000x960, 1609865682287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The theme song for 2021

>> No.25574980


>> No.25575277

Vpn niggers get the rope
Tongue my anus pajeet shills

>> No.25575450
File: 198 KB, 1366x768, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25575529


>> No.25575549
File: 67 KB, 1080x685, Screenshot_20210105-202627_Wallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take my 4 grand rajesh

>> No.25575576

Swastika hand dance, very based - 00:22

>> No.25575819

>claim it will go up at launch
>goes DOWN at launch


You morons never learn.

>> No.25575916

did you sign up on their website?

>> No.25575951

just dropped 70 bucks because who gives a shit

I doubt these pajeets will be able to shit out reliable products

>> No.25575967

it's all newfags man, I swear most of the /biz/ LCX holders bought in the last week or 2

>> No.25576029


>> No.25576059

You claimed it would crash on launch because it's a pnd. Held stable, you got rekt and you'll keep getting rekt when it moons hard this week

>> No.25576139

Post arm.

Disgusting brownie.

>> No.25576375
File: 91 KB, 1242x1056, 1598237347446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was smoking a cigarette, outside my apartment in northern Europe, in the 16th most expensive area in my country and I've spent more in lego this week than average pajeet makes in a month, but yeah pajeet away my friend.

>> No.25576621

I'm curious whether this will have any delicious overlap with the recent OCC change allowing US banks to use blockchain stuff.

>> No.25576678
File: 89 KB, 1015x1024, 1608761137872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the most pajeet post I've read in a while

>> No.25576723

>LCX, first seen on biz

what the fuck did OP mean by this ?

>> No.25576870

How the fuck are supposed to take lcx seriously after this, jesus

>> No.25576908

the prince spent the day chainsmoking and pumping it with his own cash, finally said fuck it

>> No.25577517


>> No.25577567

Shut the fuck up you absolute retards. Can't wait to laugh when they dump on you.

>> No.25577573

What was it pliis

>> No.25577600

Where the fuck are ANY green candles? Holy shit I cant believe I traded PRQ for this fucking absolute dogshit

>> No.25577625

lmao you got played, this was a pump and dump, it sold for 1c literally 1 week ago

>> No.25577861

Same. Feels bad man

>> No.25577907

Him an cz are enemies coinbase is his fren

>> No.25577976
File: 538 KB, 777x660, 1609808336557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aristocrat here, unironically just sold everything. get dumped on.

i'll be learning this dance while you post pink wojaks


>> No.25578279

One person dumped 740k. So what? buying opportunity.

>> No.25578706
File: 392 KB, 1250x1391, lcx (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]