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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25517826 No.25517826 [Reply] [Original]

How was your wagie Monday /biz/? Mine flew by, had a shit ton of e-mails after taking a few days off for Christmas/New Years. My company had record profits and we had a year end bonus + stock distribution.

Tell me about your day.

>> No.25518075

just got into crypto. sold eth after losing 200 dollars tops. got more free coins.

doing well but i am trying to get the lumber on an acreage i own so i can reinvest it and increase my capital accumulation.

really stresses me out because I see the trends in the market but can't do anything because I am a worthless part time wagie and have no funds to make it so far.

>> No.25518144

I feel this in my soul. If I had even 10k in March I'd be at half a mil right now with my predictions. So far I've only turned 50 bucks into 500

>> No.25518288

More or less the same...
Busier that usual though

>> No.25518329

Took a few days off for New years, feel horrible having to go back to work, even though it's currently work from home. Preparing for 5 government audits. Decided to dedicate more time to my investments.

Most of my money is in property but now moving to crypto. Stocks made me a good but disappointing 45% gain in 2 years. Only invested 34K into it though. Lost my old BTC wallet, so now I don't have access to a wallet with 4 btc in it. shit.

>> No.25518770
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I quit my shelf stocking job for the new years. I'm going back to school to finish my bachelor's in computer science. I figured worst case scenario, I'll start off at a 2-3x.more than I'll ever make an entry level warehouse job. Even if I stayed on and moved up it would be worse.

So yeah...I'm 29 btw.

>> No.25518837


Focus on percents you newfag. Even 1% profit daily is op. You're talking a fucking 1000%

>> No.25518857

nothing interesting except MTNB absolutely mooning.

>> No.25519033

Is this supposed to be the cuck version of /wfh/?

>> No.25519071

I invested 3000 and I’m basically up like 300 and every time I feel good about it my gains get wiped out

I’ve been crabbing for 4 months also I’m no longer making money

>> No.25519164
File: 655 KB, 1065x614, wageuck2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wagie tries to meme

>> No.25519873

Kek, this thread made me chuckle, and that's from a /wfh/ stalwart

>> No.25519923

>that image
holy shit the cope AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you fucking financial retards have the answers right in front of you and you're PROUD to be a failure you're PROUD of it my god

>> No.25519953

I start a new job tomorrow after having been neet for close to a year, desu I enjoyed being neet and cant wait to get fired!

>> No.25520416

It’s fucking hell on earth. Do you retards actually enjoy going to work? It’s fucking torturous. I applied to like 4 jobs today while at my desk (wearing a fucking mandatory mask)

>> No.25520588

How should I go about getting a job?
And also a home?

>> No.25520821

pretty good same on the email front but spent half the time fucking around with the half a dozen staking nodes I am getting set up. goal is to be able to live (like a peasant) off of passive crypto income from staking and liquidity mining so I can dedicate full time to research.

>> No.25520977

Lie on your CV

>> No.25521128
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>How was your wagie Monday /biz/?
haha oh boy do I have a story for you guys :)
>be me
>essential wagie
>wage entire scamdemic for zero hazard pay while parasites sat at home collecting gibs
>shekelstein uses economic slowdown to justify pay freezes
>no Christmas bonus
>no 401k match
>not even a giftcard
>shekelstein has the audacity to hold the annual toys for tots drive this year and ask for donations after kiking us so hard
>retard coworkers unironically buy toys for the collection bin
>company closes from Christmas eve to New Years
>walk in this morning on the first day back
>collection bin is still there
>shekelstein didn't even bother bringing it to the collection facility
In other news I handed in my resignation today.

>> No.25522189

Anon... I