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25539026 No.25539026 [Reply] [Original]

Is being a single mom with mixed kids the ultimate form of bagholding?

>> No.25539112


>> No.25539154
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>> No.25539195


>> No.25539199

But mixed race mutts have negative value from the start, so is it really bagholding? It's basically just throwing your assets in the trash.

>> No.25539239


Unless it has Sephardic or misraih ancestry MUTT will drop

>> No.25539287
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Mutts have the potential to sign a $503 million contract to throw a football, so it can work out well.

>> No.25539294

Yes. Also fuck jannies.

>> No.25539305
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What about a half jew half chink mutt master hybrid?

>> No.25539307

Yes, kek.

>> No.25539345

I can only imagine the shame her immediate family must feel

I'd commit suicide if I was a single mom with abomination kids

>> No.25539381

Yes. Free yourself with API3.

>> No.25539387

Bagholding for Satan

>> No.25539395

No because the bag is at least worth something

>> No.25539411

How do women even become single mom's in the first place?

>> No.25539434
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Going full post-op tranny is

>> No.25539462
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Cutting off your dick isn't bagholding, it's simple liquidation. Since you end up liquidating yourself lol.

>> No.25539471

Stinky linkies > stinky darkies

>> No.25539503

No silly, that's bag removal.

>> No.25539513

But Doctor Goldberg is going to hold those bags for you.

>> No.25540760



>> No.25540788

Dude...you're talking about actual people. Checked though.

>> No.25540812

Trannies are statistically more likely to be weak handed

>> No.25540840

Not really because you can stake your bags with the government and get serious bux.
The ultimate form of bagholding is being a cuck, raising another man's children. That's why it's seen as such an insult.

>> No.25540877
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>> No.25540880

Dude go back to (Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.) reddit. You're not mentally ill or savant enough to browse this site

>> No.25540911
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niggers aren't human and should be exterminated

>> No.25540934

If you raise children by men who are closely related to you you're still securing a future for your genetic information. It's only true cucking if the father is of another race.

>> No.25540947

Nice gets satan.

>> No.25540966

So does XRP but people hold that

>> No.25540999
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Savants need to GTFO too

>> No.25541024
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>Single mothers


I smell a brown one boys!

>> No.25541049

You shut your dicksucking mouth right now.