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25521282 No.25521282[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>send dog pics
>serious inquiries only. Single mom of 2
>I love the Office
>(insert horiscope here)
>what if we (insert boring activity)
>I have no idea what to put here
>conservatives swipe left
>if you like trump swipe left
>ACAB BLM 420 friendly LGBTQ+ rights Activism Mental awareness
>follow my insta at (insert instagram)
>hmu on snap at (snapchat)
>I looooooooove netflix

Tinder has ruined a generation

>> No.25521320

Wrong board retard

>> No.25521324

so how is this crypto related

>> No.25521352

Wrong board retard

>> No.25521376


Now it's crypto related faggots

>> No.25521389

women are fucking gay dude

>> No.25521413

Quit bitchin and learn the game

>> No.25521425

>same taste in women as shitcoins

>> No.25521434
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Back to /r9k/ with you

>> No.25521466

This guy fucks. He has sex.

>> No.25521485

youre doing it wrong why do you care about the personalities of women on tinder

>> No.25521491

>leaves an xrp mention on an unrelated schizo rambling post
at least we know this dude has proved he is mentally unstable just like the rest

>> No.25521545

just delete it and move on to real life interactions

>> No.25521576


Agreed, even my 10 year old nephew is more intelligent than these tinder thots.

>> No.25521606

But anon, that'd require leaving the basement

>> No.25521615
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>"What? I can't hear you over your mask!"
>"No, stay 6 feet away!!!"

>> No.25521622

a lot of these girls feel just as autistic as you or I do, they literally don’t know what to put

shoot your shot and take them out to dinner. you’re guaranteed to get laid by the second date

>> No.25521643

Wrong retard board

>> No.25521657

Checked and based

>> No.25521665


>> No.25521688

Being a male automatically means he’s more intelligent than a roastie.

>> No.25521729

this guy fucks

>> No.25521752


>> No.25521955

These girls are literally only good for plowing... If you want a qt 3.14 gf you gotta turn to real life interactions

>> No.25521991

>> imagine being this degenerate
>> you will never recover from this degeneracy
>> you will never be a good parent
>> you do not want kids

why even live anon? you are net minus resource contributor

>> No.25522017

I'm not even going to mock you. Just please stop bro.

>> No.25522162

Let her find out about BOND and you will finally have a soul mate. Thank me later

>> No.25522257

He said on tinder retard. You don't go looking for your future wife on tinder.

>> No.25522323

Unironically this. As soon as you realize it's always the same template over and over again, it will become the easiest thing to get a gf. And as a result, you will realize how worthless it is. Get a fulfilling hobby instead

>> No.25522387

Are you trying to wife a chick on tinder? hahah

>> No.25522419

When did dogs become a thot thing? They should have stuck to cats.

>> No.25522467

how the fuck do you do that during a pandemic, peanut brain

>> No.25522475

wtf tinder is the easiest pussy ever, are everyone here some kinda incel?

>> No.25522477

>literally get dozens of matches in a few weeks
>too autistic to talk to them and the conversation goes nowhere fast

Fuck me.

>> No.25522534

If I were a girl I wouldn't date some conservative or trump loving faggot either.

>> No.25522549

OP is right though. I legitimately get depressed looking through tinder. It's ethier rich girls looking to attract more simps to thier socials, ultra degenerate leftists or fat whores who ALL are looking for 6 feet+, wealthy, super fit chads

>> No.25522550

look people a XRP schizo in the wild

>> No.25522566

>pick app for losers
>surprised most people there are losers
>generalize loserdom to entire generation
you rant about muh leftist lgbt women yet you hop on an app for casual sex. fucking dumbass
quality women do not have tinder. quality women are snatched early on, too. yet you can still find some in appropriate settings. local communities, charity work, actual office. or if you're bent on online stuff, creative girl-oriented places (communities related to fashion, books, home improvement...)
it's literally easier than ever to find good women. but you mongs insist on chasing STD-infested overweight tattooed BLM-loving trash. maybe use a tenth of the time you spend watching gay anime and jerking off to video games to actually think about where the girls you want are more likely to be

>> No.25522617

Women were always deadweight.

>> No.25522681
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Exactly bro. Women are ALL the exact same. Everyone in this thread needs to listen to Patrice O Neal clips on YouTube maybe it’ll change your life like it changed mine.

>> No.25522729

go look up Donovan Sharpe

You're welcome

>> No.25522747

"you want to get some macdonalds and maybe some wine/beer/liquor after"

Nobody said go blow $400 downtown.